Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.117 Christina vs Lava Golem


[Brian POV]

I was looking at the surveillance video with Sana in the control room. Our nice little live feed of Christina, Aneesa and St. Joan fighting against some imps.

The battle began with Christina blowing one imp away with a stone spear. I hope Alice can learn a dark spell with similar power so she can take down monsters with ease. 

Then Aneesa cut through an imp in one strike. Is that the power of a mithril sword? Or is it because of her skill?

“Isn’t Mother great?” Sana asked.

“She really is.” I agreed. “She must have trained a lot to have skills like that.”


I can’t really compare her to adventurers, as I haven’t seen adventurers fighting against something like this, but I would guess she is at least C-rank, perhaps even B.

But even with Christina and Aneesa one-shotting imps, St. Joan was making them look unskilled. She had quickly collected the imps in the room into a single group, making them an easy target for AoE magic.

And Christina did just that. She used an earth spell that looked like a giant mouse trap, flipping the dungeon floor onto the imps, crushing them.


“That was a nice hit.” I commented.

“Of course it was. Madam Christina is a great magician.” Sana sang the praises of her … mistress? Lady? Yeah, let's go with Lady. Calling Christina a mistress makes her seem like a dominatrix MILF. Not that that would be a bad thing. It would just be… strange. You know. To see the calm and friendly Christina as a dominatrix. But I know some people would enjoy it.

After the earth mousetrap crushed just over half of the imps, St. Joan quickly cut up the rest of them. Again, she is making the other two seem like outclassed babies.



As they left that room and made their way towards the next big room, I looked ahead so I would know what monster would be waiting for them.

“An earth golem.” Sana said as I pulled up the view of the next room.

So it is a golem. I thought so as well. It's a slightly humanoid pile of earth that moves around. That means it has to be an earth golem, right.

And it wasn’t alone. Some imps were with it in the room. This could be a little rough. I should probably warn them about it.

“There is a large monster in the next room. There are also some imps with it. Take care.” I said to them with the PA-system. 

It really is too bad that we can’t actually hear them while we are in the control room. This dungeon needs to add some microphones to its security cameras.



(Laura, will they be alright? Should I order Christina to summon Dark Magician?)

(An earth golem of that size is no problem for them. Based on its size it is a C-rank golem and St. Joan alone could easily kill it.) Laura said.

(... ok. Yeah. Of course she can. She is super strong.) I thought, more to myself than anything. I often forget that even though she is humanoid, St. Joan has power almost equal to a Blue-Eyes. Of course some golem wouldn’t be an issue for her. She could probably kill it in one slice.



St. Joan charged into the room with the earth golem. She quickly sliced up the imps and was now leading the golem around the room.

Then a hole appeared in the dungeon floor and St. Joan led the golem into it. I guess Christina used earth magic to make that hole.

The golem struggled in the hole, but it seemed to be stuck as it couldn’t get out no matter how it tried. Did they use a second spell to lock it in?

“Ooh. They are going to use it!” Sana said next to me as she glued her eyes on the video feed.

“Use it? What are they using?” I asked.

“Their combination spell. I’ve never seen it used, but Mother does tell me about it.” Sana said.

Combination spell? That sounds powerful. Based on the name it sounds like a spell that needs multiple people to use. Perhaps even people with different main attributes, combining their spells into one.

As I was watching them, a large quantity of earth and rock formed something like a cleaver above the earth golem, before crashing down onto it.


After the dust settled, we saw the remains of the golem. It was sliced in two down to its waist. 

“Wow.” I said as I looked at the golem. 

“They are amazing! That spell was so powerful!” Sana was fangirling next to me.

“Yeah, it really was.” I think that spell might even kill something like the sword-horn bull if it hit it well. But at the same time, they might need a way of keeping their target in place while they use it. Perhaps I should toploader a copy of a binding spell or trap and give that to Christina so she can use it to keep a monster still while they cast that spell on the monster.


(Master, that golem is not dead yet. It’s gathering up more mana and miasma. It will likely still be able to repair itself.) Laura warned me.

I immediately acted on the information she gave me and told Christina’s team about it. “Be careful. That golem is gathering more power. I don’t think it’s dead yet.”

We looked as the golem melted down. It was now a pile of lava. Or magma? Well molten rock and earth.

(It would be lava. It’s only considered magma if it is still underground.) Laura told me.


Then, the lava golem rose from the hole. It was a bit smaller than it had been as an earth golem, but given that it is now made of lava, it’s a lot more dangerous.

Can they even take on something like that?

“NO! That can’t be real!” Sana yelled next to me.

… yeah, but it is. But I’m sure St. Joan can take on a lava golem. Probably. Well the Lava Golem in Yugioh is 3000/2500, so if this is as strong as that is, it might be a little much. Hopefully they will be alright. If things seem to go bad, I'll need to head over and help.



[Christina POV]


I looked as the golem got back up from the hole. Now made of lava, it has definitely gotten a lot more dangerous. Just being close to the molten golem is dangerous, if you don’t have fire resisting equipment. It could catch our clothes on fire and that would not be good at all.

“Madam, we should retreat.” Aneesa said. “We don’t have the equipment to deal with a lava golem.”

“No. We are taking it down.” I said to Aneesa as I took out the second card Brian let me borrow. “We have this as backup. Dark Magician.”

I didn’t waste any time summoning the second monster. I’m not sure if that swordswoman can take down a lava golem. She might be able to, given that she said a metal golem would be something she considers a threat, but I’m not taking any chances. 

The magician I summoned stepped out of a card like he was using it as a door. I think he did the same when Brian summoned him back at the manor as well. 

But this time, the magician was dressed in a red robe. I think last time it was dark-purple color. Perhaps he knew we were taking on a lava golem and changed to a fire resistant robe. These monsters are so mysterious. How can they know about the outside world before they are summoned?


“Lady Christina. Do you want me to take care of that golem?” He asked after looking around and assessing the situation. He seems to have more respect for me than St. Joan does.

“Yes. We could use your help with that. Can you hold it in place while the rest of us attack?” I requested.

I read the report about the wyvern fight. Apparently, this magician has a spell that can hold wyverns still so perhaps it would work on a lava golem as well.

“I can, but it won’t hold still for long. Binding fire with darkness isn’t that effective.” He responded. “I believe you should use earth to bind it and have St. Joan and I attack afterwards.” He gave his plan.

“Sorry, but I don’t think I can bind a lava golem. It has nothing solid to hold onto.” I told him.

“Just make a cage of earth around it. That should work.” The magician said.

“But won’t the golem just come through it? It’s a lava golem, not an earth golem.” I asked.

“Even a lava golem still has solid parts within its body. Otherwise it wouldn't stay upright like that. It’s not a sprite, after all.” The magician said.

“I see. Then we will do it.” I decided. “Aneesa, help me out. We are trapping that golem in an earth cage.” I ordered my maid. I could do it alone, but I might be too slow if I tried. Making walls with earth magic isn’t the easiest or most mana efficient thing you can do.

“Yes, Madam.” Aneesa responded as she once again took my hand and let her mana flow into me.



“What spell will we use?” Aneesa asked.

“We just need to make four walls to surround that golem, so I think earth wall will work. Then we can adjust from there.” I told her.

In all honesty, it’s not as good as I think the magician is expecting, but it's the best we can do without any preparations. Making an actual cage made with bars of hardened earth would be a lot more difficult than just making walls to keep something in place. And with full walls, we won’t have to worry about the golem shooting lava at us.

“Yes, Madam. I’m ready. Please take the lead.” Aneesa said to me.

I prepared the image of the spell I wanted to cast in my head. As I was the one controlling the spell, this was left for me to do. It is also the first step in casting any spell.

Then I thought of a chant that would work for a spell. A chant isn’t actually required to use a spell, but it buys time for the mana movement inside and outside your body. Not chanting is a great way of failing at a spell, especially if it is a spell you aren’t that familiar with.

“Earth, make walls that surround and trap our enemy.” I casted the spell. Aneesa repeated my chant next to me. This is why only people that know each other well use combination spells like this. If you can’t follow the chant, the spell will be thrown off balance.

““Earth Wall.”” We said the activation word perfectly together. The activation word is the final part of the spell and is what triggers the spell. It’s also the only part you have to say if you quick cast a spell. 

I’ve been told that with instant cast, a skill that is the superior version of quick cast, you don’t even need to say anything. You can just think of the spell and activate it. I’ve tried doing it, but I just can’t. Even with the most basic earth magic spells. My big sister Angelina says it’s because my mana control is not high enough in level, even though I have level 6 mana control. By the way, out of all of my sisters, only Angelina can use instant cast. At least as far as I know. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mariina could use it by now as well.


The spell seemed to have been a success as walls rose around the lava golem, trapping it in the middle of them. … Actually, why didn’t we just make a large pitfall for the golem to fall into? Wouldn’t that have accomplished the same thing?

“Not bad.” Dark Magician commented as he looked at the result. “Not quite what I had in mind, but we can work with this. Do you two still have enough mana to attack?”

I had a quick feel for the mana inside my body. I think I have just under half of it left. Using the stone guillotine with Aneesa took a lot of mana. I could use the status screen to see the exact amount, but we have been taught not to do it in the middle of combat, as it takes attention away from what is actually important.

“I have some left, but I would prefer to save it.” I told the magician.

“Sorry, I only have enough for a few basic spells.” Aneesa said. She never did have as much mana as I did.

“I see. Then we shall take the golem down.” He said before flying up and floating above the trapped golem.

How does he fly? And he did it with no chant at all. Is it an instant cast spell? Or perhaps a skill of some kind?

It might be telekinesis, but using it like that would waste huge amounts of mana. There is also the sky walking skill, but that is usually only used by warriors that have high physical abilities. And standing around like that with sky walking is not that easy.


I looked up at him and wished he would just finish off the golem. I can hear it pounding the wall we made and that wall won’t last long.

“Joan, get up here or I’ll take care of the golem myself.” I heard the magician call on the swordswoman.

“Hey, don’t hog the glory. You know Master is watching us, right?” St. Joan responded before two wings grew from her back. The wings seemed to be made of light, so perhaps a light magic spell?

“Dark Magic Attack.” The magician used his attack. A large clump of dark energy flew down into the golem trap.

“Shining Blade.” The swordswoman said as she swung down her blade, sending a slash made of light flying towards the golem.


With a boom, the attacks connected with the golem and some lava flew out of the containment. They landed around the room, cooled down and hardened into aphanitic rocks.

But based on the banging, that thing didn’t go down yet.

“Another round I guess.” The magician said as he prepared for a second attack.

“Of course this thing is dumb enough to survive the first attack. It just wants to feel more pain before it dies.” The swordswoman added.

I don’t think golems feel pain.


With their next attacks, the duo did something different. Dark Magician used a spell to find the golems core and brought it up to the surface of the golems body. Then St. Joan sliced the core in two with another Shining Blade, killing the lava golem. Of course Christina couldn’t see this as the walls she made were blocking her view, but Brian had a good view with the surveillance video.


“We are done.” Dark Magician said as he landed next to me.

Phew. I was honestly a little worried when the earth golem transformed into a lava golem, but I guess that much really is nothing for Brian’s monsters.

But I still think this will have to be it for our hunt. Going on with our current mana levels would be just inviting danger, so after absorbing the remains of the golem, I ordered everyone to head back to the core room.

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