Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.134 Escort Mission, Day 2

(Master. It’s time to wake up.) Laura said in my head to bring me out of my slumber.

(Good morning. I wonder how you are so good at waking me up.) 

(I just choose the optimal time and send a small mana pulse through your body to wake you.) Laura said.

(Oh. Well it works and doesn't feel bad, so I guess it’s fine.)

A mana pulse sounds a bit scary, but it’s not like it hurts, so it’s fine.


I got out of the tent and took a look around. Other than Alice, everyone else was up.

“Good morning.” I said as I walked up to them.

“Good morning.” Lua responded.

“Good morning. Was the night peaceful?” Timothy asked.

“At least for me and Alice. What about you two?” I responded.

“Only two goblins. They are over there if you want to deal with them.” Alex answered, pointing at some goblin corpses that were about 30 meters away.

“Yeah, I will. Lua, do you think you should go and wake up Alice?” I asked.

“Our daily travel time is limited by the horses anyway, so we aren’t in that big of a rush.” Timothy said.

“You heard him.” Lua added.

“Well, I guess she can sleep a bit longer then.” I said before walking over and absorbing the goblins with my terminal.



About 30 minutes after I got up, Alice woke up and got out of her tent. And after a quick breakfast, we were once again off.


And since we were, I have time for my packs. Not like I have much else to do while just sitting on a carriage.

(Well, you should be guarding the carriage.) Laura reminded me.

(But you’ll warn me if anything shows up, won’t you? So I can open packs while you keep an eye out for anything bad.) 

(Master truly does work me to the bone.) Laura said.

(Do you even have bones?) I jokingly asked. 

(Not yet. But I hope I can have some in the future.)



So, packs. Laura recommended Dark Crisis for the Spell Reproduction. I do already have two Vampire Lords, the secret rare of that set, but the set does have other monsters I’m interested in. Mainly Shinato, King of a Higher Plane. It is an ultra rare, but the ritual spell for it is common, so perhaps I have a chance.

Even Legendary Flame Lord is nice, as it is almost Dark Magician power spellcaster, but of the fire attribute. That could definitely be useful. And like with Shinato, the ritual spell for it is common.



Well, first pack, let’s go!


Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Dark Crisis’
[Yes] [No]


Not bad. Sakuretsu Armor is always nice. Non-Spellcasting area is good. Meanae is probably something I can give to Alice. Ray of Hope can get my light monsters off of cooldown. And Lunatite is just nice. I definitely need to look into that more. Perhaps I can get it installed into my equipment or something. It should make me basically immune to magic, right?

(It is more likely a resistance than full immunity.) Laura said. 

Oh. Well, still great. I guess even in Yugioh, even though it makes the monster unaffected by spells, Lunatite can be destroyed by MST.


Anyway. Next pack.



Oh. Butterfly Dagger - Elma. That’s nice. Banned city is here again. 

Despair from the Dark is … interesting. It’s the very definition of nightmare fuel, but it’s not a fiend, so not a demon.

Rod of Silence - Kay'est might make for a good weapon improvement for me. It does also protect from spells, like Lunatite, so having both of them is good.

And I also got the Incandescent Ordeal. As long as I have it, I can use Manju or Senju to get Legendary Flame Lord.


Next pack.



Well, not every pack can be a winner. Falling Down is useful, but a bit too demonic. Agido is just meh, and so is Kelbek. Sure Kelbek can force enemies to ‘return to hand’, whatever that means, but I can just destroy them instead.

Archfiend Soldier is … too demonic. Ojamas are still not something I want to touch. Rod of the Mind’s Eye … is not useless, but not perfect either. I guess for a beginner weapon it would be great, as any hit no matter what will always do a decent amount of damage.

At least Gravity Axe - Grarl is good. And Outstanding Dog Marron might be a good gift for someone. It’s cute and cuddly after all.





More copies of Lunatite probably won’t hurt. Probably.

Pandemonium and Watchbear are a little too … yeah. Let’s just not cause a Pandemonium. And we don’t acknowledge the Ojamas. 

But Frozen Soul though. While it can only be activated in low life situations, the effect is nothing to laugh at. It can freeze opponents so they cannot attack. And that might honestly be good.


Well, next pack.



Oh look. Arsenal Summoner. Or more like except this, that and everything else.1Reference to Arsenal Summoner’s text saying  except "Celtic Guardian", "Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1", "Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #2", "Guardian of the Labyrinth", or "The Reliable Guardian".  I also got Contract with the Dark Master, but I recall already having one. 





Dice Re-Roll? I wonder how mad a casino owner would get if I used that at a casino. Precious Cards from Beyond could be useful, except that I never tribute summon, so it will never activate.

Des Feral Imp sadly does not help with cooldowns, so it’s basically useless.


Next pack.


And there is Shinato's Ark. But I still haven’t gotten the Spell Reproduction. How are the common cards the most rare?





Mirage Knight would be great, but it’s just too difficult to summon. And it has to be properly summoned every time, instead of just the first time. So sadly, it will most likely just sit in my collection for an eternity.





Well, I got the Legendary Flame Lord, so I won’t have to get it with Manju. That’s something. Final Countdown is … interesting. But it takes so long to activate that it really just isn’t worth it.





Maju Garzett and Great Maju Garzett. I guess they can get kind of big, but not worth it.

Another Ark is nice though. Now I won’t have to throw a toploader on one.





Finally. Only took 11 packs today. And another 14 a few days ago. For a common. Commons are more rare than super rares, right Dark Master - Zorc. Well, getting Zorc is fine as well. Just like with Flame Lord, now I won’t have to get one with Manju.


Well, now that I got one, perhaps I could move to another set. Not that I don’t want more of them, but with my luck, I won’t get any.

And I kind of want to go to Magician’s Force for, you know, for no particular reason. Definitely not Paladin of White Dragon or White Dragon Ritual. What I actually want is XYZ-Dragon Cannon and Dark Paladin.


Speaking of Dark Paladin, I didn’t activate Emblem or Upstart today, as I didn’t have a good moment for it.

I can probably do it in the evening or during the night watch, so I should still be fine.


Anyway, to Magician’s Force. Let’s go!

Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Magician’s Force’
[Yes] [No]


Another Amazoness Tiger. That’s nice. I might sleeve that up and send it to Christina at some point. 




And another. Now she can have a playset of them. Sadly, it does have that ‘You can only control 1 "Amazoness Tiger".’ effect.




Hello there, XYZ-Dragon Cannon. I was looking for you. Too bad that I don’t have any of the materials for it, as they are super rares in this set. Perhaps I should open Dark Revelation Volume 1 instead of Dark Beginning 1 for the reprints, as that has the XYZ parts.



Well, at least I got another Cat’s Ear Tribe. Christina did ‘steal’ my last one. Then again, I honestly think either Alice or Lua will steal this one as soon as they learn of it.



Now the reprints. And honestly, let’s just go with Dark Revelation Volume 1. It has a ton of monsters that are super rares in other sets. The XYZ pieces, Dark Paladin and Paladin of White Dragon, Shinato. It even has Spell Reproduction.




And on the first try, I got a second Spell Reproduction. Dark Core is also interesting. It banishes something, so it might have work on monsters that ‘destroy’ effects won’t work on.




Z-Metal Tank, nice. That’s one of the three. And another Cat's Ear Tribe, just in case it is popular.




And Y-Dragon Head as well. Is this set trying to show off? Be all like: “Don’t just always open Dark Beginning 1. I’m a great set as well.” 

Well, I just might. Even if DB1  has better spells.



Our first stop of the day was at a location I was familiar with. I honestly almost wished we didn’t stop here, but the others wanted to show their respect to the ones that passed.


The ground was not actually charred anymore and that really surprised me. I didn’t think the vegetation would grow back this quickly.

(It might be because of Rain of Mercy. It was used to heal the people and it most likely healed the ground as well.) Laura said.

(... yeah. I guess I did give Zay that card to use.) 


“Brian, is something wrong?” Alice asked. Did she actually notice that I don’t like being here.

“I’m fine. It’s just… I don’t really like this place.” I responded.

“Why?” She asked.

“You can’t really see it, but this is where people died.” I told her.

“Oh…. I see.” Alice said quietly.


After thinking for a bit, Alice asked: “But can’t you use resurrection magic? Couldn’t you resurrect them?”

“Well yes, but actually no. I’m not a God. I can’t just resurrect everyone whenever I feel like it.” I told her. “Five people died here. I resurrected one of them. But I let the other four die.”

“...” Alice was speechless. “So you really did do it. I heard about it from Father, but I honestly wasn’t sure if it was true.”

“So you believe it as soon as I say it, but not when your father told you?”

“Well, hearing it from you confirms it.” Alice said. “I’m glad. I was honestly scared. I was scared that the prophecy would come true and I would be thrown to fight against a lesser behemoth on my own, with no chance of winning. But as long as I stay with you, I know I will always live, even if I die.”

“That’s a dangerous way of thinking.” I warned Alice. “I don’t know if my resurrection comes with downsides, so don’t ever rush into anything with the idea that I’ll just resurrect you if you die. Remember that the number of people I can resurrect is limited. What if you and three others die? Do you want me to still resurrect you? Even if you died being reckless?”

“... I don’t. Well, I do.” Alice muttered. “I’ll try.”


Well, trying is good. Baby steps and everything. And I did get multiple Lunatites, so I can probably use one or two on Alice’s equipment. And she doesn’t need to know that I can technically resurrect up to four people per day now, with the two Monster Reborns and two Spell Reproductions. 



We had been traveling for little over an hour since our stop at … that place, when Laura warned me of danger ahead.

(Master. A monster is ahead of us. A single stronger one.) She said.

(How far?) I asked, but I really didn’t need to, because as soon as I did, I spotted the monster.


Another fantasy classic with goblins. A large bipedal pig monster. An orc. Standing at 2,5 meters tall and build like a world's strongest man, 

“An orc! Prepare for battle!” Timothy yelled out to the carriages behind ours. He then slowed down the carriage and I jumped off of it and took point.

I pulled out a card from my collection. I could probably take care of this in no time, but I already hogged all the goblins, so I might as well share. But keeping this thing busy should be fine. And I have just the summon, and skill, to help me with that.


I pulled my sleeve up and activated my duel disk. As we were facing an actual monster, not just some goblins, I might need more than just one summon, so I’d rather have my duel disk out.

“Millennium Shield.” I called out my monster. If it counts as a monster. I know in Yugioh it is a monster, but here it’s just a floating shield.

(Technically, it would be considered a possessed weapon or a living weapon.) Laura informed me.

(Doesn’t really matter at this point.) I commented, running with my floating shield.


My goal at the moment was simple: move away from the carriages and activate that skill. Then use Millennium Shield to keep myself safe, while Alice and Lua can throw spells at the orc.


“Shining taunt.” I said the name of the skill to activate it. You don’t actually have to say it, but as I’m not used to the skill, I did. I hadn’t used shining taunt since that one time in the dungeon, as the experience was honestly a bit scary, but here I only have one monster's aggro to draw, so it should be fine.


The orc turned towards me, took some quick steps and tried to punch me, but my shield got in the way. Good. I can block its attacks. Thankfully, this one was unarmed, instead of having something like a wooden club.


And just in time, the three others made it to the battleground and the battle really began.

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