Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.135 Fighting an Orc

“Brian! Are you alright?” I heard Alice yell.

“I’m fine! I’ll keep its attention, so just attack!” I yelled back to the three of them.


With shining taunt, I had drawn the aggro of an orc that had appeared on the route of our convoy.

Alice, Lua and Alex had quickly run up to the front and were now preparing to attack the orc.

I, on the other hand, was  already in the middle of the fight, using Millennium Shield to block attacks from the orc.

Against some monsters I would say something like Millennium Shield is overkill, but honestly, with how hard this orc can punch, I’m glad I have an OP shield. Even with Millennium Shield, I could still feel each punch. Just a little, but still. Well, I guess Giant Orc has 2200 attack, but I don't think this thing counts as a giant orc. Just a normal one.

Now you might be asking: “Why do you need to hold onto the shield, as it is an autonomous floating shield?”

Well, that’s simple. I want the shield technique skill and the best way to get it is to use a shield to block attacks. According to Laura.


“Water Bullet.” 

“Dark Bullet.” 

I heard the two mages cast their first spells. They both connected with the right flank of the orc, but the orc didn’t seem too bothered by them and instead just kept punching my shield.

Come on Millennium Shield. Are you so soft that the orcs hands don’t hurt from punching you? Or do orcs have some kind of pain immunity skill?


I took a peak at the two mages, and while Alice looked a little flustered that her spell had no effect, Lua was already hard at work chanting her next spell.

I also spotted Alex moving to a position to attack the orcs back.


“Ice Lance.” Lua let her next spell loose. A large icicle was flying towards the orc and connected with the orc's right shoulder, piercing the skin and causing blood to shoot out.

The orc let out a massive roar, probably because of the pain. So it does feel pain. Then it turned to face Alice and Lua, and began making its way toward them.

(Laura, do I get its aggro back if I reactivate shining taunt?) I asked.

(There is a chance, but your skill level is also low, so you might not.) Laura said.


But as it turns out, I didn’t need to worry, because Alex was ready for this development. As soon as the orc turned to face the girls, he rushed to the side that the orc had just exposed to him and shoved his sword into the wound that Lua’s spell had opened. That’s some nice teamwork. They have probably done something similar before.


“Brian! Use that taunt again!” Alex yelled as he pulled back. His attack had pulled the attention of the orc onto him, but as he failed to pull his sword out of the orc, he was now equipped with just his shield. Well then again, so was I. But my shield is bigger.

I still did as instructed and used shining taunt again to try and pull the aggro back to myself.

As soon as I did, the orc once again turned its attention to me. I really wish I had something like a damage over time skill for situations like this. Something I could use to chip away at the orcs HP with, without having to expose myself from behind my shield. I wonder if installing Sparks, Hinotama or any of the other burn spells I have would get me a skill like that. Need to add that to the experiment list.


After just one punch from the orc’s left hand, which I blocked, another volley of dark and water bullets came in from the two magicians. While Alice’s dark bullets were hitting the orc anywhere, Lua’s bullets were aimed at its injured shoulder. 

Judging by the amount of blood that the orc has lost, it won’t last long. And with only one usable arm, it really isn’t that difficult to tank. Well then again, I am using an OP shield.


After a few more punches to the shield, the orc was visibly slowing down to the point that I opened my fanny pack and pulled out my sword. Thankfully, my shield does float so I can still use both of my hands if I need to.

My sword technique might be non-existent, (literally, I don’t have the skill) but I could still slash at a slow moving orc. 

I deactivated my taunt skill and went around my shield on the left side, as that was the side the orc’s injury was on, I slashed at the orc’s torso and made a deep wound in it. I have to say, I love this sword. It cuts so easily.


After my attack, I took some distance from the orc. I needed a few seconds for Millennium Shield to catch up, in case the orc didn’t die.

But my worries were unfounded, because as I was waiting for my shield to catch up, the orc fell to its knees and face planted into the ground.



“Brian! Are you alright? You didn’t get injured, right?” Alice asked as she rushed over to my side.

“No. I’m fine. Not even a scratch.” I responded as I sheath my sword.


“Is it dead?” Timothy asked.

“If it’s not, it will be soon.” Lua said before chanting a spell and using blood control to pull all the blood out of the orc. She then stored the blood in her flask. Actually, she didn’t do that with the goblin blood. Is it so bad that she doesn’t want to?


As Lua was drawing out the blood, Alex’s sword that was lodged into the orc’s right shoulder came out and Alex collected it. He used something like a rag to wipe the chucks of meat off of it. It didn’t have any blood because of Lua, but it wasn’t exactly clean either.

Oh. I should probably do that with mine as well. 

I pulled my sword back out and looked at it. It was clean. No blood or meat chunks on it at all.

(Laura. Why is this thing clean?) 

(Most likely because the dungeon enchanted it with self cleaning. Also, mythril doesn’t hold blood like steel swords do.) Laura explained.

So… both Laura and my dungeon are showoffs. I got it. Of course neither of them would do nothing less than a perfect job.


“So, what do we do with the orc? Do I use my terminal to absorb it?” I asked when Lua had finished draining the blood.

“Are you kidding me? Orc hide is quite valuable. It can be used for quality leather goods. And orc meat is considered delicious to the point where nobles make shows for getting pristine quality orcs to cook them whole.” Timothy said.


… cooking a large bi-pedal pig whole? I can see that happening as a part of a festival or something, but that nobles do it? That’s unexpected. But I guess different worlds have different values. 


Alex ended up storing the entire orc in his magic backpack. It’s still impressive to see something like an orc being stored in a backpack, but I’ll probably get used to it. Not like storing a sword in a fanny pack is any less impressive.


We got back on the carriages and kept going.



“Brian, that sword and shield. Are they from your dungeon?” Timothy asked.

Does he know about that as well? Does this man know all of my secrets?

“The sword is.” I answered honestly. I know more of them will eventually surface, so lying would just be dumb for the future.

“And what about the shield? I’ve never seen a shield that can float around like that?” He asked.

“That’s because it is a monster I summoned.” I said, showing him the card.

“Ah. I see.” He said. “Now that you’ve brought that up, may I ask about those summoning cards of yours?”


… F***. Again. How do I keep doing this? Well, I guess I don’t care that much if people know that I use these cards for the summoning, but I just keep letting it slip.

“... go ahead and ask.” I said. I think he probably already knew about them to an extent, but it still pisses me off. I mean, I did leave Dark Magician out on the fields for like three days. Anyone could have just gone there and looked at it. At least the experience that it was holding kept it from being stolen.


“Can anyone use those cards?” He asked.

“No.” I immediately answered. It’s not a lie. Technically. You can use them, but not really. Without Card Summoner, you can only use the non-sleeved cards. “At least not without some difficulty.” I added.

“What kind of difficulty?” Timothy asked.

“Well, if you look at the card closely, you’ll see you can’t actually read it, right?” I asked.

“Yes, I cannot. I did go and take a look at the card that was left on the stone pedestal after the wyverns, but I couldn’t understand any of it.” Timothy said. “But how is that a problem?”

“You need to be able to say the name of the monster to summon it. And if you can’t read the name on the card, you can’t use it.” I told him.

“I see. Can I assume that you are able to read these cards?” Timothy asked.

“Yeah, I can.” I answered.

“So, and I’m just assuming here, if you told me the name of one of these monsters, I could summon it right?” Timothy asked.

“Yes, kind of. There is still another limiting factor, but I’d rather not explain that part.” I responded. He doesn’t need to know about sleeves and stuff. And it also doubles as a pseudo insurance. If someone hears one of the people with Card Summoner summoning a monster over and over again, they will figure out the name of the card and might attempt to steal it. Only to realize that they can’t actually use a sleeved card without Card Summoner.


“Hmm. So if I understood this correctly, I could use one of these summoning cards, correct?” Timothy asked.

“Technically, yes.” I answered.

“Then, could you perhaps sell one to me?” He asked.

“No.” I answered.

“May I ask why?” He asked.

“Simple. I don’t trust you enough.” I said back. “Or perhaps I should say that if I sell you one of them, it will be on the level of an imp in power. Not like the ones you see me summon. And I doubt you would want one with such low power.”

“I see. Then I’ll hope I’ll earn enough trust to be able to purchase one. Having a strong summon available for emergencies would be great.” Timothy said.



We didn’t run into any monsters for the rest of the day. Laura did spot some goblins in the forest, but as they didn’t attack us, I let them be. Some other group can deal with them. They are just goblins after all.


After we had already set up our tents for the night, prepared a fire to cook some orc meat on and we were just hanging around, a group of adventurers coming from the direction where we were going joined us and asked to stay with us for the night.


None of us were opposed to the idea, so we were now grilling some orc and just having a good time. Both the new adventurers and the people from Bakula company said they would pay for the orc meat, so we were sharing it with them. Oh yeah, Lua was the one that took it apart with her magic.


“So, why are you heading to Alewatch?” Alex asked the group of four adventurers. 

“We heard some rumors of a new dungeon being found and decided to head over.” One of our new friends … acquaintances explained.

Their party was four people, 3 males and 1 female. First guy had a sword and shield like Alex, the second had a large two handed sword, and the third had something like a whip. I didn’t see anyone in Alewatch use a whip, so that’s first. Oh, and the lady had a bow.

“There was also some talk about a summoner that can summon a dragon.” The whip guy added.

“So they were talking about Brian.” Alice said.

“Oh. You know of him? Is it true that he can summon a dragon that took down like ten wyverns?” The whip guy asked.

“No. That’s not true.” I said.

“Of course it wouldn’t be.” He said.

“It only took down like two or three wyverns.” I added.

“... so, he can summon a dragon?” The whip guy asked.

“Yes he can.” Lua joined the conversation. “At least two of them. A black one and a white one. The white one looks like a heavenly dragon. I even got to ride it once.”

Yeah, and the other 2 copies of Blue-Eyes I now have. And Tri-Horned Dragon. And Hyozanryu. And Meteor Black Dragon, still need to summon that at some point. 

(Don’t forget Curse of Dragon, Crawling Dragon, Divine Dragon Ragnarok and Ryu-Ran) Laura added some more dragons I had in my collection. And that wasn’t even all of them.


“WHAT?” All four of them yelled out.

“A heavenly dragon? That can’t be true.” The whip guy said. “No one has been able to summon one since the first summoner.”


Oh? So the first summoner could summon a Blue-Eyes level dragon. Not bad at all. Wonder if he could summon something on the level of Ultimate or Shining Dragon them? I think it is possible, but then again, Ultimate and Shining Dragon are basically god or demigod level monsters. I mean, they go against god-like entities and sometimes win. Zorc, Anubis, the Egyptian Gods. I mean, if we go by the Yugioh lore, Pegasus designed the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon to be able to go against the Egyptian God cards. And it also did kill Anubis. So… demigod level? True Gods like Holactie still wipe the floor with him though.


“Yes. A heavenly dragon. At least it looks like the description that has been left to us in the books.” Alice said. She did see Blue-Eyes when one was summoned by Paladin of White Dragon.

“You. Mr. merchant. Is that true? Is there really someone who can summon a heavenly dragon in Alewatch?” The whip guy turned to Timothy and asked.

“I’ve never seen it myself, but everyone that has swears that it is a heavenly dragon.” Timothy answered.

“Then give me a description of this ‘Brian’.” He demanded.

“How much will you pay for it?” Timothy asked.

“One large silver.” He offered.


Am I really that cheap? That’s like one high quality meal at the Boar’s Lounge. 

I noticed Timothy glancing at me and I lightly shook my head no. If you are going to buy info on me, it will cost you at least one gold. 

“No thank you. You should pay that much for what we’ve already told you.” Timothy refused his offer.

“Fine.” The whip guy said before handing Timothy a large silver. “So, how much more for a description on this ‘Brian’ guy?”

“Two gold.” I said.

“I wasn’t talking with you.” The whip guy snapped at me.

“I said the price for that info is two gold. If you want it from me.” I told him.

“Do you really think that info is that expensive?” He asked.

“Well, if you buy it from me it will be five gold.” Timothy said.

“What? It can’t be worth that much.” He complained before turning to the others. “How about you? Want to make some silvers?” He asked Lua.

“10 gold.” Lua coldly said.

“Bitch. And what about you shield boy?” He asked Alex.

“As she said, 10 gold.” He repeated the price Lua gave.


He then came back over to me, but instead of just paying me, he asked Alice who was sitting next to me.

“What about you little lady? Will you tell me what I want to know?” He asked.

“...” Alice just stayed quiet and hugged my arm that she had ‘stolen’.


“... fine. Take your two gold.” He said before tossing two gold coins onto the ground in front of me.

I collected them. “Thanks.” 

“... so, where is my information? The description of this ‘Brian’?” He asked.

“Oh yeah that. I almost forgot as you were fooling around.” I said.

“JUST TELL ME!” He yelled.

“God. You don’t have to scream like a little girl.” I said. “And by the way, I am Brian.”


After a long silence, he finally said: “I challenge you to a duel.”

A duel? What kind of duel? Probably not a Yugioh duel right?

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