Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.136 Summoner Duel

“I challenge you to a duel.” The whip guy said, after he had heard my name.

I honestly could go for a Yugioh duel right now, but I assume this is something else.

“What kind of duel are we talking about?” I asked.

“Are you stupid? A summoner duel.” He said back.

“Yeah, that doesn’t explain anything.” I answered.

“What kind of a summoner are you? There is no way someone as stupid as you can summon a heavenly dragon.” He said.

“Well, sorry that I don’t know the summoner educate.” I said. “I haven’t actually met another summoner before. And I didn’t even know you were a summoner.”

“What? So you are self-thought? And you can still summon dragons? That can’t be possible.” He said.

“Perhaps it is possible because I’m self thought.” I told him. Or, because my summoning is done with a unique skill, but he doesn’t need to know that.

“If it was that easy then why do we need schools or institutes?” He asked.

“Well, it’s not like the first summoner had someone to learn from.” I said back. Can’t have a teacher if you are the first.

“Hmp. You must be all talk and no action. But I guess you will find that out soon.” He said.

“... maybe I will. But first, do you want to explain the rules of this ‘duel’ of ours?” I asked.


“Fine, I will. But it’s quite simple, so even someone uneducated like you should understand. We’ll both summon one monster and have them fight. The winner is the one whose summon can force the other to be unsummoned.” He told me.

“Oh, so a Pokemon battle. Simple enough.” I responded.

“Pokemon? What the hell is that?” He asked.

“Don’t worry about that.” I said back.

“Fine. I’ll give you a few minutes to get ready, so use that time well.” He said before walking off.



“You don’t really have to do it.” One of his team members said to me.

“Nah, it’s fine.” I said.

“Try not to kill him.” The archer girl requested.

“Yeah. I’ll try.” And if I do, I can resurrect him.

“Also, in case you want to know, Tye has two different summons, a spirit tiger and a salamander. But he will probably summon the tiger as that is the more powerful one.” The archer informed me.

“Thanks for the info. But are you sure you should be telling me that?” I asked.

“Well, he got info about you already, so I’m just making it fair.” She said.

“I see. Well, thank you.” I said before taking some distance so I could go through my collection and check what I’ll use.



Hmm. I probably shouldn’t use Blue-Eyes or Red-Eyes. They are too big and will most likely scare the horses. And they are also massively powerful, so I might cause some unintended damage if I do. And humanoid monsters are out of the question as they will cause a pile of questions.

(How about _______? It’s strong but not too large.) Laura offered.

(Yeah. Let’s do that. But I’ll need a toploader.) I said.

(On it.) Laura said.


5x Token Thanksgiving, 5x Precious Cards from Beyond, 3x Ojama Trio, Ojama Green, Archfiend Soldier, 2x Pandemonium Watchbear, 2x Mefist the Infernal General, Vilepawn Archfiend, 2x Shadowknight Archfiend, Darkbishop Archfiend, Desrook Archfiend, Infernalqueen Archfiend 


(Clearing out some Archfiends I see.) I commented on Laura’s selection.

(Better that than letting Master summon them and get into trouble.) Laura said.

(Thanks. Please apply the sleeve and toploader on that card.) I said.


Now, I just need one more card. And that one won’t even need a toploader.



I held a card close to my chest before I said: “Install.”

This wasn’t the first time I did this so I’m somewhat used to this already. But the near bursting levels of power and pleasure is not something that I’ll ever truly be used to. But it didn’t get to the part where it was painful like it did with Raregold Armor.

I took a deep breath to calm myself after the install was completed. Then I quietly said: “Status.” to confirm if it succeeded.


Name: Brian Wood
Race: Human !
Level: 38
HP: 820
Mana: 910
Strength: 235
Defense: 485
Magic: 295
Pack Opener LV.4 (unique)
Telekinesis LV.1 (extra)
Summoner’s Protection LV.1 (extra)
Dungeon Founder (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Health Conscious (extra)
Mana Control LV.1
Shining Taunt LV.1
Water Spirit’s Blessing (Greater)
Language Comprehension (humanoid)

So, the result was an extra skill. Nice. Btw. I didn’t level up because of the orc, that happened a few days ago when I cleared the dungeon to gain points for the fanny packs. 1CH.128

The card I installed was Spell Economics. And it resulted in an extra skill called Health Conscious. I checked the information about it on my status, and it negates any HP requirement of skills, weapons or anything else like that. Basically, any HP cost is negated. The reason I did this is because the monster I want to use has an HP drain when I use it, but with this skill, that is negated.


Good. Now I’m ready to go. I got out the four cards I need from the collection and went to face Tye.



“Are you ready to lose?” He asked.

“If it is my fate to lose, I will accept it. But I’m not planning on that, so you better bring your best summon against me.” I said.

“Oh. So at least you speak a good game. But let’s see if you have the balls to call out your dragon here.” He said.

“Oh don’t worry. I have just the dragon for you.” I said back. Thanks to Laura’s idea, I can show him what he wants to see without scaring the horses. Hopefully. And I would have come up with it on my own as well, if I had used a few minutes browsing my collection.

“Well then, let’s see it.” He said. “Or if you are scared I can go first.”

“Then I think I’ll give you the honor of going first.” I said.

“Then I will.” He said before saying something like a chant. “Oh great tiger that runs between the words, appear and fight by my side. Spirit Tiger Ceart!”


As he chanted, a magic circle appeared on the ground next to him, and as he said the last part, a large saber-toothed tiger with blueish fur appeared from it.

It wasn’t huge, like some of my summons (Master of Oz), but it was decently large. Its back was almost at the shoulder level of Tye, making the tiger be around 1,5 meters tall. And it was just under four meters long, without the tail or head being considered.


(Laura, how strong is that tiger?) I asked.

(Not nearly strong enough. Master will win no problem.) Laura answered.

(Doesn’t really answer the question.)

(Around low B-rank. Stronger than a grounded wyvern, but not by much. A wyvern that can fly is stronger.) Laura said.

(Oh. Well then this is going to be a complete overkill.)


“Speechless, are you? I don’t blame you. Ceart has beaten many powerful opponents and has gotten me to B-rank as an adventurer.” Tye said.

“B-rank, huh. Not bad. Not bad at all. I guess I should introduce your tiger to its opponent.” I said. “I summon two Outstanding Dog Marrons.”


These two were nothing more than a means to an end. The monster I’ll actually use needs two tributes to be special summoned when I summon it for the first time, and this is the first time. And the reason I used two Marrons is because they will automatically return to my collection if they go to the graveyard. And as tributes go to the GY, they will just immediately return to my collection, no sleeves or toploaders required.


“I thought we were having a 1v1. Are you scared and had to summon two pathetic creatures?” Tye asked.

“Oh, don’t worry. These two are just a means to an end. They won’t fight that tiger as they have no chance of winning.” I said before activating the next card, and one of the reasons I installed Spell Economics into myself. It’s also what I used the sleeve and toploader for. “Toon World.”

As I activated Toon World, a larger than normal book appeared next to me and opened to one of its middle pages, before a castle-like structure formed like from a pop-up book.

“You are going to fight me with a book? Don’t insult me!” Tye yelled.

“As I said, the two dogs are just a means to an end. So is this book. Now I will summon the monster you will face. Are you ready?” I asked.

“Stop stalling and summon it already!” He yelled back.

“Fine, fine. But you still don’t have to yell.” I said before holding up the last card. “I tribute my two Outstanding Dog Marrons, to special summon Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon.”


As I said that, my two dogs were absorbed into Toon World and Toon World closed its covers. Then after spinning around for a few seconds, it reopened and from its pages out came my Toon Dragon, cackling lightly.

Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon wasn’t that large, only about 1 meter high, but it has a lot of power in a compact package.


“Hah, hah, hahahahhaa.” Tye laughed at my dragon. “That? Hahaha. That is your dragon? That’s a joke! It’s tiny! A dragon like that can do nothing.”

“Then feel free to take it down. If you manage to do that, I’ll give your gold coins back.” I taunted. I know there is basically no way he can take my Toon Dragon down. Especially as I have Toon World out.

“You make this too easy. I really should have gotten a wager from you before we began.” Tye said.

“Why not now? It’s not too late.” I said, fully showing my confidence.


“Oh. Well then, if I win I’ll have you hand over the contract with your heavenly dragon to me!” Tye demanded.

“Oh, really now?” You want my Blue-Eyes, but also laugh at it? Well, you won’t win. “I’m fine with that, as I won’t lose.”

“That confidence will cost you.” Tye said. “So, what do you want if you win?”

“Nothing. I highly doubt that you have anything I would care for. I’ll just beat you because I can and because you laughed at my dragon.” I said back.

“Arrogant fool!” Tye yelled.

“It’s not arrogance, it’s confidence.” I said back.



“Ceart! Attack that joke of a dragon!” Tye commanded his summon.

(Laura. Tell Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon it can play with the tiger in any way it wants to.) I gave my command. I didn’t want to verbally command my dragon to assert dominance.

(As you wish, Master.) Laura responded, before transmitting my order to Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon.


As the tiger attacked with its claws, my Toon Dragon just casually dodged, by bending its body in unnatural ways. That’s probably something only a Toon monster can do.


The tiger tried to attack my dragon with its claws again and again, but every time, my dragon would stretch and bend out of the way, never even counter attacking.


“STOP FOOLING AROUND! You are just making fun of me with a joke summon aren’t you!? Order that thing to attack or give up!” Tye yelled.

“... fine. I will. Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon, attack that tiger.” I ordered verbally, but added: (But don’t kill it.) through Laura.


After my order, my dragon was no longer just fooling around. It flew around the tiger at fast speeds while spitting out small balls of light from its mouth.

While some of the attacks landed in the ground around the tiger, some of them hit, causing the tiger to yelp out in pain.


“Ceart!” I heard Tye call out to his tiger, sounding genuinely worried for it.

(Laura, tell him to hold for a second.) I ordered my dragon through Laura again.


My toon immediately seized its attacks and positioned himself between the tiger and I.


“Surrender. You can’t win.” I said to Tye.

“No. I’ll never.” He said. 

“Do you really think you can win? Your tiger's attacks will never hit my Toon Dragon, while my dragon can fly laps around your tiger while peppering it with attacks.” I said. “Please surrender, so I won’t have to keep this up.”

“No! I won’t!” Tye yelled. “Ceart. Attack with Spirit Cannon!”


I just looked as the tiger charged a blast of energy in its mouth, before releasing a beam towards my Toon Dragon. Perhaps tanking this hit will make him surrender.

Sadly for me, my dragon had other ideas as it bent its body and dodged the attack.



CRAP! The beam is now coming right at me! 

I raised my arms into an X in front of my face, to protect it. I was honestly hoping Threatening Roar would activate and protect me, but as it can only stop an attack that was meant to me, before that attack even happened, I had no choice but to take this attack head on.

Just before the attack connected, with Laura’s help, I was able to bring a Monster Reborn out of my collection, into my right hand. If this kills me, at least Lua or Alice should notice it and they will hopefully use it.


With those thoughts running through my head, the beam hit me.

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