Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.137 Healing after a Duel

[Lucia POV]


“BRIAN!” Both Alice and I screamed as we watched Brian be consumed by an attack from a spirit tiger.

He had been in a summoner duel with another adventurer. And while the small dragon he summoned had made a complete fool of both the tiger and its summoner, Brian was now on the receiving end of an attack from the tiger. Not because the attack was meant for Brian, but because he just happened to be standing in the wrong spot when his dragon dodged an attack.


As the attack faded, I saw Brian standing there where he had been, with his hands covering his face. His clothes were almost completely decimated, leaving only his shoes (that were outside the attack area), underwear and some of his undershirt that was under his crossed arms intact.


“White Lightning.” I just barely heard Brian command his summon. 

“Phew.” I let out a sigh. He survived. If he is alive, I’m sure we can heal him.


I looked as the small dragon let out a massive beam of light from its mouth. The beam completely enveloped the tiger.

I didn’t really realize its power until the attack ran out. The tiger was nowhere to be seen.

The beam had gouged out the ground and left a large channel into it. Thankfully, nothing else was standing in the way of that beam or they would have been annihilated as well.

The adventurer that had challenged Brian just stood still, with his pants soaked by … well, urine.


Then the small dragon and the book it had appeared from disappeared, as Brian fell face-down to the ground.


“BRIAN!” I yelled as I ran over to him. Alice followed me just a step behind and another two behind her was Alex.


As I got to him, I immediately checked if he was still alive by holding my hand to his back and to my relief, I could still feel his heartbeat. I then carefully turned him onto his back, so I could get to work. I checked his breathing, but it was extremely shallow.

He wasn’t looking good. His skin was badly damaged all around his body, but especially on his arms, it had completely burned away, to the point where I could see his muscle tissue.

“Lua? How is he?” Alex asked.

“Alive. For now. But not for long if I don’t do something.” I responded, before starting a chant. “Water, the liquid of life, help this wounded body in this time of need, Aqua Heal.”

It was the best I could do right now. There are more advanced water spells for healing, but I can’t use them. And using blood magic on someone who is hurt this badly won't help.


As I was pouring more mana into my magic, I could feel it not take effect. My spell isn’t strong enough. I need more power. 

“Let’s use this.” Alex said as he handed me one of Brian’s cards. Red Medicine. I knew of it, but had never used it myself.

“Yeah. Activate it please.” I said as I focused on my spell. I had to keep it going, so that Brian wouldn’t die.

“Red Medicine.” Alex said to activate the card. A potion bottle with red liquid appeared as the card vanished. “So… how do I use this? Do I just make him drink it?” He asked.

“No. Give it to me.” I said as I took the potion bottle. 


As Brian is passed out, there is no guarantee that he’ll be able to drink the potion. If I use water control, I can make sure it gets into his stomach, but I’d have to cancel Aqua Heal for that.

FUCK! What do I do?


As I thought that, a small box that looked like a status screen appeared before me. It only had three words on it.

Summon Water Spirit

Summon Water Spirit. A skill I gained when I was with Brian and a greater water spirit gave us its blessing. I had never used it as I wasn’t sure if I deserved it. But now, I have no choice but to use it.

“Summon Water Spirit.”

As I said that, I felt a massive surge of mana flow through my body. I recognized the feeling from when we were blessed. The power of spirits had surrounded me.

(Let me help.) I heard a voice in my head say. The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t tell who it belonged to. (I’ll take over the Aqua Heal, you do what you feel is correct.) The voice added.


I felt my spell operate with no input from me and decided to trust the voice. I knew if I didn’t, Brian would just die. I need to get this potion into him.

“Water, Move as I command, Water control.” I chanted. I used it to pull the potion liquid out of its container and then slowly fed it to Brian. 

I felt the potion settle down in his stomach and let out a small sigh.

With the spirits now helping me and the potion in his stomach, I feel like this is going to work.


But I know I need to keep pushing. Until Brian is for sure fine, I won’t stop. And with that potion now inside of him, the next step is spreading it. And I have just the magic to do that.

As Brian’s left arm still had that … thing for his cards, I moved so I could take his right hand into my own. And as I did, I noticed that his right hand was tightly holding onto a card.

Monster Reborn. The card that can resurrect the dead. Perhaps he thought that something might go wrong in the match and had it on hand.

I took it and held onto it, before I bit his wrist. It is necessary for what comes next.

True blood magic. An evolved, or perhaps cured, form of blood magic. I haven’t had it for long and I’m not fully used to it, but as it’s just a slightly more powerful form of blood magic, I feel like I can manage.


I used blood magic to accelerate Brian’s natural digestion so I would get the potion into his bloodstream. Then I used Blood Scan to search for any abnormal locations and focused the potion over to those areas. And as I did, I felt the Aqua Heal that the spirits controlled move around with it.

I watched as the potion and my magic took effect and his skin began to quickly regrow. I had to focus a lot of power specifically on his arms and we had to use the second Red Medicine that Alex had to get Brian into a stable condition, with all of his skin regrown.



After what felt like an eternity, but was only a few minutes, I was happy with the state that I’d gotten Brian to. He was still passed out, but he was breathing steadily and his heartbeat was stable. 

I removed my fangs from Brian’s wrist and took a deep breath in.


“... is … is he going to be alright?” Alice asked.

“Yes. I think he will be.” I answered. At this point, unless he experienced more trauma, he should be fine.

“Ah. Thank the Goddess.” Alice said.


As she said that, another system screen appeared before me.

Individual Lucia has saved System Support holder Brian Wood.
Rewarding individual Lucia.
Removing the Blood Curse from Individual Lucia.
Failed. Individual Lucia does not have the Blood Curse.
Searching for alternative rewards.
Alternative reward suggested.
Getting permission.
Alternative reward permission granted.
Granting Individual Lucia Basic System Support.
Basic Support System Unlocked

I looked at the final screen. System support? Unlocked? For me? The legendary System Support? 


I opened my status so I could see for myself.

Name: Lucia
Race: Dhampir ?
Level: 44
HP: 1240
Mana: 2100
Strength: 320
Defense: 400
Magic: 1160
True Blood Magic LV.5 (Racial)
Card Summoner LV.1 (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Water Magic LV.5
Mana Control LV.7
Magic Boost LV.2
Quick Cast LV.5
Fast Mana Recovery LV.4
Knife Technique LV.1
Staff Technique LV.3
Blood Sucker (Racial)
Water Spirits Blessing (Greater)

I have a new title? Lifesaver? Titles are kind of skills, but not really. According to what I learned from Mrs. Moon, titles are skills that don’t improve your status, but do have a helpful effect. But plenty of people go through their lives without ever gaining a title. 

For me it's different. I’ve had Blood Sucker since the day I was born. A title that allows dhampirs to survive on blood alone, no other sustenance required.

And now, thanks to Brian, I had two more. Water Spirits Blessing (Greater) increases the power and decreases the mana use of all of my water magic.

And Lifesaver, my new title:

Lifesaver: Doubles the effectiveness of all healing done by magic or skills.

But what about the System Support? Why can’t I see that?

(Miss, it is the mark next to your race.) I heard a voice say inside my head.

“M-Mother?” I asked. That voice belongs to my mother. I know it does. I’d recognize it anywhere.

(I apologize, but I am not your mother. I am your Basic System Support.) The voice said.


“Lua? Is something wrong?” Alex asked, probably hearing what I said.

“N-No. Everything is fine.” I said hastily. 

“Are you sure? You are saying some weird things. Are you sure you didn’t use all of your mana?” Alex asked.

“... I didn’t. But I did use a lot.” I admitted. 


I have over 2000 mana, but in these few minutes I had used over 1500 of it. And it was still draining down.

(Oh, sorry. That’s because of me.) The voice that came after I used Summon Water Spirit said.

Now that I was more calm, I recognized that voice. 

(The water spirit that blessed us?) I think Brian said he could talk to the System Support in his head, so I tried to do that with the spirit.

(Oh. I’m glad that you remember me. Neither you nor the Hero has really called for me, so I feared that you had forgotten me or found me unhelpful.) The spirit said.

(...) I didn’t know how to respond. I know I haven’t used that skill once, but I’m surprised that Brian hasn’t either. (I’ll try to call you in the future. Thank you for helping.)

(Then I’ll undo the synchro so you can rest.) The spirit said, before I felt its power leaving my body.


The spirit then formed a body of water next to me, before the water splashed to the ground as the spirit left.



“We are so sorry!” The other party had prostrated themselves before us. 

“Please don’t report Tye or our party!”

“We’ll do anything!”


What the report was referring to is a dangerous adventurer report. They are something that should be filed with the guild after an incident that takes place between adventurers, like on a quest or, like is the case here, after a sparring accident. Depending on the severity, the punishments can be anything from a fine to being kicked out of the guild, or even slavery or imprisonment.

Considering that their adventurer almost killed another adventurer in a duel he started, anything from expulsion to slavery isn’t impossible. Well, the rest of the party would likely only be demoted by one rank, but the summoner could face a larger punishment.

They could try to argue against it being their fault, but they would lose. We have the numbers advantage, we have the Bakula company’s vice-president as a witness, we have a noble’s daughter. And most of all, Brian himself is a holder of System Support. If he revealed it and used it as a guarantee, no argument could be made against him.

To go against a System Support holder is to go against the System itself. And to go against the System is to go against the Goddess.

And if we go that far, I might as well add the blessing from a greater water spirit, that both Brian and I hold.

(Don’t forget that you also hold the System Support.) I heard my mother’s voice in my head.


Clap, Clap

With two loud claps, Timothy took control of the situation.

“Then we will do this. As Brian is out, because of you, and Lucia is extremely low on mana, because of you, I’ll have you join our escort party until we reach Sawyer city safely. If you manage to do that, the guild doesn’t have to know about this little incident.” Timothy said. “Are you three fine with that?” He then asked us.

“I think that’s letting them off easy.” Alex said.

“I… I want to wait for Brian’s opinion.” Alice said.

“If Brian thinks it’s fine, I’ll let it be.” I said. I don’t think Brian would hate him for something like that, but I want to hear him out first.


“T-Thank you. We’ll make sure nothing can hurt you!” They said in unison.



With Saber Fang (that is their party’s name) keeping the night guard, we would be able to sleep through the entire night.

I’m really glad that that is the case, as I really am tired after using all that mana.

Our sleeping arrangements were a little different from last night, as Brian was sleeping between Alice and I. I didn’t mind doing it and Miss Alice outright demanded it. She said she doesn’t really trust these adventurers, and by sleeping with Brian she would make sure they don’t try to kill him in the middle of the night.

I also agreed, as I wanted to make sure to stay close to him, in case his situation gets worse.

Brian’s magic waist bag, I think he calls it a fanny pack, hadn’t been decimated, as he took it off before the battle, so we were able to get some spare clothes for him from there. 

His sleeping bag and travel pelt were also there. I don’t know why he has two travel pelts, especially of such high quality, but I don’t mind at the moment. I stacked the two pelts on top of each other, before carrying Brian to it.

I also removed the two cards Brian had on his … summoning thing. I should ask what it is when he wakes up. But anyway, I took the two cards for safekeeping, and after I removed them, the large thing disappeared, leaving only a simple bracer behind.


There was also something strange with the Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon. The glass-like thing on it had been colored orange. The Toon World didn’t have that. And neither did my Vampire Lady, or the two cards Miss Alice has.

Well, I can probably ask about it from Brian tomorrow.

Assuming that he wakes up tomorrow. 

Please, wake up tomorrow.


Before falling asleep, I heard my mother’s voice in my head.

(Connection made with System Support ‘Laura’. Making a telepathic link.)

(What does that mean?) I asked my System Support.

(Oh. Miss Lucia. I made a connection. Thank you so much for saving Master.) I heard a female voice in my head.

I don’t know whose voice it is, but it brims with reliability and … big sister energy?

(... Who are you?) I asked. 

(Yes. I should introduce myself. My name is Laura and I am Brian’s System Support.) She said.


So… not only did I get a System Support of my own, I can now also speak with Brian’s System Support. 


I’m not sure how to handle all of this. I just. This is too much. I need sleep.

No! I need one thing before that.

(Miss Laura. Is Brian alright?) I asked Brian’s System Support.

(Yes. Thanks to you he is fine. He is just sleeping and should wake up by tomorrow morning. And if he doesn’t, well, I’ll make sure he does.) Brian’s System Support answered with a more mischievous tone.

(... don’t be too hard on him. He went through a lot.) I said.

(Don’t worry. I know what he likes.) Laura said.

(Shut up, both of you. It’s Lucia’s bedtime and I won’t let you bother it, even if you are a superior level System Support.) My System Support told Laura off. I have to say, having my mother argue against the big sister-like Laura is quite funny. Like a mother telling the kids having a sleepover to go to bed already.

But I did as instructed, and soon found myself fast asleep.


So… Lua is now more OP. Well, at least as soon as she gets used to her new assistant. And she learns to use the spirits like she did. 

I honestly wasn’t sure about this. My original plan was just to have Brian duel an arrogant summoner, but then I realized the chance to have Brian really hurt for the first time in the series to make him less of an OP protag, and I took it. Brian has to sometimes lose so he will grow and realize his own mistakes. (even though technically speaking he did win the duel, as Toon Dragon was able to kill the tiger before Brian passed out.)

I also took the opportunity to destroy Brian’s original clothing, as I wanted him to have a good reason to get some other equipment. (And I did kind of make it OP, so taking it out of the series will hopefully be good in the long run.) (The dungeon reproductions are not as OP, in case you were wondering.)

And one last thing. I kept the chapter title somewhat ambiguous/generic to avoid any major spoilers for readers than come into the series later and see some of the chapter titles.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.