Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.147 Spirit Synchro

Paulina led us back to the main house and we sat down to enjoy some tea.

While I was, I was contacted by Lua’s System Support.


(Mistress would like to get in contact with you. Is now a good time?) She asked.

(... I guess as good as any. Well actually, give me a minute, I’ll move to somewhere private.) I answered.


I then excused myself from the tea table and headed to a … powder room. Why are there so many strange terms used for the toilet? Like come on. Every person uses it, so going there isn’t that strange.

(I believe the term ‘powder room’ is mostly used by females.) Laura said.  (I believe males usually refer to it as a restroom, lavatory or just toilet.) 

… thanks for the info. I didn’t really need it, but thanks anyway.



(Lua, Lua. Are you there? Can you hear me?) I tried to send a message to Lua. I hope it went through, but I’m not sure as this is the first time we have done it while not facing each other.

(Brian. Yes. I hear you. Do you have time to speak?) Lua asked.

(Yes. I have a bit of time.) I answered.

(Brian. Are you there?) Lua asked.

… did my message not go through? 

(You might not be as good at this as you thought.) Laura taunted lightly. 

(Lua. Yes. I’m still here. Sorry. I didn’t focus enough.) I said to Lua. 

(Brian. Good. I thought something was wrong when I didn’t hear back.) Lua said.

(Lua. Don’t worry. I’m just fine.) I said to her. (So, what did you need?)

(Brian. I got in contact with my mother and she said she would take us to the dhampir’s safe town. But there is a small problem. One of the usual adventurer teams that secure blood for the safe town was injured, so the blood supply is a bit low. My mother asked if we could go secure some and take it into town.) Lua said.

(Lua. I see. So a supply issue. Then we’ll just go hunting, right?) I asked.

(Brian. Yes. That is what I wanted to do. Can we meet at the guild tomorrow at the second bell and head out from there?)


Oh yeah. The bells are the time most people use. We need some better time keeping devices in this world. I guess not everyone can have a System Support telling them the time. The second bell should mean 9 am. That does sound fine.


(Lua. Sure. I’ll be there. I’ll also ask Alice, but if she doesn’t want to come, I’ll come by myself.) I said to Lua.

(Brian. Thanks. I also got in contact with Alex and Saber Fang. They also agreed to help.) Lua said.

(Lua. I see. That sounds good. You can sleep at your mother’s place right? I can probably talk the earl into letting you stay here if you’d prefer that.) I offered. The earl did say he would help me like he helps his children, so sleepovers should be fine.

(Brian. I’ll sleep with my mother. See you tomorrow.) Lua answered.

(Lua. Yes. See you tomorrow.)



“Alice. Do you want to go hunting with me tomorrow?” I asked after I returned to the tea table.

“Hunting? Yes. Let’s go.” Alice immediately agreed.

“Why would you go hunting?” Paulina asked. “Wouldn’t normal practice be better for increasing skill level? You also have that level up card thing, right? So you have no reason to go hunt something.”

“Well, there is the adventurer rank to consider.” I said.

“Oh yeah. I’m only D-rank, while Brian is already C-rank.” Alice said. “Let’s go on some hunting quests so I can rank up.”

“It’s not that easy.” Paulina said. “It takes time to rank up.”

“But you will never rank up if you don’t do any guild quests, right?” I asked.

“Well, you won’t.” Paulina admitted.

“Then we will go hunting.” Alice said.


“May I come along?” Paulina asked.

“... sure, I guess. But why?” I asked. “Didn’t you just bash on doing it?”

“I want to see how you fight.” She said.

“Ah. I see. Well, it should be fine.” I responded. “We will head to the guild in the morning and meet up with some of the guys that we traveled with. Then go from there.” I told the two of them my plan. Well, partially it was Lua’s plan, but still.


“... I’d rather not work with them.” Alice admitted. “That summoner is evil.”

“Alice. Don’t be like that. You know it was an accident.” I said to her.

“He challenged you to a duel. And then hurt you. That’s not an accident, but an attack.” Alice said.

“... perhaps in a normal sword duel, but that’s not what happened.” I said, trying to defend Tye. I’ll fully admit that in a normal duel, using an attack like that could be excessive, but for a summoner, having their summon go down doesn’t seem to be the end of the world. 

“In a mage duel, dangerous spells will get you disqualified.” Paulina said.

“See. That’s what I mean.” Alice said.

“... well, we didn’t have a mage duel, so the rules were different.” I said. “And I also kind of used a dangerous technique after his.”

“But only after.” Alice said.

“Alice. Please. Just let it be.” I said. “I’m fine now. You shouldn’t be mad at Tye because of an accident. You should be happy that everything ended fine.”

“...” Alice didn’t respond.



Not much happened for the rest of the day. 

We did have a little discussion about training matches at the dinner table. Well, more like the earl instructed Alice and Jonathan. Alice ended up apologizing for messing with Jonathan’s training.

Angelina also banned me from summoning any more monsters for Jonathan to fight without her permission. I guess my avoiding the rules trick only worked once. Well, I could go around this rule again by having someone else perform the summoning. As long as the card isn’t sleeved, anyone can summon it if I tell them the name of the monster. And Alice can summon ones with sleeves and toploaders.

I also met Angelina’s husband. Mateo Garner. He is a viscount and he is the captain of Sawyer city’s guard. Or perhaps I should say knights, as this city actually has a knight order, even if it is on the smaller side. I think it’s interesting that a viscount joines the earl’s dinner table, but I guess this is normal for them.

They apparently had their own house on one of the neighboring properties, but they often ended up eating here as Angelina works here and Jonathan studies here.


I also ended up asking about the sixth sister, Violet. Christina said she should be here, but apparently she was in one of the towns of the area working on some project. It could be construction, probably. I mean, basically everyone in this family uses earth magic, right? And earth magic is used to make the walls surrounding the cities and towns. Probably.

… well, then again, I only know that two of the daughters use earth magic. No, make it three. Christina, Mariina and Paulina all can use earth magic. At least based on the info I have. And as Paulina also can use water magic, if magic is that hereditary, a pure water user is possible as well.



“And this is your room, Sir Brian.” A maid that had guided both Alice and I into our guest rooms said to me. 

The maid outfits here were the same as they were in the Alewatch manor. A navy blue dress with a white apron. Not bad, but with none of the extra flare added by the laced edges that the ones I’m more familiar with have, it just feels basic. 

Oh, by the way, Alice was in the room next to mine. Let’s hope she doesn’t sneak in at night. That could lead to some awkward situations.


My room did have an attached bathroom, like the one I had in the Watchman manor. The maid said she could call on someone to magic me a bath, but I ended up refusing, telling them that I can take care of it myself.

For that, I summoned Aqua Spirit again.


I haven’t summoned her in a while, so I thought that I should. I also ended up doing one other thing. Summoning a water spirit.


Like last time, the spirit formed from my bath water. But this time, it took a lot more water and formed a full man-sized body. Well, in this case woman-sized, as the body had … boobs.


“Oh. The hero has summoned me. How may I be of service?” The spirit asked.

… I recognize that voice. She is the same spirit that gave us her blessing. At least I’m decently sure.

“... are you the greater spirit of rain?” I asked her.

“Yes I am, my dear hero. I’m glad that you have learned my title.” The spirit responded.

“So that is just your title? May I ask if you have a name?” I asked her.

“I apologize my Hero, but only the superior level spirits possess names.” She answered.


Superior? So there are spirits stronger than greater. I guess that makes sense. 


“So, what can I do for you, my hero?” The spirit asked again.

“... well, I originally planned for you to synchro with my summon, but as I got the great spirit, there is something I want to try.” I said. “Please synchro with me.”


The last spirit I summoned said it could be done, so now with a greater spirit, it should be easy.

“If that is what you want, but I should warn you, it will take a lot of mana very quickly.” The spirit said.

“I do have a decent mana pool.” I said back.

“I think you might underestimate the power of a greater spirit.” The spirit said to me. “Even the heroine could only last a few minutes, and her water magic affinity gives her an advantage in that.”

“Lua synchro’d with you? When?” I asked.

“When she was healing you. Didn’t you know?” The spirit asked.

“... no, I didn’t. I mean, I know she healed me, but I didn’t hear anything about the spirit synchro part.” I said.

“You should be better at sharing information with your team, hero. If you don’t, your team will fall apart.” The spirit said.

“... I’m not actually a hero. I mean, I don’t have a skill or title or anything.” I pointed out.

“A skill doesn’t make a hero. The hero makes the skill.” The spirit said.

“... yeah, that doesn’t make sense.” I responded.

“You will understand. At some point.” The spirit said.


The hero makes the skill? It probably could be something about a unique skill, right? I mean, by definition a unique skill should be one of a kind, right? So a hero is someone with the power to gain a unique skill? And I've had one since day 1 in this world.

… but that shouldn’t be true. There is no way I’m the only one with a unique skill alive at the moment. 


“Now then, shall we do the synchro or may I leave? I do have things to do.” The spirit said.

“Oh, yes. Let’s do it. I at least want to know how it feels before I have to actually use it in combat or something.” I said to the spirit.

“I wish your heroine had that level of forethought. She had to go through it in an emergency.” The spirit said.

“... wait? She did it for the first time while healing me?”

“Yes, she did.” The spirit confirmed.

“... holy. Lua is amazing. Well anyway, let’s do the synchro now.” I said to the spirit.

“Yes. I’ll start now.” The spirit said, before its form broke back to water and that water rushed at me.


I reflexively took in a deep breath before the water crashed into me.

Crashed? No. It didn’t crash. I was expecting an impact, but the water was quite gentle.

I felt … something entering me. It was some form of mana, but it felt nothing like the ones I’ve felt until now. The closest thing I’ve felt is the mana from Dark Sage, but this isn’t quite the same.

Then the mana drain began. I felt the invading mana eat up my own. Considering what the spirit said, I expected it to be worse, but I would still run out in about 20 minutes.


(Oh. Your mana is nice and filling. I wasn’t expecting that.) I heard the spirit say in my head.

(So you can talk like Laura. That’s nice.) I said back to her. (So, can I now use your power or how does this work?)

(Yes. Please just imagine what you want me to do and I’ll make it happen. As long as it is water based and not too crazy.) The spirit said. (No need for incantations or anything.)

(Ooh. Nice. Well, I’m not really that creative and this is no place to practice spells, so let’s just move the water around a bit. And refill the bathtub.) I said to the spirit.


I spent a few minutes moving the water around. It was similar to using telekinesis, but I could also do things like freeze the water or boil the water into vapor. A cloud of super hot water vapor sounds like a dangerous weapon. But I guess boiling water would be as well. Or making a huge chunk of ice and dropping it onto someone.


(We should stop. We have used over half of your mana already.) The spirit said and I agreed.

The spirit separated from me and quickly left after that. Her watery body didn’t splash on the ground as I expected, but instead split. About half went into the bathtub that we had partially filled when we were in the synchro state and the other half was heading straight for the drain. I guess she is skilled enough to do something like that.


I entered the bath and had the almost forgotten Aqua Spirit wash my hair and my back. (She asked to do it, btw.)

“I wish I could enter Master’s body like that.” She said before I unsummoned her.

“... that sounds weird. Please never say it again.” I said to the spirit. “And if you want to learn it, I can try to get the water spirits of this world to teach you.” I offered.

“Please do, Master.” Aqua Spirit agreed.


I finished my bath, got dressed up in some PJs that I had been given by the earl and went to bed. I need to buy some of my own. A shopping day will have to happen at some point. 

“Yawn. Perhaps I’ll open some Magic Ruler tomorrow for a second Upstart Goblin.” I said before falling asleep.

So, just like last month, I'll take an extra day here at the end of the month.
So the next chapter will come out on September 2nd.

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