Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.148 Not enough Sleeves

(Master. It’s morning.) Laura said to wake me up. I still love having her as an alarm clock. She does it so well.

(Good morning Laura. What time is it?) I asked. I wanted to know if I have time for the daily packs.

(It’s 6:48 am. We have some time.) Laura answered.

(Nice. I guess let’s get the dailies open then. But first one card.) I said as I pulled a card out of collection.


“Good Goblin Housekeeping.” I said to activate the card. Unlike the one I used yesterday, this one didn’t have a sleeve. 

A booklet, similar to last time, appeared. I opened it up.


[Daily Pack Tokens: 17] [Daily Reprint Tokens: 4]
[Current Pack Tokens: 17] [Current Reprint Tokens: 4]
You can transfer up to 5 tokens  and 1 daily token per one use.


I quickly adjusted the numbers as much as I could and closed the booklet.


[Daily Pack Tokens: 16] [Daily Reprint Tokens: 5]
[Current Pack Tokens: 12] [Current Reprint Tokens: 9]
You can transfer up to 5 tokens  and 1 daily token per one use.


The reason for this was actually quite simple. Reprint packs just have more cards in them. And a wider range of cards. So they just are worth more. As to why I didn’t bother with the toploader for the second Good Goblin Housekeeping, well I’ll use the other one I have after it and Lighten the Load come off of cooldown in the afternoon. That will move one more daily token over to the reprint and I do want to hold onto some of my normal pack tokens as well. For when I get new sets that use normal tokens. And with time, I’ll probably have a perfect 50/50 split on my tokens. Maybe.


And now, to the packs. I think I’ll actually start with the reprints today, as I’m not sure what main set I want to open. Sure there is Magic Ruler for Upstart, but I’m not that short on money. Legend of Blue-Eyes is great for the rare spells, but they are rares or ultra rares. And as Pot of Greed is in both LOB and MRL, Magic Ruler is just a bit better. It has better commons.

Rise of Destiny and Flaming Eternity also have great cards, but as I really need some more copies of Emblem of Dragon Destroyer so I can use Lighten the Load, I might have to go with Magician’s Force. Well, Magician’s Force does have the XYZ-Dragon Cannon parts and Dark Paladin, so it’s not a bad set either.


But that doesn’t matter for the reprints. For the reprints, it’s Dark Revelation Volume 1 all the way. Well, I might swap to Dark Beginning 1 if I get an X-Head Cannon and a few copies of Emblem of Dragon Destroyer.


Use a ‘Reprint token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Dark Revelation Volume 1’
[Yes] [No]

First pack, let’s go!




Well, I got a Z-Metal Tank. And Altar for Tribute is not useless. Ok. Let’s be honest. It could be better. At least I have 8 more tries left.




Lava Golem. Nice. Well, kind of. … Well, not really. I do like having it and it will trap two opponents in the cages when I summon it, but at the same time they are the ones that will control the golem, so perhaps I shouldn’t use it.

But Spell Shield Type-8 is actually nice. It can negate a magic attack that targets me. And as it is a trap, I can set it on myself or someone else. It should prevent any Tye incidents in the future.


Next pack.




And now I got a Y-Dragon Head. I already had one. I need the X, not the Y. Well, I’ll still take it. I also got Poison of the Old Man. That’s not bad. Healing potions for the win.


Next pack.




Oh. There is my X-Head Cannon. Now I have everything I need for the XYZ-Dragon Cannon. Also a Spell Reproduction.

But now I have the question of changing sets. I didn’t get any Emblems, but I can always get them from Magician’s Force. Or more like try to get them from Magician’s Force. Nothing is ever guaranteed. And that would leave me with 5 packs of DB1 for Upstart Goblin, Pot of Greed and Jar of Greed.

Yeah. I think I’ll do that. DB1 I’m coming for you.


Use a ‘Reprint token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Dark Beginning 1’
[Yes] [No]




So… Is this the best case scenario? Both Upstart and a Jar in the first pack. Kind of glad I changed sets now. 

I’ll process the Upstart and Jar at the end, so let’s keep going.




The Exodia legs might be unnecessary repeats, but the Monster Reborn most certainly is not. I mean, it is a repeat, but I do want it. I can never have enough of them.


Next pack.




… well, there is always the next pack. Until I run out of tokens.




Magician of Faith is actually nice. It’s basically a Spell Reproduction in monster form. And it has no cost.


One more reprint. Go.




Second, well actually it is now my third, Upstart Goblin. And a Man-Eater Bug. I could probably set Man-Eater Bug onto myself and use it as a defensive measure, but let’s not. It will definitely end with someone getting eaten. And it won’t be just deez nuts.



Now for the regular tokens. Normie tokens. And because I didn’t get any Emblems from the reprints, Magician’s Force it is.

Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Magician's Force’
[Yes] [No]




Second pack got the Emblem. Also Breaker the Magical Warrior. Now I just need 2 more copies of Emblem.




An ultra rare followed by a secret rare? That’s super nice. Also, second (well, the third) Emblem. There is also the White Dragon Ritual. With it, I can use Senju or Manju to get copies of Paladin of White Dragon. And Paladin can tribute itself for Blue-Eyes.




And more Emblems. This is now my fourth, so I can max out one Lighten the Load every day. But as I have two Lighten the Loads, I should go for more Emblems. And Dark Paladin as well.




Another Spell Shield. Nice. One for me and one for Alice. I guess I could also install it for magic resistance most likely, but installing Magic Reflector would probably do the same and I can’t set Magic Reflector.

Also, Kiryu is actually nice. A union dragon. I could potentially use it as a dragon I ride around and it might be better for it than some of my other ones. Or I could give it to Alice at some point. It is dark attribute.




Another Kiryu, Emblem and Poison of the Old Man. And more cats as well.




Spell Canceller. Nice. I should find out if I can install it into my equipment or something. A permanent protection from magic sounds nice. But then again, that is what I thought I was going to do with all the Lunatites I have.

Well, I’ll come up with something. Maybe.




Oh, oh, oh. I know what I’m using on today’s hunt. I also have an extra LOB Dark Magician to use as material. And for some reason the Buster Blader isn’t really a problem.

I wonder if using a red robed Dark Magician means that the Dark Paladin will have red armor? Would be interesting.


Well, I have four more tokens before I deal with all the sleeves and stuff, so let’s keep going.






What is with my ultra rare luck today? I got another one. I know XY-Dragon Cannon is just a worse XYZ-Dragon Cannon, but I’ll take it. Also another Emblem. That’s the fifth today.


Two more to go.




And two more emblems. Now I have a total of 8 and that is enough to max out both of my Lighten the Loads.


But now I have a problem. I need toploaders for 7 Emblems, 2 Upstart Goblins, one Jar of Greed, one Dark Paladin, two Spell Shield Type-8s, one Lighten the Load, one Monster Reborn. Even the XYZ-Dragon Cannon could use one, but that can wait.

But that is still 15 toploaders and at 25 cards a piece, that is 375 cards I have to sacrifice.

I guess if I optimize it, I can just sleeve three more copies of Emblem and Lighten the Load. With that, I’ll get 4 more pack tokens. The Jar will have to get one as well.


(Well, Laura if you would.) I asked Laura to choose sacrifices for the sleeves and toploaders.

(This will take a second. You should do your morning business in the meanwhile.) Laura responded.



5x Anti-Spell, 3x Dark Cat with White Tail, 4x Dark Scorpion - Cliff the Trap Remover, 3x Decayed Commander, 7x Demotion, 2x Des Dendle, 6x Disarmament, 3x Dramatic Rescue, Exhausting Spell, 4x Formation Union, 5x Frontline Base, 5x Gather Your Mind, 3x Jar Robber, 2x Kaiser Colosseum, 3x Kishido Spirit, 7x Magical Merchant, 2x Magical Plant Mandragola, 4x Magical Scientist, 6x Metalsilver Armor, 2x Meteorain, 3x My Body as a Shield, 2x Neko Mane King, 3x Old Vindictive Magician, 3x Oppressed People, 4x People Running About, 3x Pitch-Black Power Stone, 3x Roulette Barrel, 2x Second Goblin, 2x Thunder of Ruler, 4x Union Rider, United Resistance, 3x Zombie Tiger, Ameba, 2x Aqua Madoor, 2x Armored Zombie, 2x Attack and Receive, 3x Backup Soldier, 2x Bombardment Beetle, 2x Celtic Guardian, 2x Dark King of the Abyss, 4x DNA Surgery, 4x Dragon Capture Jar, 3x Feral Imp, 2x Final Destiny, 2x Flash Assailant, 3x Ground Collapse, 2x Hitotsu-Me Giant, 2x Infinite Dismissal, 3x Jam Breeding Machine, 4x Jinzo #7, 3x Karate Man, 2x Kojikocy, 4x Left Leg of the Forbidden One1[Yes, Brian did keep 1], 2x Light of Intervention, 3x Mammoth Graveyard, Mask of Dispel, 3x Mask of Restrict, Mask of Brutality, 4x Mask of Weakness, 3x Petit Moth, 2x Right Arm of the Forbidden One, 2x Right Leg of the Forbidden One2[again, he kept one of each], 4x Shadow of Eyes, Shift, 2x Shining Abyss, Silver Fang, 2x Skull Invitation, 5x Spirit of the Breeze


(I chose an initial 200 monsters, Master. With this, we can get toploaders for 3 Emblems, 2 Upstart Goblins, 1 Lighten the Load, 1 Dark Paladin and Jar of Greed.) Laura said. (I will recheck after the four pack tokens from Lighten the Load and the reprint token from Jar of Greed. And Master does have enough level 7 monsters for the second Lighten the Load even without the other Emblems.)

(I see. Thanks. I approve. Make the trade and apply the toploaders, please.) I gave the permission.


Now then, let’s activate these things. Let’s just start with the Upstart Goblins.

My total for the three Upstarts was 6 small silver, 2 large silver and 7 gold.

Then I activated the 4 toploader copies of Emblem of Dragon Destroyer. With that, I now had four more copies of Buster Blader, but not for long.

I activated Lighten the Load to trade in my my new Buster Bladers and gained four more pack tokens with it.

Then I activated the Jar of Greed, allowing my skill to consume it, increasing the number of daily reprint tokens I have from 5 to 6. I also gained one reprint token while I did it, so now I have 4 pack tokens and one reprint, so let’s use them.



At least my choice of reprint set is easy. Dark Beginning 1 all the way.




Well, nothing amazing here. Spellbinding Circle is nice, but the others are just useless repeats. Hmm. Actually, St. Joan is a level 7 so it can be used with Lighten the Load.

Well anyway, let’s do the normal packs and honestly, because I don’t want to make a sleeve for any more cards today, I’ll open up 4 packs of Legend of Blue-Eyes and I will get nothing good. Do you hear me world, I said I will get nothing good. That means no Monster Reborns, no Pot of Greeds and no Blue-Eyes White Dragons.




LOB. I thought we had a deal. No super rares. Well, I guess the deal was no cards I want to sleeve and I don’t really want to sleeve up a Dark Hole, so… I guess you did keep up your end of the bargain.



Knock, knock

“Come in.” I said after hearing a knock at the door.

A maid came in to the room and said: “Good morning, Sir Brian. I see you are already awake. Breakfast will be served soon. Do you need more time or may I escort you there now?”

“Is Alice ready?” I asked the maid. I could go by myself, but I think Alice would like it if I waited for her.

“Not quite.” The maid answered.

“Then I’ll wait for her.” I told the maid.

“As you wish.” The maid said and left my room.


I used these few minutes making sure I would stay safe on today’s hunt by setting a few cards onto myself. In total, three cards. 

Nutrient Z was an easy choice. It would instantly give me 4000 more HP, if I was about to receive an attack that had an original power of more than 2000. Laura explained that original power means the power before my defense is factored in. And as the effect could allow me to go above my normal HP limit, gaining something called “overhealth”, the effect would not be wasted, even if I was at max HP.

Overhealth is a phenomenon where someone is healed for more than their max HP. It results in them temporarily having more HP than they can hold. The excess HP will quickly disappear at a rate of 1-10 HP per second, depending on how much over you are. The most common place to see it is with low level people drinking HP potions.

The second card I set on myself was Sakuretsu Armor. I was honestly a bit scared of using it, as it will likely kill someone, but Laura said I could set the activation condition so that it would only work against monsters. And that is what I did. I also added in a clause that prevented it from activating unless Threatening Roar had already activated.

The last card I set was Draining Shield. I really wasn’t sure if I want to set it, as I don’t have sleeves at the moment, but I do have two copies of it, so I can lose one if it keeps me safe.

With the activation condition of protecting me from any attack in case none of my other set cards do, Draining Shield was set and ready to go.

None of these set cards had a toploader, so they would be lost if they activated, but better that than death.



“Brian. Good morning.” Alice said as we met in the hallway. The maid that greeted me earlier had come to get me again and was now leading the two of us towards the dining room. I could have made the trip on my own with Laura, but I don’t mind this.

“Good morning. Did you sleep well?” I asked her.

“Yes. I’m rested and ready to go.” Alice responded.

“Good. I was honestly a bit worried that you would be overly excited and stay up the entire night.” I told her.

“I’m not a little kid.” Alice said, pouting a little.



But as soon as we made it to the dining room, I knew my worries were correct. I just directed them at the wrong person.

“Big sis Paulina. Are you alright?” Even Alice noticed it.

Paulina looked like she hadn’t slept at all. It wasn’t as bad as some of my friends during finals, but nearly there.

“Oh. Alice. Yes. Of course I am. My research just ran a bit late.” Paulina said.

“You shouldn’t sacrifice sleep for that.” I told her. I know I sometimes do it before exams, but I always made sure to get a good night's sleep the night before the exam. Any other night was fair game though. “What were you researching anyway?” 

“I was looking into some of the legends about the hero’s party. Mainly, the exp potion and the skill orb.” Paulina said. “I believe your cards have some similar uses, so I wanted to check out how the skill orbs and exp potions worked.”


Oh? Some interesting sounding items. An orb that gives a skill. I wonder if you have to eat it for the effect or do you just pass mana through it. And can you use one orb multiple times.

An exp potion is a little more straightforward. Probably. Drink it to gain exp.

… but then there is that personal exp problem that made Dark Magician basically untouchable while it was holding my experience for me. How does the potion get around that problem? Is there some universal form of exp? 

I guess my card gets around that problem as well, but it also doesn’t seem to have anything to do with experience, as it leveled up Alice by two levels and me by two levels. If it had something to do with exp, it should have less of an effect on me than Alice, as I’m higher level.


“I see. Did you find out something?” I asked.

“Not really. The legends say that the first Great Sage could make skill orbs and the first Saint could produce exp potions, but the manufacturing methods are not referred to at all. The book does say both can be gotten from a dungeon that the hero founded, but nothing else.” Paulina said.

“What about the effectiveness?” I asked. “Can multiple people use a single skill orb? And how much exp is in an exp potion?”

“Sorry, but the book didn’t say.” Paulina answered. “I can look into it more if you’d like.”

“Nah. It’s fine. I was just a bit interested. Taking care of yourself is more important.” I said to Paulina.



“I heard you were going out.” The earl said during breakfast.

Angelina, Mateo and Jonathan weren’t present for breakfast, as they eat it at their own house. I guess two free meals a day is more than enough.

Well then again, I’ve only ever paid for one meal while living in this world. When I went to the Boar’s lounge with Alice. And the travel rations. And dinner and breakfast at the adventurer's guild. Well, there are a few cases where I did pay for my meals. But most of them have still been given to me for free.

“Yes. We are going to hunt some monsters.” I responded.

“I see. Please, take this.” The earl said, handing me a medal.


I received it and took a look at it. It had a detailed carving of a lumberjack chopping down a tree. The medal seems to be made of mithril, so it has to be important. I don’t think they would make it out of mithril if it wasn’t.

“And this is?” I asked.

“Our family medal. We give it to people who are supported by the family.” The earl said. “Well, the normal ones actually aren’t mithril like that one, but gold, silver or copper, depending on how much support we give them. The only one that carries a mithril one is my son. Having that medal means you are allowed to use my name on the same level as him. The next lord.” The earl explained.

… isn’t that a little overkill? I know this technically still falls within the “treat me as family” clause if his son does have one, but it is a bit much.

“You can also use it as a pass for the noble’s gate. That way you won’t have to wait in line.” The earl added.


Oh? That’s nice. I might get some looks from other adventurers, but who cares. Useful tool is useful. Even if it is just a glorified toll pass.

“Thank you.” I said to the earl.

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