Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.161 Receiving Thank You Gifts

After dinner, the villagers began giving me gifts. Anything from small wooden idols to a shortsword.  Everyone brought something.

For my personal favorites were a shortsword made from blood iron, a material made by using blood magic while smithing. A bead necklace made from blood red stones. Well, that I really liked more because it was apparently handmade by Anika, the young dhampir girl. I’m not a pedo, OK. I just appreciate the effort she must have put into collecting this many red stones and putting them together in a necklace like this. I might wear it whenever I go into dhampir villages.

Then there were a few bottles of the nectar from the blood lilies. I don’t think I’ll ever use it, but I did appreciate receiving it. After all, I can just make healing potions with my cards. I actually asked if I could have some seeds for the flowers (if they had any) and told them that I would like to have some growing in my garden if I ever buy a house. After all, my vampires should be able to grow them with their blood magic. Rosemary, the old dhampir lady and the village chief, sent a few dhampirs to get me some and I got a small bag with seeds in it. They did warn me that the seeds might go bad if I don’t plant them for some time, so I shouldn’t keep them for too long. But as I could analyze them and remake them with the dungeon later, that wasn’t a major problem. I did also analyze everything else they were giving me, just in case some of it is useful.


Then there was my favorite gift. And it came from Ria. No, it is not my favorite because it came from Ria.

It was the hide of the crimson boa. Considering that the monster is called crimson boa, I was expecting it to be red, but it was white with red streaks making a geometric pattern on it.

And it was huge. Considering the size of the hide, the snake must have been over 15 meters long and over 60 cm in diameter. 

But the reason I was so happy to receive this thing was what I could do with it. I need new equipment and this hide should be perfect for making some of it. I think. And while having a white and red equipment might not be the stealthiest thing in the world, it will look amazing. And that is all that matters. A Kaiba style overcoat made from a white snakeskin that has red stripes will look amazing. Not quite dragon hide, but snake is close enough for now.


“Are you sure I can have this?” I asked Ria.

“Yes. It is my prepayment.” Ria answered.

“Prepayment for what?” I asked.

“For helping me get deemed as stable.” Ria answered.

“I see. But I thought becoming my slave was the payment for that.” I said.

“But what belongs to the slave belongs to the master.” Ria said.

“I see. Thank you, Ria. I’ll accept it and I’ll be sure to make something amazing from it.”



While I was receiving gifts, Laura notified me that Christina had responded to the message that I sent her this morning. I read it after I received all the gifts and had a bit of time.

In short, she said that the dungeon was under control. Diamond Sword were going to go there in the next few days, so the difficulty of the dungeon could be properly assessed. And as it would be good for the dungeon to be on the full side when the difficulty is determined, she asked me to let it be. 

She also thanked me for taking care of Alice and for the toploaders.

Well, at least I don’t have to worry about the dungeon. I did promise to take Alice there, but with Level Ups, I don’t really need to. Still might do it though. 

If Ria really will become my slave, getting a magic fanny pack for her might be a good idea. And I might even use the dungeon to make a weapon for her. Well, I first need to find out her fighting style. She probably could use a magic flask as well.

Perhaps I’ll make her some equipment from the snake hide as well. After all, she is the one that hunted it, so she should also get something from it.



After the party was over, but before I went to bed, I was taken to the side by Agatha. She apparently had something she needed to tell me.


“If you are serious about taking Ria in as a slave and helping her get approved as stable, I guess I should explain a bit about the process to you.” She said.

“Yeah. That would be a great help.” I said.

“Good. Then I’ll quickly go over the major points. Ria knows the process herself as well, so she can keep you informed as you go along.” Agatha began.” First, you will have to get approval for the process. This is basically to show that the controller, in this case you, can subdue the dhampir in case they go wild. The ease at which you can do that does affect the score going forward, so you want to really show how easy it is for you to hold down Ria.

The second part is what takes a bit longer of a time. You have to live with the dhampir in question for at least a month, recording everything. Where you go, who you meet, what kinds of triggers you encounter. And of course, any incidents or potential incidents. The less you have, the better the chance of getting approved. But if you have no encounters with anyone and just keep the dhampir locked up somewhere, they will just fail you. They want you to live a normal life, not to shut into your house for a month.

Third will be the tests. There are three in total. One is on the first day, as you get approval to begin the process. Second is after two weeks and the third is after a month. The first test isn’t too bad, but the two others are designed to push a dhampir into a blood frenzy. They are no joke. If Ria completely loses control, she will be brought back here as quickly as possible.

But as long as you can keep her in check and she only has a few minor incidents, she will get the permission to keep living outside. 

Well, that is under normal circumstances, but Ria is a bit different. She tried to do the process with me a few years ago and failed in the first week, so the examiner will be extra hard on her. And now she is powerful enough where I can’t even hold her down by myself, so we couldn’t even retry it.”


… holy. It sounds simple, but that was a lot. Dhampirs have it difficult. Well, I guess approving a blood sucking monster, that looks basically human, to walk around towns is not that easy.


“Don’t worry if you don’t remember all of that right now. I’ll help you as you go through it. I’m sure at least some of the villagers will want to go through with the process now as well.” Agatha said.

“Yeah. We need more examiners when all of them will be all like: I’m stable. Let me leave this village.” I joked.



Before going to sleep, there is one thing I want to do. Well, two things. But they are both about the same thing. Level Up! Yes, the spell card. Why does it have an ! mark in it? Just making things more difficult. It’s like ‘Cyberdark Impact’ vs. ‘Cyberdark Impact!’ 1 ‘Cyberdark Impact’ is a set, whereas ‘Cyberdark Impact!’ is a spell card. 2And ‘Cyberdark Impact!’ didn’t even come out in ‘Cyberdark Impact’.



But anyway, as I only have two Level Ups at the moment, I wanted a few more. You know, so I can give two to Lua. And still have two for myself.

And as I have pack tokens, I can just open up some Soul of the Duelist for more copies.

(I could do it for you, Master.) Laura offered.

(I know. You can pull some packs when I sleep, but I still want to do a few myself.) I said.

(Does that mean I may restart the pack token production?) Laura asked.

(Yeah. You can do that. But keep it to just four hours per night. I don’t want you to overwork the Guardians.) I told her.


Well anyway. Let’s get a few more Level Ups so I can use them before I sleep.


Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Soul of the Duelist’
[Yes] [No]


Yeah. I want to do it.




Well, no Level Up! But I did get Hade-Hane and it has an effect to return monsters to the hands. I might be able to use it with Vampire's Domain instead of using Compulsory Evacuation Device. And now that I saw that, isn’t Hane-Hane a thing? 

(Yes it is. And it is a rare in LOB. I did sacrifice some of them for sleeves, but you still have 24 of them in the collection.) Laura said.

(Well, I guess we should make the vampire room then.) I said. (Just because we can.)

(I can do it while you sleep.) Laura said.

(... I kind of want to do it myself, if the vampire’s don’t mind a little wait.) I said. I haven’t played the town building simulator, that is my new unique skill after all. 

(I think they might be willing to wait a day or two.) Laura said.


Well anyway, I got sidetracked. Back to getting Level Ups.




Six packs for a Level Up, huh. Well, at least I got one before I got to ten. I was honestly a bit scared. Also, two more copies of Master of Oz. I now have four in total, just in case I want to summon four giant kangaroo koala hybrids.

But I still want at least one more Level Up, so I can give two to Lua, so let’s keep going.




Oh. An UR Mystic Swordsman LV4. Nice. Sadly, the LV2 is the one that starts the evolution process. But I guess I might be able to do it with the LV4 as well. At least it is good to have for collection reasons. Complete collection needs the UR cards.




And there is the second Level Up! And a Master of Oz. Because four of them just isn’t enough. 

I don’t really need to open more packs at the moment, but let’s do two more. Laura can do the rest.




Kind of glad I did. I got the LV2 Mystic Swordsman. Now I can evolve it all the way to LV6. I can probably use some Ojama tokens as targets for it to destroy.

Also, more Level Ups is good. 

But still, one more pack.




And one more Level Up for good measure. I was a bit worried as I didn’t get any in the first five packs, but the second five definitely made up for that.

Well, let’s throw some toploaders onto these Level Ups and go see Lua.



I got out of the room I was going to sleep in. The room that was given to me was one designed for adventurers that come here, as it is the sturdiest room in the village. Just so they can sleep in peace, without having to worry about a random dhampir snacking on them in the middle of the night.

There was still some partying going on outside, even though some had already gone home and were probably asleep by now.


I looked around but couldn’t see Lua anywhere, so I decided to contact her with the system link.

(Lua, there is something I’d like to discuss before bed. Where are you?) I asked.

(Brian, I was getting ready to go to bed, but I can come back out there, if you want.) Lua said back.

(Lua, no. This is somewhat of a private matter. You know how my cards are.) 

(Brian, are you going to break my sense of reality, again?)

(Lua, I just might. I’m not doing anything that the hero’s party couldn’t do though.) 

(Brian, fine. Do you want me to come to your room? Or will you come here?) 

(Lua, I can come there. Send the info over to Laura, please.)

(As you wish.) I heard the voice of Lua’s mother, well Lua’s System Support say.


I then followed Laura’s instructions to a room in the same building.

I did get a few looks from the partying dhampirs, but I paid it no mind.

{Knock, knock.}

“Come in.” I heard Lua respond after I knocked.

I entered the room.


Lua was clearly ready to go to bed. She had on some lighter clothing and then she had thrown her hoodie on top of that. At least she wasn’t just in some night clothing. I think I would stare too much if she was. While she didn’t reach Laura’s level of beauty, she is the number two in my books.


“So, how did you want to break my sense of reality?” Lua asked.

“Oh it’s nothing that bad. Just an exp card.” I told her.

“Exp card? Like an exp potion?” Lua asked.

“Well kind of. More of a level up card.” I said. “It just levels you up and doesn’t care about your level, so I don’t think calling it exp is exactly correct.”

“... why do I even try to comprehend you?”

“No clue. Just accept that I do what I do and move on. No need to worry about it.” I said. “Oh, it can also level up your skills.” I added.

“... because why not, right?”

“Yeah. Because why not. Anything with a level is fair game.”

“Haaa. Fine. Because it helps, I’ll accept it.” Lua said.


I took out two copies of Level Up. 

“I’ll use one on your overall level and one on your skill. Does that sound fine?” 

“Yes. Thank you.” 

“Then I’ll do your overall level first. I want to level up Lua, Level Up.” I said to activate the card. The card then lost its color, indicating that it activated successfully.


“... it worked? My level increased.” Lua said.

“Why are you surprised by that? I told you it would work.”

“Well, this isn’t normal.”

“Maybe not, but what you gonna do? So what skill do you want leveled up?”

“Is any skill fine?” 

“Well, it doesn't work on unique skills or Card Summoner, but anything else should be fine.”

“Even a racial skill?” 

“I’m not sure. I’ve never tried a racial skill.” I admitted.

“Then would you increase my blood magic, please.” 

“Sure. I want to increase the level of Lua’s blood magic, Level Up.”


I looked at the card in my hand. It didn’t activate. Why?

(You have an incorrect target.) I heard Lua’s System Support in my head. (Mistress does not have the skill Blood Magic but True Blood Magic.)

“Oh. Well, let’s try that again then. I want to increase the level of Lua’s True Blood Magic, Level Up.” 

This time, the card activated just fine.

“It really did increase my skill level…” Lua said.

“I told you, didn’t I?”

“I know you did, but this shouldn’t be possible.”

“Perhaps. But it is, so… Well, I’m going to go to bed. Here, you can have these two. They will be usable again tomorrow evening. You probably want to use only one on your overall level, so as to not get any level up sickness.” I told Lua as I handed her the two Level Ups.

“Thank you, Brian. Good night.” Lua said.


I returned to my room and locked the door. 

I used two copies of Level Up! on myself. One on my overall level and one on Mana Control, as is tradition. My mana control is now LV5, so perhaps I should level up something else next. Like telekinesis. I was slightly tempted to use a third Level Up! on myself to increase my telekinesis level, but I can’t be sick tomorrow, so let’s not.

I changed into my PJs and went to bed.



A small little pack opening in the chapter. I added it as it fit the story and I just felt like adding one.

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