Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.162 Factory Building Simulator

(Good morning, Brian.) I heard Laura’s voice in my head.

She called me by my name. No master or anything. I like that.

(I can do it if you’d like.) Laura offered.

(Hmm. I do like it. I kind of like ‘Master’ as well, but it does feel a bit like roleplay.) I answered honestly. (Give me a report about your nightly operation.) I was refering to Laura trying to complete some sets like I asked her to.

(Of course. I was able to get one of each card from Metal Raiders. There are still some lacking for the three of everything, but at least we have one of everything.

After I got to one of everything, I moved to the set Magic Ruler. I was able to get one of all cards, except The Forceful Sentry, Toon Summoned Skull and Serpent Night Dragon.) Laura informed me.

(Oh. Nice. A complete set is good, even if it isn’t three of everything.) I complimented Laura. (I wonder if there is a way I can get the ultra and secret rares easier?)

(There might be. We could try Different Dimension Capsule.) Laura said.


(Hmm. It does normally search out any card from the deck, so it might work. I guess we could just try.) I said. (Let’s jump into DDF1 Different Dimension Factory real quick and try it out.)

As I decided that, I closed my eyes and went into my skill.



“Good morning, dear.” Laura said to me as I materialized in the skill.

“Good morning.” I said back as I hugged her. Good morning hugs from Laura are great.


I turned to look at the hallway, half expecting the same greeting as I got yesterday, but actually not. At least they listened when I said it wasn't necessary. Few of the humanoid summons were still there. Black Luster Soldier, St. Joan and Vampire Lord, to be precise.

“Good morning to you all as well.” I said to the three. “Is there something you need?” 

“Good morning, Master. I have a report concerning a few monsters that had to be removed from this space.” Black Luster Soldier was the first to speak. “Gogiga Gagagigo had to be completely banished from here, as he was fighting with everyone and everything. And we limited Archfiends to a room of their own, so they wouldn’t cause any more trouble.” He explained.


“I see. Thank you for the good work. Anything I need to worry about?” I asked.

“No. I just believe we should keep you informed, Master.” BLS said.


“Thank you for the info. Now then, who is next?” I asked the two still waiting.

“May I?” St. Joan asked.

“I can wait.” Vampire Lord said, so St. Joan went first.

“The fairies have been asking for The Sanctuary in the Sky to be installed into a room, but Lady Laura said we would have to ask you so I came to you to ask for approval.” St. Joan said.

Eh? The Sanctuary in the Sky? The field spell for fairies?


I checked my collection and I did have one of it. Why did Laura not approve it? She did approve using A Legendary Ocean for the ocean room.

“Laura? Why not just approve it?” I asked.

“You only have one copy of The Sanctuary in the Sky. And as it is a Super Rare, I wanted to ask for your permission to use it.” Laura explained.

“I see. Well, I guess I understand your reasoning. But I think we can use it. I don’t have that big of a need for one and I’ll get another one at some point. Let’s install it before we do the test I came here for.” I said. “And you, Vampire Lord, what did you need? Actually, are you Genesis Vampire Lord?”

“Yes. I am indeed on Genesis Vampire Lord. I came to ask you to build the Vampire Kingdom as soon as possible.” He said.

“Oh yeah. That as well. I’ll do that while I’m here as well. Laura, make sure we have Hane-Hane and Hade-Hane available, so we can test the ‘return to hand’ theory with Vampire's Domain.” 

“Of course, dear.” 

“Let’s take care of The Sanctuary in the Sky first. We need an empty room. There are still some, right?”



Laura led me to an empty room and before I even realized, a bunch of fairy-type monsters had come into the hallway area and were following us into the room.

Among them were two monsters I actually wanted to talk to, but let’s install this card first.

I took The Sanctuary in the Sky out of collection and held it in my hand.

“Laura, do I just install it into the ground or into the air?” I asked.

“Either will work. Technically you are installing it into this room.” She answered.

“Oh. Okay then. Install.” I said to begin the process. 


As I watched, the ground below my feet turned into clouds that I could stand on. Then, a mountain top with a large sanctuary built on it pierced the clouds and established itself as the main feature of the room.

“... wow. I didn’t expect that.” I said as I looked at the large sanctuary that had come into being in mere moments. Now I wish I had Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen so I could add it here as well.


The fairies that came with us seemed super excited and flew or ran or otherwise moved to inspect their new room.

“Manju, Senju. I need to talk to you two, so don’t run off.” I said to two of the fairies.

It is interesting calling those two fairies, as Senju is more of a statue and Manju looks like it should be a fiend.


“Yes, Master?” Manju stopped and said.

“WHAT. IS. IT. MASTER?” Senju also turned to me. Her machine-like voice is still a bit creepy.

“Can you two use your power to make Ritual monsters and Ritual spells in this space?” I asked them.

“YES. UP. TO. ONCE. PER. DAY.” Senju answered.

“Oh. Nice. Then I have a request. Senju, make me another Paladin of White Dragon, here is the ritual spell.” I ordered Senju of the Thousand Hands as I handed her a copy of White Dragon Ritual. “And Manju, please make me Shinato, King of a Higher Plane. Here is the ritual spell.” I said to Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands as I handed him Shinato's Ark.



“AS. YOU. WISH. MASTER.” Senju answered.

“It shall be done, Master.” Manju said.

“Thanks, you two. Please give the cards to either Laura or St. Joan when you are done.” I said as I turned to leave the room. Walking on clouds just feels wrong.



Now, let’s do the vampire room and then I can test if the Different Dimension Capsule works.

We entered another empty room and I got to work. 


First off, Vampire Kingdom.



After I said that, the card in my hand vanished and the room began to change. A small hill rose and on top of it, a castle. The sky came to be, before darkening to a night with a crimson moon giving light to the castle. The castle wasn’t huge or anything, but decently sized, but bathed in the red light of the crimson moon, it looked extremely imposing.

I looked around, expecting to see the rest of the city that is depicted on the card, but there was nothing. Just the castle on a hill.

“Well, I was expecting a little more.”

“The room is already full. There is no space for the city.” Laura said.

“Ah. I see. I guess it would be like that.” I said. “How large are these rooms in the first place?” 

“Just under 1 km².” Laura said. “0.81 km² to be precise.”

“So 900 m x 900 m, right?” I confirmed.2 0.55 miles x 2952 feet. About 200 acres or 0.312 mi² 3 Also, a reminder that the room at the end with the large garage door is larger than the side rooms.


“Well, at least there is a lot of space around the castle. Too sad I didn’t get a city from the card as well.” I said.

“I believe the size of these rooms will grow if Different Dimension Factory levels up.” Laura said.

“Yeah. I could see that. But will it make the buildings that should have been made by the install? Well, I guess we will see as the skill levels up.”



“Master, thank you for this room.” Genesis Vampire Lord said.

“Yeah, no problem. Anything else you needed?” I asked.

“Yes. Would you please summon Vampire Sucker and Vampire Fascinator. They cannot manifest in this space unless you do.” He asked.

“Oh. They can’t? I didn’t know that. Can I just summon them here or do I need to do it outside?”

“I believe doing it outside will be better.” Laura said. “You can summon them here, but it won’t fulfill their requirement for the outside summons, so you would have to do it again outside the skill.”

“Did you test it?” I asked Laura.

“I tried out fusion summoning.” Laura said. “While I was able to summon the fusion monsters into this space, but it didn’t color the sleeve on the card and it didn’t count towards the fusion challenge. So I believe it would be better if you summon them outside first.”

“Oh. I see. I was actually wondering about the fusion thing. Now that we have tons of pack tokens, I really should go ahead and turbo both the fusion and ritual challenge as far as I can. I might get some nice cards from it. And if I could do it in here, I wouldn’t need to find some secluded place to do it in.” 

Well, too bad ones done in DDF don’t count, so I’ll have to do it outside.


“Now then, let’s try the Vampire's Domain. Should I install it? Or just activate it?” I wondered aloud. I only have one copy, so if the install doesn’t work, I would lose it. But if it can be installed, it would be a waste not to install it.


“We should just activate it first.” Laura said. “We also need to check if returning a monster to the hand does return it to the collection.”

“Oh yeah. That part. Sure. I’ll try it out.” I said. I then got out Vampire’s Domain and put a sleeve and a toploader on it. “Do we have a Hane-Hane here?”

“No. You should summon one first.” Laura said.

“And here I thought I asked you to get one ready. Well, I guess I’ll just do everything.” I said.

“Except everything I do.”

“I know. Well anyway. Hane-Hane.” I said to summon the monster.


… I’m not quite sure how to describe Hane-Hane. I guess a beast with a big nose and a giant axe. 

He looked at me and let out some sort of ‘Hngh’ cry. Is that how he speaks?


Well, anyway. Let’s get back on track.

“Vampire's Domain.” I said to activate the card.

After I did, the sky in the room was filled with crimson, as if the crimson moon was taking over the entire night sky.

I looked on in awe, as a system screen appeared before me.


Pay 500 HP to summon a random ‘Vampire’ card?
[Yes] [No]


… so it should work. I double checked my HP, just in case Health Conscious doesn’t negate this damage. But as I was at my max HP of 1080, I should be fine even if Health Conscious doesn’t work on this damage.

I pressed yes. I was somewhat expecting a feeling of my HP being drained, but it never came. Thank you Health Conscious. I’m sorry I ever doubted you.

I felt as a card formed into my right hand. And at the same time, a card appeared on the ground in front of me, indicating that the summoning process was happening. And from it, rose a small vampire. 

I looked at the card in my hand. Vampire Baby. Not quite the vampire I was hoping for, but I didn’t get it from the dhampir mission, so this should be fine.



“Oh. A child. I shall take care of him.” Genesis Vampire Lord said as he took Vampire Baby into his arms. I guess he likes young vampires. He did also have a positive reaction to the two children in the village.

“You can hold him, but I still need to do a test.” I said to him. “Hane-Hane, please return this card into my hand.” I said to my other summon while shoving him the Vampire Baby in my right hand.

Hane-Hane nodded with a little “Hgh” and his large nose began to glow. The glow then made a beam that stuck the card and the card disappeared from my hand. And as it did, the Vampire Baby that was in Genesis Vampire Lord's arms also vanished.


“MASTER! What did you do? Where did the child go?!” Genesis Vampire Lord yelled at me.

“Hopefully to a place where he won’t disappear after two hours.” I said as I opened my collection.

I searched for Vampire cards and found Vampire Baby safely in my collection. I pulled it out and it looked like any other card. I then got out a sleeve and a toploader for it, and placed them on the card.

“Vampire Baby.” I said to resummon the monster.

Again, a card appeared on the ground and the small vampire rose from it again.

“See. He is fine.” I said to Genesis Vampire Lord.

“... I apologize. I should never have doubted you, Master.” He said as he kneeled before me.

“No. I understand. You were worried and that is fine.” I said. “Please take care of the Vampire Baby from now on.”

“I will. And I won’t have to do it alone.” Genesis Vampire Lord responded.


And as he did, six humanoid forms came into existence behind him. Vampire Ghost, Grace, Lady, Sorcerer, Vamp and Voivode. All of the vampires I had gotten as a reward for curing the village. 

But the interesting part was how they formed. They didn’t rise up from their cards, but instead just came to be on their own. It might be similar to what happens when I do it, but I’m not sure as I’ve never seen how it looks.


“Master, thank you for giving us this kingdom.” Genesis Vampire Lord then said.

“Don’t thank me. You are the one that cured the dhampir village. That is why I could do this. This is something you did.” I said back. Sure, I might be the summoner, but I’ll still give full credit to my wonderful summons for the things they do. “I hope you will be willing to do it again, when I visit another dhampir village.” I added.

“Yes. We all shall do as you wish, for today and forever.” Genesis Vampire Lord said.


As I was about to walk out of the room, I realized I need to figure out what to do with the Vampire Baby card. If I put it back into the collection, will Vampire Baby get unsummed? Or will it stay here just fine?

Let’s just try. If the baby disappears, I’ll just give the card to Genesis Vampire Lord and hope he can summon the baby in the future.

I took Vampire Baby’s card from my duel disk and shoved it back into the collection. I was half expecting the baby to disappear, but he stayed in the arms of Genesis Vampire Lord. I then deactivated Vampire's Domain and put it back into the collection as well.

I should probably test if Genesis Vampire Lord can activate that card. I think there is a chance he can, considering that his effect text says he can create vampires. If he can use it, I can leave making new Vampire cards to him.

Well, that can wait for another day. I still have one more experiment to run before breakfast.



So, I think I should name Genesis Vampire Lord. I just feel like his ‘name’ is too long. And as we will be seeing him in the future, I think he needs a name. I know he, well Vampire Lord and Vampire Genesis are based on Count Dracula, so I could just name him Dracula, but that is a bit basic. So if any of you have good suggestions for his name, please leave them in the comments. If I get multiple good ones, I might make a vote on the next chapter to pick his name.


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