Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.28 Analyze everything (or some things)

Since it's still going to be a while until we are back in town, I decided to speak with Laura for a second. 

(Laura, are there other functions for the founders terminal than just combat mode?) I ask her. I need to know so I can act as a good founder.

(It can be used to remotely manage everything about the dungeon, and it can remotely use the dungeon’s creation abilities.) Laura told me. (It can also be used to analyze items, so that the dungeon can make them in the future. Only the dungeon's founder can teach a dungeon new items and produce items remotely.)

(Can I use the terminal to get more points then?) I ask.

(Yes you can, Master.) 

(And can I analyze a card and make more with the dungeon?) 

(Unknown. No one has ever done it, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done.) Laura tells me.

(Well, let’s try it. How do I do it?) I ask her.

(Just hold your other hand on the terminal and think ‘management mode’.) Laura tells me.


I guess that makes sense, considering how combat mode was activated. Actually do I even need to hold my other hand over it? Let’s try without first.

Management mode.

Dungeon 22_090 (unnamed)
Core Status: Strong
Miasma Status: Low
Monster Status: None
Founder: Brian Wood
Current Master: None
Generation Points: 60
Generatable Items

(Laura, I don’t see any kind of analysis function in this menu.) I tell Laura. I think she can see it as well, but just in case.

(It does not exist, Master. It is an extra feature. If you place your hand on something and think ‘analyze’ while the management mode is active, analysis will take place.) Laura tell me.

So anything I put my left hand on? I place it on the carriage seat and try to analyze the entire carriage. On the management terminal a scan bar appears. It seems to be moving like a slow download bar.

Error. Analyzed item in motion. Analysis impossible.

So I can’t while we are moving. Well that happens. Let’s try a card. I pull out my Slot machine and try to analyze it. The progress bar appears again.

This takes a while. Why is otherworld downloading so slow?

(Master is not downloading anything. Master is analyzing information. Of course it would take a while. Master’s cards are not a natural part of this world.) Laura tells me.

Well, she is correct. But, it’s a skill I got in this world that let’s me make them. 

A little while later the analysis is completed.

Analysis complete
Monster Card: Slot Machine
Impossible to reproduce
Card Sleeve
Reproduction Possible
Only a dungeon Founder can produce this item

So no to cards, but I can make sleeves with the dungeon. And it seems like only I can use the dungeon to make sleeves. No sleeves for the dungeon master. Let’s check how expensive these sleeves are to make.

Would you like to generate 1 ‘card sleeve’ for 5000 generation points?
[Yes] [No]

5000 points? That’s a lot. By that logic, 1 card is 1000 points right? Well it might be better that I just make sleeves with Pack opener. I could probably analyze my shoes and socks, but let’s do that later.



We make it to the town's gate before dusk. After getting in we split up with Prime Rib.

“We'll see you again, right.” Zayaan said to me before walking off with his team.

“Of course. I won’t skip town without having a drink with you guys.” I tell him. “And didn’t we have plans to play with some summonings tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I guess we did.” Zay answers. “Well, I guess we’ll see you tomorrow.” 

“See you tomorrow.” I say back to him.


The baron is returning to the carriage that Alice is sitting in, but I decided to jump into the other one with Henry. I need more info on the baron’s attitude towards his daughter. 

“Lord Brian, you came to sit with me?” Henry says to me.

“Yes, I was hoping you would answer a few questions.” I tell him.

“Of course I will. Ask away.” 

“I was wondering about the baron's treatment of his daughter. He seems extremely protective of Alice, but at the same time he brought her along to the dungeon. It just doesn’t make sense to me.”

“He is worried because of a prophecy from the time of Alexander Watchman, the founder of this town.” Henry tells me.

“Could you tell me more about this prophecy?” I ask him.

“You heard in the dungeon that the first Watchman took down a lesser behemoth, well it’s not the whole story. He didn’t do it alone.” Henry began telling me. Not that I would expect anyone to be able to solo a lesser behemoth. That would be crazy. …Actually with the right summons, I might be able to do it. But is it really soloed, if I use summons? The world would say yes, because summons are an extension of the summoner, right?

“Alexander Watchman was helped by a female magician that is said to be the first summoner. She called upon mighty monsters that would fight for her. Other than her summoning magic, she was also extremely skilled in divination magic. She is the one who proficised the return of a behemoth onto these plains. And she told of a blond haired female magician who would take it down.” Henry told me.

“Ever since that prophecy became known by the Watchman family, all blond haired females born into the family have been raised up as magicians. Every father always wishes for their daughter to be the one to take down the next behemoth. That could lead to the daughter marrying into any noble family in the country. Even the Royal family.” Henry said.

“And getting a daughter into the Royal family would mean getting into the Royal bloodline, right?” I confirm with Henry.

“Yes, even if she would not be the first queen, being a part of the Royal family would make sure that the children of that magician would go on to marry powerful nobles, both in this country and the neighboring ones.” Henry said.

“And who wouldn’t want the child of a behemoth killer in their bloodline. A magician that killed a behemoth at that.” I don’t actually know if magic is hereditary, but I would assume so. And at the very least a magician is going to be able to teach their children better at magic.

“Alice has been taught to be a magician from a young age and she has fantastic skills for it. Mana control, magic boost, quick cast and fast mana recovery are all in her repertoire, but she doesn’t have an affinity with any attribute. This leaves her unable to actually cast any spells. Her father brought her along to the dungeon, in hopes of her getting an attribute.” Henry told me.

“And she did. Just not really. I don’t think summoning magic with that extra skill counts.” I say back.

“Summoning magic is a non attribute magic, after all. Most summoners still have an attribute they are attuned with.” Henry informs me.

“I see.” 

But, if I install a card like Molten Destruction into Alice, wouldn’t she gain an attribute.

(I believe Master’s theory might be correct.) Laura said to me.

I need to ask her if she wants to try. I did get Gust so if it fails completely I can remove that install.

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