Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.29 Thinking about Attributes

“Is it normal for people to be born without any attribute?” I ask Henry.

“It does happen sometimes.” Henry told me.

“Is there no study or something that would have exact statistics?” I ask him.

“I apologize lord Brian, but I wouldn’t know about something like that. Only scholars and nobility have access to research like that.” He said.

“I see…” That should be expected, but I need answers. (Laura do you know?)

(I have no access to human research, but system information tells that around 8% of people don’t have a sufficient attribute.) Laura told me.

(Do you know why?) I ask.

(It comes down to the attribute of the parents. If the parents have opposing attributes, there is a high chance to have a child with no sufficient attribute.) She told me. But that sounds so obvious. Have people never realized that?

“Henry, do you know the attributes of lord Brandon and lady Christina?” I ask the butler.

“Yes I do. However I’m not allowed to tell personal information of the Lord and lady to anyone.” He said.

“I see. That’s fine. I’ll just have to ask them directly.”

“Does this have something to do with Miss Alice?” He asked me.

“Possibly.” I answered. “System support did give me a theory that would explain why Alice has no attribute.”

“Could you tell me?” Henry asked. “I also wish to see Miss Alice’s work pay off.”

“Nope. You don’t tell me what I ask for and I won’t tell you my theory. And even if I told you, there isn’t anything you could do about it.” I said to him.

“I see. So I am just a powerless butler.” He says.

“Don’t blame yourself for that.” I told him. “I don’t think there are many people in the world that can affect the attributes of people.”

“Does that mean that people who can exist?” He asks.

“I think they should.” I mean I can, but you don’t need to know that yet. “At least I can’t think of a reason you couldn’t do that. It would be difficult most likely, so you would have to have a very high level, most likely.”

“If you do know someone, you need to tell me.” Henry says. “Only her personal maid knows better of the sorrow Miss Alice goes through having to practice magic daily only to never be able to use any. And now with the dungeon idea not paying off, she may very well shut herself in her room.”

“I see.” Now I feel even more bad for her. Overprotective father who doesn’t let her outside and forces her to train magic every day. And she can’t succeed without having an attribute.



As we entered the Watchman grounds I told Henry, “Please don’t tell the baron anything about the talks we had. I would prefer him to not know yet.” 

He did accept to keep it a secret for now, but he was against it. Something about him needing to tell. I was thinking I would have to use the dungeon as a card over him, but luckily he agreed without so for now we are good.

The carriages came to a stop and I got out after Henry. I notice Brandon coming out of the other one after Henry opens the door for him, but it doesn’t seem like Alice is. I really hope the baron didn’t do anything too stupid to Alice after I left them alone. If Alice asks me to kidnap her, I might just have to do it.



At the door, I’m taken away by Nicole. Seems like she is back in service now in the afternoon. Or would this be evening?

“Lord Brian, dinner will be served in a little while. Would you like your bath before or after dinner?” She asks me.

“I’ll take a bath before, thank you.” I told her. While my body is a lot more high speck than before and my clothes resist dirt and grime, I did walk a while today. I would rather feel at least somewhat clean before dinner.

“Of course. I will get it ready.” Nicole said. I don’t know how they do it, but I hope it’s magic. I’m going to say it’s magic.



As we enter the guest room I’m staying in, Nicole makes her way into the bathroom. I can hear the sound of running water.

(Laura, do you know how she is filling up the bathtub?) I ask Laura.

(You could just go and take a look.) Laura told me.

(I think that might make things awkward.) I tell her.

(Fine. She is using a combination of water magic and magic stones installed in the tub.) Laura tells me.

(Why use both?) I ask.

(It’s the fastest way and you cannot make hot water with water magic unless you also have the fire attribute. And as you already seem to know, fire and water are opposite attributes, so having both is extremely rare.) Laura informs me.



“Lord Brian, your bath is ready.” Nicole tells me. 

“Thank you.” I thank her and enter the bathroom. I take off my clothes and enter the bathtub. The warm water feels nice.

There is a knock at the door and Nicole opens the door a little.

“Would you like me to wash you?” She asks.

“I’m fine.” I told her. It would be a little awkward to get washed by someone I barely know. Unless she just, “Actually, you could wash my hair.”

“Yes, lord Brian.” She answers and comes into the bathroom.


Nicole picked up a scoop and positioned herself behind me. Then using the scoop she began wetting my hair while rubbing it with her other hand. This feels nice. I don’t usually have someone wash my hair, but I remember enjoying it as a kid. Nowadays it's only when I get a haircut. But this time it’s a little different. I’m sitting in a bath, while getting a hair wash.

After getting my hair wet, Nicole grabs one of the soap bars. After she rubs it against her hands for a second, she begins to rub it into my hair and scalp. 

After rubbing my hair for a bit longer, she uses the scoop again to wash the soap off.

“Is that everything Lord Brian?” She asks.

“Well, since you are here, you could wash my back as well.” With her already looking at me in the bath, I’m a lot more open to the idea of her helping me. And washing your own back is annoying and you can’t get it right without a good brush.

“Of course Sir. Please lean forward.” Nicole says.

She grabs a brush and wets it in the bathwater. Then she rubs some soap on it.

Having a backwash isn’t that bad either.

“Sir, can I ask about that bracer on your arm? You didn’t have it yesterday.” Nicole ask me.

“It’s something from the dungeon.” I told her. She doesn’t need to know it’s a founder’s terminal. I don’t think she would do anything stupid even if she did know, but better safe than sorry. Not that I think it can be stolen in the first place.

(Founder’s terminals cannot be stolen Master. They, in fact, can never be removed.) Laura informs me.

(What if someone were to cut my arm off?) I ask her.

(The terminal would appear at a different part of your body, like your other arm or a leg. Not all terminals are like yours, Master. The combat mode is always different depending on the founder’s fighting style. With Master being a summoner who uses cards, the terminal became a support tool for that style. But for a sword fighter it would become a sword, and for a bowman a bow.)

These dungeon terminals seem extremely adjusting to the user. Making a weapon out of nowhere. 


“Sir, I finished washing your back. Will that be all?” Nicole asked me.

“Yes, thank you Nicole.” I say back to her.

“I’ll take my leave so you can finish your bath. Do you need me to take some of your clothes to the laundry?” 

“No, don’t” I tell her.

“As you wish.” With that Nicole walks out of the bathroom and I start rubbing myself with the brush. I don’t really take baths daily, but I could get used to this.

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