Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.50 Shopping on the Way

“Miss Alice, where are you going?” A guard at the estate gate asked.

“Brian is taking me into town. I got permission from Mother.” Alice answered.

“Well, if the madam allowed it I won’t complain.” He told Alice.


“That was easier than expected.” I commented. “Have you never tried that before?”

“It won’t work if I’m alone or with a servant other than Henry. And Henry won’t do it. He is too loyal to Father.” Alice told me.

“So Jenna or Nicole can’t take you outside?” I asked.

“No. Father set a rule where I have to have a male escorting me if I ever go outside. And no one will do it without a written order from my father.” She told me.

“But when the nobody that appeared out of nowhere and decided to take you outside they won’t ask any questions?”

“You have been staying in our estate as a guest, so the gate guards most likely assume you are a noble.” Alice told me. “They don’t want to question you and get fired. Theoretically they might even assume you are my fiance.” 

“I guess that would make sense. And if I was your fiance it wouldn’t be weird for me to take you outside.” I said to Alice.

“Yes!” Alice said to me as she took my hand. “So we better act the part.”

Her hand is so soft. I guess this isn’t too bad. At least she is only holding onto it and not hugging it or something. It’s difficult to walk when someone hugs your arm and I wouldn’t want to make Alice sad by saying no.



“So, where are we going? I thought we were heading to the guild.” Alice asked.

“I think we should stop by a few stores first. I need to buy some stuff.” I told Alice. In truth, the only thing I really desperately need is a water skin, or something like that. 

“Is there something you need?” Alice asked.

“I need a new water skin.” I told her. I’m still holding onto hope that I can analyze Lucia’s magic flask and recreate it, but a temporary solution is still necessary.

“New one? What happened to your old one?” 

“It broke and wouldn’t hold water anymore, so I threw it away.” I told Alice. It’s better to lie, than telling her I never had one.

“But, I don’t know any stores in town.” She said.

“Yeah, neither do I. My idea was just to walk to the guild and enter a store on the way if it looks promising.” 

“So we are on a date!” Alice got excited. 

“Well, I guess.” I answered.



“This looks promising.” I said as I was looking at a store called ‘Traveling wonder’. The name is a little strange, but I think it should have what I’m looking for. “Let’s go.” I pulled Alice by the hand.

There was a little bell ring as we walked in. The store seemed empty, but I heard a yell from the back room saying. “I’ll be right there.”

I look around and see a lot of camping supplies. Tents, sleeping bags, fire starters, portable cookware and even some weapons. Well I guess some would classify those as survival tools and not weapons. This is a general store, or a traveler store, not a weapon shop.


“Hello there.” The shop owner greeted us. He was an older man, probably in his late forties. “What can I get you?”

I was half tempted to respond with ‘General Kenobi’, but he wouldn’t get the reference. 

“I need a water skin. And a tent and a sleeping bag would be nice as well.” I told him.

“Just one, or two?” He asked.

“For now, just one.” I answered. I have no immediate plans to steal Alice away from her home, so I can just get them if the need rises. 

“Sure. A water skin is 1 silver. For a tent and sleeping bag, that will cost you 2 gold. Is that fine?” The shopkeeper asked.

“That’s fine. By the way, do you hold any magic items like a magic flask?” I asked him.

“I do have one flask, but it’s going to be expensive.” He told me.

“Could I see it?” I requested. Even if I can’t buy it, I can analyze it. ‘That’s stealing’ is what someone would say, but to me it’s just copying. And I know how to make it not so obvious. 

“Sure.” He said as he pulled out a wooden box. He opened it up and inside was not a Blue-Eyes White Dragon. It was actually a flask, like the one Lucia has. It seems to be made of a bluish metal.

“May I touch it?” I asked. 

“Sure, go for it. But don’t think you can run off with it. I’m faster than I look.” The shopkeep said.

“Don’t worry,” I said to him. “I won't run.”

(Laura, please analyze it. If possible without him noticing.) I ordered Laura.

(Master, please hold it in your left hand and buy me some time.) Laura told me. It did take a long time to analyze my card when I tried it, so let's hope this won’t take that long.


“May I ask you about its origin?” I asked the shopkeeper.

“It comes from the great dungeon in the capital.” He told me. So it does originate from a dungeon as I assumed. “It was sold to me by a retiring adventurer a few years back. When I was still going around as a peddler.”

“And now you have retired to run this store?” 

“Yes. My son is now running this store's carriage around the kingdom and I just hold down the fort.” 

“I see.” I take a very close look at the flask, trying to make it look like I’m inspecting it. In reality, I have no clue what it should look like. “How much water can this thing hold?” I asked.

“I don’t know the exact measurement, but it held enough to last a one month trip for two people. It also keeps the water fresh and cool.” He was really selling it to me.

“And how much would it cost?” I asked the big question. I probably won’t be able to afford it, but let’s check for it anyway.

“I could let it go for fifty gold.” He told me.

Fifty? Well I was actually expecting it to be more. “I see. That’s not a bad price, but I don’t have that much at the moment.” I told him.

(Master, the analysis is complete and the flask can be recreated.) Laura told me.

“I’m sorry to have wasted your time showing it to me.” I told him. “But I would like the water skin, tent and sleeping bag, thank you.” I say to him as I pull out my money from my magic fanny pack. 

“Sure. That would be two gold and a silver. ” The shopkeep said.

“Here you go.” I told him as I handed him 2 gold and a large silver.

“Thank you. Here’s your change.” He handed me back 4 smaller silver coins. So 1 large is five smaller ones. Or would it be normal ones?

“Here is your tent. It’s great quality and can fit up to four people. And the sleeping bag is high quality as well, so you won’t get cold.” He told me. “Will you be able to carry them?” He asked.

“I can manage.” I told him as I shoved both into my fanny pack. The tent and the sleeping bag don’t even take much space from it.

“Is that a magic bag?” The shopkeeper asked. “I’ve never seen one like that.” He said to me.

So fanny packs don’t exist? Or ones that are magic bags don’t. 

“Yes it is. I got it as a gift.” I told him. Better to say that, than to tell him it’s from a brand new dungeon. I’m sure he will find out about it eventually.

“Would you consider selling it to me?” He asked.

“No, at least not now. But for reference, how much do you think it would cost?” I shoot back.

“That would depend on its size. How large is the inside?” 


(It’s one cubic meter, Master.)

I knew it was sizable, but that’s more than I expected.

“It’s about a cubic meter.” I told the shopkeeper.

“For being as small as it is, it definitely has some storage space. At that size, I would value it at 100 to 120 gold coins.” He told me. That’s a lot. I’ll get rich in no time if I mass produce these with the dungeon. But then again, I might just crash the market. And I would need to find a way to mass produce the dungeon generation points. I don’t think there is a cheat I can use to mass produce it.

“Well, thank you for your information and thanks for showing that flask to me.” I said to the shopkeeper. 

“Of course. And if you change your mind or just need some quick coin, do come back and sell that bag for me. I’ll pay 100 gold for it.” He told me as we left the store. 



“You were quiet in there Alice. Is something wrong?” I asked her.

“It’s just… I’m not used to it.” She told me. “And I almost gave away your secrets by accident.”

“I see. Thank you for not telling.” I thanked Alice.

“But why do you need a tent and a sleeping bag?” Alice asked. “Are you planning on leaving town?” 

“Not yet.” I told her. “But it’s better to have them in case I need them. It’s much nicer to sleep in a tent than under the sky. And I have a bag to carry all of that stuff in.”

“I see.” Alice said quietly. “I don’t want you to ever leave.” 

“I have to leave eventually.” I told her. “I’m not planning on staying here forever.”

“Would you … take me with you?” Alice asked.

“If you really want to come.” I answered. “But we will have to deal with the demon lord Brandon, who is keeping you prisoner.” 

“Hehe.” That got a little giggle out of Alice. “I’m sure Mana could deal with him.” She said.

“Well you are not wrong, but sometimes the way to win is to not fight.” I told her. “Sometimes you need to take down your opponents with words only.”

“I see.” 

“We wouldn’t want to get wanted posters or something, after all.” 


I led Alice by the hand towards the guild (Thank you Laura that we don’t get lost) as a system window opened up in front of me. What’s this? I didn’t do anything.

Emergency Mission: Protect the Town
Information: A pack of wyverns has followed the scent of their fallen brethren to this town. Help in bringing them down and protect the town.
Goal: Take down the wyverns
Reward: Opens a new set for each wyvern you take down.
Daily ‘Pack tokens’ increase by 1
If no wyverns are taken down, or the town gets severe damage,
no reward will be given
If no-one dies, an extra reward will be granted

A mission? And an emergency mission at that. 

“Alice, we need to run.” I say to her and try to pull her along at a faster speed.

“But, why?” She asked.

“There is an emergency. We need to get to the guild. And fast.” I told her to try to pull her into a sprint.

“What emergency?” She asked and was finally taking some quicker steps.

“A pack of wyverns is going to attack the town.” I told her. Well, that got her attention.

“Then… “ I think the rest of her words didn’t leave her throat as she began to sprint next to me. Hopefully we won’t run too quickly and end up winded like I did with Zayaan. Well, we do have a lot shorter of a trip, as the store was close to the guild.


System mission, why couldn’t you give me a time frame on when the wyverns are going to be here.


Don't know how many of you have played Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, but I've played it a bit and have to say. It's pretty good.

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