Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.51 Getting Zayaan

We made our way to the guild with haste. Alice tried to have me slow down, but I told her we were almost there and she made it all the way. Luckily it was not that early anymore, so the guild wasn’t packed. Well I guess I’ve never been here in the morning, but it was quite full in the evening and I would assume mornings are the same.

I check over the receptionists and notice the one that Zayaan gave a peck to last time. She doesn’t have any customers so I make my way to her.

“I need to see Zayaan. Is he here?” I asked her.

“He is, but you can’t just meet him without an appointment.” She answered.

“I’m here on behalf of, and with a member of the Watchman family and I need to see him, Now!” I pressured her.

“I still can’t … “

“Fine, Alice let’s go.” I said to Alice and pulled her along with me up the stairs. If you won’t take me there, I’ll make my own way to the guild masters room. I hope Zay is there. I’m not sure I could take on a pack of wyverns with just my summons. Well, that depends on how strong a wyvern is and how large the pack is.


I made it to the door of the guild master’s room. I quickly knock on it and barge in without waiting for a response. Good, Zay is here. There were also two other people in the room with him. One of them was the coachman that had driven the carriage Brandon and I rode into the dungeon a few days ago and the other was an older man. The merchants buying the wyvern materials, perhaps?

“Brian? What are you doing here?” Zay asked me as he looked me up and down. He also took a quick peek at Alice next to me.

“Zayaan, I’m sorry to bother you like this, but there is an emergency.” I told him.

“Did something happen to the dungeon?” He asked. I’m surprised he brought that up in front of these people, but I guess one of them was the coachman, so he would have heard of it already.

“No, it's …” I really don’t want to speak about having system support in front of these people. The coach might have overheard it during the trip, but the other man shouldn’t know.

“Is something wrong?” Zay asked. “What is this emergency?”

Fine. I don’t have time to worry about the consequences. 

“A pack of wyverns is going to attack the town.” I told him.

“Wyverns!?” He seemed surprised. Can’t blame him though. “And a pack? How do you know about this?” 

“A system mission.” I answered.

“What is that?” He asked.

“A prediction of the future that system support holders sometimes get.” I answered casually. It’s not really something to be casual about, but I need to calm myself down. Otherwise everyone in the room will be shooting through the roof. The merchant and the coachman have their mouths hanging open.

“Oh yeah, you did speak about it in the dungeon.” Zayaan seemed to process me having system support. “Are there really going to be wyverns?”

“The missions have never been wrong before.” I told him. Well this is my first emergency one.

“I see. Do you know how soon it will happen?” He asked.

“No idea.” I answered. “But I would guess soon.”

“Then we have to prepare.” He answered. “Chairman Bakula, I apologize, but we must continue our business later.” So the old man is from Bakula Trading & Transport. And he is the chairman. Is he Bakula himself? He doesn’t seem overly suspicious. I shouldn’t judge him by his name, just because he is one letter away from the big evil of Yugioh. And I guess Bakura was just a host, not the actual big evil.


“Was that young man the founder?” The chairman asked the coachman.

“Yes he is.” The coach responded. “He is also a summoner.”

“And he really holds the legendary system support?”

“I’ve never confirmed it myself, but the baron seems to believe he does. It’s possible he has seen that boy’s status.”

“Make sure everyone knows to treat him well. Having someone with that kind of power on our side would make a lot of money.”

“Of course, father.”


“Do you have any more information on when or where these wyverns will be coming from?” Zayaan asked.

“All I know is that they follow the scent of their fallen brethren. I would guess that means the wyvern hunted by the B-rank team.” I told Zay.

“So they will come from the east.” Zay said. “We have to get the adventurers from the fields into town. And then prepare to fight for our lives.”

“How strong are wyverns anyway?” I asked. 

“They are quite powerful, but their main strength is being able to fly. They also have poison in their tails and it can be lethal.” Zayaan told me. “We’ll need magic or bows to bring them down and then cut their necks. Cutting off the tail is also a good idea as that will make their attack a lot easier to read and avoid. The tail is also the only part with poison.” 

Ok, so bring them down and take off their heads. I think Dark Magician should be able to deal with them. Mana used that gravity spell to put Brandon onto the ground so it should work on wyverns as well.

“But our first priority is to get as many people from the fields to the town as possible. And for that we need to get a message across to them.” Zayaan said.

“Don’t you have a messaging tool?” I asked.

“Not one for this kind of use. We have one that can be used to communicate with the capital’s guild, but that’s all.” He told me.


(Laura, do I have a monster that can do it?) I asked Laura.

(Multiple, if the one to receive the message has system support.) Laura told me. (I would recommend Yata-garasu.)

(Yata is a spirit monster, right? Does that mean it has special properties?) 

(It cannot be used in battle as it has no physical body, but it can be used multiple times even without a sleeve.) Laura informed me. (It can also pass through objects, like a ghost.)

(More like a spirit in this case.) I shouldn’t joke at this time. (How many times can I use it without a sleeve?)

(That would depend on how long it stays summoned for. Anything from ten to twenty times might be possible with short summons. With longer ones, perhaps four to six times.) Laura told me.


“Zayaan, are the rest of your team out there?” I asked.

“Yes they are. Why?” 

“I could use a summon to deliver a message to them. But only someone with ‘Card summoner’ can receive it so them being around would be necessary.” I told him. “I should also inform Brandon while I’m at it.”

“The baron doesn’t know?” Zay seemed surprised. 

“I was on my way here when I got the system mission, so I just came straight over here.” I told him. 

“So we won’t have immediate support from the guards.” Zay seemed to think for a moment. “Please send out the message. I need it to go to the ones outside first. Then to the baron. Is that possible?” 

(Laura, what do you think?) 

(Message is ready to be transported, Master. Please summon Yata-garasu when ready.)


I quickly pulled up my skill and Laura already searched Yata out for me so I didn’t have to go through the list to find it. Then I pulled up my sleeve and activated combat mode on my founder’s terminal. 

“Yata-Garasu.” I called out and a smallish bird appeared from a card. It was purple and slightly see-through. “Go deliver the message to members of Prime Rib. Then go tell the baron.” I ordered my bird. It took off with haste.


“Don’t you need to tell it the message?” Zay asked. 

“Not really. My system support takes care of that part.” I answered. Laura is just being her casual self and overachieving everything.

“That seems convenient.”

“Oh, you have no idea.” I told him. “So what will we do now?”

“I’m heading outside to make sure everyone will make it here safely.” Zay answered. “What about you two?” 

“Alice, what do you want to do?” I asked her. “I’m also going to head outside, what about you?”

“I want to come.” She said assertively. 

“Are you sure?” I asked. “This isn’t some joy trip. We very well could be in a lot of danger.”

“He is correct, you know. We'll be fighting for our lives.” Zayaan added.

“Then all the more reason for me to join you.” Alice said. “This town lacks magicians for striking down the wyverns, right? I can help with that.” 

“If you are sure, it’s fine with me.” Zay said.

“I’ll take care of her.” I told Zay. “Please stay close to me.” I said to Alice.

“Yes.” She said and took my hand.

“I still need my hand.” I told her. “Zay, how were you planning on getting outside quickly? I could give you a ride.” 

“I was going to grab one of the guild’s horses, but if you offer.” He answered.

“Oh I can do that.” I told him. (Laura, one sleeve and Overdrive, please.)

(Of course, Master. I placed it into the sleeve for you already.) Laura responded as I pulled out Overdrive.


“I summon Overdrive.”

From the card, a tank rose. Well, it’s more of an APC actually. 

“Now let’s get in and get a move on.” I told Zay who was just staring at the machine. Alice was less surprised as I did explain it to her when I pulled the card.

“Is this thing safe?” Zay asked.

“Definitely safer than facing down a pack of wyverns.” I answered. “What way should we go?” I asked as I took the driver seat. I do have a license, so driving an APC shouldn’t be impossible.

(Especially with an APC that drives itself.) Laura added. 


Alice took a seat next to me in the gunner’s position and Zay was sitting in the back. I made sure Alice knew not to shoot the gun accidentally.

With that we took off towards the east gate. Does a town this size really need a gate in all the cardinal directions? Well, it might.


Now that I’m thinking about it, summoning Overdrive in the middle of a town might not have been the best idea I’ve ever had. Well there is going to be panic anyway as soon as the wyverns appear, so… Not my fault, OK. I’m just trying to save everyone's lives. I don’t have Monster Reborn. Or like any other revival card. Well, at least I have some Red Medicine. 

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