Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.53 Taking down some Wyverns

I go through my Collection, checking for any useful cards. With the Pot of Greed luck of this morning, I can definitely throw some around, without caring too much.

Silver Bow and Arrow went to Rico, so he would have a better chance at harming the wyverns, legendary sword was given to one of the guards that didn’t have a weapon, Zay got one of the Red Medicines, just in case, and my sleeved Slot Machine was with Lucia.

It’s not much, but I really lack good anti-air cards. I don’t want to start flinging around Hinotamas. I also don’t believe that a single Hinotama would kill a wyvern.

I found one more card that will likely be nice to have active. Chorus of Sanctuary. It should increase everyone's defense. I activate it straight away.


“We have a visual.” One of the guards yelled. He was looking to the east with binoculars of some sort.

“How many are there?” Zayaan asked.

“5,6,7,8 at least eight. Might be nine or ten.” The guard answered.

“Fuck.” Zayaan was not pleased. Honestly, that’s a lot. I’m not sure my monsters can deal with them all. Hopefully these things are not as strong as I think they are.

My DiaDhank still had Overdrive on it, so I only had two open slots on it. I should be able to summon more than three if I hold one in each hand, like I did before having the terminal. Then I realized, Overdrive has a machine gun. I could also shoot with it. I have no clue if I’m going to hit anything, but who wouldn’t want to let a rip with a minigun. Or would that be a gatling gun? I guess gatling gun is more accurate. I don’t know what caliber that thing is chambered in.


I make my way over to Overdrive and tell Alice to move to the back seats. She instead gets out and prepares with everyone for the first attack. I guess it’s time to summon.

“I summon Dark Magician.” I call on the strongest monster in my arsenal. I use the toploader one first, and if necessary, I’ll summon the other one later. I also hold Red-Eyes on stand by. I don’t want it to get caught in our initial barrage.

To my side, Alice summons out Dark Magician Girl. I also see Lucia calling out the Slot Machine.

“I’ll let rip with this thing’s cannon!” I yell to everyone. “After that, attack!” 

God, this plan sucks.

I hope that gatling gun firing won’t be loud enough to make anyone go deaf. 


As the wyverns are, where I think is, close enough, I pull the trigger on Overdrive's machine gun. The gun did go brrr. But it was a lot quieter than expected. Does this thing have any firing sound? I hear the air cracking as the bullets are flying, but the gun itself is super quiet. 

After a quick burst towards the wyverns, I look out of the open door. Only Alice is holding her hands to her ears. I guess it really wasn’t super loud. 

After my initial burst, I saw some spells flying towards the wyverns. Alice was casting multiple dark bullets in a row with Mana. Some of the guards and members of Diamond Sword were shooting some kinds of wind and fire magic. And the bowman were letting loose some arrows.

I look back through the optic and notice multiple wyverns falling down towards the ground. But at least three are still flying fine. I take aim at them and let out another burst.


I think one more fell to that. Now just two are flying fine. I get out of Overdrive. It’s time to show these lizards what a real dragon can do.

“I summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon.” From a card that appeared in the air, a large dragon flew out. Is it actually large for a dragon? I would say Red-Eyes is around 20 meters from head to tail. It’s definitely double the size of these wyverns, but is that really large. Or is it small for a dragon? In some legends, dragons are hundreds of meters long. Some of the guards got scared after seeing Red-Eyes, but it seems Zayaan is trying to explain it to them. Even the Diamond Sword members are surprised. I guess summoning a full blown dragon isn’t something just anyone can do.

“Take the last of them down!” I ordered Red-Eyes. Dark Magician clearly wanted to join in on the fun, as he flew up with Red-Eyes to take the last two wyverns down.

And they make it look so easy. Red-Eyes scorched one of the wyverns and Dark Magician attacked with some kind of, well, dark magic attack. I don’t know if the wyverns died, but they are definitely badly hurt. The burnt one is in a nose dive, and I think the other one is being supported down by Dark Magician’s magic.

Well, that’s two dead, and like seven that can’t fly.


“Good, they are down from the sky! Move in!” Zayaan yelled an order. So in other words, we don’t need a plan, ATTACK!

I hate the fact that this has worked. So far. 

“You two, take care of the farthest ones first.” I ordered my two summons. I don’t want friendly fire. In Red-Eyes case, literal friendly fire. The demolition duo made their way to the farthest fallen wyverns.


Our group broke up into smaller sections. Diamond sword was taking care of one of the grounded wyverns. Zayaan and Rico were with a guard dealing with another one. Lucia had ordered Slot Machine to attack a third. Some guards had surrounded a fourth. And Alice and Mana were taking down a fifth. I hope it wouldn’t be just the two of them, but Mana was doing a good job at protecting Alice, while Alice would attack with dark bullets. Did they practice this yesterday? Or are they just acting on instinct?


I noticed one of the guards got hit by a wyvern's tail so I decided to head towards him. I can heal him, after all. I pull him outside of the wyvern’s reach as the guards are covering for me. They really know their stuff.

I take a quick look at the guard, and he has a nasty stab wound in his stomach. He’ll bleed out fast if this doesn’t work. And I’ll throw up if this doesn’t work. Be strong now. You are not the one fighting on the frontline. 

I take out a Red Medicine and activate it.

“I’ll heal you.” I told the guard. “Red Medicine.”

A glass bottle appears and I remove the cork from it. Then I pour it onto the stab wound and into the guard's mouth.

“Try to drink it.” I told him.

 He is conscious enough to drink the liquid. No mouth to mouth medicine for him. Thank god, because I have no idea how it would be done.


The Red Medicine is doing its job perfectly. His wound is quickly closing, and he seems to be calming down. 

“Overdrive.” I call my machine over. It drives to me on its own. I then help the guard to the back section of Overdrive. “Please, stay here.” He nods meekly as a response. Even after the Red Medicine he is not perfect and can’t keep fighting. But at least he is not bleeding out anymore. I really hope the poison was cured by that as well.


The fighting continued, and Diamond sword was the first one to take down their wyvern. They really are good at that. They split up into two. Two going to help the guards and the other two heading over to help Prime Rib. I was about to complain to them about not helping Alice or Lucia, but those two don’t seem to need it for long. Well, Lucia and Slot Machine have theirs pinned down to the ground already and Lucia was going in for the kill with water magic.

But Alice and Mana are about to get help, as both Red-Eyes and Dark Magician are flying this way. Those two look good flying next to each other.

Red-Eyes seems to be carrying two wyvern corpses in its hands. Or claws? 


Dark Magician makes his way over to Mana and Alice and helps the two of them take down the wyvern they were fighting. At least he only supported them and didn’t just straight up killsteal. 

After that we went around helping everyone else finish off their wyverns. He seemed to be using a modified version of that gravity spell Mana was using to hold down Brandon. I guess he really is more skilled than his pupil.


With just a bit more work, all the wyverns were taken care of. Couple others did get injured, but all things considered, it went well. 

And with that terrible plan. 

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