Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.54 Backup always arrives Late

I make my way over to Alice and Mana. This was, I think, her first time in real combat. That taken into account, she did so well. Probably better than me, anyway. I was just hiding in the back. Someone else would say that is the summoner's job, but Alice had an active summon and she was fighting next to it. Actually Lucia was as well.

“Alice,” I called out to her. “How are you feeling?”

“...Tired.” Makes sense. She did cast multiple spells in quick succession. And all the other stuff before. 

“Well, at least you seem unharmed.” I told her.

“Yes, Mana was protecting me.” She answered.

“I kept your girlfriend safe, Master. Praise me.” Mana said to me as she came next to me. Do you want headpats or something?

“I’m not… “ Alice began to say.

“She is not my girlfriend, you know.” I told Mana. “Also, why do you call me ‘Master’ even if I didn’t summon you?”

“Master is always Master. Master made us. Without Master, we couldn’t be here.” She answered. So the monsters are loyal to me even if I’m not the one that summons them. That’s nice. I think that should mean they will never attack me, even if ordered by their summoner. I won’t have to be scared even if I give a stronger monster to Brandon.

“Could you give me the Red Medicine I gave you earlier?” I requested from Alice. “Some of the guards have injuries and I’d like to heal them.”

“Sure.” Alice responded and took out the Red Medicine card from her hoodie pocket. “Here you go.”

“Thanks. Try to relax a little. The battle is over.” I told Alice.


I make my way over to Zayaan.

“So, how many are injured?” I asked.

“Let me catch my breath for a second first.” He responded. 

“Are you expecting me to do everything then?” I shoot back.

“...ask Jack.”

“Jack was the greatsword guy, right?” I confirmed.



He was also still standing. Most of the others had collapsed to the ground after the last wyvern went down. Actually, Lucia seems to be hard at work draining the blood of the wyverns already. She is a massive over achiever. Taking one down with Slot Machine and now doing clean up work.

“Hey Jack,” I began talking to him. “Do you know if there are any injured?” I asked him.

“Most are just minor scratches. The guards said one of them got stabbed by a tail, but I don’t see anyone with a wound like that.”

“Oh yeah, I pulled him out of the combat zone and used a potion on him.” I told Jack. “He is inside the golem carriage.”

“I see. Well that’s good. He had the worst injury. Because of the emergency we don't really have potions on hand.” Jack told me.

“I still have one.” I told him. “And Zayaan has one as well.”

“Could you give it to me?” He requested. 

“Sure I don’t mind.” I use the card I took back from Alice. “Red Medicine.”

The card disappeared and the potion bottle appeared.

“Here you go.” I said as I handed the bottle to Jack.

“That’s an interesting spell. I’ve never heard of a spell that stores items in cards.” He told me.

“Well, technically I’m not storing things inside them or anything.” I told him.

“Please, just stop. You are already mind breaking enough.” Jack stopped my storytelling.

“As you wish.” I responded. “If you need another potion, just ask Zayaan for his.”

“Will do.” Jack told me.


Okay, so injuries are taken care of, what now?

(You should go get the guard out of Overdrive. The summon limit is coming up soon.) Laura reminded me.

(Yeah, I’ll do that.) I responded to her as I made my way over to my APC. My APC? It feels strange to think that. I own an APC. And I have a dragon. Now I want to ride on Red-Eyes.

As I check over the guard in Overdrive, he seems … limp. Did he die? I check and his pulse is still there. 

(He is just paralyzed by the wyvern poison.) Laura told me. 

(My potion didn’t heal it?) I asked.

(Master’s potion heals wounds, but it can’t heal status conditions, such as paralysis.) Laura told me.

(What about a poison? Like a damaging poison?) I asked.

(It should heal the damage effect.) Laura responded.

So yes to poison damage, but no to paralysis. Well, I guess paralysis isn’t exactly a damage effect, so a HP potion might not heal it. I grabbed the guard and dragged him out of Overdrive. Then I unsummoned Overdrive. 


Now, what to do? I guess I could just take a ride on Red-Eyes while he is still summoned, but that might scare people in town. I guess I’ll just unsummon him for now. 

“Red-Eyes, you go back.” I said to no one. But it doesn’t really matter as the card appeared anyway and Red-Eyes flew into it. As it did, I felt a surge of power coming from my DiaDhank and flowing through my body. 

What was that? A weird power surge?


After that, the mission report popped up.

Emergency Mission: Protect the Town
Mission Complete
Daily ‘Pack tokens’ increase by 1.
Sets Unlocked:
Pharaonic Guardian        Magician’s Force
Dark Crisis                        Invasion of Chaos
Ancient Sanctuary           Soul of the Duelist
Special reward for no deaths
Reprint Set ‘Dark Beginning 1’ unlocked
‘Reprint tokens’ Unlocked
Daily ‘Reprint token’ s are currently 1


That’s a lot of sets. And I got a reprint set. But reprints exist with their own tokens? Why is that? Well, it doesn’t really matter at the moment.


I’m tired. I feel like I need a nap. It’s not even naptime yet.

I see a group of knights in armor come out from the town's gates and are heading towards us. You guys are late. We took down the wyverns like 15 minutes ago. 

I think the one leading them is… No this is not my fault. Don’t come over to me to yell at me mister ‘father of the year’. Thankfully he seems to be making his way over to Zayaan and Jack. Thank you for your sacrifice.

But someone is making their way over to me as well. At least she is usually reasonable.

“Hello there Brian.” She began.

“Hi, Christina. Didn’t expect you to come here.” I told her.

“I’m still a strong earth mage. If wyverns were attacking, of course I would come as well.” She answered.

“Well, you are late. We already took the wyverns down.” I told her.

“So it would seem. Your summons are amazing.” She told me.

“Well, I didn’t do it alone. Also please go to Alice before her father explodes at her.” I tell her.

“Well, since you asked.” She said to me. “By the way, are you feeling alright? You seem pale.” 

Pale? Really? I guess I do feel a little odd. And tired. (Laura? Is there something wrong with me?)

(Master is experi.ecsa..lvlpscs)


[Alice POV]

Mother and Father came here. I guess they would. They are both good at magic and to take down a wyvern, strong magic is necessary. A group of guards in armor also came with them. They don’t usually wear heavy armor like that, but in case of a powerful monster attack, they do have some.

Thankfully Father made his way over to the adventurers. He won’t be yelling at me. 

Mother is talking with Brian. I can’t hear them from here.

Brian fell down? What? Why? 

I get up and run over. Mother is holding Brian in her arms. What happened to him? Did he get poisoned by a wyvern? But he was hanging back during combat. And I can’t see a wound on him.

“Mana, do you know what happened?” I asked.

“My connection to Master is still present, but I can’t reach lady Laura. I’m sorry, but I don’t know.” She seems down. I guess even with all her power she can’t help.


“He is burning up.” Mother said to me. “I think we need to cool him down.”

I put my hand on his forehead. He really is hot. More than feverishly hot. 

“Will he be okay?” I asked.

“...I don’t know.” Mother responded. “First we must find out what is wrong with him.”

“Could he have run out of mana?” I offered an explanation. 

“That could cause the pass out, but in that case he would be cold. It feels more like he is overflowing with mana.” Mother told me. “We need to get him to an expert.” 

“My teacher can carry him.” Mana said and looked around trying to spot him. “Where is he?” 


I also get up and look around. Mana’s teacher is the summon dressed in a purple robe, right? It shouldn’t be that difficult to spot him. But I can’t see him either. His card is still on Brian’s bracelet. Or whatever it is. I think he got it from the dungeon. I touch the card on it, and the card is super hot.


“Ow.” I yell out as I pull my hand back. Is that the source of the heat?

“I think we need to remove that card.” I said to my mother and Mana. “But it’s super hot.” 

“I’ll do it then.” Mana offered and before I could stop her, she had grabbed the card. I could see her hand smoking as she was holding it. But she is just taking the pain.

“Please, let go of it.” I try to plead with her. 

“Lady Christina, please make a stone pedestal for me to place this card on.” She calmly asked mother. How can you be so calm as your hand is burning?

“Sure.” Mother responded. “Earth control.” 

With a simple spell, Mother raised a part of the ground slightly. Mana then placed the card in it. I take a look at Mana’s burned hand. 

“I’ll use the… oh, I gave it to Brian.” I was going to use the potion Brian gave me to heal Mana’s burn, but I don’t have it anymore.

“It’s fine.” Mana said to me. “I’ll heal if you unsummon me.” She told me.

“Then, I’ll do it right now.” I said to her.

“Please call on me again.” She said as she flew up into the card floating in the air.


“We should get him to a proper bed.” Mother said to me. “His temperature is not rising any more, so that card might have been the source, but we still need to do something about this. If he stays in this high temperature for long, he could die.” 

“Then, I’ll… what can I do?” I feel lost. I don’t know what to do. 


Two things I'll answer here because someone will ask.
1. Why six sets? Because I felt like that was appropriate. And because it opens every major set (in release order) to Dark Beginning 1. It's just convenient for me.
2.Why do reprints get their own tokens? Because reprint sets have a ton of super good cards as commons and because each pack has 12 cards. At least in DB1. I want to open other packs than just DB1.

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