Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.56 Checkup

[Brian POV]

Hmmm. I slept so well. I feel like, well I would say a million bucks, but they don’t use those here.

But where am I? A hospital of some kind? I think I woke up for like a second, and then was put back to sleep with a sedative. 

Oh yeah, Laura. She didn’t respond to me last time. What happened to her?


(Laura? Are you there?) I tried asking her. Please don’t tell me she is gone.

(At your service, Master.) She responded.

(What happened? Where were you when I tried calling you last time?)

(Master leveled up too many times in a row and went into a level up growth. During it, all of Master’s skills were unavailable for Master. That included me.) Laura explained to me.

Level up growth? Well, I guess I did take down multiple wyverns with my summons. Just how many levels did I gain then?

(Status) I opened up my status panel to see.

Name: Brian Wood
Race: Human !
Level: 25
HP: 390
Mana: 640
Strength: 170
Defense: 350
Magic: 190
Pack Opener LV.3 (unique)
Telekinesis LV.1 (extra)
Summoner’s protection LV.1 (extra)
Dungeon Founder (extra)
Language Comprehension (humanoid)

I’m level 25 now? And I got two new skills? And they are both extra skills? I think I know what telekinesis does. I think it should let me move things with my mind. Definitely nice. But what about this ‘Summoner’s protection’? Laura, I need you.


(Summoner’s protection reduces all damage Master takes while you have an active summon.) Laura told me. 

My defensive arsenal is growing. I already had high defense, and now with this, it’s even higher. 

Well, now that my level and skills are checked out, I’ll… actually what should I do?

How long was I out, anyway? 

(Two days, Master.) Laura answered.


Two days? Really? I guess that would mean I have a ton of pack tokens now. I could open some packs at least. Getting out of bed before someone checks me out sounds like a bad idea.


Oh, pack opener. Come on up.

Pack Opener
Sleeve maker
Set lists
Open Packs

The interface is new. Well I guess I did get a lot of new sets so this is nice. It won’t be so massive. Well, let’s just open up the packs.

Daily Pack tokens: 10
Current Pack tokens: 21
Available packs :
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
Metal Raiders
Magic Ruler
Pharaoh’s Servant
Labyrinth of Nightmare
Legacy of Darkness
Pharaonic Guardian
Magician’s Force
Dark Crisis
Invasion of Chaos
Ancient Sanctuary
Soul of the Duelist
Daily Reprint Tokens: 1
Current Reprint Tokens: 3
Available Reprint sets:
‘Dark Beginning 1’


Holy. I knew I opened up a lot of stuff, but seeing it as a list is a lot more than I was expecting. And I got Invasion of Chaos. It has the two overpowered Envoys. And Dark Beginning 1 is also nice, but it does use its own tokens, so no booster box of Dark Beginning. 


I was about to start opening some packs, when I heard someone walk into the room. I quickly closed my skill, even though it shouldn’t be visible at the moment. 

I spotted a man dressed in a white gown, kind of like a hospital gown. I guess it’s something simple that can be thrown away if it gets too much blood on it. Is he a doctor? 


“Oh, you’re awake.” He said as he spotted me. “How are you feeling?” 

“...who are you?” It might be a little rude to ask, but better to make sure.

“So you don’t know me. I was told you are new in town, but it’s still surprising. I’m doctor Josh. The only doctor in Alewatch.” He told me. The only one? Really? This town only has one doctor.

“I see. I haven’t heard of you. But I’m feeling fine.” I told him.

“It still surprises me. Usually adventurers find out about the town's doctors early on.” He told me.

“Well, technically I’m not an adventurer.” I told him.

“Ah, yes. You haven’t registered yet. But you are still working hard, keeping this town safe.” 

“Well, I guess. It just kind of happened to go that way.” 

“That’s fine. I should be thanking you. You did basically save this town from large amounts of destruction.” He told me. 

“Thank you.” I answered his praise.

“As I said, I should be thanking you.” He responded. “Now, would you mind if I give you a physical exam and ask some questions.”

“That’s fine. But please, nothing overly personal.” I answered.

“It’s just to do with your level rise.” He answered. “Specifically, how many levels did you gain?” 

“...twenty.” I answered. 

“I see. And what is your level now?”


“Oh, it’s still that low. If what I’ve been told is true, I’d have expected a few more levels on you, if your starting level was that low.” He said. 

“You are not surprised that a level five took down multiple wyverns?” I asked.

“I heard you are a summoner. Sometimes summoners get a strong monster as their first contract and gain a large amount of levels quickly.” He answered.

“I see.” So even other summoners are sometimes overpowered.

“Well, let’s get to the physical tests.” He told me.


“Here, just follow my finger, without moving your head.” He said and began moving his finger around my field of view. 

I do as he ordered to the best of my abilities. Not that it’s overly difficult.

“Good. Seems like your eyes are working fine. I know you can hear me so your ears seem fine, but let’s check your directional hearing anyway.” He said. “Close your eyes. I’ll be making a sound on the sides of your head. Just move your hand on that side to show me which side you heard the sound on.”

I do as instructed. He made sounds like snapping and rubbing his hand, and I moved my hands in response.

“Good. Your hearing is fine as well.”


“Now, let’s get to the next part. Please tell me what attribute or attributes you have.” The doctor said.

“I, I don’t have any.” I answered.

“Are you sure?” He asked. “I need to know. It will affect how I proceed.”

“I don’t have an attribute.” I said again. Laura told me I don’t have one.

“...I see. I’ve never heard of a summoner without one.” He told me.

“Perhaps I’m just one of a kind.” I answered.

“Everyone is. Remember that.” He told me. “And with summons that can take down wyverns, I don’t think not having an attribute is that bad.”


“Well, if you really don’t have one, we can proceed.” He said as he got next to me. “I’ll help you to a sitting position, then I’ll use a light magic spell to scan your magic circuits.” 

“I see.” I answered and sat up. I didn’t really need his help in it, but took it anyway. I don’t want to be an overachieving patient. 

“Alright, here we go.” He said as he cleared the pajama shirt I had on. Oh yeah, someone has changed my clothes. He then placed his hands on my back and cast a spell. “Light, let me see his injuries, Light scan.” 

I felt a surge of magic flow through me. It was similar to when Laura was doing the mana control training, but the source of the power was his hands.

“I feel some resistance. Are you sure you don’t have an attribute?” He said.

“I shouldn’t have one.” I told him. “Perhaps it’s because I have higher than average defense?” 

“That could be it. But this feels more like an attribute resistance.” He said.


(Laura, what do you think?) 

(Master does not have any affinity with any of the six attributes. It might be due to Master’s mana circuits being not from birth, but made when Master eliminated the dungeon.)

So I didn’t have mana circuits before that. Well, I guess Earth doesn’t have magic, so I wouldn’t have them. But that also confirms that this is the same body I had on Earth, and not a copy. And the ‘birth’ of mana circuits could explain why I got physically more fit.


“Other than that strange resistance, I don’t feel anything wrong with you.” The doctor told me.

“Does that mean I can go?” I asked.

“I would prefer for you to stay a little longer.” He told me. “I would like for someone with water magic to perform a scan as well.” 

“I see. Then I’ll stay.” I said.

“I’ll get someone to bring you breakfast.” He told me. “But before I go. Thank you for protecting the town.” He said to me and bowed.

“...you’re welcome.” I don’t really know what else to say. 



A little later, I was brought some breakfast. It was simple oatmeal porridge, but it tasted good. It had some honey on top. I also had some cold tea on the side. The one who brought it was an employee from the adventurer’s guild. I remember seeing her on the first day. After I finished eating, she took my plate away.


Now I wait for the next doctor to scan me. But didn’t he say he was the only one in town. Then who will be the one to do the second one? 

I guess it could be the nurse from yesterday. The one with the familiar voice.

(Laura, do you know who it was?)

(I was not awake at that moment, Master, so I don’t know.)

Well, wait and see, I guess.


I'll be heading to my parents place for the weekend. This shouldn't affect chapters coming out, but in case something happens, you'll know it's just me being away from my main PC. I do have a computer and all my stuff is in my Google Drive, so I will continue to write the series while there and there shouldn't be a missed day, but again, if something happens, I might have to skip a day. But that will be some day next week, if that time ever comes.

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