Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.57 Finally, I register

It didn’t take too long for the second person to come see me. But I was a little surprised as I saw who it was.

“Good morning, Brian.” She greeted me.

“Good morning, Lucia.” I said back as the memories in my head clicked into place. She was the nurse that took care of me.

“I think doctor Josh already told you, but I’ll perform a secondary scan on you, and if everything is fine, you can go.” She told me.

“Yes, he did tell me. Also, thank you for taking care of me while I was out.” I thanked her as I had the chance. 

She blushed a little and responded. “Of course. Don’t worry about it.” 


“Now, can you sit up on your own?” She asked.

“Sure.” I said to her and pulled myself up from bed.

“Good, now please show your back to me.” She ordered, and I obliged.

She, like the doctor, cleared my shirt and placed her hands on my back. They are a little cold. Is that because she is a dhampir? 

“Water, source of life, let me see him, Water scan.” She cast a spell. Like with the light scan, I felt a surge of mana flowing through me. “Interesting…” 

“What is?” I asked after hearing her comment.

“Your mana circuits are extremely detailed.” She told me. “Similar to those of a great wizard, or a sage.”

Great wizard? And sage? Are those titles similar to her witch? I guess they might be.

“But I do agree with doctor Josh.” She said. “You have a strange resistance. The mana doesn’t flow like it should.”

“I see. But I don’t really know anything about it.” I said back.

“Normally, it should be because of an attribute difference, but that wouldn’t affect both light and water magic the same. And you said to the doctor you have no attribute, right.”

“Yeah, I don’t have one. System support told me so, so it should be true.” Lucia already knew I had system support, so I didn't mind speaking with her about it.

“I suppose it must be true then.” She said. 


She took her hand off of my back.

I took this opportunity to ask. “So are we done here? Can I go now?” 

“You should be fine.” Lucia told me. “But if you wouldn’t mind, could I perform a scan with blood magic as well?”

“Blood magic? Sure, if you think it’s necessary.” I answered. Blood magic sounds a little scary, but I’m sure it’ll be fine.

“Thank you. Please give me your arm. Either one is fine.” She told me.

I decided on my right one, as my left still has the terminal on it. I don’t want it to be in the way. I know she bit me there while I was … half asleep, but the terminal could still be in the way.

She held my right hand with both of her arms and bit into it. It didn’t really hurt, but I wouldn’t call it pleasant. What came next was, though. A massive warm surge. A feeling of absolute pleasure. I felt like I was going to heaven. I almost lost control of my body and fell back onto the bed. Actually, am I even in control right now, or did Laura take over? 

(I can’t fully take over Master’s body, but I am doing my best to support Master.) She told me. So I would have fallen back to bed without her.

Compared to the sleeping drug, or sleeping spell, she used, this was a lot better. Partly because it lasted a lot longer. And I was feeling better at the start.


About a minute later, she loosened her fangs from my arm. I was honestly in so much ecstasy that I don’t know what to do now. I just sat there. Feeling out of my mind.

“Your magic circuits really are strange.” She told me. “They are stupidly detailed and seem to run perfectly in line with your blood veins. I’ve never heard of someone with circuits like that.” 

“Is that the source of the resistance, then?” I asked.

“It could be.” She answered. “But others with similar, extremely detailed magic circuits don’t have it. At least as far as I’ve heard. I’ll ask the doctor about it, as well.”

“Sure, I would like to know as well.” I told her.

“Your blood is also extremely tasty.” She told me.

“Well, I did offer it to you earlier and I guess you collected it.” I joked.

“I would like to collect some more.” She said, but then added. “At a later date.” 

“Sure.” I gave her permission. “Just ask for it.”

“I will.” She said. “You are free to go.”

“Thank you. But I really don’t even know where I am.” I told her.

“Oh, I guess you might not.” She said. “This is the adventurer’s guild’s medbay. It’s the closest thing to a hospital we have in this town.”

“I see, then the trip to the guild won’t take long.” I joked.

“No it won’t. But what business do you have at the guild?” She asked.

“I still haven’t registered as an adventurer. I need to get that done.” I answered her.

“Oh, I’ll take you there.” She told me and was about to drag me out of bed.

“Just a second.” I stopped her. “I need to change first. By the way, where are my clothes?”

“Oh right. I’ll bring them over.” She said and walked to the next room. She quickly came back with all of my clothes. “We would have washed them, but they seem perfectly clean. They must have a great self cleaning enchantment.” 

“I don’t really know about that part, so don’t ask.” I told her. “Can you give me some privacy so I can change?”

“Don’t be so shy.” She said. “I already saw you naked while taking care of you.”

I can feel my face going red. You can’t tease me like that. Only Laura can do something like that.

(Thank you for the permission, Master.)

(I didn’t mean you. I meant… Fine. Do as you wish.) I can never win against Laura. Whether it be the original or the system support. 

“Just leave, ok.” I half begged Lucia.

“If you take too long, I’ll come back.” She responded.

“I’ll make sure to be quick, then.”



I quickly swap my hospital PJs to my regular everyday wear. I also check the contents of my fanny pack, and it’s all there. Not that I suspected someone trying to steal something, but better to make sure. I make my way over to the door Lucia left from. Behind it, I see the guild’s main hall. Lucia was there waiting for me. 

“There you are. Now come here.” She said, as she grabbed my hand to pull me along. She led me to one of the counters. The girl there is the one Zayaan kissed, I think. 

(Yes, she is the same girl.) Laura confirmed. Thank you.


“Sir Brian. Welcome.” She spoke to me. “We are ready to register you.”

“Thanks. Let’s do it. I also have a letter from Christina Watchman.” I told her as I pulled the letter out of my fanny pack and handed it over.

“Thank you sir. We did hear about you directly from Madam Watchman when she visited yesterday. And of course, both Zayaan’s party and Diamond sword, have been singing about your power for the last two days.” The receptionist told me.

“Christina visited me?” That’s surprising. 

“It’s not so strange to have a lord or lady visit someone who saved their town.” She told me.

Well, I guess that’s true.


“So, how do I register?” I asked.

“I just need you to show me your status, please.” The receptionist told me.

“My status? Do I really have to?” I confirmed.

“Yes, it is required. If you would like to do it in a private room, that’s fine. Also the details will not be shown to anyone but guild masters.” She reassured me.

“I would prefer a private room then.” I told her. I would rather not shout from the rooftops that I have system support, a unique skill and multiple extra skills.

“Of course. Please follow me.” She said as she got up from behind the counter and began making her way towards the stairs. I followed behind her, and Lucia was coming along behind me.

“Miss Lucia, you shouldn’t follow us.” The receptionist told her.

“But, I…” Lucia began to explain.

“I don’t mind.” I said to the receptionist.

“Are you sure?” She confirmed.


“Well, then it’s fine.” 



We were in one of the rooms upstairs. It just had two sofas and a table between them. I guess it was for things like talking about private guest details.

“Would you show your status now?” The receptionist asked.

“Sure, Status open.”


Name: Brian Wood
Race: Human !
Level: 25
HP: 390
Mana: 640
Strength: 170
Defense: 350
Magic: 190
Skills: -


My skills didn’t show up, so Laura must have hidden them, but my level did. Last time both were hidden. 

(I can now hide only some parts of my Master's status, as I evolved from basic to standard.) Laura told me. So that’s another upgrade. But she still can’t hide her own existence. Her mark is still next to my race. Perhaps when she evolves into advanced, she’ll be able to.


“I’ve heard from Zayaan you had system support, but I honestly didn’t fully believe it.” She said as she was looking at my status. “You also have really high defense and mana, compared to your other stats. Would you show me your skills as well?”

“Yeah, I can.” I was honestly prepared to show them all to these two. That’s why I didn’t order Laura to hide them. 

(As you wish, Master. I’ll reveal them.)

Name: Brian Wood
Race: Human !
Level: 25
HP: 390
Mana: 640
Strength: 170
Defense: 350
Magic: 190
Pack Opener LV.3 (unique)
Telekinesis LV.1 (extra)
Summoner’s protection LV.1 (extra)
Dungeon Founder (extra)
Language Comprehension (humanoid)

“...” Both the receptionist and Lucia went quiet. Is this really that strange?

“You have some… interesting skills.” The receptionist finally said. “I’ve never heard of someone with only unique and extra skills. And I’ve never heard of most of these skills.” She then began making notes on my status,


“You have telekinesis?” Lucia seemed surprised about my new acquisition. I guess telekinesis is known then.

“Yes, I got it during my level up sleep.” I told Lucia. “Is it something you know about?” 

“It’s a skill that is said to be a requirement to be recognized as a sage.” She told me.

“What is a sage? Like really. I’ve heard of legends where they are said to be the greatest magicians, but what does it mean to be recognized as one?” I asked.

“A sage is a magician recognized by the Alliance of  Nations. Specifically the Sage’s tower. An organization that is a part of the Alliance, similar to the adventurer’s guild.” Lucia informed me. “They give the recognizon to great mages, and give out titles like wizard and witch. And their greater versions. Sage is the second highest title one can gain. The only one above it is great sage.”

“I see. So there is an organization like that.” I said out loud.

“It was founded at the same time as the adventurer’s guild. The guild was founded by the First Hero, the Tower was founded by the First Great Sage, and the church was founded by the First Great Saint.” She gave me a history lesson. 

“The latest person to be recognized as a great sage was the first summoner. She was given the title for introducing a new school of magic to the world.” I guess that would do it.

“I see.”


“Sir Brian, I finished taking down your status.” The receptionist told me. “Let’s head back down stairs and I’ll make you your guild card.”

“Sure.” I answered, closed my status and got up.

I followed her back downstairs with Lucia on my heels. 

She went behind the counter and took out a card that looked like the dungeon cards.

“Please hold it and pass some mana through it.” She told me.

I did as instructed, with Laura’s assistance. I’m still not familiar with moving my magic around by myself. I need to start practicing it. Perhaps I can pull double duty while practicing telekinesis at the same time.

The card changed to show my name, rank, registering place, and some other details that I didn’t understand. It also had my thumbprint, just like the dungeon card. Perhaps these are made to imitate dungeon cards. 


“Now you are officially an adventurer.” The receptionist told me.

“Congratulations.” Lucia said to me.

“Thank you.” I thank them as I look at my card. I did it. I’m an adventurer.

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