Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.64 Improving Mana’s teaching capabilities

Dinner was a little different. With Brandon still out of town, Christina took charge of starting it and we were all a lot more relaxed.

“Do you have any plans for tomorrow, Brian?” Alice asked me.

“Yes. I’ll need to go to recover my Dark Magician from where it was left at and I want to try out a new summon I got. But I need some distance from the town so I don’t scare anyone.” I told them.

“Is it that bad?” Christina asked.

“Not really. But it is another dragon, so I want to be careful.” I told them. I have never lost control of a summon this far, but there could be a first time for anything.

“Can I come with you?” Alice asked.

“No.” I responded firmly. I’m not taking responsibility for that. I already took her way too far two days ago, and I’m still in disbelief no one died that day. And I’m planning on riding Blue-Eyes. I’ll do it solo for the first time. Did you ever see Kaiba take someone else Blue-Eyes riding? Well, I guess Mokuba was in the Blue-Eyes Jet, but other than that.

“Why?!” Alice cried out.

“You know you could take her with you.” Christina added.

“I’m planning on testing if I can ride my dragon, so I would rather do it alone as it’s my first time. I don’t want someone falling off.” I told them.

If it's just me, I might be able to save myself from death, or have Blue-Eyes catch me on the way down but someone else, that might make things difficult. 


“I see. Then it might be better if Alice doesn’t go with you.” Christina gave in.

“But I want to.” Alice was still insisting.

“I think you should learn how to fly like Mana can, before you come riding dragons with me.” I told her.

“But Mana is bad at teaching new spells to me. She does everything with quick cast, so it's difficult to learn.” She said back. 

“I’m sorry, but I honestly have no clue how to help with that.” I responded. “You can always return Dark Magician Girl to me and find another teacher.” I added knowing full well how she would respond.

“No. I’ll never find someone as good as her.” She said, just as I expected.

“Then how about getting a book with some dark magic chants?” I offered. 

“It’s difficult to find books on dark magic.” Christina said. “Dark magic is already the least used magic and most dark mages pass their knowledge to a pupil, rather than writing a book.”

(You could install ‘Book of Secret Arts ‘ onto Dark Magician Girl. That should make her a dark magic grimoire.) Laura told me.

Wait. I can do that? How does that work? Do I like install something into her card or just onto her when she is summoned?

(You install it into her card. Then it will be active whenever she gets summoned.) Laura said.

Sure. Might as well try. 


“Alice, Laura gave me an idea. Give me Mana’s card, please.” I said to Alice.

“You won’t take it away from me, right?” She asked.

“No, I just need it for a second.” I told her.

Alice took the card out from somewhere and I received it. I took a quick look at it, to make sure I didn’t see any damage on it. I don’t know if Alice has been extending the summoning duration again, so I want to make sure there is no damage to the card.

“Why are you looking at it so intensely?” Alice asked.

“I just wanted to make sure you haven’t done anything stupid and caused damage to it.” I told her.

“I wouldn’t do that.” She said back.

“Says the one that extended her summoning time just a few days ago.” I argued back.

“That didn’t damage anything and I did it by accident.” 

“Are you going to say ‘It was an accident’ when you take it too far and this card just vanishes?” I asked.


“Exactly. I just want you to be careful, as I have no clue how you even did it in the first place.” I told Alice.


I grabbed a ‘Book of Secret Arts’ from my collection and held it up to the Dark Magician Girl card. I hope this succeeds. 

“Install.” I said to begin the process. The spell was absorbed by the monster and the picture on the card changed a bit. A pink and blue book strap appeared on her left side and on it, a purple book. I guess that was a success.


“When did you last summon her?” I asked Alice.

“In the afternoon, before tea.” She said. So more than two hours ago. I can summon her then. Or I could just let Alice do it.

“Here.” I said as I gave her the card back. “Try summoning her. I think what I did will help her in teaching you.” 

“What did you do to her?” She asked. 

“Just summon her and see.” I answered.

“Not at the dinner table.” Christina interrupted.

““...”” Both Alice and I got silent as Christina pointed that out. Yeah, I guess we shouldn’t do that.




After dinner, I was with Alice in the parlor room and she was going to summon Mana.

“Dark Magician Girl.” She said holding the card in her hand.

I saw the card appearing behind Alice and Mana stepped out of it. Why are you behind her?

“Guess who?” Mana joked as she placed her hands to cover Alice’s eyes.

“Mana?” Alice guessed.

“Correct. Perfect score.” Mana said as she spun Alice around and took her into a hug. “And Master, thank you for this book. It will come in handy.” She said while still holding Alice in a hug.

“Book? What book?” Alice asked.

“This one.” Mana let Alice go and picked up the purple book from her strap. “A grimoire on dark magic.” She explained. “With it, we should have access to things like more spells and spell chants.”

“Really? That will be a huge help.” Alice got excited as well. “Thank you.” 

“Don’t thank me. Master is the one that did it.” Mana told Alice.

“Then thank you Brian.” She thanked me. “But why didn’t you do it earlier?” She added.


“...Because I didn’t know I could.” I answered honestly.

“But if you had a card that makes a dark magic book, why didn’t you just use it earlier?” She asked.

“...I just didn’t think about it.” 

(If you would have activated it without equipping it to a dark monster, it wouldn’t have made a dark magic book. It would have been just a magic book.) Laura told me. (That’s why I didn’t recommend it earlier. I also didn’t consider the difficulty of using quick cast magic for learning.) 

I guess even Laura can make mistakes. Well we did fix it, so it’s all good in the end.


“Well, now you should have an easier time learning, so all is good, right.” I said to Alice.

“Yes, thank you. You’ve really been a huge help. Again.” Alice said to me. 

“I cause problems and I try to solve them. I’m the reason you’re having difficulty learning dark magic, so I should help you with it, right?” 

“Yes. I’ll do my best to learn many spells. I’ll be strong enough to fight a behemoth in no time, just you watch.” She said to me.

“Just remember, you don’t have to do it alone. Even if the prophecy is correct and does speak about you, there is no need to do everything alone. Teamwork wins in the end.” I reminded her.

“Sure. I’ll make friends that will fight alongside me. And you will as well, won’t you Brian?”

“As long as I’m around, I won’t let you face that monster alone.” I told her.

“I’ll help as well.” Mana butted in.

“Thank you. I’ll make sure you keep that promise.” Alice said to us.



“You two… you three, it’s getting late. Get to bed.” Christina came to the room and told us off.

Now I feel like a little kid that had to be reminded of bedtime. How old am I again?

(According to my information, Master is 22.)


“Well, good night Brian.” Alice was the first of us to recover and wished me good night.

“Good night, Alice. You as well, Christina. And Mana.” I wished the three of them good night. “Make sure to unsummon Mana before you fall asleep.” I reminded Alice.

“I will.” She promised. “Good night.”

“Good night, Master.” Mana said to me.


I made my way to the guest room, took a quick bath and went to bed.

Good night.

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