Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.65 Morning at the Guild

(Good morning, Master.) Laura greeted me as I woke up.

“Hmm..” I stretched. “Good morning.” 


It’s always nice to wake up after a good night's sleep. While I don’t feel the same I did yesterday, I still slept well. I guess blood magic sleep hits differently.


Before someone comes to get me for breakfast, I’ll open my daily packs. I think I’ll go with five packs of Dark Crisis for the Vampire Lord, and the other five will be Invasion of Chaos for the Envoys and Dark Magician of Chaos. 

Yes, let’s do that.


Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Dark Crisis’
[Yes] [No]




Or I’ll get the card I want in the first pack. I don’t know how to feel now. It took me nineteen packs to get a common Vampire Lady, but a secret rare Vampire Lord comes in the first pack. Well, I guess if I count the two I opened yesterday, that would be three in total. Still doesn’t make sense.


Well, I guess I can get more of Invasion. Need to make a toploader for Vampire Lord as well, but that can wait until I open the rest.


Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Invasion of Chaos’
[Yes] [No]


Oh god I got an Ojama. Please god, don’t do this to me.

(Laura, make sure to sacrifice every ojama card I get for sleeves and toploaders.) 

(Yes, Master.) Laura agreed.



Well, that’s five of Invasion of Chaos, and I didn’t really get anything. Let’s just split the last four tokens for two of each, Magician’s Force and Soul of the Duelist.



Well, Ultimate Obedient Fiend is a huge beater and Raregold Armor is a taunt card, so those might come handy. Sadly the Ulti fiend doesn’t like others, but with stats that surpass Blue-Eyes, it would be a good backup strategy if my dragon is not strong enough.



Well, one was decent, the other not really. Time for some Soul of the Duelist.



Why does it have to be Ojamas? Well I did get Black Chick and Ritual Weapon. Those might be useful. In some situations.


Then the two Dark Beginning 1 packs.



That’s some nice stuff. A spare plasma zone, the sage, Suijin and even Hyozanryu. Not bad at all. Next.



Well, that one had nothing special. Black Pendant could make a nice gift, if I can make it last forever. And I guess Fire Princess is not terrible. Even Magic Drain might have its uses.



Now, let’s make the sleeve and toploader for Vampire Lord. Let’s also make a sleeve for Ultimate Obedient Fiend while at it. I don’t think it will need a toploader if it’s just going to be my backup plan. Sleeve is enough. 


Ojama Delta Hurricane!!, Ojama King, Ojama Yellow, 2x Abyssal Designator, Absolute End, Acrobat Monkey, 2x Ante, Anti-Aircraft Flower, 3x Aqua Madoor, Archfiend's Roar, 2x Backfire, Bombardment Beetle, 2x Ceasefire, Chaos Greed, D.D. Borderline, D.D. Scout Plane, Dark Cat with White Tail, Darkbishop Archfiend, Des Dendle, 2x Dimension Distortion, Don Turtle, 2x Fiend's Hand Mirror, Forced Requisition, Gamble, Gravekeeper's Servant, 2x Hade-Hane, Huge Revolution, Humanoid Worm Drake, Larvae Moth, Magical Plant Mandragola, Michizure, My Body as a Shield, Ninjitsu Art of Decoy, Ninjitsu Art of Transformation, 3x Order to Charge, 3x Order to Smash, People Running About, 4x Pharaoh's Servant, 4x Pharaonic Protector, 3x Protector of the Sanctuary, 2x Queen Bird, Psychic Kappa, Robbin' Zombie, 2x Shift, kull-Mark Ladybug, The Cheerful Coffin, Tower of Babel, 


(I would like to sacrifice these 70 cards, Master.) Laura offered. That’s a long list.

(Sure, but why that many? I only asked for a total of 30.) 

(I think it would be good to get rid of bad cards.) Laura told me. Well, she might be correct. I can just use the sleeves later. And with 4 sleeves making a toploader, it won’t be a waste to have a lot of sleeves.

(Sure, you can do it.) I gave the permission. (Also, apply the toploader for Vampire Lord, and the sleeve for Ultimate Fiend.) 

(Yes, Master.)


Good. That takes care of that. That didn’t make sense. But at least I got the Vampire Lord. Now I need to visit Lucia. Hopefully he really can cure her. I was surprised when Vampire Lady couldn’t and I do feel bad for Lucia. I got her hopes up and then I just failed. I’ll make it up to her today. I have all that I need. Unless the world decides that I need an even more powerful vampire to cure her. Wouldn’t that just leave Vampire Genesis? I don’t think he even is in a set I can open yet.

(He doesn’t appear on any of the set lists, Master.)

See. I thought so.



Breakfast came and went. Alice was still trying to convince me to take her with me and in the end I promised I would take her tomorrow. I need to learn how to ride a dragon myself before I take someone flying with me.


As I was about to leave for the guild, Alice came to me, trying to convince me one more time.

“Can I really not come with you?” She was half begging.

“I’m sorry, but I already said to your mother I wouldn’t take you today.” I responded. “And last time I took you outside, it didn’t go so well. We got attacked by wyverns. But I promised I would take you tomorrow, so just wait for it.”

“But I want to go today as well.” She argued.

“I even gave Mana the new magic book, so you two can practice. Don’t worry, I won’t disappear and leave you here. When I make a promise, I keep it.” I told her.

“I know you will. You already promised me the impossible and did it. But still.” 

“It’s better for you to go outside after your father has come back anyway. If you are outside with me, he can’t bother you.” I tried giving her other reasons.


“...If I learn a new spell, will you give me a reward?” She bargained.

“Are we making deals now? Do I need to give you a carrot to run after?” I asked.

“Carrot? What do you mean by that? I don’t want a carrot.” She responded.

I guess that idiom doesn’t exist here. “I meant you need a reward as a goal so you would do better. My grandpa always used that idiom.”

“I’ve never heard of it.” She told me. Well it might still exist, even if she’s never heard it.

“Well anyway, I don’t really have anything that great to use as a reward at the moment, but I’ll get you something if I come across it.” I promised.

“Thank you. That’s a promise, right?” 

“Yes. I promise to get you something, if you learn a new spell.” I told her. “And it better be something more than just a basic one. Basic spell means basic reward.” I pressured her.

“Then I’ll learn a powerful one.” She responded. 

“I’ll be off now. I’ll be back by dinner time. You’d better practice hard.” I told her and turned to leave.

“I will! Stay safe!” She yelled after me.


The first stop, the adventurer’s guild.



(Master, how about making the Black Pendant into a gift for her?) Laura gave me an offer.

(But I would need a necklace to use as a base to install it on, right? Where would I acquire one?) I asked.

(Visit a store and analyze one. Or just buy it if you have the money for it.) Laura said to me. (Analyzing might be better, as you could then analyze the card and have the dungeon make a perfect vessel for one.)

(Be a thief again. I feel like analyzing something is just theft. I need to get one more of these magic fanny packs and go trade it at that place I analyzed the magic flask at.) 

(We could visit the dungeon today.) Laura offered.

(Sure. Let’s do it. But first, the guild. Then the jewelry store. If this town has one.)



On the way to the guild, I kept my eyes open, but I didn’t notice anything that I would assume to be a jewelry store. I guess this town just doesn't have one. I don’t recall anything like that in the store I bought my tent from either. Perhaps the Bakula company’s store would have some. Need to visit it, even if I really don’t want to. Why does that name cause me so much doubt? It is similar, but they do seem to have a good reputation.


I made it to the guild. And it’s quite full. Have they not left yet? I guess this is the earliest I’ve ever been at the guild, so if they leave at the second bell (9am), they would still be here.

No jokes about me spending two nights here. It doesn’t count.


I noticed Lucia and Alex. They were sitting with two members of Diamond Sword. I guess even some members of Diamond Sword are out of town.

“Good morning.” I greeted them as I arrived at their table.

They turned to face me and returned the greeting. 

“Take a seat.” One of the Diamond Sword members offered.

I did as instructed.


“Brian, did you have plans for today?” Lucia asked.

“Yeah. I got a summon yesterday that I want to try out so I was planning on heading a little farther away from town to not cause panic.” I told the table.

“Is it that bad?” One of the Diamond Sword members asked.

“Depends. I don’t think it would be, but how used are the townspeople to seeing dragons flying around?” 

“I could see that causing a panic.” He said.

“Thought as much.” I responded. “Oh, and Lucia, the thing we spoke about yesterday. I got it.” 

“Really?!” She seemed genuinely surprised. “Then will you..?” 

“Sure, we can do it right now. But not here. We need a private room.” I told her.

“We can borrow one of the upstairs rooms.” She told me. “You guys can go outside without me. I’ll join a little later to do the draining.” Lucia said to the table before dragging me with her. 

She said something to one of the receptionists and we went upstairs. 


We entered one of the upstairs rooms. I think it’s the same one I showed my status in.

“Did you really get a stronger vampire summon?” Lucia asked.

“Yes I did. I really didn’t believe it myself at first, either. I had so much difficulty getting Vampire Lady yesterday and today I just got the Lord no problem.” I told her.

“Can he cure my curse?” She asked.

“Well, there is an easy way to find out.” I answered. “Are you ready?” 



I pulled the Vampire Lord from my collection and activated my DiaDhank.

Placing the card onto the DiaDhank, I said: “I summon Vampire Lord.”

He was about my height, dressed in a purple suit and a black cloak. His turquoise hair made a nice contrast with his red eyes.

“Master, how may I be of service?” He said and gave me a small bow. 

“I need you to cure her blood curse. I tried having Vampire Lady do it, but she couldn’t fully cure it.” I told him.

“I see. Miss, are you ready?” My summon asked Lucia.


Lucia seemed to think for a moment, before giving a strong nod.

“Good, then take off your mantle.” My summon instructed her. 

She seemed to hesitate for a second before complying. But in the end she did take it off. Below it she was wearing her hoodie. The one I gave her. 

“You’ll need to take that off as well.” My summon said. “I need access to your neck.”

Will you really neckbite her? I guess that is the classic spot, so it might power up the magic.

Lucia did as asked and placed her hoodie next to her mantle on the table.


This was the first time I really got a good look at Lucia’s face. And it is extremely beautiful.

She has short cut, blood red hair and almost glowing turquoise eyes. Almost like the reverse of the Vampire Lord next to her.1Vampire Lord has Turquoise hair and Red eyes Her skin was also extremely pale. I wouldn’t call it perfect white, but almost. But not white like ones you see on geisha’s or other performers that use heavy makeup. Her skin was all natural. It had some flaws, but that honestly made it better. Perfect beauty shouldn’t exist. Except maybe for Gods.

At least she still had on an undershirt so I didn’t have unlimited access to her …. well, that part of her. Why can you be so beautiful? It’s illegal. Gods will curse you for beauty of that level. Wait, she already has a curse. Damn it. So she is so beautiful that she got cursed. Or is the blood curse a punishment for dhampirs because they have this unnatural beauty?


“Please don’t stare that much.” Lucia said meekly.

I try to look away, but my eyes stay on her. Brain, work correctly. I wanted to look. NO! I mean I want to look away.

I finally turn my head. I think it let out a full on creak. 

“I’m sorry.” I said to Lucia. “You are just so beautiful my eyes didn’t want to look away.” I told her honestly. I think my eyes want to return to looking at her. 

“You shouldn’t say something like that.” She countered. 

“I know. I’m sorry.” I said as I fully turned my back to her. This way she is as far away as possible. “If you want, I’ll leave the room.” I offered.

“...you can stay. Just keep looking at the wall like you are.” She gave her permission.

(I’ve determined that Lucia doesn’t have a response like Master had to blood magic. Perhaps due to her being a dhampir.) Laura told me. So she won’t go into ecstasy. That’s good.


“Master really is weak to the orders of females.” Vampire Lord taunted me.

“You, shut up. I would unsummon you for that and rip your card to pieces, but I do kind of need you, so you can stay.” I tried threatening my summon, but it failed.

“I’ll try to stay on your good side so you call on me again.” He said and got back on track. “Miss, are you ready?” 

“Yes.” I heard Lucia’s response.

“Then, we shall begin.”


I don’t know what exactly was happening, but I heard some sounds. Including some moaning by Lucia. Well when she used the blood scan on me, it was extremely pleasurable, so if the curse canceling is anything like that, I can understand. Even if Laura said she wouldn’t have an effect as bad as mine, it might still get to masturbation levels. 


“Master, it’s done.” I heard my summon say.

“Did you succeed?” I asked.

“Naturally.” He responded. “But the curse was strong in her. I can definitely see why my sister failed.”

… What? They are brother and sister? Ok? I didn’t know that. But I guess it makes sense. They have similar skin, eye and hair color. I thought that lady was something like a human that was turned into a vampire, but I’ll accept this.


“So… May I turn around now?” I asked.

“Just a second. I’ll cover her back up.” Vampire Lord said to me.

I heard some sounds of clothing before I heard Lucia say: “You can turn around now.”

I did as instructed. She was still only wearing the hoodie, not her mantle, but her appeal had dropped down to levels where I could control myself.


“How do you feel?” I asked Lucia.

“...full. Like I’m not thirsty for the first time in my life.” She told me.

“Her curse is completely gone, but her blood magic didn’t turn into true blood magic.” My summon explained. “If she practices with my sister, it should evolve in no time.”

That’s nice. If she has true blood magic, she should be able to cure the curse from other dhampirs. I don’t mind having Vampire Lord do it, but having someone else capable as well would be nice.


“Does this mean I no longer need to drink blood?” Lucia asked.

“No, you still need blood.” Vampire Lord instructed her. “Blood will always be necessary for you, but you won’t hunger after it like you used to. And all blood should taste a little better without the curse.”

A nice added bonus, I suppose.

“You’ll also be capable of enjoying meals other than blood. I believe you couldn’t earlier.” He said.

She couldn’t even enjoy her meals? I guess the curse was even worse than I thought. Good food is essential. 


Mission: Cure the Dhampirs
Cured Lucia
Reward: Vampire Genesis


And there is the mission reward. Vampire Genesis is an even more powerful vampire, but I think I need to sacrifice Lord to summon him. Well, it might be worth it.


“Brian, would it be possible if I gave you what I promised at a later date?” Lucia asked.

“Promised? When did you promise something?” I asked her

“I promised I would let you mess with my body if you cured me.” She said back agitated. Oh yeah, I was going to give her light magic affinity. 

“That’s fine. In all honesty, if you don’t want me to do it, I won’t. I just feel like if you really need light magic to achieve your dreams, I can help with that.” I told her.

“Then could we change the promise?” She asked. “When I learn true blood magic, I’ll let you give me light magic.” Lucia made the next deal.

“If that’s what you want, sure.” I answered.



After I unsummoned Vampire Lord, Lucia and I left the private room and headed back downstairs. It was a lot more quiet now. I guess a lot of people had left already.


“I’ll be going now. Will you come with me today as well?” Lucia asked.

“No. I have some things I want to do. I’ll try to stop by if my route takes me where you are.” I told her.

“Will be on the northern fields today. Do stop by.” Lucia said before taking off.


I stayed behind at the guild. I need to find out if there is a monetary reward for what I did. I haven’t received one yet after all. And if I’m going to buy a necklace, I need some more money.


For that, I turn towards the service counter.


Two things of note here. 1. This is the longest chapter in the series this far, at just over 3000 words. 2. This chapter is a perfect example of what I call 'my luck'. It's my lucks way to screw over all plans I ever make, as long as there is even a small chance for it. In this case, my plan to have it take a few days for Brian to get the vampire to cure Lucia with. But now the pulls won't be as limited and I have an idea of what I want to aim for next. And opening more Magic Ruler is always a descent option.

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