Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.72 Return of Kevin

As the practice session between my summon and Kurt’s group was going on, more adventurers came back to town. Some of them heard the sounds of training and came to have a look. And some even requested to join in, so after asking if that’s fine from my summon, I let them join. It was in a way good timing, as Kurt’s group was running out of steam and would have had to stop soon anyway.

But since more adventurers were here now and they wanted a turn as well, Kurt’s group was courteous and gave up their practice session just a little early.


“Thank you so much, Brian.” Kurt said as he sat down next to me. 

“For what? I barely did anything.” I answered. “You should be thanking her.”

“I already did, but she told me to thank her Master. That’s you.” Kurt argued.

“Well, I hope you learned something.” I told him.

“Yes, we did.” He responded. “We learned that our attacks are too wide and slow. But I don’t really get how we should change it yet.”

“Too wide? Hmm..” That put me in thought. I guess it could mean they are just swinging too much and wasting energy. “I think she means your moves are too large. You bring your sword too up or too much to the side before attacking. I don’t really know, because I’m not an expert on sword fighting.”

“Would that really be it?” Kurt asked.

“Again, don’t ask me. I’m not an expert.”


“...Then, could we train like this again tomorrow?” He asked.

Tomorrow? I said I would go out with Alice, right? I guess I could, but I can’t promise it.

“I’m not sure. I have some plans for tomorrow, so I might not be able to be here like this.” I told him.

“But you said you had plans for today, and you still made time for this.” He argued.

“That’s because I achieved everything I wanted to. I just came back to the guild after a day's work, like any other adventurer.” I told him. “And then I came out here as you requested. I can try coming here tomorrow, but no promises.”


I once again took a hold of the practice Beaver Warrior with telekinesis and flew it around a bit. I think I’m starting to get used to telekinesis a little. I still couldn’t move the card fast, but I could probably float something next to me as I walked. As long as Laura took care of my mana control. When I tried controlling the mana myself, I couldn’t do anything with telekinesis. Mana control is difficult.


“Brian, what are you doing?” Kurt, who was still sitting next to me asked, as he looked at the floating card.

“Practicing.” I answered quickly. I need to concentrate on telekinesis.

“Is that a wind magic spell?” He asked.

“No, it’s a skill.” I answered as I lost enough of my concentration that the card began to fall. I was able to catch it in my hand before it hit the ground. Is talking with someone more difficult than walking? I guess it does take more brain work, compared to walking, which is a pseudo automated motion. At least once you learn it. Or I just overestimated my skills.

“I’ve never heard of a skill like that.” Kurt told me.

“I guess it might be slightly rare. Lucia knew it, so I’m not sure.” I said to Kurt.

“Lucia? From Prime Rib?” Kurt asked.

“Yes her.” I confirmed.

“I guess you would know her. … Would you introduce me?” Kurt asked.


Are you trying to get in bed with her? I guess she is one of the few female adventurers in town, but I don’t think you should be aiming for a dhampir. Or is the fact that she is a dhampir not known by everyone? I guess it’s possible that some might not know it, I just assumed it was one of those secrets that everyone knew. Like the ‘secret’ about me being a summoner. Or the secret that Rico is money hungry. 


“Sorry, but no. If you want to know her, go up to her and try talking to her.” I answered. I’m not going to play cupid. 

“But… She is so much higher in rank than me.” Kurt responded.

“Really? That’s your argument?” And here I thought you got some guts after putting your hand onto a hot card, but I guess you are still just scared. “You know you will never do it, if you don’t even try. Remember how you were willing to touch the card outside, even though you knew it was hot?”

“But I didn’t do it. Or I wouldn’t have done it, if you hadn’t arrived there and offered up some healing.” Kurt argued.

“There is nothing wrong with being careful. But honestly, what bad could happen if you go up to Lucia and ask her out?” I offered the straight path forward. This world doesn’t have cameras or the internet, so you won’t be shamed online after you fail. There might be some gossip, but that will die down in just a few days. Especially at the moment, when the ‘moron’ has so much gossip that will be making its rounds.


“... I guess I could try.” Kurt gave in. 

“That’s the spirit. If there is no chance of death, just go for it. You’ll come out stronger.” I gave him some encouragement. 

“That doesn’t sound right.” He argued.

Perhaps it’s not, but then again the ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ saying doesn’t make sense either. Don’t blame me too much.


“Hey Kurt.” One of the adventurers from his not-a-party called. “Let’s go find some food.”

“Yes, I'm coming.” Kurt said as he got up. “Thank you for the training.”

“No problem.” I responded. Don’t I still have like three of them. I think I do. “Wait a second.” I said to him before he ran off.

“What is it?” Kurt turned back to face me.

“Take these.” I said as I handed him two of the three burritos. “Make sure to share them with your team.”

“Are these from Uncle Sam’s stall?” He asked. “Are you sure we can have them?” 

“Just take it. I bought ten of them this morning and I didn’t really think it through, so I’ve been handing them out to people.” I admitted.

“Why would you ever buy ten of them?” Kurt asked. “They are fairly large and also cost a copper, so most would only buy one.”

“It just ended up that way.”  I told him. And they are not that large. They are at most, meal size. After your friend challenges you to eat a 2 kilo (4 pound) kabab roll, a small one like this seems normal. This thing is 500 grams at most. But I guess that would be a good size for lunch. Depending on who you ask.



As the time limit on Performance of Sword was approaching, I heard some commotion from the guild. Someone was yelling loud enough for it to be heard outside. I can’t hear everything, but there was something about attacking his son. Who in the world would come to the guild to complain about something so minor? This is an adventurer’s guild. Small fights should happen every day. Or at least a couple times a week. That’s what healing magic is for.


As I got up to break up the training that was going on, so that I could unsummon my monster and leave, the yelling mad man came to the backyard. 

YOU!” He yelled out and made a beeline for me. “You attacked my son! I will have your head for this!!”


Why are you here!? This fucking Kevin. And that’s not even racist or stereotypical. His name is Kevin. He needs to get a life. Also attacking his son? When did I do that. I didn’t even know he had one. Who is crazy enough to let this madman give it to them in the holy hole? If you need to have it with a madman, at least take it to number two. That way you won’t need to look at him for the rest of your life.


As he was charging at me, my summon noticed and quickly made her way from the practice match to defend me. Thankfully the match had paused as this yelling madman had come here, so she didn’t have to fight her way through the adventurers.


“Out of my way, bitch!” Kevin was yelling at my summon who had made it in time to stop him.

“You will treat my Master with respect, if you don’t want to die.” She threatened. I could see Kevin visibly recoil as she said that. I guess she really does have an intimidation skill.

“Your master? You need a better master.” Kevin said as his rage overtook his fear.

“My Master is the best and I will not let you talk to him like that.” Performance of Sword argued. “I will now have you apologize.”


She quickly moved behind Kevin and took a hold of his arm, twisting it in a way that forced Kevin into a bow. 

“ARGH. Let GO Of ME! Do you have any idea who I work for? I could destroy your life!” Kevin was still screaming. 

“I won’t, until you apologize to my Master.” My summon said as she applied more pressure to Kevin’s arm.

“Aryah.” He let out another scream as Performance was forcing him into an even more awkward position.


“You can loosen up a bit.” I told her. “Now, why don’t you tell me what I did to you? Or was it to your son?” I asked from Kevin, while making my tone purposefully calm to agitate him more.

“You attacked my son.” He said, for the first time not yelling. 

“And when did I do that? I don’t even know who your son is.” I told him.

“THIS MORNING!” And right back to yelling. “You can’t have forgotten already! Or do YOU attack People every day!?”

“I don’t recall attacking anyone today. Where did this happen?” I asked, keeping up my soft tone.

“Outside the east gate. You attacked him when he was out with his friends.” Kevin said.


East gate? With friends. It couldn’t be. The moron. The friend abuser.

…Well, now this is awkward. I guess technically Dancing Fairy did tackle his face, so that would count as me attacking him, right? But that was only because he was being a bully.


“Do you mean the kid that was playing with my things and passed out from the pain after trying to prove himself?” I confirmed.

“He did no such thing.” Kevin tried to argue.

“Oh, but he did. I was there. You can also ask Kurt’s group about it. He was trying to be a big boy and hold his hand on something that would hurt him, but in the end it was too much and he passed out. Then I had a summon heal his hand and asked Kurt’s group to get him back to town.” I told Kevin my made up version of events. “So do tell me, why would I apologize to you for healing the hand of your son?” 


“That’s not what happened!” Kevin was still trying to argue. “He said he was just outside looking at something and then you attacked him and his friends out of nowhere.”

“Sure, go ask the friends then. Or just ask the guard at the east gate. Or just use your brain. If I had attacked your son, he would be dead.” I told him straight up.

“THEN I WILL! And When I find out you were lying, I’ll have you made into a slave.” Kevin screamed.

“So that means we are done here?” I confirmed. “You can let him go now.” I told my summon.

(Laura, make sure she is ready to intervene if this dumpo tries anything else.) 

(Of course, Master.)


“You’d better be ready. When I get the proof, you’ll be sorry.” Kevin said as he stormed off. 


…Well, that happened. Should I go tell the owner of Bakula company that his employee is a moron. I guess I could, but then I would need to apologize for basically stealing from him. I guess I could do it with one of the two fanny packs I made today. Even if giving it for free is too much, I could trade it for the pendant and some cash. That would make us equal, right? I also need to do that at that other store with the magic flask. Well, I’ll leave that for tomorrow.


“Thank you for your service.” I said to Performance of Sword. “You can go now.”

“Please call on me again, Master.” She said as she lowered herself into the card.

“I’m sure I will.” I told her. “Everyone, that is it for today. I’ll try to come again some other day, so you can have another practice session.” I said to the adventurers.


I left the guild grounds with cheers behind my back. 

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