Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.73 Storm before Dinner

Is it wrong to say that I’m almost used to heading ‘home’ to the Watchman manor? Am I getting too used to staying there? It is the only place I have slept at since coming to this world, so it does feel a little like home. The guild medbay doesn’t count. I wasn’t sleeping, I was passed out. But then the big question becomes, is it fine for me to stay there? I think it is, but I should probably ask Christina about it. Am I abusing their hospitality?

Well, I’ll worry about it after I ask about it from Christina. If she says I am, I can always live at an inn for a while, or even buy a house once I get the money for the wyverns. Considering that a burrito that is basically a full meal costs a copper coin, I would guess that a night at an inn would not cost any more than a small silver. It could even be something like two or three copper.


With those thoughts, I made it to the Watchman manor. The guard just let me in again. I decided to hand the last burrito I had to him, as a full meal would likely be on the table soon. He was trying to refuse it, but did accept it after I told him I would throw it away if he didn’t take it. Good. I didn’t waste any food. The food police would be proud. Or perhaps not.


“Welcome back, Lord Brian. Did you have a fruitful day?” Nicole welcomed me at the door. She has to have a sixth sense for this. Or is there a button they press at the gate that alarms the butler, or in this case Nicole, about a guest arriving. I’ll go with the second one for now. I guess it could also be magic. Magic explains everything.

“Hello Nicole.” I greeted her. “I achieved everything I wanted to for the day, so I think it would count as fruitful.”

What a strange saying. Fruitful day. Where does it come from? From people that collect fruit for a living? 

“That’s good to hear. Dinner is not quite ready yet, but if you want something to eat immediately, I can have something prepared if you want.” Nicole offered.

“No thank you. I can wait.” I told her. I did eat plenty today.

“As you wish. Is there anything else you need?” She asked.

“For now, not really. I’ll be heading to my room, if that’s fine.” I told her.

“That’s fine. I’ll come get you when dinner is ready.” Nicole said and let me inside.



I hadn’t been in my room for long when there was a knock at the door. Is dinner ready this quickly? There is no way, right. Nicole would have just told me to head to the dining room if that were the case.

Another knock. This time a little louder.

“Come in.” I told the knocker.

“Brian.” Alice called out as she entered. “I did it. Give me a reward.”

“Did what now?” Why is she coming onto me?  “Oh, a spell, right? You already learned a new one?” 

“Yes. Mana was able to teach me better with that book, so I learned a new spell. And you promised me a reward if I did.” Alice pressured. She grabbed my hand and was holding on tight, probably not planning on letting go until I gave her the reward. I do have one for you, but I think it can wait until I see her cast the spell.

“Well done, Alice. I honestly was expecting it to take a little longer.” I told her.

“...Does that mean you don’t have a reward for me?” She asked, seeming a little down.

“I do have something, but I want to see the spell before I give it to you.” I told Alice.

“Then let’s go do it right now!” She was ready to drag me outside.

“No, we won’t. It can wait until tomorrow.” I told her.

“...you’re no fun…” Alice said quietly.

“Then I guess we can call off our outing for tomorrow.” I joked back.

“NO!” She immediately yelled out. “You can’t do that!”




The door to the room was flung open. 

“What are you doing!?” A maid burst in. Could you not slam the door when you do? I’m honestly worried that you’ll break it.

Alice let go of my hand and seemed flustered that she was caught holding it.

Well, this is awkward. I think Jenna thought I was doing something bad but honestly, I’m just the victim of a hand-holding-attack. I guess what Alice said just before Jenna came in did sound a little… questionable. 


“...So Brian, could you tell me what led to my Lady screaming like that?” Jenna asked.

“She was a little aggressive and I threatened to call off our date for tomorrow.” I answered honestly with an almost cold tone.

“D-date?” Alice muttered.

“So it was Alice that initiated the contact?” Jenna confirmed.

“Why do you say it like that? But yes, Alice came into this room and grabbed my hand.” I told Jenna. You should know these things already. This is not the first time Alice has come into my room.

“I see… Thank you for the information.” She said as she moved to leave the room.

She quickly checked on the door she slammed and seemingly deemed it to be fine, before leaving the room and closing the door.


“...Oh no.” Alice seemed to realize something. “She is going to tell mom.”

“Is that bad?” I asked.

“She might tell me I can’t go out with you tomorrow.” Alice answered.

“I doubt that. If memory serves, she tried having me marry you when she learned I have the system support. I think she would welcome development like this.” I told Alice.

“...Did she? I don’t remember that.” Alice said. “But if she won’t oppose our date, it won’t matter.”


Now even Alice is calling it a date. I guess it would be one. My first date with Alice. If you don’t count the one we had on the day of the wyvern attack. I’ll say it doesn’t count, or that it count’s as a failed date. It was so rudely interrupted. I hope our dates aren’t cursed to always be cut short. I guess we’ll find out tomorrow.


“Oh yeah, Alice, what spell did you learn?” I asked. She did come here to tell me she learned one.

“...I’ll show you tomorrow.” She answered. “If you are going to make me wait, you'll have to as well.” She teased.

“Then I’ll find out tomorrow.” I told her. I’m in no rush.

“You're a bully.”

“Why? What did I do?” I asked.

“I wanted you to beg for me to tell you. You ruined everything.” Alice complained.

“Or you just wanted to get your carrot sooner. You are so opposite to Lucia in that way.” I told her.

“Are you cheating on me? With that vampire girl.” Alice asked.

“I can’t cheat on you if we are not in a relationship.” I answered.

“I slept with you, so you are mine.” Alice argued. 

“And then you get scared when someone sees you holding my hand. Pick a lane and stay in it.” I told her.

“What does that mean?” 

“It means that either be the doting girlfriend all the time, including when people are watching, or go back to being the shy girl that doesn’t know how to express her feelings.” I told her.


“...Does that mean I can be your girlfriend?” Alice asked.


… How do I answer that. She is a cute girl, but she is also a little too young for me to feel right with this. She can’t be over eighteen, so I’m just afraid the police will come and throw me in jail. Well I guess there are no police in this world, but the town’s guard basically does that job.

And even if that wasn’t an issue, it’s only been a week since Laura broke up with me. I’m not sure I’m ready to go into the dating scene this quickly. Casual outings are one thing, but full on dates. I’m not sure I’m ready yet.


“Answer me!” Alice demanded.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t. Not yet.” I told her hanging my head down. I don’t want to reject her like this, as I’m sure this is her first love confession.

“Why?” Alice asked on the verge of tears. “Do you really love Lucia that much? Then go marry her.”

“It’s not that.” I argued. 

“Then what is it?” Alice asked.

“I can’t… I don’t want to talk about it. It’s personal.” And it would reveal the one secret I have been keeping. The fact that I’m from another world.


“...Fine.” Alice said and left the room. I think I saw some tears in her eyes. Now I really need to apologize to her and the pendant will end up being an apology gift.



I was still thinking about what to do with Alice, when Nicole came to get me for dinner. I followed her to the dining room.

I guess I should talk to Christina about the Alice situation. I was going to talk to her about staying here as well, so I guess I can do both at the same time.

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