Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.74 Talking with Christina

Dinner was awkward, again. Alice was eating with no regard for her usual manors and just looked like she was on the verge of tears for the entire meal. She did not take my rejection well. I guess it would have been her first one, so it does hit a little harder. 


After she had finished her meal, Alice left the room immediately. This isn’t what usually happened, as this far we had all left the table at the same time. Except after the dungeon day when Alice escaped as well.


“Brian, did something happen?” Christina asked after Alice left the room.

“Yeah, she asked me to be her boyfriend and I said no.” I admitted.

“And she didn’t take it well. May I ask why you turned her down? From my point of view you two were getting along well. Did she do something?” 

“She didn’t, but… it’s complicated.” 

“If you don’t want to talk about it, you don’t have to. You have done so much for us already.” Christina said.

“Have I? Have I really? I feel like I’ve done nothing. The wyverns aside, I really feel like I’ve ruined this family. Internally I mean.” I told her.

“Ruined us? What do you mean by that?” 

“It’s just… I turned Alice against both you and Brandon. Brandon even more so. I’ve broken things that cannot be fixed and now, I even broke Alice’s heart.” I admitted. I know the relationship between Alice and her father wasn’t the best even before I came along, but I feel like it’s just gotten worse.


“I don’t think that’s true at all.” Christina said to me. “Come with me.”

Christina got up from the table and I followed her lead. I have no right to refuse at this moment, so let’s just do it.



Christina led me to the master bedroom. Not to get into bed with her. She ordered me to sit down on one of the two sofas that were facing each other with a small table in between. 

I did as told and after a minute, she came back with two glasses and a bottle of something. Is she going to get me drunk so I’ll sleep with Alice? That won’t end well.


“If you are trying to get me drunk so I’ll do a something stupid, it won’t work.” I told her.

“Why wouldn't it?” She asked in a teasing tone.

“I’ll just go mad when I learn about what I did and destroy everything with my summons.” I told her.

“No you won’t.” Christina countered. “I know you wouldn’t do something like that.

“Do you know me? Or do you know the me I have been showing to you.” I asked.

“If you were just acting, you wouldn’t have done what you did to Alice. You don’t just hand out power like that.” Christina argued.


… Well, I guess that makes sense. You don’t want possible adversaries. 

“...” I didn’t respond. I don’t know what to do. 

“Your silence means I’m right.” Christina said. “Brian, you are not a bad person. And you have not broken anything.” She tried to reassure me. “You saved us.”

“Not really. Those wyverns wouldn’t have killed everyone here anyway. As long as you hid away somewhere inside, they would have left after causing some chaos.” At least I think so. Even if they were here for revenge, they wouldn’t have made this place their nest.

“But if we didn’t do anything, it would have been the end of Alewatch and this family as well. Nobles that can’t protect their territory from monsters don’t deserve to be nobles.” Christina said. “That’s why we made preparations and were ready to fight when we got the message.”

I guess she and Brandon did come outside.


She opened the bottle and poured some of it into the two glasses. 

“Here.” She handed me a glass before sitting down opposite to me. I took a sniff of the alcohol in the glass. I’m not an expert, but its scent is similar to brandy.

“Will you tell me what is troubling you?” She asked.

I took a sip of the alcohol she gave me. I was expecting a burn, but it was smooth. This must be an expensive brandy.

“I just… I don’t know. I just feel like I’ve told all of you so many lies and now Alice is trying to get them out of me.” I told her.

“And what have you lied about? Is it something so terrible that you can’t speak about it?” Christina asked.

“No, not really. It’s just… It’s a secret I kept trying to keep myself safe. Honestly. I feel like I’ve shared so many secrets already. Even telling everyone I’m a summoner felt risky. But I had no choice. Then the secret about me holding system support came out. And then the fact that my summoning is not normal but is a unique skill. All things that would have been better if I could have hidden them.” I told Christina.


“I see. So that is how you feel.” Christina said and took her first sip. So she was actually planning on drinking with me. “I don’t think revealing secrets to people you trust is a bad idea.”

“But that’s the problem. I don’t know if I can trust you.” I said to her face. It might be because I’m emotional at the moment, but trust is something I don’t have that much at the moment. I emptied my glass. I need some more of this ‘liquid courage’. 

“I see. That’s understandable. We barely know each other.” She told me.

“But you can’t understand. It’s not just that. For me, you are one of the only people I really feel like I know.” I told her. “You, Alice, perhaps Lucia. Some of the other members of Prime Rib. You are the people I know about the most. You are the people I trust the most. But even then…”

I felt tears in my eyes. For me, these are the people I know in this world. The only people I feel like I can trust. At least on some level.

“I see. But I was once the same as you. I moved away from everyone I knew when I got married and …”

“IT IS NOT THE SAME!” I yelled over her. “You can contact any of them! Whenever you want! You write a letter and it’s with your family in a few days. I can’t do that!”


“Then your family really has passed. I’m so sorry.” Christina said.

I was crying. I could feel every tear on my face. It’s been a long time since this happened last. When I learned that Laura left me, I didn’t cry. When I learned that grandpa had Alzheimer’s and he wouldn’t remember me anymore, I didn’t cry. I don’t cry when I’m sad. Not like this at least.


I think I’ll just let it out now. I feel like if I don’t do it now, I never will.

“...my family is not dead. I just… can’t contact them again. Ever.” I told Christina.

“...I don’t see how that would be possible.” She admitted. 

“That’s what I meant when I said you wouldn’t understand me. I shouldn’t be here. And I don’t mean in this room. Or in this house. I shouldn’t be in this world.” I let it out.

“This world? What do you mean by that?” Christina asked.


“I’m not from this world.” I told her.

“What do you mean ‘you are not from this world’? Then where are you from?” She asked.

“I mean I wasn’t born here, I wasn’t raised here, I mean I’m not from here. I’m not from a place that exists here.” I told her. “I came here from another world. From one vastly different from this one. One with no magic, no monsters, one where the cards I now use to summon monsters were just a game.”


The room was silent. 

I guess after learning of something that shatters reality, even Christina would go silent like that.


“May I ask you something?” She said.

“...go for it.” I said as I grabbed the bottle and poured myself a second drink.

“How long have you been in this world?” She asked.

“...I came here on the day I eliminated the dungeon. I think it was seven days ago.” I told her.

“I… I see. So everything is new to you. That would explain some things.” Christina said.

“Yeah.” I responded as I emptied my second portion. That didn’t last long.


“Let me tell you this, you are free to stay here as long as you need. Neither I nor my husband will ever kick you out and you are free to come back here if you want.” Christina offered. “You might not have a home in this world, but I can offer you mine.”

“...thank you.” I said quietly while clearing the tears on my face. I really shouldn’t be crying like this.

“I think we should call it a night. You clearly need rest.” She told me. “And if you can’t sleep because you are lonely, I have a spot open next to me.” She teased.

“Well at least I now know where Alice gets it from.” I responded as I got up.

“What do you mean by that?” She asked before I could leave.

“You didn’t know? She snuck into my room and slept next to me after our trip to the dungeon.” I told Christina as I left the room.

“What do you mean ‘slept next to you’?” She called out behind me. I didn’t stop. I’ll break down into tears again if we continue. I’ll need a day to recover before that.

I made my way through the manor. Luckily Laura could tell me the way.

On the way I ran into Nicole, who asked me if I needed anything, but I just said no. I don’t really feel like anything except bed at this moment. When I made it into my room and entered the bathroom, I noticed they had a bath ready for me. I guess it would be a waste not to use it, so I stripped and took a quick dip in the bath, clearing away the rest of my tears and the grimes of the day.


I dressed in my borrowed PJs and went to bed.

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