Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 165

Chapter 161 1

Sardin entered the VIP room, and each pregnant woman had a single room. It is said to be a single room, but it looks similar to a small guest room. There is a small block next to the pregnant woman’s bed, and a nanny bed is placed behind it. . Song Bai opened the curtain and slept on the bed prepared for the nanny.

Sadin slept in a light sleep all night because of his health. He heard Song Bai’s uneasy turning on the bed in the half-dreamer and half-awake. He wanted to ask Song Bai to come to his bed, but he couldn’t wake up. Light invaded his senses, and he heard the sound of sleeping breathing from the bed next door, and he fell into a deep sleep.

When Sadin woke up again, the sun rose above his head, and Song Bai next to him woke up long ago. He was reading a magazine that the hospital used to pass time to patients. His eyes were light blue, and it could be seen that he did not rest last night. it is good.

Seeing that Sadin woke up, he put down the magazine in his hand, walked over, and asked, “How is your body? Is it still in pain? Do you want to call a doctor for you?”

“It’s okay,” Sardin shook his head. With the female worm’s physical quality, he felt that he had already recovered most of the time. If it weren’t for the strangeness in some places under the quilt, he could hardly feel any difference in his body from before. .

“Song Bai, how about the worm eggs, have you seen it?” Sardin asked.

“Ah?” Song Bai was suddenly stunned, he hesitated: “…I forgot.”

He only paid attention to Sardin all night, and didn’t think about the child at all. In fact, he almost forgot why he came to the hospital.

Sadin laughed and said, “Really, it was born to me anyway, why don’t you go and have a look?”

“By the way,” Sadin said with a strange expression, “the child’s gender, do you know?”

“…” Song Bai was at a loss for words, he really didn’t know.

“I, I’ll go right now!” Song Bai said, stood up, and went straight to the incubation room.

In the room, only Sardin was left smiling and shaking his head. Song Bai valued him more than the child, which made him very gratified. But there is still a slight worry floating in my heart.

I wonder if Song Bai would like the female cub.

“Why don’t you look at the road!” The nurse’s voice came from the corridor, the door was not closed tightly, and Sadin heard Song Bai’s hurried apology.

It was said that one pregnancy was stupid for three years. How could he feel that Song Bai had taken all his stupidity away?

For some reason, the worry just now vanished.

If Song Bai was really stupid, wouldn’t he want to take care of the two children by himself in the future? Instead, Sardin began to worry.

He laughed out loud at his ridiculous idea.

In the incubation room, the nurses on duty are checking the machine test index in each incubator one by one to ensure that the indicators of temperature, humidity and ventilation are normal.

He was recording one by one in the notebook, when a male worm suddenly broke in, a little embarrassed on his face, startled the nurse, and said, “What are you doing here!”

The male worm looked around nervously and said, “Hey, does this have any of my children?”

The nurse breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that this was another careless father. As he wrote down the data in the last incubator, he said, “These are all nine-month-old eggs. When was your child born, remember. ?”

The age of the worm eggs is calculated from the moment of conception in the womb of the female father, which is basically similar to the gestational months of humans. At nine months of age, she is about a month away from being born.

Song Bai realized that he had made an embarrassing incident, and quickly told the nurse the name of Sadin, and the child was born yesterday.

“Yesterday? That has to be seen at four months old,” the nurse said. After finishing the last inspection, he showed Song Bai the way.

“Didn’t you watch it when the baby was born? Why did you suddenly want to come and watch it again? Did you get a male egg and couldn’t show it off to your relatives and friends by taking pictures?” the nurse said with a smile.

Song Bai coughed in embarrassment, “…I haven’t seen it yet.”

The nurse was stunned for a moment. It seemed that he was a male lord who had forgotten the birth of the female monarch because of playing games. The male worms would come to the incubation room to look at the eggs. Most of them were sure to get a male egg. Otherwise, the precious time of the male worms would be used. , where can we come again?

Since the male in front of him doesn’t know the gender of the child, it is inconvenient for him to raise other people’s expectations. After all, if the male sees a female egg, he will definitely be the first to be affected by the male’s negative emotions.

The nurse didn’t speak again on the way. They arrived in the incubation room one after the other.

Pushing open the door of the incubation room, in front of the incubation room, the whole house is painted a quiet blue color, and a series of incubators are neatly placed inside, and a small index meter is lit in front of each incubator. , used to count the ventilation, temperature and other data inside the box. Under each incubator with soft lighting, there is a worm egg lying quietly, which looks like a breathing spirit, sleeping peacefully in this room.

Song Bai couldn’t help holding his breath. He was in a hurry just now, and he didn’t have time to check what the room looked like.

The nurse has long been surprised by this, and he accurately took out a card from under each incubator, recording the names of the male and female fathers of the eggs.

“That’s it.” Checking the third column, he clapped the lid of the incubator under his hand, the touch was solid, and there was almost no echo.

The feel of this box seemed a little different from the incubator he was used to.

Before he could think about it, he saw another male worm also broke in. He had a refined face, sweaty forehead, and was panting at this time, and asked the nurse, “Where are the worm eggs?”

“Director?” the nurse said dumbly.

Jingshan is the director of the incubator. The incubator was established 27 years ago. It is said that it was specially approved by Mr. Sheng, but it has not been open to the public. However, all major public hospitals in Kyoto know that, because a considerable number of new incubators are sent from the incubator every month for experiments and data recording.

The nurse thought that Jingshan was looking at the eggs that the hatchery used for the test last time, and said: “” Dean, what you are looking for is not here, here is the four-month-old, and the fifth-month-old is next door…

“Father-in-law, here!” Standing in front of the special incubator, Song Bai greeted Jingshan, his eyes focused on the eggs in the incubator in front of him.

Jingshan walked over quickly.

He just heard the news of Sardin’s birth this morning. At that time, he was still working in the institute and couldn’t care about anything. He took a taxi from Xishan, where the incubator is located, to the Central Hospital. When he arrived at the hospital lobby, the elevator was waiting for him. Impatient, he ran up on his own.

All of this is just to take a look at the little guy born from the son he loves the most.

Jingshan walked to the incubator. The incubator in front of him used very few ore raw materials. The place where he was producing was the one that produced this thing. Of course, he knew that this incubator was definitely not something that ordinary merchants could afford. This kind of material is only affordable by the family. It will automatically adjust the temperature and humidity, wind speed, etc. to five decimal places according to the situation in the egg. Although the incubator has replaced the female father’s body temperature for incubation, there are some subtle things that cannot be replaced by the incubator, and the incubator made of this ore raw material can bring the eggs closest to the female father.

Song Bai…is he really from the Sheng family?

Before Jingshan arrived, he still had this doubt, but now he has no doubts at all.

Somehow, there was a kind of sadness in my heart.

Jingshan approached the incubator, and the eggs inside took away all his attention.

As the dean of the incubator, it stands to reason that he should have felt nothing about the female cub’s worm eggs, but when he saw the worm eggs, as long as he thought that it was conceived by his favorite child, he would be In front of this little bug egg, everything softened.

He didn’t indulge, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Song Bai’s face next to him.

He knows the male worm’s personality too well. They regard male cubs as their most precious children. From commoners to noble families, there is no exception. Even he himself has to admit that although he likes Sardin the most, he still treats the Xiao family. The future is handed over to the three sons.

There was no disappointment on Song Bai’s face that he was familiar with. He just stared at the eggs in the incubator for a moment, and said in a voice that couldn’t be softer, “He is really young.”

It was like meeting a child on the road, squatting down and greeting him cordially and softly.

Jingshan suddenly understood why Sardin had to marry the male in front of him.

Even if the little guy who is still an egg in front of him speaks in this gentle tone, his gentleness transcends gender, and there is only respect and peace from the bottom of his heart.

Jingshan’s expression softened as well, and said, “Yes, the newly born eggs are so small, do you want to hug him?”

“I… can I?” Song Bai was a little excited.

“Of course,” Jing Shan said with a smile.

He found the button with ease, opened the lid of the incubator, took out the worm eggs that were 0.5°C warmer than his body temperature, and carefully handed them into Song Bai’s arms.

“The worm egg is only four months old, and he still needs to stay in the incubator for another six months. When his body organs mature, he will break out of his shell.” Jingshan introduced.

“He’s moving!” Song Bai said in surprise.

“Let’s see,” Jingshan skillfully took out a flashlight from the dark compartment at the bottom of the incubator. The light penetrated the eggshell to reveal a hazy crimson, with some faint black spots on it. After figuring out what they represent, Jingshan said, “It seems that he was woken up by us. It’s rare that he can hear the outside voice at such a young age.”

Not far away, the nurse felt her jaw drop to the ground.

What did he see? Two males, holding a female egg, and exchanging views with each other seriously and happily?

He felt that the world must be crazy!

Song Bai looked at the worm eggs and returned to the ward where Sardin was in. The nurse had already checked Sardin’s physical condition. Sardin was getting out of bed now, and he planned to wash the fruit by himself.

“Don’t move,” Song Bai walked over quickly, pushed Sadin back on the bed without any explanation, and said, “What do you want to eat, I’ll wash it for you.”

Song Bai acted decisively, but Sardin couldn’t beat him, so he had to go back to bed. He saw Jing Shan who was sluggish and called out, “Father.”

Jingshan then turned his head back stiffly, and said, “You…you’ve always been like this?”

Sadin couldn’t understand what he was saying, and said, “What is it?”

“That is, he has been serving you like this?” When he said the last two words, Jingshan felt that he had difficulty swallowing.

“Well, what’s wrong?” Sardin blurted out.

Sadin quickly realized that the male father was not used to such an equal way of getting along with Song Bai.

Jingshan is a traditional male. He is used to the division of labor between female monarchs and male lords. He has hardly done these trivial things in his life. He had always been taken for granted by him to take care of Song Bai’s son, but in turn was taken care of by Song Bai, the heroic master, it was no wonder that he would be so shocked.

After all, he still has to take care of his male father. Sadin choked on the fact and said, “No, I did it before. In the morning, when I said I wasn’t feeling well, I begged him to take care of me.” In fact, he just thought about it. A set of punches came, only to be attracted by the fresh strawberries.

“So it is.” Jing Shan sighed.

“It’s washed, Sadin, it’s yours.” Song Bai walked in, and he handed the lukewarm fruit that had been washed with warm water to Sadin and another to Jingshan, saying, “Father-in-law is here too. .”

Jingshan took the fruit in the glass bowl, red, green and green, which were really beautiful, but he still felt guilty, how could there be a male worm serving the female worm in this world?

He didn’t dare to eat this bowl of delicate fruit, so he put the bowl aside, thinking about how to apologize to Song Bai.

“Song Bai,” Jingshan said.

“Sadin, the dessert shop you like called and said they could give us their recipe. I asked someone to buy the ingredients. What are you going back, I’ll make it for you?”

In the past two months, Sadin’s morning sickness has improved, but his appetite has become more and more fussy. He eats everything he eats, and he can even try one or two bites of his favorite sweets. Although Song Bai hates sweets, he can’t stand his head. Well, after reading something a few times, you can even bake it. After two months of making it by hand, Sadin relied on Song Bai’s craftsmanship.

“Then I want the strawberry flavored one.” Sardin said happily, and after he finished speaking, he remembered that the male father was still in front of him.

In front of Song Bai, he was always too relaxed!

Sardin scolded himself secretly, and then looked at Xiongfu with a heartfelt heart, only to see Jingshan’s heart ashes ashes, and almost desperately took out his quick-acting heart-rescue pill.

Sadin felt that he was making more and more mistakes, so he didn’t say any excuses and was tired and went to sleep with his head covered.

“What is the father-in-law doing today?” Song Bai blocked Sardin from behind, strictly blocking Jingshan’s sight.

The corner of Jingshan’s mouth twitched slightly. He didn’t expect that, in his capacity, there would be a day when he would be disliked by his son-in-law.

Still dislike him for blocking their young couple from showing their affection.

Jingshan silently spurned in his heart that it is nice to be young.

“I’m here today, first to see Sardin and grandson, and second to ask you something.” Jingshan said.

“Are you here to ask me why I became the heir of the Sheng family?” Song Bai asked.

Jingshan shook his head, Song Bai became the heir to the Sheng family, outsiders might be surprised, but he was not surprised when he knew the inside story.

He came to Song Bai to ask about something else.

“Your parents… have they been living together for so many years?” Jingshan asked.

After getting a positive answer from Song Bai, he let out a long sigh.

“I didn’t expect that they were actually together and lived for so many years.” Jingshan’s memory seemed to return to the distant past, and said: “Your father, Sheng Baichuan, was with Song Ming back then. I, You Chengwu, Sean, no one likes them.”

“Do you know about my father?” Song Bai said.

“Well,” Jingshan nodded, “Thirty-five or six years ago, we were both college classmates and we had a good relationship.”

When Jingshan was young, the demarcation line between aristocratic sons and commoners was not very clear in the university. Jingshan was the only commoner at that time whose academic performance could catch up with the aristocratic sons, so smart people were more willing to play together. This friendship , has continued to the present.

Next, Jingshan told Song Bai about the past.

Thirty years ago, Sheng Baichuan, who was only 25 years old, suddenly announced to his friends that he was going to be with a male.

The male’s name is Song Ming. He was born in an ordinary commoner’s family. He smiles a little shyly, and his appearance is not beautiful, but he is very attractive, but he is a little short. At first glance, he is only slightly taller than the female.

“He’s probably that tall,” Jingshan said, slightly shorter than himself, and said, “We all thought he was joking at the time, but we didn’t expect him to be serious, and he even stabbed in front of Elder Sheng.”

This incident came before Sheng Lao. Sheng Lao was a traditional male. Although he was interested in fighting for the interests of females, his family values were still very conservative. He could not accept that the eldest son he had carefully cultivated turned out to be gay.

“He gave Bai Chuan a hard lesson, and Cheng Wu and I both persuaded him to give up, listen to Elder Sheng’s words, and accept the blind date that Elder Sheng arranged for him, but he said, ‘It’s useless for him to kill me, I’ve made up my mind that with him, it’s impossible to look at anyone else. Blind date? Even more impossible.’”

Jingshan sighed.

Jingshan still remembered what he thought back then. He felt that they would be separated soon, and then Bai Chuan would continue to come back to be the eldest son of his Sheng family.

However, I didn’t expect that Bai Chuan had been away for thirty years. It wasn’t until last year that he learned of their deaths from the You family’s newspaper.

Song Bai retrieved a photo from the terminal and said, “This is the only photo of them together. They were together until the day of the car accident.”

In the original body’s memory, my parents were always in love with each other. When I was a child, as long as I went to find one of them, the other was always not far from him.

It can be said that his parents also account for a large part of the reason why the original body strongly pursues love.

“However, they kept hiding from me and my brother, and let us call Bai Chuan’s father male father and Song Ming’s father female father.”

This is what Song Bai deduced by himself after he learned the truth from Sheng Lao, and combined with the original body’s memory.

In order to give their two children a complete home and let them grow up without discrimination, Sheng Baichuan and Song Ming have been pretending to be a sub-woman and living with Sheng Baichuan for so many years.

However, what is interesting is that Song Bai has inherited the surname of “Song”, and they are always called “Song Family” to the outside world.

“It’s just that I still have a question, that is, if they are male worms, where did Allen and I come from?” Song Bai thought about this for two months, but he didn’t think of an answer.

“It’s true that only me, Bai Chuan and Song Ming know about this.” Jing Shan smiled and explained to Song Bai. .

Twenty-seven years ago, Sheng Lao felt that Jingshan could not inherit his mantle, so he transferred him to a newly established department, the incubation center. Nominally, it is a biological research to improve the fertility rate of the Zerg, but in fact, it is to find out whether there is a way to make the machine replace the female’s brood sac and breed the eggs. Sheng Lao hopes that the female will no longer be bred because of breeding. Forced to be confined to the family, the experiment has been unsuccessful for many years. However, by mistake, an incubator was developed. Since then, with the widespread use of incubators, many females do not need to continue to incubate eggs at home for six months after the eggs are born.

“However, it is not without success,” Jingshan pointed to Song Bai, and said, “You are the only worm that has been incubated by the machine since the experiment in our institute. However, because only one case has been successful in ten years, Old Sheng felt that he couldn’t implement it, so he rejected it.” Jing Shan said, afraid that Old Sheng did not think that the only surviving child was actually his own grandson.

But Song Bai’s brows were still furrowed, and he said, “If the sperm is provided by my father, Shirakawa, what about the eggs?”

Jingshan didn’t understand that Song Bai would be entangled in such trivial matters, but he also said, “It’s a volunteer.”

Back then, the low-level civilian females were still very depressed. Many females were reluctant to be stumbled by their families, but they had concerns. They would choose to come to the incubator to donate an egg, or join the army, or go into business, and choose themselves. Favorite way forward.

“There are a lot of females, but very few males, but there are still many males without male cubs. Your two male fathers also came. In the past ten years, the two of them have been single males,” Jingshan seemed to It was a little embarrassing, he said: “By the way, you said Alan just now, they actually raised him?”

“What do you mean?” Song Bai was confused.

“Alan is an abandoned baby. Twenty-seven years ago, your two male fathers came to the incubator just to see if they could have a child of their own, and they found Alan on the roadside.”

This sentence hit Song Bai like a bolt of lightning.

He was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses, and found that the place opposite was empty, and Jingshan had long since disappeared.

“Father-in-law is gone?”

“He felt as if he said something wrong, offended you, and implicated me.” Sardin didn’t pretend to be asleep anymore, sat up, and said to him with a smile.

Jingshan is indeed a traditional male. In a sense, he still loves Sardin very much.

“What’s wrong?” Sardin asked.

“No,” Song Bai shook his head, he seemed a little depressed, buried his face on Sadin’s shoulder, and said, “I finally know why Alan didn’t come.”

Allen, Sardin has indifferent feelings towards Song Bai, just because Song Bai still has a good impression of him, so Sardin didn’t stop Song Bai, and followed his words and asked, “Why doesn’t Allen come?”

“When he was still in a small city, he always told me in private that I was the only hope for the Song family. I figured it out. He always knew his background and felt that he was not worthy of being the son of his parents, so he didn’t even want to be my successor. The ceremony is also unwilling to come.” Song Bai said through gritted teeth, obviously resenting Alan’s refusal.

“Next month is the day of my parents’ sacrifice. At that time, we will go back to the small town to visit the grave and talk to Allen, how about that?” Sadin stroked Song Bai’s face, soothing the angry older child.

“Okay.” Song Bai closed his eyes, hugged him, and replied.

After a long while, he opened his mouth again: “Sadin?”


“Thank you,” Song Bai gently rubbed against Sadin’s ear and said, “Thank you for bringing me that little guy.”

The atmosphere was suddenly sensational, and Sardin was at a loss for words.

However, in the past two months, he had already lost all his face in bed, and now he would not admit that he was blushing.

“You, don’t come up with anything in your head next time, just push it all on me.” Sadin pushed Song Bai’s head and turned over the old accounts from yesterday morning, “If it goes on like this, I will I didn’t feel anything, I fell to you and became the most aggrieved female in the world.”

“Okay, I won’t make up for you in the future.” Song Bai hummed and laughed.


He has already done everything, how can his face keep getting hot!

Sadin sighed, and resignedly hugged Song Bai’s broad back.


The author has something to say:

There are five articles in total, and peace is in the fourth article. I will mark the title in the title and thank you for voting for me or irrigating nutrient solution during 2020-07-15 21:22:11~2020-07-1810:15:56 oh my little angel~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Hehe, prprpr, Lao Wu, and wincy1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 2 bottles of the other side;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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