Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 166

Chapter 162 Two

“Master, have you seen the head of the house?” Not far away, the housekeeper came running over sweating profusely.

Sadin was getting out of the car with a box of things, when he saw this, he asked, “what’s the matter?”

The housekeeper couldn’t breathe, he held his knees, wiped the sweat from his face, and said intermittently: “The family, the head of the house had a meeting with the director at noon, and he disappeared again.”

Sardin hid the food box behind him and said, “He told me that he wanted to go to the restaurant at Uncle Qi’s house for dinner, maybe he went there. You know his temperament, he can do whatever comes to his mind. .”

The housekeeper stood up with his arms on his back, and sighed in the sky: “Hey, why do I have such an ancestor, my lord, if you see the young master, remember to inform him for me. Lieutenant General Qi lives so far away, it’s too late at noon , I can only make another appointment with the Minister.”

Sadin didn’t reveal the food box behind him until he was far away, and he was relieved.

Song Bai made an appointment with him to have dinner together, and it might be because of this that he skipped the housekeeper’s class. As a conspiracy, he really couldn’t betray his lover.

However, where could Song Bai go?

While walking, Sardin thought, when he was passing by a column of bushes, he was suddenly pulled behind the bushes, and when he was still panicking, he saw Song Bai put his finger in front of his lips, “shush” at him, and then again. Vigilantly looking at the distance, it was the direction the housekeeper left.

“You didn’t confess me?” Song Bai asked with a serious face.

“Take me as someone!” Sardin didn’t forget to give Song Bai a roll of eyes while sweeping the blades of grass on his body.

“However, it’s not an option for you to keep playing the housekeeper like this.” Sadin looked at the direction the housekeeper was going away, worried.

“I don’t care about him. I said it a week ago. I will be free at noon this week. There is no notice today. Just put me in a meeting. After all, I am the head of the house, and he is the head of the house?”

Song Bai had taken over as Patriarch Sheng for more than a year. He was busy with official business on weekdays, and when he was alone with Sadin, he wouldn’t bother anyone.

As for the housekeeper, whoever made him always commit the following crimes, even if it made him have a long memory.

Song Bai took the food box from Sardin. He lifted the lid, and a familiar scent of rice wafted into his nose. Song Bai was fascinated and said, “I haven’t tasted the craftsmanship of the chef at home for a long time.”

When he first took over as the head of the family, Song Bai was still living in Song’s house, but with more and more official duties, Song Bai naturally moved to the Sheng family’s house in the center of Kyoto.

Sadin has always disliked the lifeless atmosphere of the Sheng family, and would rather live in the Song family with their children, which led to a pair of hard-working mandarin ducks that had to be separated from each other. I also thought about the dishes made by the chef at home.

Seeing that Song Bai took out his chopsticks, Sadin wanted to have a meal here, so he quickly stopped him: “This is not a place to eat, by the way, you don’t want to see the children?”

Song Bai’s chopsticks were still one step away from the dish, and he stopped. He turned his head and said excitedly, “The child is here too? He… he didn’t make trouble?”

The child broke the shell on November 1st last year, and now he is seven months old. It was the time of the toss. I don’t know what happened to this little guy. With Sardin, he cried non-stop as soon as he approached the Sheng family’s house. As if there were ghosts living in this house, Sardin lived in the Song family to a large extent to take care of this little guy.

Sure enough, Song Bai stopped his chopsticks as soon as he mentioned the child, and Sadin felt amused in his heart.

After all, like Song Bai, the child is half a year old, and he has not yet adapted to the role of a male father. When he mentions the child, he is really not too excited.

Excited cute.

Sardin put on a thick filter and said in a very loving tone, “I put him in the box of the club outside, and Uncle Qi is watching.”

As soon as he heard Lieutenant General Qi, Song Bai’s excitement was lost in half. He was happy and sad, he lowered his head and closed the lid of the food box, and said, “Why is he here?”

“Uncle Qi is leaving in the afternoon. This is the last time I will come to see you. I thought, anyway, Hui misses you very much, so I brought him with me.”

Sardin’s tone was smooth and natural, his expression was calm, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Sardin’s whole body exuded a moving brilliance.

Since Sardin became a female father, the former coquettish state has also faded from him. He entered the role of a father earlier than Song Bai and became more mature.

Compared with him, Song Bai really felt that he seemed more naive.

But what does that matter?

He put the food box on his arm, picked up Sardin’s wrist, and said, “Let’s go.”

Not far away, in the box.

Lieutenant General Qi folded his arms and saw Song Bai skillfully teasing the child on the opposite side. The seven-month-old little female worm just stood up tremblingly while leaning on the fence. Plastic toys made me giggle.

Lieutenant General Qi couldn’t understand what was so funny about this plastic ball. He teased the child for a long time just now, and the little female cub ignored him. Why did Song Bai immediately burst into laughter when he came?

Sadin looked at the distance of nearly ten meters between the male and the female, and didn’t find it funny. It was fortunate that the room in the clubhouse was large enough, otherwise, there was really no such a long distance for them.

“Song Bai is his male father. He had a video call with Hui last night. You don’t see him often. It’s normal for him not to know you.” Hui is the name of the female cub. No surname.

It’s okay if Sadin doesn’t say it. Once he said it, Lieutenant General Qi became even more angry, but when he smiled at that, he was so cute and couldn’t get angry, so he had to say sourly: “Ingratuitous little thing, the crib under him, that I bought the small clothes for him!”

Before the little female cub broke his shell, he spent all day on the Internet, went shopping, and bought a truckload of toys for Hui, and even Yu Yu, who had been arguing with him because of his concealment, couldn’t help but suspect that Sardin was him. biological.

Ignoring Huaiyu because he couldn’t bear the torment in his heart to find him to reconcile, Lieutenant General Qi always felt sour in his heart.

His eyes were too straightforward, Song Bai vigilantly took Hui into his arms, continued to coax the child in his hands, and said to Sadin, “We still have something from the lieutenant general? Go back, all go back. There is no shortage of this at home.”

Lieutenant General Qi looked at him contemptuously with the eyes of the city people seeing the country people, and said, “If he doesn’t look like Sardin, do you think I’ll come?”

Lieutenant General Qi didn’t know what was wrong with Song Bai. Every time he came to see Hui, he stared at him like a thief.

“Also, there are no bugs or locators on the things I sent, just small objects. Don’t be afraid that you and I will steal the child.”

Song Bai didn’t listen to his explanation, and took the child to another room to play, leaving the space to Sadin and Lieutenant General Qi.

After Song Bai and the child left, some worry appeared on Sadin’s face. He grabbed his other arm with one hand and said, “Uncle Qi, why are you leaving suddenly?”

Lieutenant General Qi stretched his waist, he felt his muscles and bones stretch, and said: “I originally planned to leave on the day you succeeded as the hero, but I heard that you are pregnant, I just want to see how the little guy grows up. Satisfied now.”

“However, it’s you who made me worry.” Lieutenant General Qi raised his eyes, his expression instantly turned into tenderness when he touched Sadin’s worried eyes.

“I have nothing to worry about.” Sardin picked up the water glass on the table, and somehow, the water splashed his hand.

Lieutenant General Qi handed him the towel and said, “Don’t you think you are too tight? You used to throw yourself directly in front of me.”

Sadin was a little embarrassed and said, “I have children, how can I be as naive as before.”

Lieutenant General Qi got up and walked over. The distance between them was only a few steps. His hand was on Sardin’s hair, letting him lean against himself.

Feeling the familiar body temperature enveloped me, the heart that has been tensed does not know when to settle down.

Since he was young, Sardin was rarely cared for by Sean, but in his memory, there was another person who took the place of his father, Lieutenant General Qi. When he was very young, Sardin also He couldn’t remember how old he was. He was tired from playing in the research institute, and when he woke up, he found himself lying on Lieutenant General Qi’s lap.

At that time, Lieutenant General Qi was already famous for his fierce reputation. Everyone called him a general with a kind face. He looked peaceful and harmless, but in fact, he killed without blinking an eye.

At that time, little Sardin was so frightened that he didn’t dare to move. He often followed Jingshan and came to play in the research institute. He had also heard about Lieutenant General Qi’s reputation. Squeeze to death mercilessly.

Unexpectedly, Lieutenant General Qi at that time just asked him gently: “Have you had enough sleep?”

Little Sardin nodded stiffly.

The lieutenant general smiled, his soft eyebrows seemed to bloom like a lotus flower, staring at the four-year-old little bug cub, he felt the lieutenant general rubbing his hair and said, “Little guy, you are asleep. , but my legs are numb.”

In terms of age, Lieutenant General Qi is five years older than Sardin’s female father, Sean. He has long been married to Saito Yuan, but he has been childless and likes children very much. At that time, Sardin was very young. In the final stage, it was a circle bigger than Huilai. It was a doll made of pink and jade. The lieutenant general couldn’t hold back, so he hugged the little guy to his lap. His legs were numb that afternoon. I don’t want to let go of this little guy.

Even later, he could be ruthless towards his own son, but could not give up Sardin.

“…Uncle Qi, I’m not good enough, why are you leaving?” Buried on Lieutenant General Qi’s body, Sadin said with a hint of weeping.

“I’m so old, and of course there are things I want to pursue, and I have to leave sooner or later.” Just like in the past, he caressed Sardin’s hair lovingly and said heartless words quietly.

Since being grounded by Saito Moto, he has vowed to take revenge on the Qi family, so he used his seventeen years to get Huai Yu to grow up with his commoner female adoptive father. He knew that with Saito Moto’s character, he would definitely Will let Huaiyu inherit the Qi family. At that time, Huayu born in the common people will naturally be female. What has supported Lieutenant General Qi to this day has always been the desire to dismantle the Qi family’s masculinity from within.

Now, Huaiyu has become the head of the Qi family, and he has seen Sardin’s children, so naturally, there is no regret.

He knew his ambitions, and he knew that the old men were there waiting for him.

Seventeen years ago, he wasted their hearts for his own anger. This time, he couldn’t forgive them any more.

“Your hero is very good.” Although he didn’t like Song Bai, he still said it sincerely and said, “If you have anything, don’t hold back and talk to him, just like you and me. ”

“Uncle Qi…” Sardin choked, he bit his lip tightly, and was hugged by Lieutenant General Qi who crouched down.

“Sadin, you’ve worked hard. You don’t have to force yourself in everything. You don’t need to be perfect. No one is perfect.” Lieutenant General Qi patted the back of the child he was looking at growing up, and peeped through it in one fell swoop. his fragility.

“Well,” Sardin said heavily, and finally said the words that he had accumulated for a long time, “I can’t bear you.”

Lieutenant General Qi smiled and said, “I can’t bear it either, but we always have to separate.”

“If it was before, I would advise you to mature and become a father, but now, Sardin, even if you become a father, in my eyes, you are still the little guy who slept on my lap back then,” he seemed to fall into In his recollection, he said, “No one becomes perfect right away. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

He wiped off the mist on Sadin’s eyelashes, and said again: “Song Bai is really good, talk to him, he will understand you.”

This was not the first time that Lieutenant General Qi had said this in front of Sadin. In fact, if he hadn’t really trusted Song Bai, Lieutenant General Qi would not have been able to walk so dashingly.

Sadin wanted to get tired of him for a while, but unfortunately, the person who had left Lieutenant General Qi arrived.

There was a knock on the door, and Sardin dawdled, not wanting to open the door, but Lieutenant General Qi got up to change his clothes and opened the door.

Sardin leaned against the door and looked at Lieutenant General Qi reluctantly.

Lieutenant General Qi finally hugged Sardin at the door and said, “Go back and help me see how Hui is doing, and don’t listen to that kid, I have bought all the clothes for Hui until he was four years old. Don’t wear it.”

Sardin laughed out loud and said, “Okay.”

When he returned to the house again, Song Baizheng closed the door softly and came out.

“He left?” Song Bai asked softly.

“Well,” Sadin nodded heavily, walked over, put his hands around Song Bai’s neck and put them on his chest, and said, “Where’s Hui?”

“…Ah, he fell asleep inside.” Song Bai was taken aback by Sadin’s sudden intimacy. He supported Sadin, probed his forehead with his hand, and said cautiously, “What’s wrong with you?”

“It’s alright,” Sardin sighed comfortably, and said, “I feel so stupid, why did I have to ask myself the standard of a perfect female father as soon as Hui was born?”

Song Bai also roughly guessed what Admiral Qi said to him, and said, “Isn’t this an old problem? When I first came, you asked for the perfect female monarch.”

“After so long, why do you mention it!” Sardin said angrily.

“Okay, don’t mention it, my lady, can you take a nap with your husband?” Song Bai hugged Sardin by the waist.

“…On the housekeeper’s side,” Sardin was still immersed in guilt towards the housekeeper.

“Do you miss him or me?” Song Bai lowered his head and kissed his lips, messing around.

“I miss you, I miss you!” Sadin laughed at him.

This noon was no different from the noon when Song Bai usually skipped work.

Just a little more laughter.


The author has something to say:

There should be more episodes than I expected. Ping An can only be placed in the back row, and it will still be marked in the title.

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