Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 167

Chapter 163 3 On The Blue Star (1)

Song Bai, as usual, was in the new study room, half-deadly correcting official duties.

In terms of time, Sheng Lao completely handed him the task at hand, which was last month.

Originally, Song Bai wondered why Elder Sheng had to delay for a year before handing over the core tasks to him.

Now he understands.

Because I’m so tired.

There are countless major events and minor events, ranging from floods and disasters in various places, to the cross-regional training of the military in the local area. This is not to mention the maintenance of friendship and trade with other planets abroad.

It’s not surprising that with the domestic affairs in front of him, a pile of half a person’s height is brought up every day. At that time, Sheng Lao was busy all day long until midnight, and even pretended to be sick without forgetting the spirit of work.

No wonder a month ago, when Elder Sheng handed him the task, he had a smile on his face, his white beard shook, and he smiled brightly.

Co-authoring is a celebration of finally being free from misery.

Now, it was Song Bai’s turn to swim in this bitter sea.

Song Bai sighed resignedly, took out a new document, and glanced at it, it was a matter of two neighboring cities fighting for a piece of land.

Before he took over the task completely, Song Bai practiced for a year and understood the situation of Insect Star.

The place of the insect star used to be the lord system, and the land was owned by the lord. Over the years, there have been many incidents with unclear boundaries.

The last Insect Emperor, although with his unrivaled personal charm, recovered the central finance and vigorously contributed to the local state system of Insect Star today, but there are still some shortcomings, the original lord was deprived of hereditary Qualifications, but at the same time are replaced by local officials equivalent to their lordship status.

Although the insect star has entered modernization, the upper level is generally still controlled by the old male insect lords in the past.

This is also the most important reason why 30 years ago, Sheng Lao tried to implement an equality system at the upper level, but encountered serious resistance.

Song Bai commented a few words on it without any pain, warning them not to bother him with such trivial matters.

Lifting the pen tip off the paper, Song Bai’s eyes narrowed slightly, showing a dangerous aura of a cheetah staring at its prey.

Song Bai knew that this was just another attempt by the local officials to test his attitude, to test the implicit means of the young family leader Sheng regarding the rights and interests of women.

Sheng Lao’s stubborn persistence has caused these officials to have a strong sense of crisis. Coupled with the rapid rise of female forces in the Central Military Department, they have to come to test whether this young head of the family has inherited Sheng Lao’s will. , or stand by their side.

Over the past month, there have been countless similar documents that are innocuous, but can vaguely show the will of the Patriarch.

Without exception, they were blocked by Song Bai.

It’s not that Song Bai didn’t think about it. He wanted to use ruthless means, regardless of whether the place accepted it or not, it was straightforward and enforced.

Thirty years ago, Mr. Sheng’s failure had told him that the strength of one person cannot stand against a group.

However, a stubborn group cannot resist the trend of society.

Song Bai, like Lao Sheng, plans to spend his whole life planning and planning this matter.

Let them sleep peacefully for the time being, and only when their next generation grows up, do they suddenly realize that everything has changed.

However, this takes time.

Fortunately, Song Bai is not in a hurry, he can take his time.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, the whole afternoon’s work tasks ended early. Song Bai felt refreshed. He stood up and stretched his arms, looking at the midsummer scenery outside the window. He felt in a trance that he had not gone out for a long time. gone?

Since he took over the Sheng family, the company’s affairs have been handed over to Allen strongly, forcing Allen to move from the small city where he lives to the capital he has always dreamed of, but Song Bai doesn’t have that much time.

Learning and practice are two different things. Only when you really take over, do you know how bad Insect Star is now. Song Bai even has to admire Elder Qi, who can actually guard such a system and maintain it to this day.

However, since he has made up his mind to continue, Song Bai naturally has no regrets. Others regret that they had a better choice, but Song Bai knows that he made the most correct choice from the beginning.

He has the ability and confidence to change it. Although it is hard at the moment, he is also enjoying it.

However, he was ashamed of Sardin and the child.

In the past year, he and Sardin had spent more time alone than the summer vacation when he first arrived at the insect star.

Song Bai thought, he walked out of the reference room.

After Sheng Lao left, Song Bai chose the reference room as his new office location. When he first proposed to the housekeeper for expansion, the housekeeper was still puzzled and said that he could use Sheng Lao’s study directly.

However, Song Baiyi didn’t want to touch the things of the old man he respected. The second is the same reason as Sardin and the others. The whole old house has completely inherited the facilities from a hundred years ago. It is antique, which means it is simple and outdated. Saying anything doesn’t match Song Bai’s aesthetic style, so he should choose to expand and rejuvenate this old house with new youth according to his liking.

At the beginning, the housekeeper also said that he was tossing around, but it was not without merit. At least his female cub finally had a place where he would not cry in the old house of the Sheng family.

Crossing the dark-colored corridor, pushing open the door next to the reference room, a fresh color of azure and sea blue came into view, accompanied by the soft and soft music in his ears, standing in the cradle, bored, looking at the housekeeper. The uncle teased his Hui with a big yawn.

He is seven months old. He has inherited the precocious ability of Zerg females, and his ability to recognize people is first-rate. In front of this male who is not his male father, he is too lazy to pretend to be cute. He just rolled his eyes, showing that he is really boring. , of course, if he would.

Along with the mighty power inherited from his father’s body, brought his innate keen sense of any subtle sound.

He could hear a gust of wind now, followed by the sound of footsteps landing, and he recognized it with strength just as the soft sole stepped on the ground for the first time.

“Huh (father)!” He held the small hand of the fence and shook the crib violently. The housekeeper said in amazement, “Dangerous!” As soon as he said it, Hui crossed his short white lotus-like calf across the fence. Bai Nen’s body was like a marshmallow, rolling over the railing and falling to the ground like a small leather ball. Just when the housekeeper felt that his heart was about to be shattered, Hui was like a chicken with wings, fluttering and jumping towards Song Go white.

“Huhu.” He couldn’t speak clearly. After being picked up by Song Bai’s arms, he put his arms around Song Bai’s neck and kissed his face affectionately.

“You, you’re scaring the housekeeper’s grandfather.” Song Bai gently poked his forehead with his finger, and changed Hui’s mouth with a silly smile.

The housekeeper was so frightened by Hui just now, but now that he heard “Grandpa” in Song Bai’s mouth, he felt another shot in his heart.

“I’m uncle! Uncle!” said the butler angrily.

Song Bai’s son was in his arms, he was in a good mood, and he was full of firepower. He said, “Hui’s name is Uncle Huaiyu.

The butler cried bitterly.

Song Bai ignored the housekeeper’s fake cry. He had always held grudges. He held his son’s hand and said with a smile, “I’ll take you out for a walk, okay?”

Hui was still in his infancy, but he could already tell the likes and dislikes from the faces of his parents. He knew that every time the female father carried him into the house, he would show an uncomfortable expression, and the inside of his small head would look uncomfortable. He subconsciously equated this house with danger.

Hearing that Song Bai was going to take him out, the smiling face that was still smiling just now crumpled into a ball, grieved, and his mouth was flattened, and he was about to cry.

The housekeeper can’t take care of his clothes. For a year, he and Song Bai have had many conflicts. On the one hand, he couldn’t help teasing Song Bai’s mind, and on the other hand, Song Bai always did not strictly follow the strict rules of Sheng Lao, and did everything possible to ask for it. To reduce the workload, Song Bai’s side reduces it, and his side is very busy. The position of the two people is like a seesaw. Song Bai is relaxed, and he has a heavy task. Maybe because of Song Bai’s youth, he can’t always do it. Respect him like Sheng Lao, you chase me and hide between the two, it can be regarded as a calm Sheng family, a beautiful landscape.

However, the housekeeper still has a weakness, that is, the little cub in Song Bai’s arms.

He never wanted to get married, let alone have children. God knows, when he saw that little guy Hui emerging from the eggshell, he was like all the elders, and at a glance, he was taken away by this young child.

“Come on, darling, why are you crying, grandpa hugs, grandpa hugs.” The housekeeper accepted the name Song Bai gave him without any obstacles, and opened his arms to Hui.

As a result, Hui was even more aggrieved when he saw that he was the housekeeper. He grabbed his father’s collar, buried his face in Song Bai’s neck, and cried even louder.

Seeing Bai Nennen’s little face flushed with tears and sweating profusely, Song Bai couldn’t help laughing.

“Good, don’t give you to others, don’t cry.” Song Bai’s voice was soft, so soft that the housekeeper stared at him with wide eyes.

“Why don’t you treat me better?” When Song Bai has a good temper, he always has a bad temper when facing him. Either he is speechless, or he simply skips work and leaves it to him. He’s a mess.

Feeling that his son’s young body slowly stopped twitching in his arms, Song Bai had to give the housekeeper a blank glance. If the housekeeper was not only a little bad-tempered, but also very serious at work, Song Bai really considered whether to replace him.

“Return all the documents that you haven’t read next door. As I said, let them sort out their priorities and hand them over, and let me know that you have reviewed those trivial matters, and I will not let Sardin bring them back. Hui is here.” Song Bai said lightly.

“You—!” The housekeeper was indignant.

Song Bai had long wanted to rectify the current chaotic management system on Insect Star. No matter how big or small the matter was, the officials under him would report it to the Sheng family, and Mr. Sheng might like this kind of detail-oriented style, but he was not. don’t like either. He prefers to spend time with his family rather than sitting in front of a case and reviewing documents.

The housekeeper whimpered and went out with a sullen head. Before he was about to leave, he suddenly turned back and said, “By the way, the master was afraid that the child would make trouble, so he gave this to me. I have been teasing him just now, and I almost forgot. ”

The housekeeper came over and handed a cross-shaped pendant to Song Bai. The silver-white light was particularly bright and dazzling in the sunlight.

If the author hadn’t written it, Song Bai would have almost forgotten about returning Song Bai’s Sardinian necklace.

Speaking of which, it was really embarrassing. He sent Sardin a bunch of accessories one after another, and he was about to dress Sardin as a display stand. If Sardin hadn’t had a choice, he might be screeching as he walked.

Although he felt a little apologetic when he saw the necklace, he still couldn’t help complaining that Hui was so young, how could he play such a small thing with him, and he was not afraid that the child would swallow it by mistake.

“By the way, where did Sardin go?” Song Bai asked the housekeeper.

The housekeeper said: “Patriarch, are you busy? Didn’t the lord go to fight the inhibitor?”

It was rare for the housekeeper to recover a little bit of the situation, and he wanted to take the opportunity to mock Song Bai, but when he saw Song Bai’s sinking face, he closed his mouth in time and slipped out quietly and quickly.

Song Bai sat on the chair with Hui in his arms, and his son sat on his lap and hummed, clamoring for Song Bai to pay attention to him, but Song Bai’s eyes were only on the necklace in his hand.

He promised to accompany Sardin all the time, but he even forgot that today was his last injection of the inhibitor.

After Sardin gave birth to the worm eggs, there was news from the institute that the doctor said that the inhibitor had been successfully developed. When his body recovered almost, he started to go for injections one after another.

Sadin has been using the enhancer for so many years, even with this mildest inhibitor, it must be injected in small amounts and multiple times to ensure that the body will not suddenly lose all strength and lead to the carrying capacity of bones and muscles. Collapse, after each injection, Sardin will fall into a period of weakness for about a week. During this period, his strength will be temporarily offset by the inhibitor, and his body is not as good as an ordinary female.

Returning after the first injection, Sardin was pale and sweating profusely.

Sadin had always been used to it. When he was silent, it was often the most painful time. That time really made Song Bai feel bad. Regardless of the housekeeper’s objection, he just went home and stayed for half a month.

However, after that, why did he gradually forget it?

He is immersed in various official duties every day, intrigues with the officials below, and plays with power. He originally took over the Sheng family in order to take better care of his family, but now, he has even forgotten the days when Sardin injected inhibitor alone.

He picked up the child, dressed him skillfully, picked up the baby bag that Sardin had prepared a long time ago, and called the driver with the terminal.

“…It’s not official business, it’s going to the research institute. I don’t know the route? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you in the car,” Song Bai’s voice stopped abruptly.

On the opposite side, it was Sardin who opened the door. He seemed to have just finished a long run, with a blush on his face caused by the exposure.

He raised his eyes and wiped off the sweat on his forehead. The cold star-like eyes turned into spring water when he met Song Bai. He smiled and said, “Why are you going to the research institute?”

Song Bai was a little excited, he quickly put down the child, Hui sat on the chair, crossed his legs, blinked, watching his parents suddenly embrace.

They were always like this, holding him back and forth, but they didn’t have much time to hold him.

A little dissatisfaction arose in his heart. Hui was still in the period of oral desire. He picked up the nearest thing at hand. Song Bai accidentally dropped the necklace on the armrest, put it in his mouth, and made a crisp sound.

I saw a gleaming silver light shining out from the gemstones in the cross part of the necklace. The light grew bigger and bigger from the ball, and gradually became bigger and bigger, so big that it enveloped Hui. Song Bai and Sadin also found out. Seeing something different, they hurried forward and were swallowed by the light together.

With a swishing sound, the three of them disappeared together, only with a clatter, the chain of the cross pendant fell to the ground.

At the same time, Guangnao, who has always shrouded every corner of the Sheng family under his supervision, was the first to discover the strangeness.

He called up the infrared camera just now from the system, and the silver light was transformed into countless serial codes and data under the high-intensity calculation of the computer.

If there is someone’s expression on the brain, he should frown at this time, hold his chin, and say to himself: “It’s exactly the same as June two years ago.”

Two years ago, in June, Song Bai had just crossed over and descended onto the original body.

Lan Xing, it was off-duty time at this time, and there was a continuous flow of people on the street.

Just before the sun was about to go down, the sky was still covering the entire street, and it was easy to illuminate three people in strange clothes.

If it was just an ordinary person, dressed strangely, it would not be so noticeable.

It’s just that there are three of them, two big and one small, one man is tall and handsome, tall, and the other is slightly shorter than him, but he is also eye-catching. His eyes are like cold stars.

The most amazing thing is that they are holding a small child in their arms. It seems that they have only been a few months old. In the eyes of everyone, either envious or amazed, they just blinked their round eyes and looked at everyone quietly.

The presence of the three of them even caused crowds on the busy streets, and they couldn’t help but wonder in their hearts, what exactly were they doing? Why do you look so good, yet dress so strangely? Others secretly speculate about their relationship.

Looking at the street full of neon signs, listening to the familiar language in his ears, Song Bai breathed slightly, and he smelled the familiar wind.

Home near the sea, all year round, there is enough moisture in the air, mixed with the residual temperature of midsummer, forming a stuffy feeling.

“Okay, Xiao Sa, if you don’t hurry up, the director will scold you. You said that the child is so difficult to coax!” Song Bai complained in a false way, pulling Sardin out of the crowd.

The onlookers got answers and gradually dispersed.

The streets are back to their usual busyness.

“Where is this? What are they talking about?” Sardin hasn’t recovered yet. He has just been injected with an inhibitor, and he is easily affected, both physically and mentally.

Song Bai took the child from Sadin’s hand. He was in a hurry just now, so Sadin was holding him all the time, and he took him over with the other hand. He stroked Sadin’s back and said warmly, “I told you. , I am human…”

“This is Blue Star?” After listening to Song Bai’s explanation, Sardin still looked at the people passing by with vigilance. His eyes were like leopards. People who were originally attracted by his good looks subconsciously felt a shudder in their hearts and turned to look. Hit the ground and hurry up.

They are currently in a sparsely populated street. Seeing that Sadin is going to scare the souls of people who come and go, Song Bai quickly appeased him, saying: “This is not a bug star, they all want to take a look when you look good. you.”

“Why are you looking at me? Shouldn’t I be looking at you?” Sardin was puzzled, and again he glared at a little girl who was passing by and ran away in tears.

Song Bai slightly raised his forehead. It took him a while to tell Sadin the difference between humans. Now they are all “males” in the eyes of humans. Song Bai’s appearance is at best a handsome and handsome, but In their eyes, Sardin’s appearance was indeed extremely stunning.

After listening for a long time, Sardin reluctantly accepted Song Bai’s explanation, but he still frowned and said, “Why are they so unruly? Staring straight at the “man”.”

In Sardinian’s understanding, human behavior is like females staring at single males openly. In the eyes of Zerg with strict marriage and love relationships, this is quite “disorderly”.

What Sardin said was really euphemistic, Song Bai felt the blood vessels in his temples throbbing, and he was stared at by the females on the insect star.

“Okay, don’t worry, I’ll find someone.”

As he said that, Song Bai raised his legs and left. However, the corner of his clothes was pulled, and Sardin pursed his lips and said, “Don’t leave me behind.”

His hands were still shaking.

Song Bai was stunned, his Adam’s apple rolled and swallowed.

Stupid, where is Sardin euphemism?

He is clearly uneasy!

In Bug Star, Song Bai had long been accustomed to handing over some things to Sardin like this, and then they split up to do things. However, now that he is new to Blue Star, Sardin is unfamiliar with his life. Is there anyone who can communicate with him? His vigilance is not enough. All are self-protective stress responses due to being too stressed.

Holding the child in one hand, the other hand is buckled between the fingers, and the fingers are clasped together.

“Let’s go together.” Song Bai said steadily.

After borrowing a phone from a kind mother pushing a stroller (in fact, she was conquered by Hui’s cuteness), Song Bai dialed a familiar number at home, but no one answered. He then dialed his father and mother respectively. He even dialed his own, only todudu busy tone, facing his mother’s increasingly puzzled eyes, Song Bai smiled and said, “It seems to be very busy, please wait a moment.”

The young mother who borrowed the phone just because the baby Song Bai was holding was so cute, her face flushed slightly, she waved her hand and said, “Don’t be busy, you can continue.”

Although Sardin couldn’t understand what they were saying, he could still tell a little from his behavior.

When Song Bai dialed his sister’s phone number, Sadin came over and stepped on Song Bai’s shoes.

Song Bai turned his head and looked at him suspiciously. Sadin turned his face away, snorted, and walked back to tease Hui.

“…?” Before Song Bai could understand what was going on, a middle-aged woman’s voice came from across the phone, “This is the X Institute of Physics, who are you looking for?”

graduate School? Feifei is only fifteen years old this year. He glanced at his phone and said, “The number is correct. Can you help me find Song Fei? Just say her brother is looking for her.”

“Her brother? When will Director Song have another brother? Come on, B, don’t harass her again, the marriage is divorced, and it doesn’t look good to be so entangled, I’m hanging up.”

“Hey…” Song Bai just said, and hung up on the other side.

Fifi? Director? No matter what Song Bai thought, he couldn’t connect the girl who liked to chase trendy brands in his impression with the director of the Institute of Physics.

Just as he put down the phone, he swiped to the date on the screen, something he had been ignoring.

June 10, 2039.

Here, not in 2019 when he left, but twenty years later!

Institute of Physics, Fei Song is saying goodbye to her colleagues.

“It’s hard work today, and we’ll continue tomorrow.”

“The director is too, it’s hard today to go early, do you want to go out to play together?” A colleague asked her.

Song Fei shook her head with a smile, and said, “I have to go home and write a report.”

“Director, it’s fine if you look beautiful, you are still young and promising, and you still work hard, how can we poor students live!” A man who has always been mean and stubborn said while holding his chest.

“Go away.” Song Fei scolded him with a smile. She fluttered the big wine-red waves, and a lock of red hair curled at her fingertips, and said, “If you want to be really free, why don’t you work overtime with me.”

“No no no, haha, that, the director, go back early.” The colleague shook his head like a rattle, hurriedly packed up, smeared oil on the soles of his feet, and slipped away.

After everyone left, Song Fei loosened her fingertips’ hair, she had a beautiful face, but at this moment her brows were filled with indifference, as if no one could approach her.

“By the way, Director, someone called today. You were in the laboratory at the time, so I hung up for you.” My colleague and sister said.

This sister is two years older than Song Fei, but she has a baby face and looks much smaller than Song Fei.

“Whose phone number?”

“I guess it’s your ex-husband’s bastard, but he has come to harass you many times, and he doesn’t have a long memory. This time, he lied and said it was your brother. If I hadn’t known that your brother died twenty years ago , I was really coaxed by him…”

“My brother?” Song Fei’s voice suddenly rose, and her sister was taken aback by her, and said, “You can’t be resurrected from the dead. It’s a bit too much for him to make fun of your brother…”

“No, sister, when did the call come, please help me get the phone number, check the gps to see where he is?”

“…Just, just twenty minutes ago,” my colleague and sister stumbled. She was used to seeing Song Fei’s calm appearance. This was the first time she had seen her so flustered. Use the computer to call up the previous call.

The personal information of their research institute is highly confidential, and the detailed address of the caller can be located in every call. The colleague and sister sent the address to Song Fei’s mobile phone. Song Fei put on her clothes and hurried out.

“Why are you in such a hurry? Don’t want your mobile phone?” My colleague and sister trotted to bring it to her.

“My guess may be right.” Song Fei said with starlight in her eyes.

“What, no brains.” My colleague’s sister scratched her head, confused.

Their research institute was established by the Song Group for his little princess alone. The people who were recruited into the research institute did not know what the research topic was. A lot of money was thrown in, but none of the group’s shareholders frowned.

It wasn’t until Song Fei was sitting in the car that her palms were sweaty and she couldn’t hold the steering wheel accurately.

The autonomous driving of cars has begun to be put into the project plans of major governments, but the facilities supporting autonomous driving have not yet been implemented, and traditional manual driving is still the mainstay at this time.

Song Fei took a deep breath, got out of the car, found a rental car, sat in the co-pilot, and checked the call forwarding records.

Ever since her brother had a car accident and her parents had been in vain, she was reluctant to scrap her family’s phone like that, renewing the bill every year, and any calls would be forwarded to her mobile phone, even if it was a scam call, she always wanted to check it out. , as if the family was still with him.

Looking at the phone number of her brother and parents in the text message, the same number was called, Song Fei felt her heart beating violently.

Even her ex-husband didn’t know her parents’ phone numbers. Those with her parents’ phone numbers were all elders who had contact with her family twenty years ago. Even if they called, they would only call her on her own mobile phone. instead of calling the dead.


Possibly, it’s really her brother.

Song Fei’s breathing was not steady.

If it is really a brother, it proves that her experimental direction is correct.

The taxi stopped, Song Fei stepped on the ground of the park, she saw a familiar background sitting on a bench, that wide and familiar figure, her memory seemed to overlap with twenty years ago.

Like a restless little girl, she tugged at the corner of her clothes nervously. She stepped forward, walked around the bench, and said to the person on the chair, “Hey, do you know Song Bai?”

The times were developing so fast that Song Bai didn’t even notice when he first came here. People had already implanted cellphones on their forearms. Apart from the privacy-conscious young mother just now, they were still using old cellphones. He wanted to borrow another one. The phone is really difficult.

Unexpectedly, one day, he, the former president of the Song family, would live on the street with his partner and children because he had no phone.

What should we do now? Except for his family’s number, he can’t really remember the others.

After all, in the era when he left, smartphones were generally popular, and all the numbers were stored in the mobile phone, so there was no need to memorize them one by one.

Could it be that he really wants to sleep on the street?

Thinking about the weak Sadin, and Hui, who came too hastily and only had a piece of diaper in his pocket, Song Bai thought about it and felt terrible.

No, I still have to find a way to see if I can contact the old man.

Song Bai thought so, and was about to act when he heard the young woman in front of him ask him a question.

Out of a subconscious reaction to his name, he reflexively said, “I am Song Bai, may I ask, who are you?”

As he said that, he didn’t forget to stand up and stretch out his hand. Although he was dressed in fancy clothes, his posture was full of a gentleman’s sense.

Seeing that the woman in front of her eyes widened a little, and the corners of her eyes gradually turned red, she jumped up suddenly, with a cry in her voice, and said, “Brother, it’s me!”

“This girl, don’t get excited,” Song Bai’s eyes were sharp, seeing the familiar pouting expression of Sadin who was playing with his son.

“Girl, if you have something to say, don’t…”

“Brother, I’m Song Fei!” the glamorous girl cried.

Song Bai was about to push her hand away and stopped. He held Song Fei’s arm with both hands, “You… Are you Feifei?”

His expression couldn’t hide the excitement.

Song Fei nodded, and Sadin noticed something was wrong. He took his son into his arms and stared straight at the two brothers and sisters.

Song Fei felt Sadin’s gaze, she turned her eyes suspiciously, and asked Song Bai.

Song Bai learned that the person in front of him was his younger sister, and he was still excited. He pulled Song Fei to the front of Sadin, put one hand around him, and raised a wicked smile.

“Feifei, this is your sister-in-law, and the one in his arms is your nephew.”

The glamorous girl froze in place before she could wipe away her tears.

Song Fei felt like she was about to crack.

On the way to Song Fei’s house by car, Song Fei heard a bizarre story from her brother’s mouth.

To be honest, when she grew up, she also secretly flipped through Song Bai’s article to see that today, when talking about sweet pets, it can be called a thunderstorm, and there are countless thunderstorms.

With the blessing of a man-only feel-good filter like my brother, I feel that I have written a perfect work.

Song Fei endured and didn’t dare to complain.

The main reason is that the driver in the car looked at them too strangely, and kept looking back through the rearview mirror.

If it hadn’t been for her own research on that ore for nearly ten years, Song Fei would not have believed such a bizarre thing, even if her brother and her “sister-in-law” kept talking on the road in a language she didn’t understand, She couldn’t believe it either.

However, at least it proved that she was working hard in the right direction. Song Fei took Song Bai and handed it to her to prevent Hui from swallowing the cross pendant.

If her colleagues were present, they would have recognized that the ore in the center of the pendant was exactly the same material as the stone they monitored for ten years in the research institute.

When they got home, they hurried Sadin and Hui, who had been tired and tense all day, to sleep. Song Bai, who had taken a shower, wore a bathrobe and walked out with his hair wiped.

Song Fei was waiting for him in the living room. Seeing that her brother was still as young and strong as she remembered, she raised her eyebrows and sighed “wow” very suggestively.

Song Bai expressionlessly fastened her bathrobe without revealing any skin. She walked over to Song Fei’s forehead, who was resting on the back of the sofa, and mercilessly flicked her head.

“Girl’s house, don’t look at it if you shouldn’t.” Song Bai walked to the kitchen, found the refrigerator, and took a box of iced milk.

On the way, Song Bai had already learned the news of his parents’ death. Although he had made preparations to make a call, his heart sank when he heard it.

They didn’t come to their parents’ house. After their parents died, Song Fei moved out of the villa. Now she lives alone in this large flat with four bedrooms and two living rooms.

Here, the same arrangement was maintained as when his parents were alive. Song Bai didn’t bother to figure out the arrangement of her home.

Strangely, Song Fei’s house was also prepared in his room, and there were his clothes and furnishings in it, as if when he pushed the door in, everything went back to the way he didn’t leave twenty years ago.

Sadin and Hui were pushed into that room by Song Bai.

Unscrewing the lid, Song Bai took a sip of milk and sighed that they were indeed brothers and sisters. Song Fei had the same hobby as hers, and there was a full box of milk in the refrigerator.

“I haven’t seen you for so many years, why don’t you care about your sister’s life?” Song Fei said while covering her forehead.

Her brother used to be very strong, and he trained her to play like a game, and the signature move was to play this brain crash.

Sadly, after suffering such a painful brain collapse, I only feel nostalgic.

At the age of thirty-five, the beautiful and mature Song Fei seemed like a gorgeous flower, and she couldn’t get along with the little girl who was still young and coquettish in Song Bai’s memory.

It’s just that her demeanor, movement, and demeanor are all familiar with the past.

Time is so magical that he took away the little girl in his memory and brought this beautiful and moving woman in front of him.

“I don’t ask, you won’t tell?” Song Bai raised his eyebrows, his eyebrows were similar to Song Fei’s charm, but the smile on the corners of his mouth was really bad.

“Humball.” Song Fei scolded in a low voice.

“What did you say?” Song Bai raised his finger and tried to play her again. Song Fei threw Song Bai with the pillow, and ducked back, saying, “Scolding you!”

The pillow fell to the ground, and the brothers and sisters stopped. They looked at each other from a distance, and suddenly burst out laughing.

However, Song Fei smiled and burst into tears.

“What are you doing back here?” She cried sullenly, not wanting to make her thirty-five-year-old look so embarrassed in front of her thirty-year-old brother (the age Song Bai left).

She was obviously older than him, but why couldn’t she bear it?

She wiped her tears with her arms over and over again, not even noticing the paper pump on the coffee table in front of her.

She was gently embraced by Song Bai, and her brother’s arms covered her eyes, “It was my brother who promised to marry you, but my brother is wrong, and my brother apologizes to you.”

Song Fei finally burst into tears.

The next day, Song Fei woke up in the warm sunshine.

She felt that she was soaked in a warm warmth. Since she fell out with her ex-husband, she hadn’t had such a good dream for a long time.

She lifted the quilt, only to find that she was still wearing the same clothes she wore last night, wrinkled.

Okay, she’s tired of crying

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