Zodiac University

Chapter 12: Introductions

Capricorn crossed her arms and squinted as she observed the jittery blue-haired male before her.

“He looks like a bottom,” Scorpio said with a light laugh.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Virgo said with a grin. “Pisces, right? I’m Virgo?”

The group was sitting in a coffee shop on campus. Cancer had texted Virgo and Capricorn earlier in the day, asking them to meet up, and they’d agreed—but Scorpio had tagged along with Capricorn, and besides Capricorn, nobody protested.

Now, they all sat—Pisces and Cancer in a booth and Virgo, Capricorn, and Scorpio on the seats across from them. Cancer took a sip of hot cocoa and nudged Pisces, whose leg was bouncing like crazy. The young man nervously looked up at Virgo.


“Bottom for sure,” Scorpio repeated and Capricorn kicked her under the table.

“Don’t be rude, Scorpio!” she barked and looked at Pisces apologetically. “I’m sorry. She wouldn’t stay back at our dorm.”

“What’s a bottom?” Cancer asked with wide eyes.

“A submissive man,” Scorpio said with a smirk. Pisces, who had started to take a swig of water, choked and coughed loudly.

“S-sorry,” he gasped. Cancer giggled and Capricorn shook her head.

“Don’t worry about it, Pisces. You’re not the problem here.”

“And you’re saying I am?” Scorpio seemed indignant.

“Yes.” Capricorn glared at the red-haired girl.

“Anyway,” Virgo said, changing the subject. “When did you two meet?”

Cancer beamed and Pisces felt his heart flutter at the sight. “We met each other before our senior year of high school!” she said and gently grabbed Pisces’s hand. Pisces squeezed it lovingly. Scorpio had an unreadable expression on her face—one that resembled jealousy.

“So…when do you see yourselves breaking up?”

“SCORPIO!!” Capricorn stomped hard into the girl’s toes. Scorpio cried out and grabbed her aching foot.

“What?!” she eventually whined. “It’s just, Cancer’s exactly my type! I thought I’d give it a shot.”

“You’re being rude,” Capricorn snapped.

“It was a simple question!” Scorpio protested.

“I understand,” Pisces said suddenly, and everyone looked at him. “Cancer is absolutely stunning. She’s a goddess here on Earth.”

“Oh, Pisces!” Cancer put her hands to her cheeks and blushed. “You say the sweetest things!”

Virgo smiled. “You two make an amazing couple. Don’t listen to what Scorpio says—you both have a bond stronger than steel.”

Cancer nodded. She was so happy, she was practically radiating light. Pisces loved the sight of her smile so much, he was blocking out everything Scorpio said. Normally, anger would’ve erupted from his heart from the attempt to separate him and Cancer. But with Cancer next to him, he was tolerating it surprisingly well.

“When did you become Cancer’s friends?” Pisces asked, partially distracted. He wasn’t taking his eyes off his blushing partner.

“Just a few days ago,” Capricorn responded. “At least, with me. Virgo introduced us.”

“It was less than a week for me, too,” Virgo added.

“And I just met her,” Scorpio said and smirked. “But I already want to know more about her.”

Pisces chose to ignore that last comment.

“They really are the best, aren’t they, Pisces?” Cancer asked. “And I’m in the greatest debt to Virgo. Because of what he did…because of what he did, I’m no longer the main focus.”

“Main focus from what?” Pisces asked. He immediately regretted it.

The soft smile Cancer had on her face disappeared completely, and it wasn’t just her. Capricorn was frowning. Scorpio looked agitated. Virgo still had the same facial expression, but Pisces could sense an air of tension around him.

“I-I’m sorry,” he stammered. “Forget I said anything.” It was clear to Pisces that the something Cancer had been removed as the main focus for was the same entity who’d caused her to fall down and require friends to help her.

“No,” Cancer said softly. “Actually, this is something you should know, Pisces. I didn’t tell it to you over our video chats before because I didn’t want to scare you or make you mad.”

She buried her face in her hands. “I’m so sorry. It was selfish…but I-I just wanted to see you…”

Pisces placed his hands on Cancer’s shoulders and turned her towards him. “I’m not scared or angry, Cancer,” he said gently. “But please tell me what’s going on. I’m getting worried.”

Cancer nodded and took a deep breath.

“Okay,” she said. “I guess I should start from a year after we met, this summer…”


After Cancer finished telling her story, a tense quiet descended on the table. Everyone was thinking about the reality of how awful Taurus was…especially Pisces, who’d just been introduced to him.

After about a minute, Pisces suddenly jumped up from the booth and began speedwalking to the nearest exit. Virgo and Scorpio, sensing this would happen, quickly made preparations to stop him.

“Easy, big fella!” Scorpio shouted, grabbing Pisces’s waist.

“Pisces! Calm down!” Capricorn screeched. Cancer just watched her boyfriend quietly. She wouldn’t admit it, but she was touched by his reaction.

And what a reaction it was. Pisces was practically seething. It took Virgo and Scorpio to hold him down and keep him from storming out of the coffee shop and causing a scene.

“Wait, Pisces!” Virgo called.

Pisces wasn’t listening. All he could hear was the rushing of blood in his ears, and all he could feel was the angry thump thump of his heart pounding in his chest.

Cancer had recalled what had happened from the summer before their freshman year at college to now. The explanation consisted of how she’d gotten mixed up in Leo’s business, how Taurus had taken an interest in her, and all the pain the pair had caused Cancer since then. How when sessions at Admirant started, Taurus took every opportunity to bother Cancer in person. How Cancer had to hide in her dorm, too scared to even walk around her residential hall alone, unable to even trust her roommate. How her college experience, which was supposed to be the most exciting and fulfilling time of her life, had turned into a game of flee-the-beast, where Cancer was chained to fear and panic 24/7.

Until Virgo had stepped up and slapped the living daylights out of Taurus, causing him to lose interest in Cancer. And while Pisces was thankful that Taurus wasn’t tormenting Cancer anymore, he absolutely could NOT overlook the suffering inflicted upon his beloved girlfriend. Not in a million years.


Pisces finally stopped struggling against Scorpio and Virgo’s grasp and turned to look at his girlfriend who was standing behind him, clasping her hands together.

“You don’t have to get revenge for me, Pisces,” she said quietly. “In fact, I’d prefer it if you didn’t.”

Pisces hesitated and Virgo took the opportunity to guide him back to the booth. Cancer sat down and hugged him as he slid into his seat.

“I want us to have fun during your time at Admirant,” she added, burying her face into Pisces’s arm. “And my plans don’t involve us digging a deeper hole with Taurus and Leo. Let’s just…spend time together. We won’t let them stop us from enjoying ourselves.”

Pisces blushed and exhaled slightly, feeling all his muscles ease at the sound of Cancer’s soft voice. He was still very angry at Taurus…but he realized Cancer was just being logical. Having a tantrum and wrapping Taurus and Leo up in it would only make things worse for her, right? And he didn’t want that at all.

“…okay,” Pisces said at last. “I won’t do anything.”

“Thank you, Pisces,” Cancer said happily. Pisces nodded and hugged Cancer back…but he still had a thought he couldn’t shake.

“But…Cancer, what happens when Taurus has lost interest in Virgo?” Pisces said quietly. “He’ll probably go back to you. You should tell the dean.”

Cancer’s expression hardened and she shook her head. “I can’t.”

“When we said Taurus had a huge influence on the school, we meant it,” Scorpio explained. “He’s got all the teachers scared shitless.”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” Virgo said with a large grin. “He won’t lose interest in me—at least not for a while. And when he does, he’ll be beaten so badly, he won’t show his face around here again.”

Pisces cocked his head in confusion. “What do you mean?”

Virgo took a sip of his coffee and animatedly started to explain the history between him and Taurus that had developed in a hushed voice. He mentioned everything from the slap to Taurus’s raid on his place of work. Pisces’s eyes were wide throughout the whole story, and when Virgo stopped talking, he shook his head in disbelief.

“That’s…I can’t believe…wow.”

Virgo laughed. “So, that’s what’s been happening.” He narrowed his eyes and his smile turned mischievous. “I’m the only one who can beat Taurus at his own game.”

“I want to help!” Pisces blurted out suddenly. “If I can’t face Taurus for Cancer’s sake, I’ll do anything to help you!”

Virgo chuckled. “I appreciate the offer, Pisces, but like Cancer said—you should be focusing on having fun during your stay. I’m sure that’s what you truly want, deep inside.”

Pisces blushed and glanced at Cancer who was nodding in agreement.

“But…there must be something I can do.”

“Let’s leave this to Virgo,” Scorpio, who’d been lost in thought for a while, said. “A lot of this is news to me, too…but I’m just meeting you, Pisces, and I can already tell you aren’t mind-games material.”

Pisces frowned. “What?”

Scorpio raised her hands apologetically. “It’s just, Virgo seems more equipped for this,” she explained. “And he’s already caught Taurus’s eye. Makes no sense for him to find out that you’re a part of this and hurt your dear Cancer even more.”

Pisces bit his lip. He hadn’t thought about that. He looked at Cancer again.

“…I’ll stay out of it,” he said eventually. “I promise.”

Cancer smiled and stretched her arms above her head. “We should get going, Pisces. It’ll be dark soon.”

“I need to go, too,” Scorpio added. “I got tons of homework.”

“I’m not surprised, from all the classes you’ve been skipping,” Capricorn snorted, and then turned to Pisces. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Pisces. I hope to see you again.”

Pisces nodded. This interaction hadn’t been as bad as he thought…and since the first night of his visit was wrapping up, he wanted to give Cancer something special. He slid out of the booth and gently grabbed his girlfriend’s hand, tugging her behind him gently.

“Cancer…I have something for you…” he said, and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a long, silver necklace. Cancer gasped, her eyes going wide as she caught a glimpse of it. Capricorn’s eyes widened as well. Scorpio whistled admiringly.

Pisces rubbed the back of his head shyly. “Well, I, uh, I wanted to give you something for when we met,” he explained. “So I got you this necklace. It’s made of sterling silver, and it was—”

“OH, PISCES, I LOVE IT!” Cancer cried and threw her arms around the startled young man’s neck. Pisces blushed and grabbed her around her waist.

“I-I saw it at a store on my campus and thought of you,” he stammered. “I’m glad you like i—”

Suddenly, the blue-haired man’s lips were captured in a passionate kiss. Cancer had tugged him down to her height and was embracing him deeply. Pisces held her tighter and kissed back. Capricorn gasped and ‘awed’ and Scorpio made an unrecognizable guttural noise. The couple eventually pulled away and Cancer giggled, slightly embarrassed.

“A-ah! I forgot you all were here for a second,” she panicked. Pisces grinned dreamily, his heart pounding. He loved Cancer so much.

And she loved him.

“Pisces…would you put the necklace on me?” Cancer asked shyly. Pisces nodded, still on cloud nine from the kiss. He felt slightly disoriented as his hands came up to Cancer’s neck and fastened the clasp of the necklace. Once it was on, Cancer spun around and looked at her friends for approval.

“Ooh!” Capricorn clapped her hands, nodding excitedly. “Very nice!”

“It definitely suits you,” Virgo agreed.

“It’s…alright,” Scorpio sniffed, evidently jealous of the kiss. Capricorn elbowed her. Cancer grinned and turned back to her boyfriend.

“Thank you so much, Pisces!! I’ll never take it off!!” Cancer squealed. Pisces smiled and squeezed her hand. He’d never been happier.

Scorpio cleared her throat. “Sorry to break up this touching moment,” she said gruffly, “but I want to get home and take a nap. Let’s go, Cap. See ya, you two.” She waved halfheartedly and headed for the door.

“Don’t call me Cap,” Capricorn barked after her and shook her head apologetically at Pisces and Cancer. “Sorry. Bye, Cancer! See you, Pisces!” She followed Scorpio outside and they quickly disappeared in the dimness of the twilight.

“Pisces—I assume you have somewhere to stay tonight? You could crash at my place.” Cancer and Pisces turned to see Virgo looking at them.

“I booked a hotel near campus. But thank you,” Pisces responded.

Virgo smiled and crossed his arms. “Well, see you around, man. Take good care of him, Cancer.”

Cancer giggled. “Bye, Virgo!”

The pair walked outside, kissed each other goodbye, and took their opposite paths. Pisces headed into the city and Cancer in the direction Scorpio and Capricorn had gone, towards the dorms. Virgo watched them go and slurped down the last of his drink. He was about to leave the cafe when something on the floor glittered, catching his eye.

Virgo bent down to investigate and his heart sank when he realized what it was. Cancer’s sterling silver necklace! The clasp must have come undone and fallen off while everyone was saying their goodbyes. Virgo picked it up, contemplating what to do next. He could take the necklace home and bring it to school for Cancer the next morning…but knowing Cancer, she’d definitely panic and be uneasy the second she noticed it was missing, and Virgo didn’t want his friend to go through any more pain.

He glanced outside. It was getting dark fast, but it still wasn’t pitch-black. If he started off toward the dorms, he could probably catch Cancer before she went inside.

Okay, Virgo thought and pushed open the door. With the necklace in his right hand, he started jogging in the direction the girls had gone. I’ll give this to Cancer and walk home, he thought as he ran. I’d better tell Mom I’ll be late.

He grabbed his phone and made the call. He was distracted…but even if he hadn’t been, he couldn’t have possibly known the terror that was about to ensue.

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