Zodiac University

Chapter 13: Leo

“Scorpio! Wait!!”

Scorpio shoved her hands in her pockets and quickened her pace. Capricorn huffed in exasperation and started jogging to keep up.

“What was all that back there?” Capricorn asked, finally coming to Scorpio’s side and grabbing her shoulder. “You were acting like a jerk!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” was Scorpio’s half hearted reply. Capricorn groaned.

“Don’t do this, Scorpio. First, you tag along when you hear I’m meeting Cancer, then you ask all those inappropriate questions when she’s with her boyfriend…I know Cancer’s your type, but isn’t that a little much?”

Scorpio sighed and rubbed her neck awkwardly. “I’d rather not have this conversation, Cap.”

“Don’t call me Cap.” Capricorn stopped walking and put her hands on her hips. “You have feelings for Cancer, don’t you?”

Scorpio didn’t respond but her silence was the only answer Capricorn needed.

“Acting like this won’t do anything,” she said. “I…ugh…” She groaned again. “I’ve come to care about you, Scorpio. I’m being honest. But I don’t want to lose Cancer as a friend.”

Scorpio looked at her.

“Apologize the next time you see her,” Capricorn said and smiled softly. “And we’ll work on those feelings of yours.”

Scorpio turned away but nodded slightly. The two resumed walking, a peaceful atmosphere descending on them…when suddenly, there was a pitter-patter of footsteps behind her, and both girls spun around to see Cancer running toward them, her face pale and sweaty.

“Cancer! We were just—”

“Shh!!” The young woman sprinted over to Scorpio and Capricorn, grabbing both their wrists and tugging them off the sidewalk into some hedges.

“Keep quiet!” she hissed. She was trembling.

“What the hell’s going on?!” Scorpio demanded. Cancer placed a hand over her mouth in response.


“I’m…I was chased…” Cancer squeaked and Capricorn’s eyes narrowed.

“Chased? By wh—”

But she didn’t get to finish her sentence because suddenly, an arm shot out and a calloused hand grabbed the back of Capricorn’s shirt. Capricorn screamed and started thrashing, but it was no use—the attacker was of incredible strength. The unknown perpetrator tugged Capricorn back and tossed her onto the sidewalk in between two streetlights. Capricorn cried out as she made contact with the pavement and grabbed her shoulder, which had scraped against the ground.

“Capricorn!” Scorpio yelled and started running at the individual. “Damn it, I’m not going to let you hurt my roomie!”

It was then that the figure stepped forward from the darkness into the nearest streetlight’s glare and upon seeing his face which had been blocked by the shadow of his hood, Scorpio’s own face paled.

It was Leo.

He was glaring at her, his injuries from his earlier beatdown by his ex-friends still present on his face. They may have actually gotten worse. Was that why he’d been hiding in his oversized hoodie?

Cancer was still crouching in the hedges, clutching her head and sobbing. Scorpio nervously glanced over at her, then looked at Capricorn who had gotten to her feet.

“W-what do you want with us?”

Leo just kept glaring. He didn’t say a word and slowly started approaching Scorpio who held her hands up. “I-I won’t try anything…I was never here!” the latter cried. “Me and my friends’ll get out of your hair.” She spun on her heels and tried to run but Leo was fast. He ran in front of her, blocking her way, then leaned forward and kneed her in the stomach.

Scorpio coughed and bent over, clutching her abdomen.

“Scorpio!!” Capricorn shouted. Cancer’s sobs grew louder.

“L-leave them alone! P-please!!” she cried.

“No.” Scorpio looked up as Leo finally spoke. His glare had disappeared and was replaced by a grin filled with malicious intent. Capricorn shivered and held her aching shoulder.

“Why are you doing this to us, Leo?!” she yelled. “We’ve stayed out of your way, haven’t we?!”

Leo ignored her and looked at Cancer. “I saw you with your little boyfriend earlier.”

Cancer froze and then frowned nervously. “W-what does that have to do with anything?!”

“You know you’re Taurus’s, right?” Leo said and Cancer flinched.

“She doesn’t belong to him!” Scorpio yelled.

“Shut the fuck up!” Leo bellowed and moved his leg as if planning to knee her again. Scorpio yelped and hobbled back.

Capricorn was watching the whole situation, the gears in her brain turning rapidly. Was Leo getting revenge on Cancer by harming them for dating someone other than Taurus? No, that wouldn’t make sense. If it was revenge, Taurus would be nearby…and Capricorn didn’t sense his intimidating aura.

Leo was acting on his own. She could figure that much.

Then, a lightbulb went off in Capricorn’s head. Was it possible…was it possible Leo was doing all this to get revenge on Virgo? And that it had nothing to do with Cancer and Pisces at all?

That must be it, Capricorn thought, chewing on her bottom lip. He’s targeting us because he knows Virgo cares about us. Taurus wouldn’t have ordered this to happen since he’s such an egomaniac…he’d probably say something like ‘this is between Virgo and me’. Which means Leo was agitated that Virgo leaked his private messages and he’s going after us to get to Virgo.

But what good is it to realize this now? Capricorn’s eyes were scanning the darkness, trying to find a path to escape on. So what if Leo’s gone rogue? He’s still here, and he’s probably not going to let us leave until we’re beat up and broken down.

Scorpio seemed to be realizing this, too. Cancer as well. They hadn’t gotten into Admirant for nothing.

But they were still trapped. Leo was faster and stronger than them, and even if they were to take him on together, somebody would still be targeted and get badly injured. Leo was ruthless.

“Why do you care about what I do?!” Cancer shouted. Capricorn gave her a strange look until she realized she was buying time.

Leo sneered at her. “I couldn’t give two shits about what you do. But you and your boyfriend piss me off.”

“So you’re jealous because they’re happy and you’re not?” Scorpio chimed in. “You’re the one who chose to be Taurus’s dog, right? Make it make sense!”

At this, Leo growled and charged towards Scorpio. Before she could blink, Leo was right on top of her, swinging his fist back until it collided with her face. Scorpio gasped as her glasses were knocked onto the ground and she went flying back against the concrete.

“SCORPIO!!” Cancer and Capricorn yelled in unison.

But Leo wasn’t done. He ran up to Scorpio and started stomping on her stomach with his foot—hard. Cancer and Capricorn watched in horror as their friend was abused over and over again. Scorpio screamed in agony as a low crack sound reverberated from her ribcage.

Cancer couldn’t take it anymore. She ran forward and slammed into Leo, knocking him off Scorpio. Leo stumbled a bit, but regained his footing and elbowed Cancer in the neck. Cancer screamed but no sound came out. She tripped over her foot and landed on her back in the hedges.

That left Capricorn.

Leo stared at her menacingly and started creeping toward her like a lion stalking its prey. Capricorn froze, unsure what to do. Her legs felt like they would give out at any second.

“N-no…” she whimpered, trembling all over. “S-stop…please…” She squeezed her eyes shut.


Leo whipped his head around and Capricorn opened her eyes to see Cancer, who was standing in front of Scorpio defensively. Well, barely standing. She was wobbling and looked as if she’d fall at any moment.

“Pisces…help me…” Cancer was mumbling. She seemed to be in a delirious state. It didn’t matter to Leo, though. He gritted his teeth as Cancer uttered the blue-haired boy’s name over and over again, and, Capricorn forgotten, lunged toward Cancer.

“NO!” Capricorn reached out and grabbed Leo’s hoodie, yanking him back. Leo tsked and drew his hand forward, preparing to elbow Capricorn in the stomach, when—


Another figure came flying into the scene, jamming their foot into Leo’s side. Leo made an ‘AACK’ sort of noise and went tumbling on the sidewalk next to Scorpio, who was unconscious. Cancer blinked and started tearing up once she saw who it was.


Capricorn gasped and looked up. Indeed, Virgo was there. But it almost didn’t look like him.

The Virgo standing in front of her had a twisted, almost evil expression on his face. He was clenching his fists and radiating pure bloodlust.

“Vir…go?” Capricorn questioned.

Virgo looked at Capricorn, and for a second, his expression softened. “Get Scorpio and call 911,” he said in a quiet but firm voice. He handed Capricorn something, and she realized it was Cancer’s necklace. Capricorn clutched it, nodded, and beckoned Cancer to help her. They carefully pulled Scorpio up and carried her as best they could with their injuries down the path to the residence halls. Virgo watched them go. Then he looked down at Leo with such a dreadful expression that if looks could kill, Leo would’ve been torn apart in the most gruesome way possible.

“Fuck…” the bully was saying as he got to his feet. “Didn’t expect you to show up.”

“Is that why you were beating up women?” Virgo felt nothing but anger. Pure, raw anger. How could anyone be so disgusting?

Leo chuckled bitterly. “You make it sound like I’m the bad guy. You’re the one who leaked my shit. They had it com—”

“I wouldn’t go there,” Virgo said, his voice low and dangerous.

Leo grinned. “You challenging me? I don’t think you want to go there.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Virgo said. Leo’s eye twitched and he started running at Virgo.

“I don’t want to hear that from YOU!!” he shouted.

Virgo closed his eyes and remembered the martial arts lessons he’d taken over the years. He had told himself he wasn’t going to do this…that he was going to try to live a normal, peaceful life…but he couldn’t just sit by while his innocent friends got beaten into oblivion.

He pictured Cancer, with bruises lining her upper body…Capricorn, holding her arm which had potentially been dislocated…and Scorpio, with her limp body slouched on the pavement.

The anger was vast. The anger was hot. It consumed all of Virgo’s body.

He’d make sure none of his friends ever got treated roughly again.

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