Zodiac University

Chapter 22: No Deal

I've decided to start releasing chapters here again! They'll be updated every Friday, with today as an exception.


Leo had been released from the hospital after surgery. He was advised to stay for longer but had called his mom and they worked something out. He was still on sick leave, so he wouldn’t be at Admirant for a while, but that was completely fine with Leo. Admirant was the last place he wanted to be, especially since Taurus had his own hall on campus.

But after lounging around at home thinking about the years of mistreatment and illusion of superiority Taurus had cast on him, the displeasure that had been bubbling up in Leo ever since Virgo had leaked his messages finally arrived at the surface. Leo was angry. Angry at Taurus. And he wanted to do something about it.

When he agreed to be Taurus’s underling, he knew that it didn’t mean he and Taurus were on the same level. Taurus had a whole thing about Leo knowing his place and understanding that he wasn’t his equal—and Leo thought he was fine with it. But, with his fiery personality, there were moments when he broke the rule and stepped out of the ‘acceptable’ zone. Like when he’d fiddled with Taurus’s crush in high school and Taurus had punished him by ruining his academic streak.

Leo had promised not to do anything like that again, thinking he’d accepted the idea that Taurus was his boss. But lately, he realized his opinions were shifting. The solid ice of his so-called loyalty was wavering and beginning to melt. And the melting process was only amplified when Taurus refused to get back at Virgo for exposing him.

Of course it was easy for him to accept, Leo had thought bitterly. He’s not the one who got beat up and dumped.

The more he thought about all of Taurus’s abuse, the angrier he got. Who was Taurus to treat him like garbage? So what if he was rich and his parents had connections? Leo had been the muscle, the intimidation in their little pair, and Taurus didn’t seem to care that he lost him—even after all the things Leo had done for him. In fact, it seemed like Taurus had gotten worse in his treatment after meeting Virgo. All he wanted to do now was play around with the dude, and Leo was completely neglected. He and Taurus weren’t exactly friends, but still. He deserved better.

That’s when Leo thought of revenge. And Virgo. Because he knew that if anyone on Admirant had the IQ to compete with his ex-boss’s, it would have to be the raven-haired snob. And as much as it pained Leo to do so, he needed to connect with Virgo to make Taurus pay.

This is how he came to be standing outside Virgo’s chemistry class. He had risked encountering Taurus to run into Virgo on Admirant’s campus. And he was certainly lucky he picked Friday morning to go. (He didn’t know that Virgo hadn’t been at school all week.)

Other students murmured and whispered as they saw him loitering, too afraid to go near. Leo bit the inside of his cheek, wondering if news about him and Taurus’s fallout had spread yet. It probably had, and Leo wouldn’t be surprised if the news about him putting 3 girls in the hospital had spread, too.

Damn gossips, he thought. He needed to talk to Virgo quickly before a faculty member kicked him out. Then he could go back home and resume his sick leave.

Leo had arrived 30 minutes before the lecture began, remembering from Taurus that Virgo usually arrived 5 minutes early. Leo just wanted to be prepared. That’s how much this opportunity meant to him.

Sure enough, 5 minutes before class was scheduled to start, Virgo rounded the corner and walked toward the door. He froze as his eyes met Leo. And then…

Virgo had looked nervous, almost paranoid, as he approached the chemistry class. He kept looking around, searching for something…or someone. But the second he saw Leo, his eyes narrowed into an icy glare and his lips curled with distaste. He picked up his speed as he closed the distance between him and Leo.

Looks like Virgo hasn’t gotten over what I did to those chicks, Leo thought and held up a hand defensively.

“Let’s talk in the library.”

Virgo paused, clearly surprised, but to Leo’s own shock, he nodded…and the two started off in the other direction, chemistry class forgotten.


“Didn’t know you’d be healed so fast.” Virgo wasn’t taking his eyes, which burned with hatred, off Leo. Leo looked away.

“I’m not. Still got bandages.”

“Cut to the chase. Are you going to apologize to my friends, or what?” Leo was right. Virgo was still furious. And who wouldn’t be?

“You should apologize to me, too.” Leo instantly regretted the words as Virgo gritted his teeth and leaned forward on the table. The two were in the corner of the library which was pretty empty since everyone was in class. Leo had to hold his hand up defensively again to stop Virgo from lunging across the table and grabbing his collar.

“…I have a proposition,” Leo said quickly, trying to change the subject. “And, listen…I know you hate me. I hate you. But just hear me out.”

Virgo went quiet and sat back down. A few seconds passed before he mumbled, “fine.”

“Help me bring down Taurus,” Leo said, not beating around the bush. “I hate him right now for everything he’s done. And I need someone who has the resources and resolve to help me—”


Leo frowned. “I’m not done.”

Virgo stood up, shaking his head. “I know where this is going, so I’m going to stop you right there. I have no interest in contributing to your lust for revenge.”

Leo clenched his fists. He was getting frustrated. “But you will contribute to your own lust?! That’s not fair!”

“I don’t owe you anything,” Virgo said coldly. “So just drop it, Leo. Go figure something else out. I’m going, now—you’ve made me late for chemistry.”

With that, Virgo spun on his heels and left the library. Leo just stared after him.

No. No, this can’t be happening.

“W-wait!” Leo felt desperation rising within him as he stumbled after Virgo. “Let me…I’ll…uh, I’ll pay you!”

“I don’t need money.” Virgo didn’t even turn around.

“B-but think about it! If we bring down Taurus, all your troubles will be gone, too! You and your friends can enjoy Admirant in peace! Isn’t that what you want?”

Virgo finally stopped. Leo thought he’d convinced him, but then he turned around and gave Leo a look filled with…pity?

“I can do that on my own,” Virgo said. “Give up, Leo.”

Then he rounded the corner and disappeared, leaving Leo alone in the hallway.

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