Zodiac University

Chapter 23: Sides


The high-pitched sob echoed through the various floors of the residence hall. Everyone who heard it knew it could only be coming from one person.

“I don’t want you to gooooo,” Cancer whined, clutching Pisces tightly around his waist. The blue-haired male smiled sadly and ruffled her hair.

“I’m sorry, Cancer,” he said. “I wish I could stay longer, I really do…but we both know I have to get back to my campus or my grades will drop.”

Cancer sniffed and buried her head in Pisces’s shirt. “…I know.”

“I promise I’ll text you as soon as I get back,” Pisces said, “and we’ll video chat every single day like before.”

But deep inside, Pisces knew it wouldn’t be the same. He loved Cancer so much and wanted to spend every moment of his life at her side. And Cancer felt the same. She sniffed again and drew back from Pisces.

“…Okay,” she said with a small pout. Pisces smiled and placed his hands on her shoulders, causing the young woman to look up at him.

“I love you,” he said and then captured Cancer’s soft lips in a deep kiss. Cancer groaned and leaned into the embrace, kissing Pisces back and allowing his tongue to intertwine with hers. They parted to catch their breath and Pisces looked at his watch.

“Ah! I’m going to miss my bus,” he said and grabbed his bags. “Cancer…”


The couple stared wistfully at each other before nodding and giving each other smiles that reflected courage that neither of them actually felt.

“Be safe, Cancer. Let me know if Taurus or Leo bothers you again.” Upon Cancer’s return from the hospital, Pisces had been stuck to her side like glue. He’d stayed the night several times at her dorm and spent the hours gently massaging her and bringing her snacks. He was worried for Cancer’s wellbeing, but knew she was stronger than she looked…and that with the injuries that Leo reportedly had gotten, he wouldn’t be harassing her or her friends anytime soon.

All he could do was put his trust in Virgo.

Cancer nodded and gave her lover another brave grin.

“I love you, Pisces. See you soon.”


Virgo was, to his relief, only a few minutes late to his first period. Rejecting Leo’s offer hadn’t taken very long, and he managed to make it into the classroom while the lecture was still in its early stages. Taurus was, surprisingly, absent—and Virgo was smart enough to know that the brown-haired man was hounding him. Why wouldn’t he? Not only had Virgo left him at the lake, but he’d been avoiding him the entire week. Surely Taurus was pissed off.

But Virgo was, too. He’d finally made up his mind about whether to continue or forfeit the little war he had with Taurus. He was going to continue.

The brain fog that had been clouding his mind over the past few days had cleared, and Virgo realized that if he were to withdraw from Taurus completely, he wouldn’t be satisfied. After all the things Taurus had done to him and his friends, the decision was a no-brainer. He questioned why he’d been considering abandoning the battle of wits in the first place.

Of course, his pride and composure had taken a heavy hit. Taurus had violated him, and then he’d violated himself. But giving up was an emotional response. He needed to be logical in times like this, and he wasn’t going to let Taurus have his way.

He had to do this. For the sake of society…and himself.

So yeah, Virgo was angry. He was furious. But that didn’t necessarily mean he wanted to see Taurus’s face.

He’d just returned to Admirant, after all. He had to catch up on his studies and distract himself with any essence of normality before his focus would be completely ready.

At least, that’s what he was telling himself.

It was lunchtime now, and Virgo still hadn’t run into Taurus. He was grateful but also skeptical. Was Taurus just skipping class? If Virgo’s predictions were right, he’d been searching for Virgo all week—which meant following his schedule to the letter. Maybe he’d gotten fed up and was doing whatever he normally did.

I bet that punk is in his dorm, Virgo thought. Or maybe he’s off campus. I think I’ll ask around to get some info.

Virgo knew his classmates didn’t think very favorably of him, but his lack of insight into Taurus’s behaviors was making him uneasy…and as much as he wanted to avoid unnecessary conflict, he knew his anger and frustration wouldn’t stay dormant much longer. So, taking a deep breath, he started for one of Admirant’s dining halls on North Campus. He saw a group of three girls chatting outside and approached them cautiously.

“Excuse me,” he said in his most nonchalant voice, “any of you know where Taurus is?”

The girls turned around and caution immediately flashed across their faces. Virgo accepted this and was about to leave when one girl raised her hand shyly.

“Uh, I don’t know where he is,” she said, “but you’re Virgo, right? Taurus has been looking for you all week.”

Virgo nodded. So he was right. “Thanks,” he said. “I hope he hasn’t been causing too much trouble.”

“He’s been smoking in the hallways a lot,” another girl chimed hesitantly.

“I see,” Virgo said. He was about to turn away when the third girl’s hand shot out and grabbed the corner of his shirt. Virgo looked back and saw that her eyes were averted and she was…blushing?

“Um, Virgo?” she said. “I know you probably don’t care…but I just wanted you to know that I’m on your side.”

Virgo blinked. “I’m sorry?”

The girl started waving her hands, flustered. “Oh! I mean, um, I just meant that the whole school is having this little debate over who’s going to win.”

Virgo stared at her in confusion. “Win…?”

“Yeah,” the second girl piped up. “You probably didn’t know since you’re not in the dorms, but there’s a rumor that you and Taurus are in a psychological war, trying to outdo one another.”

Virgo laughed nervously. “Is that right?” He knew gossip about him and Taurus would spread, but he hadn’t expected people to be constantly talking about it to the point of debating. The attention made him a bit disoriented.

“So people are picking sides,” the second girl continued. “We’re supporting whoever we think will win and rule over Admirant. And…uh…” She paused and looked at her friends, her cheeks flushed red. “We…we think you’ll win. We’re on your side.”

“Team Virgo!” the first girl cheered. The other girls giggled.

Virgo flashed a charming smile. “Much appreciated.” He stepped closer. “Mind telling me a bit more about this debate?”


After about 5 minutes of talking, Virgo had all the information he needed.

It was as his classmates said. Apparently, after the kiss in the school hallway and the arguments between Virgo and Taurus in class, a little competition was blossoming among the students. People were blowing the whole occurrence into a big event, with people choosing their ‘sides’. Team Taurus or Team Virgo.

Team Taurus mainly consisted of Taurus’s cronies, the ‘eyes’ he had monitoring the campus, and people who worked for him or his parents. They included several faculty members and upperclassmen.

Team Virgo was pretty much everyone else. Team Virgo was ‘the people’—the students and even faculty members who were afraid of Taurus’s tyranny and wanted to put their hopes into a new candidate. It was almost like an election, with the winner being named King of Admirant. There were rumors circulating about Virgo being smarter but Taurus being physically stronger, and vice versa. There was even gossip about Virgo and Taurus dating! This wasn’t as popular, though, since Virgo was clearly adamant and resisted being with Taurus. Plus, the semester had just started, and the students didn’t know him all that well.

Virgo found the whole situation amusing. I’ll let them think what they want, for now, he decided. It may help me further down the road.

He’d thanked the young ladies who’d caught him up and then left the dining hall, going straight to a section of the dorms where he’d heard Taurus resided. The school, swayed by Taurus’s parents’ financial contributions and influence, had devoted an entire residential hall to Taurus and the many agents and servants he had living with him. Taurus not only got his own room, but his own floor, bathroom, and lounge. Virgo thought about hating him for it, but then realized he was equally, if not more spoiled. So he let it go.

But what he wasn’t going to let go was the incident at Lausk Lake. Taurus had crossed a line. Virgo knew that if he didn’t resolve things quickly, stuff like that was going to keep happening…and provoking strange responses in Virgo. Even if they were in a war of mind games, Virgo didn’t like his feelings being toyed with—and decided that from now on, there would be no more kissing or fingering. He had initiated a kiss with Taurus but wasn’t going to do any more of that. From now on, the war would be strictly professional. He and Taurus weren’t going to be so invasive with each other’s bodies.

This was better for both of them. Taurus would learn to respect boundaries and Virgo would surely stop pleasuring himself to Taurus if no more advances were made.

He would. For sure. But…

There’s a possibility Taurus has some feelings for me, Virgo thought as he approached the Taurus dorm, but we’re in no position to be intimate. Our physical contact should be nonexistent.

Yes. That’s how it should be. Nonexistent.

Virgo’s feelings would disappear with time. He’d beat Taurus, and then everything would fall into peaceful normality.

As it should be.

Still, Virgo couldn’t shake the weird feeling in his stomach. It was almost like…sadness? Why the hell was he sad?! This was for the best! It wasn’t as if he wanted to do more things with Taurus.

It wasn’t as if he wanted Taurus to show him all kinds of foreign pleasures.


Virgo shook his head, trying to scatter the jumbled thoughts from his mind. Whatever. I’m here now, so I’m going to tell Taurus that our bodies are off-limits. I’ll make him listen. He held up a hand and knocked on the front door of the residence hall. He didn’t have access to the dorms since he lived off-campus and was prepared for one of Taurus’s staff to let him in.

After a few seconds, the door opened. Virgo opened his mouth, ready to greet a servant or upperclassmen, but instead was met with the overwhelming stench of cigarettes. He backed up and covered his mouth, breaking out into a coughing fit. And then, he heard it. The scary, yet sweet-sounding voice that reeked with familiarity.

“Quit being dramatic and get your ass in here,” Taurus said.

[Brace yourselves for the next chapter!]

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