Zodiac University

Chapter 24: Obsession

Virgo felt surprisingly nervous as he entered the building and followed Taurus obediently up the stairs. He had been right—Taurus was pissed. But for some reason, that turned him on…that, and the smell of cigarettes radiating from the brown-haired man.
Get it together, Virgo, Virgo thought, pressing his hand to his temples impatiently. He was here for one thing: to tell Taurus that they needed to stop playing around with each other intimately, that this should be strictly business and not involve their sexual fantasies. I’ll just tell him that and leave, Virgo decided, nodding to himself. I won’t give in, even if he tries to sweet-talk me. I’m done being his plaything. Nothing else is going to happen between us, and then my feelings for him will—
“What the fuck are you doing?”
Virgo blinked, his train of thought screeching to a halt as he realized he was standing at the top of the stairs, unmoving. Taurus had turned around with his hands in his pockets and was giving Virgo a scowl so full of hatred and tension that it rivaled every furious expression Virgo had ever seen.
Yeah, Taurus was really pissed.
But Virgo had a right to be, too.
Virgo cleared his throat and stepped closer to Taurus. “I have something to say.”
“So do I.” Taurus’s cold, brown eyes were boring into Virgo’s, causing the latter to stiffen up a little.
“It’s about what happened on the lake,” Virgo began. “I’m not tolerating any more of that bullshit.”
Taurus raised an eyebrow. “Are you giving up?”
“Of course not,” Virgo snapped, feeling his anger rise again. “What do you take me for?”
Taurus finally cracked a smile. “A bastard who can’t be bothered to take risks.”
“That wasn’t a risk.” Virgo narrowed his eyes. “You were toying with me, and I’m not standing for it.”
Taurus scratched the back of his head and looked away. “Be glad I haven’t toyed with your friends yet. I could have them expelled, you know. I could ruin them so badly they’ll never get a job and be living on the streets.”
Virgo clenched his fists. “I thought I told you to leave outsiders alone.”
“And I thought I said no.”
Lacks empathy, steps on people to climb in the ranks…this bastard is insane, Virgo thought. But I already knew that. He thought back to the night of the beatdown with Leo and remembered the horrible state his friends had been in. Virgo didn’t even realize he was gritting his teeth and trembling with rage until he heard Taurus chuckle with amusement, and he had to take a deep breath to regain his composure.
And then he remembered…Leo. There was a way to get the upper hand in this conversation.
“Did you know Leo came to me?” Virgo said with a smirk. He put his hands on his hips. “He was begging me to work with him to take you down. Can you believe that? Your precious underling hates you. He hates you so much now.”
“I don’t give two shits what that bastard thinks of me,” Taurus said, but his tone said otherwise. Virgo’s predictions had been right. Taurus still hadn’t gotten over his little breakup with Leo and was clearly annoyed by any mention of him. He may be a psychopath, but he values loyalty, Virgo thought with another mischievous smirk. And Leo, the only person he could even call a friend, betrayed him. That must’ve shaken him up. I have our arguments in the bag as long as I tread carefully.
Virgo knew he was on thin ice. But something, a fiery sensation within him, wanted to see just how far he could push Taurus. It was so uncharacteristic…but so alluring.
“You don’t?” Virgo pressed. “You sure seem like you do. And I can’t blame you—I’d be pissed if my confidant turned on me, too.”
“Shut up.”
“You act all confident but you must be crumbling away inside, right Taurus?” Virgo continued. “It’ll take a while to find someone who can fill Leo’s position. Your intimidation factor has taken a blow, too, since Leo was so popular. Did you know the student body is betting on who will win our little game? And that I currently have more supporters?”
“I said shut up.”
“Your little reign is coming to an end, Taurus. We all can tell. This was just one blow to your pride, but soon, you’ll lose your power and credit and everyone will treat you worse than you treated them. Leo wanted to side with me—and let that sink in—because he knows I have more potential. Do you know how desperate he was? I turned him down, and he even offered to pay me. He offered me his dirty money. Oh, man, you should’ve seen the look on his face when—”
“SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!” Before Virgo had a chance to process anything, Taurus lunged forward and slammed Virgo against the railing, ramming his fist into the latter’s stomach. Virgo coughed and stumbled backward, bending over in pain.
“Was…was that supposed to hurt?” Virgo smiled up at Taurus, trying to pretend he was fine. He clearly wasn’t but Taurus was breathing heavily and there was a dangerous look in his eye. Virgo’s strange drive to provoke Taurus grew bigger as his craving for victory did. It was childish—and completely unlike him—but their conversation had flown off the rails with the mention of Leo, and this seemed like the best way to end it in his eyes.
“You’re so damn cocky,” Taurus whispered furiously. Virgo looked at the fist that had made contact with his abdomen and saw that it was shaking. Taurus was angrier than Virgo had ever seen him. And it was still turning Virgo on. Knowing that only he was able to reduce Taurus to such a primal state was like a drug. Virgo felt his sanity slipping, similar to when he was back in the bathroom at Lausk. His rationale forgotten, he stood and prepared to fight back. He wanted to feel Taurus’s sweat on his skin as they tussled. He wanted to release the emotions and sexual tension that had been building up over the past week, ever since he’d pleasured himself.
And he wanted to do it now.
“Oh? Am I cocky?” Virgo grinned like a madman. Taurus shivered and drew his hand back.
“I’ll shut you up,” he muttered, and lunged forward again, trying to punch Virgo’s face. Virgo saw it coming, though, and dove out of the way, causing Taurus to fling himself on the edge of the railing. Hard.
Taurus coughed and spun around, glaring at Virgo who was still smiling. He was enjoying himself. He was enjoying letting loose.
It was such a foreign feeling…but Virgo couldn’t shake the fact that this was how a battle should be.
Taurus, whose face was clouded in anger, secretly felt the same. Upon seeing Virgo at his door, he’d been overwhelmed with an urge to punch the living daylights out of him before bending him over and fucking him in the ass. After all, the bastard hadn’t been at school all week, and after the intimate moment they’d shared at Lausk, Taurus had pent-up tension that masturbation just couldn’t fix.
He wanted to scream, to yell, to punch, kick, and hit. Both boys were letting their wild sides take over, going feral as they clawed and scratched at one another. One moment, Virgo was grabbing Taurus’s collar and flinging him into the wall, causing a vibration from the impact to move through the whole residence hall. The next, Taurus had the upper hand and was kicking Virgo’s legs in an attempt to make him fall down the stairs.
It was rough. It was passionate.
It was pure obsession.
Neither Taurus nor Virgo had plans to stop. And as their sweat flew through the air and anger clashed with arousal, one thought was on their minds:
I’m not leaving here without destroying you.

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