Zodiac University

Chapter 25: Lust

All that could be heard from the second floor of Taurus’s residential hall was banging, slamming, glass shattering, and angry grunting as walls were hit, fragile objects were broken, and fists made contact with skin.
All of Taurus’s servants and agents stayed clear of the area, knowing they’d have to have a death wish to approach it. This was perfectly fine with Taurus, and Virgo, too—their concentrations were on each other, and each other only.
I’m going to destroy you, Taurus thought, swinging his fist towards Virgo’s head and missing his face by a hair.
I’m going to destroy you, Virgo thought back, skillfully dodging Taurus’s blow. He’d gotten quite good at reading Taurus’s movements and wasn’t going to let another surprise punch catch him off-guard.
So, the two continued fighting. They didn’t stop even when they were both breathing heavily and sweating bullets. In fact, the smell of sweat and the sound of the mess they were making riled them up even more.
Raw. Primal. Obsession.
Those were the only words that could describe the scene playing out. It was like an instinctive dance, full of tension and release, that the young men were performing. And neither of them wanted to stop.
Such a far cry from their usual composures, yet so, so freeing. Virgo and Taurus both knew they’d regret acting like this in front of each other—so provoked and vulnerable—but at the same time, had a sense of respect for one another. Taurus was the only person who Virgo would show this side to…and Virgo was the only person who’d ever prompted Taurus to such a state.
“I’ll rip you to shreds,” Taurus breathed through gritted teeth as he lunged at Virgo again, missing him by a few centimeters. He growled, a noise filled with impatience and excitement, and Virgo shivered upon hearing it—but didn’t hesitate or back down.
“I’ll tear you apart,” was Virgo’s response. He bent down and shot forward, wrapping his arms around Taurus’s waist and slamming him against a couch.
Taurus sputtered as his head snapped back and his vision temporarily went white—and when he could see again, Virgo was straddling him and drawing his right arm back. Before Taurus could blink, Virgo’s fist was making contact with his cheek, and he coughed, saliva spewing from his mouth. He glanced back up at Virgo and their eyes made contact.
Hatred, frustration, pain, pleasure, arousal…they could see it all in each other’s faces. Their eyes were fiery and determined. Their glares were filled with stress…and relief?
Yes, that was right. They both had been pent-up for so long. They needed this—they needed to go feral on each other. It was freeing. And Taurus was suddenly aware of how close Virgo was. Their dicks were pressed against each other through their pants, and Taurus’s was steadily growing hard.
Virgo didn’t seem to notice it yet. This time, he drew his left arm back and POW! Struck Taurus with even more force than the last punch. Taurus let out an agonized wail and ended up spitting blood. Virgo didn’t stop. He’d lost all self-restraint completely.
“You bastard!!” he growled, punching Taurus’s face over and over again. Taurus could feel bruises forming and a new burst of passion arriving inside him. Virgo paused for a second to take a breath, and that’s when Taurus’s hands shot forward and grabbed his wrists. Virgo’s rage subsided and quickly filled with shock as he was flipped over onto the couch. Taurus was now straddling him and still holding his hands.
“Let go of me,” Virgo said in a low voice.
“Shut the fuck up,” Taurus said, in an equally dangerous tone. “Learn your place. I’ve been too lenient with you.”
Virgo laughed bitterly. “Is that so?”
Taurus glared. “You really piss me off.”
The tense atmosphere was unbearable and, having put in such a submissive position, it was Virgo’s turn to realize how sexual the scene was. So much skin-on-skin contact and harsh, degrading words…it was too hot to bear, and Virgo felt his member getting stiff at the sensation of Taurus’s pressing against him.
But Virgo still had his fighting spirit and wanted to punch Taurus some more, so he started wiggling aggressively underneath his rival, ignoring both of their hardness. Taurus instinctively tightened his grip on Virgo’s wrists. Virgo made it hard, though—he kept alternating between tugging and pushing and Taurus’s grip was loosening.
Virgo looked up at Taurus and gave him a smirk, filled with pride and superiority. Not a hint of despair in sight.
“You’re weaker than I thought.”
“Didn’t I tell you to shut the fuck up?” Taurus readjusted his grip, this time pulling Virgo’s wrists so they were both stretched above his head, an action that would make it harder for him to move.
“I don’t take orders from you.” Virgo didn’t seem the least bit fazed by this gesture and continued squirming. Taurus’s eyes narrowed more than they were.
“You’re a crazy bastard,” Taurus said in a warning tone. “You know all the things I can do to you but you still fight.”
Virgo smirked again and then said something unexpected.
“Don’t you like that about me?”
“Shut up. You are…you are…”
“I’m what?”
“I said, shut up! You are…you are just…”
And all of a sudden, it was like everything came to a standstill, and Taurus was left gazing into Virgo’s unwavering jet-black orbs. Lust burst from his chest, unable to be contained. And Taurus submitted willingly.
“You are just…so damn sexy.”
And in that moment, Taurus closed the gap between him and Virgo, their lips crashing against each other. Virgo let out a loud moan and, without knowing he was doing so, moved his hips up so they were grinding against Taurus’s jeans. Their firm members grazed each other through the fabric, and Taurus moaned equally, if not even louder than Virgo, at this sensation. Virgo daringly shot his tongue into his rival’s mouth, and Taurus accepted it hungrily. Saliva mixed with saliva in an elaborate dance of lust and lack of reason.
Their bodies had craved this. They didn’t want to admit it, but they both wanted nothing more than to be inside each other and suppressing their desires for so long had led to uncontrollable motions that were now breaking through, subduing any trace of rationality.
Taurus released his grip on Virgo’s wrists so he could grab the latter around the waist and pull him even closer, determined to erase any remnants of space between them. Virgo, with his hands now free, clawed at Taurus’s back and moaned into his mouth. They drew apart to take a breath, a string of saliva connecting their tongues—and then they were right back at it. Taurus skillfully undid his belt and quickly got to work on Virgo’s. Sweat dripped from both bodies onto the upholstery of the couch, but neither one of them noticed or cared. They didn’t even hear the footsteps of a curious maid coming up the stairs behind them and then quickly descending as she realized the situation. Or maybe they did…but didn’t care.
After about a minute of moaning and furious grinding, Taurus got his pants off and impatiently removed Virgo’s, tearing the fabric around the waist. Virgo opened an eye at the noise and drew back with a glare.
“Watch it, you animal.”
“You’re the animal here,” Taurus said coolly.
“Shut up and kiss me,” was Virgo’s breathy, desire-ridden response. Taurus didn’t have to be told twice. He fingered Virgo’s boxers and rapidly lowered his mouth to leave kisses of the sucking type and love bites all over Virgo’s neck. Virgo twitched at the unfamiliar sensation but didn’t stop moaning. His nipples were hard through his shirt, and his dick was already leaking precum.
Taurus has done this before, Virgo thought absentmindedly. But it was probably for the best.
That meant he could make Virgo feel extra good.
Then, without warning, Taurus grabbed Virgo’s ass and hoisted him up. Virgo yelped and grabbed Taurus around the neck as they started moving away from the couch.
“Bedroom,” Taurus muttered, his tone lustful and low. Virgo understood and leaned forward so he could bury his face in Taurus’s long, brown curly locks. Taurus was holding him in a way that he bounced lightly with every step, and the motion was creating friction between his waist and Virgo’s dick. Virgo groaned, his eyes rolling back into his head at the feeling. He knew he wasn’t going to last long.

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