Zodiac University

Chapter 27: Aftermath, pt. II

Virgo was having the most amazing dream.
In it, he was in a field full of sunflowers. There was a bench in the middle of the field, where he sat. But he wasn’t alone. Taurus was next to him, and his physique resembled the figure in the first dream Virgo had ever had of him. Only this time, his face was visible. His incredibly handsome face.
“Virgo,” Taurus was saying in a low tone. He was scooting closer to Virgo so their knees were touching…oh, and now he was lifting Virgo up onto his lap and leaning forward to nibble gently on his earlobe. Virgo couldn’t help but let out a satisfied moan.
It was just so wonderful. Being here with Taurus.
Taurus continued to line the side of Virgo’s head with bites and kisses, and Virgo tilted his head back and laughed at the sensation. He began slowly rocking his hips against the taller man’s body, feeling the erect member of the latter through his pants.
“Virgo,” Taurus said again, and Virgo closed his eyes as his grinding sped up.
But something was off.
Taurus wouldn’t be this loving, Virgo thought. Would he?
The Taurus he knew was a maniac, a monster devoid of humanity who only cared about himself.
Or so Virgo thought…but why was his subconscious creating the illusion that Taurus was, well, boyfriend material?
Something was off. Virgo was smart enough to know that when things were too good to be true, they usually weren’t.
Wait, he thought, finally coming to his senses. I’m dreaming.
At this realization, he pulled away from the dream-Taurus and rubbed his head absentmindedly.
What had happened? This was a scene concocted by his mind…but dreams were influenced by reality, weren’t they? So what exactly occurred to make this dream-Taurus more attractive than he already was?
Virgo groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. It felt like there was a thick gate blocking off his memories. It was a rather nice feeling, a floaty feeling, but Virgo knew he had to get it together. He scrunched his eyebrows and tried his best to remember what had happened.
Let’s see…I went over to Taurus’s dorm to talk to him…he thought slowly. He was mad and had clearly been smoking a lot. Then he hit me…or did I hit him first? Whatever the case, we fought, and then…
…and then…
The gate burst open and the memories finally surfaced, crashing through Virgo’s skull. Virgo’s eyes widened and his mouth went dry as he recalled the sexual events that had transpired.
Oh shit. Oh shit.
The dream world surrounding Virgo started to fade, almost as if it was glass made out of a sugary substance that was melting against water. Before long, the illusionary environment was shattered and Virgo opened his eyes, finding himself back in the real world.
He blinked sleepily, trying to process the images that were flooding through his mind.
Where am I?
The room he was in was not his room at the apartment. It was less nice…almost like a college dorm? But the bed was far too big for an ordinary dorm. It was at least king-sized. And the room smelled of cigarettes. The sheets were crinkled—almost as if they had been wet and dried wrong.
Virgo’s heart sank when he realized where the signs pointed.
I’m in Taurus’s room, he thought. Shit, shit. That means…that means we really did have s—
A wave of nausea coursed through his body. He didn't even want to say it.
What exactly had possessed him to give in to his desires? He’d been so wild that it seemed unreal. But Taurus had been no better. Virgo shivered, cursing himself as he felt his member twitch in response to the memory of Taurus’s ruthless fucking. And then…
It was then Virgo noticed that a hand was draped over his chest, gently caressing his pecs. Virgo immediately turned and saw Taurus, lying behind him. The brown-haired male was snoring softly, his long lashes fluttering ever-so-slightly as he slept. And he was spooning Virgo.
This bastard, Virgo thought, anger surging through his veins. How can he sleep so soundly? How can he act as if…as if we’re…
Taurus was acting as if they were dating. His cuddling had been just like that back at Lausk after their little session in the bathroom. Virgo knew he wasn’t one to talk—he’d just accepted Taurus’s advances, after all—but how could Taurus behave so nonchalantly? It pissed Virgo off.
But what pissed him off even more was the fact that he didn’t hate it. Taurus’s hands were rough and capable of some nasty things, but it felt comforting to know they were protecting Virgo, even as they were unconscious.
What the fuck is wrong with me, Virgo thought, shaking his head. I need to get out of here. He was trying his hardest not to think about how he’d acted during sex. He’d been letting out such dirty noises…and thrusting his hips in such vulgar ways…aaah, it was too much to even imagine!!
He’s going to tease me for it, Virgo thought, cringing as he slowly rolled out of Taurus’s grasp. He’s going to bring it up in the future. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a secret camera in here and was recording the whole thi—
All of a sudden, something leaked out of Virgo’s ass. Virgo quickly sat up and looked down to investigate before groaning in disgust. It was Taurus’s semen. It suddenly occurred to Virgo that Taurus hadn’t been using protection…and that he hadn’t noticed or cared.
I was so horny and desperate that it didn’t even cross my mind, Virgo thought bitterly. He didn’t know how often Taurus man slept around, either, and cursed himself for being so irresponsible. What was he to do if Taurus gave him something? What was he supposed to tell his parents? What did—
Virgo’s thoughts were interrupted by a familiar-sounding chuckle. He immediately glared and turned around to face Taurus, who was lying with his elbow propping up his face and grinning at Virgo smugly.
“I bet you’re proud of yourself,” Virgo snapped.
Taurus’s grin widened. “I am.”
“How long have you been awake?” Virgo looked away and got off the bed, searching for a towel or something to hide himself in.
Taurus yawned and stretched. “I just woke up. Man, I slept so well.”
Virgo clenched his jaw, trying to fight the urge to punch Taurus in the face.
“Yeah, well, you were snoring like a bi—”
Suddenly, Virgo doubled over, gasping as pain flooded his system. What the hell?! he thought, tears forming in his eyes. But he didn’t even have to question it. Taurus’s vicious thrusting had left its mark, and Virgo’s asshole was practically swollen. He trembled as another rush of pain spiked from his ass. Taurus was sitting up in the soiled sheets, that stupid grin still on his face as he watched Virgo limp around the room, gathering up his clothes.
“Shut the fuck up,” Virgo hissed, picking up his boxers and trying to slide them on. There were precum stains all over them…not to mention Taurus’s scent. Virgo cursed as another wave of pain erupted from his injured butt. How was he supposed to walk all the way home in this condition?
Taurus had moved to the end of the bed and was wrapping himself in the ruined sheets. “I really am sorry,” he said in a tone that suggested he wasn't sorry at all and was actually enjoying this.
“I told you to shut the fuck up,” Virgo said angrily. “Look what you did to me.”
“It’s your fault for telling me not to hold back,” Taurus said matter-of-factly. Virgo flinched as more unwanted memories became present. He lowered his head and refused to meet Taurus’s eyes.
“…look,” he said finally, “let’s just…forget this whole thing ever happ—”
The next thing he knew, Taurus was standing in front of him, staring at him with a strange, menacing expression. The grin that had graced his features had disappeared, and he grabbed Virgo’s shoulders firmly, shaking his head.
“We’re not forgetting this,” he said in a harsh tone that caused Virgo to shiver with pleasure and fear. The way he said it made Virgo realize that he wasn’t just going to let this go…and that he was telling Virgo not to let it go, either.
Could it be…this jerk wants to make what we did a regular thing? Virgo thought, instantly jumping to conclusions. He watched as Taurus eventually backed away and walked out of the room, still holding the dirtied sheets. Virgo reluctantly followed with his boxers on and saw Taurus heading down the hallway into a bathroom with several stalls. He gestured to a shower area and looked back, the smug smirk returning.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said.
Virgo tsked but didn’t reject the idea. The feeling of dried sweat and cum on his skin was quite unappealing, and he could use some hot water to refresh his body and clear his mind. So he approached the shower area and slid down his boxers, revealing his dick (which was semi-erect—and Virgo cursed himself for it). Taurus watched him get undressed again, not saying a word, and Virgo eventually spun around and scowled at him.
“Do you mind?”
“Don’t ‘what’ me. Get out of here—I’m going to shower!”
Instead of leaving, Taurus took a step closer, still smirking. “Can you even shower with your ass hurting like that?”
Virgo scoffed away Taurus’s attempt at concern. “Whose fault is that? I’ll be fine. Now g—”
Taurus moved even closer, dropping the sheets he was holding and becoming naked as well. He wrapped his hands around Virgo’s waist, causing the latter to flinch.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
Taurus nuzzled his head against Virgo’s, tugging him so his ass grinded up against his crotch. Taurus was acting strangely…clingy, but Virgo didn’t hate it.
“Helping you,” Taurus responded.
At this, Virgo blushed and looked away. Taurus noticed, much to Virgo’s chagrin.
“I don’t need help. Fuck off.”
“I’m not leaving.” Taurus started moving his hips and Virgo noticed he was quickly hardening.
Virgo couldn’t help but chuckle and shake his head. “You’re acting like a dog in heat.”
“That makes two of us.”
Virgo shifted uncomfortably, trying to get out of Taurus’s grasp. “Get out, Taurus—I need to shower.”
Taurus responded by curiously running his hands up Virgo’s chest, stroking his nipples lightly. Virgo groaned and shut his eyes. Seriously, what was Taurus’s deal?
“We’re not dating, you know. I don’t understand why you’re doing this,” Virgo finally admitted.
Taurus inhaled the scent of Virgo’s locks, completely ignoring the comment. He reached forward absentmindedly and twisted the knob on the wall. Virgo couldn’t help but twitch as a sudden stream of hot water crashed over him and Taurus. But before Virgo could say anything, Taurus drew back, taking his hands off Virgo, and spun around, waving with the back of his hand.
“Enjoy your shower,” he said, and exited the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
And Virgo was left standing there under the warm spray, wondering what exactly was going through his rival’s head.

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