Zodiac University

Chapter 28: Feelings

Taurus was just as confused as Virgo. As he left the bathroom, finally giving his rival privacy—the rival he’d had sex with, the rival whom he’d kissed and touched—he was left thinking about Virgo’s words.
We’re not dating, you know. I don’t understand why you’re doing this, the raven-haired man had said. Taurus hadn’t really given an answer at the moment, but as Virgo continued to protest, those words were lingering at the back of his mind until he realized he wasn’t going to be able to forget them and had given Virgo what he wanted.
He’s right, though, Taurus thought, suddenly in a bad mood. He returned to his bedroom and fetched a towel, hastily wiping himself down. He wasn’t as dirty as Virgo had been, so this would do for now. We aren’t dating. So why…
…why was he acting like this?
Taurus was completely inexperienced when it came to relationships. He hadn’t felt the least bit of romantic interest toward anyone his whole life…that is until he’d met Virgo.
It was scary. The feelings that Virgo brought out in him were scary. Taurus didn’t know what he was doing. He didn’t understand why he wanted to cradle Virgo, to caress and hug him, and to make him feel more pleasure than pain. Invoking pain was simple. Taurus got pleasure from pain because it showed him dominance—it elevated him and his ego. It was straightforward.
But now, Taurus wanted to give pleasure to someone else, even at his own expense. What kind of bullshit was that?! Taurus couldn’t comprehend it, yet he felt it. What spell was Virgo casting over him?! Was this…love??
Taurus snatched up some clean clothes from his dresser and started putting them on. It must be love. His desire to kiss Virgo and sleep next to him, and even have sex with him some more. Yes. It was a mixture of love, desire, and obsession.
The obsession had started after Virgo had slapped him.
The desire surged after they kissed.
And now…was love taking root?
It was almost laughable. Taurus, falling in love?
Yet, he couldn’t deny his feelings for Virgo. He wanted to spend more time with him. He wanted to be the only one who brought out such screams and whimpers from him, such laughter and tears. He wanted to be the only one he spent his time with. He wanted to be Virgo’s reason for everything.
He almost wanted to lock him in a basement, so that Virgo would be forced to only pay attention to him.
Taurus finished getting dressed and went to the hallway, sitting on the couch to wait for Virgo, who was wrapping up his shower. He thought back to the closeness they’d shared, earlier in the day and in the bathroom before he left. The thought of Virgo’s ass leaking his cum and leaving stains on his skin and Virgo angrily trying to wriggle out of his grip turned him on.
Ah, it was beautiful, wasn’t it? All the many emotions of Virgo. His pain, his pleasure, his happiness, his sorrow—Taurus wanted to see his face going through it. And he wanted to be the cause.
So I guess I’m in love, Taurus thought, rubbing his neck. This was new. And terrifying. What was he going to tell Virgo?
I guess I should first worry about what I’m gonna tell my agents, Taurus thought. After all, they’d been working day and night finding information about Virgo. Taurus didn’t want to scare Virgo away and was thinking of calling off the whole thing. If I stop intimidating him, he’ll come to me, right? Taurus thought and instantly cursed himself. Wait, since when do I chase after people?! That’s probably what Virgo wants. Damn it, the bastard—he’s got my mind all mixed up. Should I continue keeping tabs on him? Or wait…was Virgo ever really intimidated me in the first place? Taurus chuckled. No, he wasn’t.
Virgo had been many things—angry, nervous, and disappointed—but he had never been intimidated by Taurus.
The running water on the other side of the bathroom door turned off and Taurus stood, waiting for Virgo to leave the bathroom. He glanced at the stairs as he did so.
I should also figure out what I’m gonna tell the servants, he thought. And Mom and Dad. Somebody probably already informed them about Virgo.
Taurus sighed and shoved his hands into his pockets.
Well, whatever. If they ask, I’ll say he’s my boyfriend.
While Taurus was lost in thought in the hallway, Virgo was desperately trying to pick his brain.
Could it be that Taurus is lonely, now that he and Leo broke things off? Virgo thought, running his hands through his hair to create a lather with Taurus’s shampoo. Maybe that's why he’s acting weird?
The idea of Taurus being in love had in fact crossed Virgo’s mind, but he brushed it off. There was no way Taurus could be in love with him. It was, well, love…and he was, well, Taurus.
Saying he’s in love is way too much of a jump, Virgo thought, washing the rest of his body. If it’s anything romantic, it’s a crush. And just barely a crush. He probably just wants me as a sex partner. Or as a friend with benefits…
Virgo snorted at the thought of Taurus asking to be his friend. That ship had sailed and would never be seen again.
Well, whatever. The second I finish here, I’m going home, Virgo decided. No matter what Taurus says. He thought back to Taurus’s staff. We’ve caused a lot of trouble for his workers. I hope word hasn’t gotten out around campus.
He reached for the knob—and then stopped.
That’s right. He and Taurus had done it. It was obvious—but things were finally sinking in.
Virgo had lost his virginity.
Virgo suddenly felt sick and bent over dizzily. He’d really lost his virginity—and to TAURUS, of all people. How did this come to be?
But Virgo knew. He’d already processed the memories. Taurus had taken his innocence, and Virgo had let him. Virgo always figured the person whom he lost it to would be his true love. So did that mean…
…since he let him, did that mean…
…Taurus was his true love?
Virgo quickly shook his head to dismiss the thought. Of course not! Sex was a frequent thing on college campuses, and just because his first time had been with Taurus didn’t mean he had to date him, or anything!
Yes, that’s right. It was a one-night stand! Just like other students had!
But it wasn’t.
He wasn’t like other students. To him, sex was precious and valuable—he wouldn’t waste it for the heck of it. His intimacy with Taurus had been no different.
So did that mean…he was in love? With Taurus?!
He had feelings for the man—that was clear. But to go as far as saying it was love…? Virgo figured it was more like a crush that he could sweep under a rug.
Then he thought back (unwillingly) to how he’d behaved during sex. He’d been moaning Taurus’s name. Didn’t people only do that when they were in love? Or really passionate about something?
He’d also trusted Taurus. Crushes didn’t have to include trust. But love?
There was no denying it any further.
Oh, shit, Virgo thought. I’m in love with Taurus.

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