Celia: After Dying in the Apocalypse, I Live Once Again!

Volume 5. Chapter 55: Off to the Next Place. (Chapter 456.)

Chapter 55: Off to the Next Place.

(Celia’s POV)

Checking to make sure that all was well, I then left the Bearta for real this time. The city was burning, yes. But it was an… uh… holy? Crusade against evil, or something along those lines.

Regardless of the violence, I didn’t sense any innocent souls being snuffed out, so I didn’t bother to stop those women from getting their revenge. At first, they surely went for the slave dealers, but then they went against the noble slave owners, and will probably soon they will advance to just the nobles in general.

Before I left, I did go over to them and advise those vengeful girls to not kill any other women. After all, killing a resource that could help the guild would be majorly foolish. I also asked them to recruit any women with potential that they notice, but ignore the males with potential.

Faith: “You know… this isn’t the first city that you’ve burned down.” She said with a laugh.

Celia: “Oh, but it is the first that I’ve burned down indirectly, my dear.” I reply, also getting a laugh out.

Faith: “Meeting June was surprising, but don’t get your hopes up for meeting your other family members, Celia.” She advised.

Celia: “I know…” I say, slightly pouting in my reply.

I could detect divinity, and, yes, divinity is unique. But, when most players are so weak, their divinity isn’t unique at all. As such, I couldn’t find my family members this way, much to my chagrin. That is, at least not until the latter parts of the game, where every player is a Higher Being.

Still flying, my destination was the kingdom of Lem. Which was the kingdom of beast people. Not the same beast people as Muge and Gram, mind you. They were just the typical fantasy races, ones that look basically human, but have animal features.

Bunny people, cat people, dog people, etc. Unfortunately, it would seem that this dimension has an utter lack of players now. Of course, I did cop a large portion of them, and got them to join my guild. But there wasn’t much more other than them.

Faith: “This isn’t that surprising, Celia. From what I know of the game, there is only supposed to be one victor out of every dimension. That is, for the early stages of the game.” She added.

Celia: “Really? Then, I guess that we should hurry up and recruit the remaining female players before it is too late…” I say with a slightly impatient tone.

Faith: “Do not be impatient. Remember, you cannot save everyone. Again, that is a very, very bad habit of yours.” She scolded.

Celia: “I am aware… But I wish to save those that I can save, Faith. I just have to learn to be okay with not being able to save everyone. But that is something that I will bother with in the future.” I reply with a sigh.

Lem was my first choice, as it only had two female players living in it. Besides Lem, there were fewer than 100 other female players that haven’t joined my guild yet. Shaking my head, I flew faster than I was flying before. I need to hurry up…

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