Denial is the Way

Month Five (2)

The week is here to see the gender of the babies, and Ender does not want to admit that he is excited. He heard how some parents would like to wait to learn their babies' genders and give the information to their family. 


Ender did not want to do that. He wanted to know his babies' genders now so that he could secretly shop for clothes. Even though he probably won't need to do that because his mother looked ready to spend. 


She sat in the back seat (Ender offered the passenger seat, but his mother did not want to take it), practically vibrating in excitement. 


"I cannot wait to know the gender of my grandchildren. I want to start shopping for everything." His mother excitedly spoke. 


Ender shook his head, already fearing for the stores, "Mom, please do not buy all the baby things in the store." 


Nevan did not say anything as he drove them to the doctor. But his lips twitched as he held back his amusement. 


His mother pouted, "I cannot help myself; they will be my first grandbabies, which makes me want to spoil them already." 


Ender laughed a bit, "I can see that, mom, but others have to buy some baby stuff too." 


His mother sighed, "I will make sure not to get everything." 


"Thank you." Even though Ender spoke those words, he still had his doubts. He already knew his mother would go to every store that she could reach selling baby items. Then, she will most likely buy more stuff online. 


Ender could already picture his house becoming full of items with a bit of a pale face. At least the thought distracted him from how bad he had to pee. 


They reached the doctor's office, walking inside as they signed in. Once they finished, the group took a seat on the chairs in the waiting room. Ender leaned back, shaking his leg as he adjusted himself into a comfortable position. 


Once he finished, Ender rubbed his stomach as it felt like his babies were moving around. Can you babies tell that we are at the doctor's? He asked his stomach, even though he knew they could not answer back. 


But he felt another movement, making it seem like one of his babies responded. Ender could not help the soft smile appearing on his face. 


Nevan watched Ender, leaning over as he whispered, "What are you smiling about?" 


Instead of answering right away, Ender grabbed Nevan's hand, bringing it towards his stomach. "Do you feel that?" 


And like the babies knew that their other father was there, they started moving around. A small smile appeared on Nevan's lips as he rubbed his hand on Ender's stomach. 


He cannot wait until the babies come so that he could hold them and shower them with love. 


The sound of someone taking a picture broke them from their thoughts as Nevan and Ender looked towards the culprit. 


Ender's mother took a picture, thinking about how cute they looked, "I am going to add this picture to the wall." 


Blushing, Ender shook his head, "Mom, can you not please?" 


"Why? You two are cute. Nevan does not have a problem, do you?" 


Nevan shook his head, "None at all. Can you send me the picture?" 




Ender sighed, "You two are ridiculous." 


"Long, Ender!" 


Ender, Nevan, and his mother stood up, making their way to the door as they walked in. Ender stood on the scale for the woman to get his weight before taking them to a room. 


The nurse asked Ender a few questions to make sure everything was fine while checking his blood pressure. Once she finished, and everything seemed fine, the nurse walked out, telling them that the doctor will be there soon. 


Ender looked at the machine for the sonogram as he crossed his legs on the bed, shaking them. "I think I am going to pee on myself before the doctor comes." 


Nevan stood by his side, touching his head, "You will be fine." 


His mother, sitting in one of the seats by the wall, laughed. She covered her mouth to hide her laughter. 


Ender did not feel like he would be fine as he decided to lay down on the bed, trying to forget about his need to pee. He rested on his back, keeping his legs crossed. 


Nevan looked at Ender's round belly for a second longer before reaching out to touch it once again. 


Ender stopped him, "If you keep doing that, I am going to end up peeing with the way the babies are moving. It feels like they are close to hitting my bladder." 


His mother laughed in the background, thinking about the times when she was pregnant, and her children would hit against her bladder, making her almost pee herself. 


Before Nevan could say anything, the doctor entered the room, looking at them. His gaze stopped at the mother as he walked towards her, putting out his hand, "Hello, Mrs. Long, how are you?" 


"I'm fine, Mr. Clay. How about you?" 




The doctor, Mr. Clay, is like a family doctor, even though he isn't one. He had seen a few of Ender's siblings and his mother for a few years. So, he had a good relationship with them, even though Ender can be something when he didn't want to believe some stuff. 


The doctor and Ender's mother ended their conversation as Mr. Clay walked over to Ender. "Are you ready to see your babies more clearly and find out their genders?" 


"Yeah," Ender responded. Nevan hummed, also ready to know the genders too. 


"Okay, raise your top a bit as I get ready." The doctor responded. 


Ender raised his sweater, showing off his protruding stomach. The doctor set the machine up as he grabbed some gloves to put on and the gel for Ender's stomach. 


He rubbed the gel on Ender's stomach, then he grabbed the handle and moved it around Ender's belly. 


A picture started to appear on the screen as Ender's mother stood up, making her way over. They could see the two babies near each other but still separated; they also moved around a bit. 


The doctor looked at the screen before pointing to a spot on the first baby, "Right here, you can see that this baby is a girl. Congratulations" 


Ender's mother clapped her hands in excitement, causing the others to jump at the sudden noise. "Oh, a baby girl!" 


The doctor waited a few seconds before pointing to another spot on the second baby, "And this one is a boy. Congratulations." 


"A boy and girl." Nevan softly spoke. 


Ender wanted to touch his stomach but couldn't at the moment as he stared at the screen. He felt excited, but at the same time, nervous. 


Hopefully, I can raise them good. 


"I can already see all the things I want to buy them. And I can finally finish the setup for the baby shower." The mother started speaking out her thoughts. 


Ender paled a bit at his mother words. He knew his children are going to end up spoiled by his mother. 


"Would you like the sonogram?" The doctor asked. 


Ender nodded. In the beginning, he couldn't wrap his head around being pregnant, especially with twins. But with Nevan and his family by his side, he feels glad about having them (the twins). 


When they left the doctor's, Mr. Clay told Ender he had to come back next week to get tested for gestational diabetes. Ender is, once again, feeling tired of all the doctor appointments. 


"Ender, do not forget that we have childbirth classes to go to next week too." Nevan reminded him when they entered the car. 


Ender groaned, "I don't want to hear about it until the day comes." He still does not want to go to any childbirth classes, but he guessed it will be informative for him and Nevan since they are first-time parents. 


"You will be fine, En." His mother patted his shoulder from the back seat before leaning back. "Also, Nevan, can you drop me off at the baby store? Don't worry about leaving me there; I can call a driver to take me home." 


"Okay," Nevan responded as he started driving. 


"Mom, remember to pace yourself." 


"Yeah, yeah. I got it, son." His mother waved off. 


Ender opened his mouth, getting ready to say something else, when his phone vibrated. He pulled out his cellphone and saw that Yan texted him. 


He unlocked his phone to read the whole message. 


Yan: Could you do me a favor? And you cannot tell anyone about it. 


Ender: What is it? And that will be hard, seeing how Nevan is always with me.


Yan: Okay...that's fine. You and Nevan cannot tell anyone about this. Promise me. 


Ender bit his lip as he frowned, wondering why his brother was acting this way. 


Ender: I promise. 


Yan: I am busy at the moment and need someone to watch a little boy for me. 


Ender raised his eyebrow. 


Ender: A little boy? I am a bit lost here; where did you get a little boy? will see soon. Can you do it, though? It will only be for three hours


Ender thought for a second, wanting to ask his brother more questions, but decided against it for now. Yan did a lot for him before, so he wouldn't mind helping him out. 


Ender: Sure. 


Yan: Thank you. I will see you in an hour.  


Ender couldn't wait to see why his brother did not want others to know about a little boy he seems to have with him.

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