Denial is the Way

Month Five (3)

After they dropped off Ender's mother, they started driving home. It was silent for a while when Ender began speaking. "Yan wants us to take care of a little boy for a couple of hours." 


"A little boy?" Nevan wondered, "Is he taking care of a friend's child or something?" 


Ender shrugged, "I don't know, we will see soon. We will be arriving home at the same time Yan comes over." 


"Okay." Silence filled the air for a few more seconds before Nevan said, "Do you want to go on a date after the childbirth class?" 


Ender looked at Nevan with a smile before shaking his head, "Are you trying to make sure I go to the class?" 


"I could be." Nevan shrugged. 


Laughing, Ender rested his head on the car window, "How cute. If you give me some kisses later on as payment, I will consider it." 


Nevan couldn't hide the smirk appearing on his face as his hand tightened around the wheel, "I will give you plenty of kisses all over." 


Blushing, Ender covered his face, "Shut up." 


They did not speak for the rest of the ride. When Nevan and Ender reached the house, Yan stood by the door with a child in his arms. 


The child had on a bear onesie with the hood on his head, making it hard to see their face. 


Once they parked, Ender quickly got out of the car, holding onto his stomach as he fast-walked to his brother. As he grew near, he could hear his brother and the child's conversation. 


"NanNan wants to stay with daddy. NanNan pwomises to be quiet and good." The child begged, tightening his arms wrapped around his dad's neck. 


Daddy? Ender thought. 


"Nan, don't worry. I promise I am coming back. I just have to do something real quick. Furthermore, I am not leaving you." Yan responded, kissing Nan's cheek. 


Nan's lips trembled as his eyes began to water. But he held back from crying as he nodded his head. Nan still feared that his dad was leaving and never returning. 


Ender stood next to them, giving his brother questioning eyes. Yan looked at him before glancing at Nevan, who started coming closer.


"So, daddy?" Ender questioned. 


Yan looked away, "Can we go inside?" 


Ender hummed, looking at the back of the child before walking towards the door and unlocking it. As they entered, they made their way to the living room. 


Yan sat on the couch, putting Nan in his lap as he turned him over so that Ender and Nevan could see his face. Then, he took out his phone and earphones. 


He put the earphones in Nan's ears, handing him his phone as he put it towards kids' music. "Look through these and choose a song you want while we speak." 


Nan nodded his head before picking a song. 


Ender and Nevan sat together on the other couch as Ender stared at the little boy's face. He could see that the boy looked exactly like Yan minus his eyes and hair color. 


Tapping his chin, Ender waited until it looked like the boy had music going in his ears before saying, "Do you have something to say because I have a lot of questions, Yan." 


Yan bit his lip, not looking at his brother as he felt guilty. He does not like disappointing his family. But he knew any of them finding out about the secret he held for years would cause problems, especially with his mother, who always wanted grandkids. 


"Nan is my son. Do you remember Kim?" Yan started. 


"The woman I said is not good for you because your relationship with each other was beyond toxic?" Ender asked with a raised eyebrow. 


"Yes," Yan sighed, "Four years ago, she ended up pregnant. I didn't want to be a parent. So I left and cut her and my unborn son at that time out of my life. 


"Then, a year later, she started working at Liam's job and forced me to see Nan. On certain days, for three years, I would see my son.


"And now, Kim left for good, telling me I need to raise Nan from that day forward. I still do not want to be a parent, but I am all he has, so I decided to step up and raise him." Yan explained. 


"He could have had more if you told us. You know mom would love to have Nan, even if you didn't want him." Ender spoke. 


Yan ran his hand through his hair, "I know. I was not thinking during that time, and that is surprising to say. But, there is no going back, only moving forward. I am trying." 


"Are we the first ones to know about this?" 


"Not really. Kori found out by accident, but let's not get into this. Do you still want to watch him? I have something to do at the university and cannot take him with me." Yan changed the subject. 


Ender stared at the child, well more his nephew, watching how the boy slowly scrolled down the phone.  


"We will still watch him, but do not forget that we will still be talking about this and that you have to tell mom." 


Nevan decided to speak as he watched the child, "Is there anything we need to know or watch out for?" 


Nodding, Yan responded, "He has anxiety and abandonment issues. Can you make sure to let him know that I am coming back? I know he doesn't believe me. 


"Nan is well-behaved, but that is because he thinks if he acts bad, I will give him up. And he also has a habit of talking in a third-person point of view." 


Nevan hummed in response to Yan's answer as Ender felt terrible for his nephew. 


Before anyone could speak, Yan felt his phone vibrating. When he looked at it, it showed that it was time for him to go. Since Nan held the phone, he saw the same thing and grew sad once more. 


Yan took his phone back, softly pulling the earphones out of his son's ears as he pocketed them. He picked up Nan, kissing him on the cheek, "I promise I will be back, okay." 


Nan looked close to crying once again, but nodded his head as he held it down. Yan felt a bit reluctant to leave once he saw the look, but he steeled his resolve and walked over to Ender and Nevan. He bent down, setting Nan in front of them. 


He patted Nan's head before smiling at Ender, "I will be back." 


Yan walked out. 


Due to his stomach, Ender couldn't bend forward that well, so he moved up in his seat and touched the soft hood. "Hey Nan, I am your daddy's brother, making me your uncle." 


Nan looked up, showing how watery his eyes were, even though tears didn't fall. He sniffed, "Uncle? NanNan nevew had an uncle befowe." 


Ender felt his heartwarming as he grabbed Nevan's hand to bring it over to Nan, "Well, you have two uncles now. And many more to come." 


Looking at Ender and Nevan, only to glance back down, Nan played with his fingers, "Mowe? And daddy will take NanNan thewe to see mowe?" 


Ender eagerly nodded, "Yes, your daddy will (hopefully) show you more family. We will all be a family." 


Nan smiled, showing off his cute small white teeth, "NanNan wants a family with daddy by NanNan all the time!" 


He is so cute! Ender thought. 


Nevan also thought the same thing as he touched the boy's arm, "Can I pick you up?" 


Nan nodded. 


Nevan picked up Nan, putting him on his lap as he held the boy. 


Holding Nan made Nevan start thinking about his babies that are yet to be born. He cannot wait to hold and care for them. 


Ender softly smiled at the picture in front of him, also thinking about wanting to hold his babies when they come. He rubbed his stomach, feeling the babies move once again. 


Nan looked at Ender's round belly, wanting to touch it but not knowing if he could. Seeing Nan's fingers twitch, Nevan smiled, "Do you want to feel your uncle's stomach? Your cousins are in there." 


"Cousins?" Nan questioned, although he felt elated. He never had a family before besides his mom and dad. Now, he is getting more and more people. 


Ender grabbed Nan's hand, putting it on his stomach, "Do you feel them?" 


Feeling a movement near where his hand is touching, Nan jumped before his eyes started shining, "Oh! NanNan feels it!" 


Nan got lost in touching Ender's stomach as Ender and Nevan looked at each other with soft smiles. They both kept thinking about wanting to hold their children once they are born. 


Next week came as Nevan and Ender got to take care of Nan a few times. Also, during that time, Ender convinced Yan to tell their mother about Nan. It took a while, but Yan looked like he gave in. 


Hopefully, he will do it. 


It was the weekend, as today is the day for him and Nevan to go to a childbirth class. Ender groaned, lying on his back as he stretched his arms. He did not want to get up. 


As he stretched his arms, his hand ended up slapping Nevan awake. Nevan moved Ender's hand away, turning towards his other side to face Ender as he rubbed his eyes. "Can you stretch your arms the other way?" 


"No. Maybe I can knock you out, and we will not have to go anywhere." Ender responded. 


Nevan picked his body up, causing the covers to slip from him, showing his skin as he was not wearing a shirt. 


He moved closer to Ender until their faces were near each other. "I guess I have to give you some kisses to convince you." 


Ender blushed as he glared at Nevan, "I am going to hit you on purpose this time." 


Nevan chuckled before kissing Ender's lips, making the man shut up. "You're so cute." And before Ender could say anything, Nevan shut him up with another kiss. 

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