Denial is the Way

Month Five (4)

Ender and Nevan were leaving the childbirth class as Ender yawned. Nevan grabbed his hand, squeezing it, "Are you sleepy, or did the class bored you?" 


Shaking his head, Ender tried to clear the sleep from his eyes. He still wanted to go on a date with Nevan. "No, I have been getting more tired lately." 


"Well, the doctor did say as more time flies, you are going to grow more tired." 


Ender hummed, moving closer to Nevan as they walked to the car. His legs felt a bit shaky. "I know. But I still want to go on a date, and knowing you, you will probably make me take a nap." 


Letting go of Ender's hand, Nevan unlocked the car doors so that they could enter. "There is nothing wrong with wanting to take care of you and my children." 


Ender softly rubbed his stomach before entering the car, closing the door behind him. He buckled himself before answering Nevan. "I did not say that. I just don't want to go home yet. You owe me a date." 


Once he finished buckling himself up, Nevan leaned over and kissed Ender's cheek instead of instantly starting the car. "I will give you infinite dates, so don't worry about missing one." 


"Fine. Take me home. But you will owe me two dates tomorrow." Ender's cheeks laid red as he pushed Nevan's face away from him. 


Nevan hummed with an apparent smirk on his face, "Anything for my love." 


"I will hit you, Nevan. Don't think I won't." 


"Always so violent to cover up your cuteness." 


Crossing his arms, Ender held back a huff, "Nevan, start the car already." 


Nevan laughed as he started the car and began driving them home. 


Once they reached home, Ender already had his eyes closed as he leaned on the car window. His chest moved up and down as a few cute snores came out. 


Nevan could not help smiling at the picture in front of him. He took out his phone and snapped a photo of Ender's sleeping face. He set the image as his home screen before sending the picture to Ender's mother.


Nevan: [Photo.jpg] isn't he cute? 


Mother: Yes! I am going to print this picture out and put it in his photo book. 


Nevan: I would love to see his photo book, especially his childhood one. I bet there are a bunch of embarrassing photos there. 


Mother: This is why we get along so well, Nevan. I cannot wait until you officially become my son-in-law. 


Nevan blushed at the message before glancing at Ender. His face softened and became tender as his eyes only had love in them. 


Nevan: I cannot wait for that day either, mother. 


Mother: Oh! You called me mother on your own! I have to save this and print it out too. Now, you cannot go back. I only want to hear you calling me mother. 


Chuckling Nevan responded: 


Okay, mother. I have to go now and put Ender in a more comfortable area to sleep. 


Mother: Okay, I will talk with you later, do not forget to visit soon. I love you both!


Nevan pocketed his phone as he got out of the car. He went to Ender's side, opening the door. Nevan caught his head sliding down when he opened it. 


Unbuckling Ender, he pulled him out. Ender was a bit heavy due to his round stomach, but Nevan did not mind as he picked the man up once he pulled him out. 


He closed the door with his side before walking towards the house door. Once he reached it, Nevan kept a tight hold on Ender as he opened the door. When he entered, closing the door behind him, Nevan carried Ender to his room. 


Nevan gently put Ender on the bed once he entered the room. He made sure Ender was on his back before putting the blanket on him. And as he stood straight, getting ready to walk out, Ender grabbed his hand. 


He looked back, only to see that Ender was still asleep, even though the grip on him was tight. Nevan tenderly smiled, "Do you want me to stay with you?" 


Even though he asked, Nevan knew that Ender was not going to answer him. Ender continued to sleep soundly. Nevan took that as a yes as he pulled his hand away from Ender. 


He moved onto the bed, wrapping one arm around Ender's round belly while the other held Ender's hand. 


Ender unconsciously moved closer to Nevan once he felt him close. Nevan thought how cute Ender was. He kissed Ender before closing his eyes to go to sleep. 


"Yan, I could slap you." Ender's mother yelled as she slapped her son on the back of his head. 


Yan rubbed his head with a sheepish expression, "You already did." 


Ender laughed from the chair he sat on as he held Nan in his arms. It was a bit difficult due to his protruding stomach. 


It was the start of a new week as Yan finally decided to tell his mother the truth. He called Ender to go with him so that his presence could lessen the punishment. 


Nevan would have been here too because he wanted to look at Ender's childhood photos, but he had to go back to his work to deal with something. 


"Is daddy going to be okay?" Nan shyly asked Ender. 


Even though Ender took care of Nan a few times, the boy would still be shy at times. 


Ender ran his hand through his nephew's hair, "Yes, he will. Don't worry." 


"Okay." Nan still looked at his dad with a worried expression as he watched his grandmother slap the back of his head again. 


"Yan, I swear I will throw you to Kay. When did my kids start to hide things away from me? You can all have your privacy, that is okay, but I feel like none of you are trusting me enough." The mother sighed, crossing her arms. 


Yan quickly shook his head, feeling bad, "Mother, that is not true. We trust you a lot. I wasn't thinking during that time. I should have told you instead of doing what I did. Please, forgive me." 


The mother held his shoulder, "I forgive you, Yan. But never do this again. You know I always wanted grandchildren. I would have taken Nan in, even if you did not want him." 


"I know." Yan looked at the ground. 


"Do you want him, Yan?" 


"I do." 


"Okay, then. Now I am going to meet my grandchild." 


The mother moved away from Yan as she walked over to Nan and Ender. She picked up Nan, twirling the boy around. 


Feeling and seeing everything move around in a circle, Nan giggled as he felt a bit dizzy. The mother stopped before kissing Nan's cute cheeks, "Hello, love, I am your grandmother." 


"Gwandma!" Nan shouted with a broad smile. He is starting to enjoy meeting family more and more. 


"Want to go see the flowers in the garden?" The mother asked. 


Nan wanted to say yes, but he looked back at his dad, making sure it was okay. Once Yan nodded his head, Nan turned around with a shy smile. "I do." 


They walked off as Yan went to sit next to Ender. 


"That went well," Ender commented. 


Yan rubbed the back of his head, "Mother still hits hard, even when she is trying not to." 


Ender laughed, "I wouldn't know; I am the good child." 


"More like the spoiled child." 


"You spoil me too." 


"I know. You are the adorable baby brother; I cannot help but want to give you everything." Yan responded. 


Ender hummed at that before saying, "Now, put all that energy on your son." 


"I know. I'm trying." 


"As long as you are, you will be fine, Yan." 




It was silent for a while before Ender asked, "So, how did Kori take to you having a son? When I speak to Kori, he seems normal." 


"Ah," Yan scratched his cheek, "well, I guess I can tell you." 

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