Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto




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"Then let Mura join my squad." Gilgamesh proposed which caused the room to go silent.


"Haven't you finished your background checks on him?" Gilgamesh probed, demanding an explanation.


"Well we have, but he is too strong to be a genin, his battle prowess is already trying to surpass that of a chunin." Shikaku explained but was only met with a laugh from Gilgamesh.


"So you think he is stronger than me?" Gilgamesh asked with a laugh but soon went quiet when he saw the stoic expressions on The Third and his adviser's face.


"You can't be serious?" Gilgamesh asked in an annoyed tone. He was getting tired of people underestimating him because of his appearance. He could agree that he needed experience now to make up for his memories that have yet to return which would place him at the peak of this world but was still annoyed that his handwork so far was only looked at nonchalantly.


"Say, why don't you tell Mura that if he fights me and loses, I will not only claim his life but dishonour him before and after his death, since we all value honour. He will be motivated to attack with all he has and if he manages to wound me, let alone scratch me, I will accept your terms from now henceforth. But if I win, I take him under me as subordinate." Gilgamesh said with a smile as some of his aura leaked determination.


"Ho, how do I know you didn't plan this ahead of time? Surely, even I know that you aren't normal but still…" The Third quipped as he stroked his beard.


"You don't. Now, where should we arrange this?" Gilgamesh asked.



Sometime later, deep in the forest, The Third, Shikaku, Gilgamesh and a teen with long dark hair.


"Upon your request, I forbade any Anbu ninja from following us but kept them at least a hundred metres away from here in case of emergency." The Third reminded Gilgamesh as soon as he picked out a place to sit and watch the fight along with Shikaku.


Shikaku wasted no time in activating his shadow jutsu to cut one of the trees so the both of them could sit and watch the incoming spar.


"Alright take your stances!" The Third issued a command as he got up.


The sparring duo looked at each other with determined expressions on their face. As customary to the hidden leaf village they both made the lightning hand sign.


"Hajime (Begin)!" The Third ordered once again.


Mura wasted no time as he weaved hand signs to complete a jutsu while jumping backwards.


'Is that how much caution he believes he should take at the beginning already?' The Third thought to himself as he watched the first action of Mura.


"Water style: water bullet jutsu!" Mura exclaimed. This time he released short bursts of concentrated water torrents instead of all at once.


'I see, he has modified this jutsu, not bad!' Gilgamesh thought as he tapped the ground with his feet and an earth wall rose from the floor rendering Mura's attack useless.

'As expected, I only needed him to keep moving or remain distracted.' Mura thought but kept shooting water bullets all around Gilgamesh.

'What is he trying to do here? Wait a minute is he…' Shikaku thought as he leaned forward.

As soon as Mura landed on the ground, water puddles surrounded Gilgamesh and he smiled inwardly.

"Earth release: Quicksand!" Mura exclaimed as he slammed his hand on the ground causing the ground around Gilgamesh to dissolve along with Gilgamesh.

"Ho!" Shikaku exclaimed as he praised Mura's tact outwardly.

"Hmm." Was all The Third could mutter.

'Sometimes you don't need brute force to conquer a strong enemy.' Mura thought to himself as he walked with pride to Gilgamesh. An Earth wall was still in front of him but anyone could see the effects of Mura's jutsu behind the wall.


"Give up, there's nothing you can do now. You are strong but sometimes a good strategy is all you need to overcome a strong enemy." Mura said out loud with a smile on his face.


'In truth, I just want to follow this boy because I want to see what such a great talent can do and my battle spirit tells me that I can get stronger following such a person.' Mura thought to himself as he perched at the top of the earth wall to look at Gilgamesh.


"Not bad. But I allowed you to do that anyway." Gilgamesh revealed, causing a wave of reactions amongst the spectators and Mura himself.


"What do you mean?" Mura asked but sensed something dangerous coming from Gilgamesh as his energies expelled outwards causing small winds around him which prompted Mura to jump out of the way.


Without missing a beat, Lightning discharged from Gilgamesh's body outward, destroying the earth wall and causing burn marks on the ground as the quicksand dried up and Gilgamesh walked out from it easily.


"Are you done, I am giving you time to redeem yourself from last time." Gilgamesh said as winds gathered around him and he began to rise in front of a bewildered audience.


"YOU CAN FLY?!" Everyone on the field asked all at once when they saw Gilgamesh eight feet in the air.


Gilgamesh didn't answer anyone as his eyes were closed as if searching for something.


Suddenly the winds around him stopped blowing and he was just up in the sky.


"Finally." Gilgamesh muttered to himself.


"And to answer your question, I can fly. I tried to stabilize it some time ago to greatly reduce the chakra consumption and the generation of winds so I can remain quiet when flying instead of making noise all in the name of flying." Gilgamesh explained causally but that still did not stop the others from opening their mouths in surprise.


Flying wasn't common in the ninja world and the only village that had ninjas that could without the aid of wings was the hidden stone village.


"Why are you behaving like as if we ninjas don't do things that look amazing in front of normal civilians? Now get prepared, I am about to attack!"




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