CHAPTER 326: Friends and News 

Time passed, and years flew by.

Three years passed in the blink of an eye.

During these three years, the Black Mist Zone experienced considerable unrest.

The most significant conflict was the ongoing battle between the Aeonians and the Subverters.

Initially, few took this battle seriously. Some believed that the Aeonians would swiftly defeat this seemingly obscure organization. Others assumed that, despite the animosity between the two groups, their leaders would eventually sit down at a negotiation table, resolving matters diplomatically rather than through violence.

After all, war is merely a means, not an end.

With both sides possessing comparable strength, there seemed no reason for a fight to the death, as the ultimate outcome would be mutual destruction, benefitting neither party.

However, despite this prevailing consensus, the Subverters repeatedly rejected the Aeonians' peace overtures. What began as a skirmish escalated into an all-out war, growing in scale and intensity with each passing day.

The conflict soon engulfed every corner of the Black Mist Zone.

In the eyes of many, the Subverters had gone mad.

Their actions seemed to lack reason or purpose—only fighting, destruction, and the unleashing of death's storm throughout the Black Mist Zone.

Today marked the first day of the academic term at Three Elements Academy.

Unlike previous years, enrollment numbers were notably lower. Additionally, the usual youthful energy was conspicuously absent from the students' faces. A closer look revealed a general atmosphere of concern and unease among them.

With the ringing of the bell, the examination commenced.

The freshmen and adult candidates organized themselves in accordance with the examiners' instructions. Among the adult candidates was Wang Xiong, who maintained a calm and composed demeanor, exuding a steady aura.

Shortly after, Wang Xiong entered the Assessment Hall, where he heard a familiar voice—one he had not encountered in a long time.

"Nearly late, but I made it just in time."

Wang Xiong turned abruptly, searching for the voice's source. Standing next to the chief examiner was a figure he immediately recognized—a young man with a well-built physique and sharply defined features. Although his smile appeared slightly stiff, it conveyed genuine warmth.

"Brother Lu!" Wang Xiong exclaimed.

Without regard for the formal setting of the examination hall, Wang Xiong rushed forward, intending to embrace Lu Ming. Yet, aware of Lu Ming’s reserved nature, he hesitated. To his surprise, Lu Ming stepped forward and initiated the embrace.

"It’s been a long time," Lu Ming said.

The sight and sound of his old friend brought tears to Wang Xiong’s eyes.

There was much Wang Xiong wished to say, but words failed him. After a brief pause, he finally spoke. "How did you know I had come to Three Elements Academy?"

Lu Ming smiled, tapping his temple. "Sensory perception, aided by my knowledge of array formations."

He did not elaborate further and instead inquired, "I wasn’t expecting to see you here. What brings you to Three Elements Academy?"

Wang Xiong smiled in return. "There is no end to learning. Two years ago, I left the Nanxiang gathering place and traveled throughout the Eternal Clan's territory, seeking to improve my abilities. However, I soon realized that my foundation was lacking. When I heard that the Hundred Schools of Philosophy were recruiting, and since I was near the academy, I decided to try my luck. If I can enroll, I will; if not, I’ll find another way."

The chief examiner, Jiang Weiquan, smiled approvingly. "A wise approach. The phrase 'there is no end to learning' embodies profound truths. Well said."

Lu Ming turned to Jiang Weiquan, smiling. "This is a fellow countryman of mine."

Jiang Weiquan nodded in understanding, offering Lu Ming the due respect.

After all, Jiang Weiquan had witnessed Lu Ming’s rise under Jiu Han’s mentorship. He had personally heard Jiu Han speak of his closed-door disciple’s achievements on multiple occasions. From the sound of it, Jiu Han seemed intent on grooming Lu Ming as the next headmaster of the Hundred Schools of Philosophy.

Turning back to Wang Xiong, Lu Ming asked, "How are things back home?"

At this, Wang Xiong fell silent, then nodded. "All in all, things are fine, but we’ve moved once again."

"Moved again?" Lu Ming echoed.

"Yes, we had to leave Qinghe(Clear River) Province and relocate to the Aeonian hinterlands. For ordinary people like us, war leaves little choice—we must go where it is safer."

Though Wang Xiong’s tone was subdued, he seemed to accept the circumstances with resignation. Lu Ming nodded sympathetically. "It can’t be helped..."

Even if Lu Ming had distanced himself from current affairs, the pervasive discussions of war were impossible to ignore. Three years ago, the Subverter Alliance had breached the Hundred Thousand Mountains, infiltrating Qinghe Province, which belonged to the Eternal Clan. After a brief standoff, several major battles erupted.

The engagement of Divine Realm experts had escalated the war into a conflict of divine proportions. Approximately a year ago, both sides had declared their intention to fight to the death.

Lu Ming still recalled the four words that dominated the headlines on that day: An all-out war.

Contrary to expectations, the Aeonians found themselves at a disadvantage. The battlefront in Qinghe Province continually receded. On the rare occasions Lu Ming saw Jiu Han, his face bore no signs of satisfaction, but rather a pallor indicative of extreme exhaustion—evidence of the taxing situation on the battlefield.

Jiang Weiquan suddenly interjected, "It’s not just Qinghe Province. The situation at the Pingyuan Province front isn’t much better."

Both Lu Ming and Wang Xiong remained silent. They understood the gravity of the situation, but what could they do?

As the examination formally began, Wang Xiong prepared to return to the hall. Lu Ming’s voice interrupted him once more. "By the way, Brother Wang, how’s Cheng Cheng doing?"

Wang Xiong blinked in surprise, then turned to Lu Ming with a teasing grin. "Brother Lu, you never used to ask about Cheng Cheng so eagerly..."

Lu Ming smiled but said nothing, shaking his head.

Wang Xiong chuckled before replying, "She’s doing well—already at the Spirit Realm. Three years ago, she joined the Sky Monitoring Bureau and seems to be thriving there."

After a moment of reflection, Wang Xiong added, "Two months ago, she told me she was deployed to the battlefield at Pingyuan Province. I wonder how she’s faring now."

Lu Ming cast a glance at Jiang Weiquan, who immediately understood and responded, "The Sky Monitoring Bureau is indeed sending high-level combatants to the Pingyuan Province front. Although the situation there isn’t favorable, it shouldn’t fall in the immediate future."

Despite the reassurance, Lu Ming couldn’t help feeling uneasy.

Sensing his worry, Wang Xiong patted Lu Ming’s shoulder. "Don’t fret. Cheng Cheng is quite formidable now. In fact, she’s eager to spar with you again and see whether the gap between you two has closed."

Both Lu Ming and Jiang Weiquan chuckled at this, appreciating the light-heartedness amidst the otherwise grim circumstances.

End of Chapter 326

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