Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 80 – Coronation Day! [2]

Watching the bustling streets and lively people, Leo continued his unhurried steps towards the castle, greeting everyone that greets, back.

As of now, he's still wearing his usual black glasses and tapping his cane on the ground.

Since he's already known by almost everyone in the Kingdom, they partly adjusted to him and parted their ways whenever he came across walking with his cane.

Keeping a small smile on his face, Leo's marching finally bloomed and he found himself at the gates of Arendelle's castle, alongside him was the crowd full of visitors and nobles from other parts of the world.

"Who is he?"

"I don't know. He looks pitiful. Just don't look at him."

"You speak as if his disability is contagious?"

"Isn't it?"

"Does he even have an invitation letter? I doubt he can enter through the castle's wide doors."

Thanks to Leo's sharp hearing, he can practically hear everyone's whispering towards him and filter out the unnecessary ones.

Figuring out that these nobles might get himself in trouble, Leo hastened his steps for a bit and finally arrived in front of the knight guards who were assigned in letting the visitors in after receiving and checking if their invitation letters are legit.

"Hm? Oh Sir Leo! Good to see you!" One of the knight guards was quick to recognize him and call out his name in a friendly manner.

Of course these knights don't know his true identity as Elsa's personal guardian or Daredevil, all they know is that Leo must be some kind of Elsa and Anna's friend as they keep seeing him everyday entering the castle and going out with the two sisters.

Obviously what else would they do to him after seeing his closeness with the two princess, which one of them will soon be the Queen of Arendelle?

They would suck up his ass of course! 

No one likes to stay as simple knight guards. After all, it's an unofficial dream of all knights in the world to either be promoted as a Lieutenant or become a Royal Knights, either way, both are not only high paying jobs but also have higher honors and fame unlike simple knights.

"Here's my invitation letter." Despite being known by the two knight guards, Leo still has to follow the proper procedures and hand out the invitation letter that he received from King Agnarr himself.

After a few looks at his letter, he was finally allowed in, much to the surprise of the guests who were whispering about him earlier.

"Who was it that said he doubts whether he'll get in?"


"Not me."

"Me neither."

"I wasn't talking about him earlier."

"I was just minding my own business here."


Once Leo got inside, he immediately came face to face with the lively ballroom, which reeks of gold, treasures and all kinds of riches.

"I wonder how many people here are corrupted to the core. They act as if they're humans when the truth is, they're rotten to the core." Letting his intrusive thoughts win, Leo can't help but wonder in a mutter.

Spreading his senses all around the castle, he finally sensed Elsa's location.

She's currently staying in her room, along with a few female servants tending to her make up.

'As her personal bodyguard, I should be there with her.' Finding reason, Leo took the stairs and approached Elsa's room before knocking.


"It's me, Leo. I'm here for my glorious purpose of protecting the future Queen of Arendelle."

"You don't need to say that!" Quickly opening the door, Leo saw Elsa's unfinished make up on her face.

"May I get in?" Leo shifted his glasses slightly as he winked at her and asked.

"As if you won't let yourself in even if I refuse." Rolling her eyes, Elsa went back to her chair while leaving the door open for Leo to stroll inside.

"You look stunning." Leo's words suddenly caught Elsa off guard, making her blush slightly.

"T-thanks. Y-You too." Even though everyone always says she's pretty and beautiful, she always can't help but blush whenever it was Leo who compliments her.

It's like his compliment is a hundred times better than other people's compliments.

Meanwhile, the servants tending to Elsa's make up looked at the two with confusion. Why would a blind man compliment Elsa and why did Elsa took the compliment as if Leo wasn't blind?

Unfortunately for them, their questions will remained unanswered as they had to focus on their job.

"You nervous?" Leo asked while staring at her eyes through the mirror.

"A little bit." Elsa smiled with a hint of nervousness plastered within.

"I'm sure you'll do fine. It'll just take a minute and then it's done. You should be nervous once you get into the ballroom as the new Queen of Arendelle. There will be some pesky idiots who will try to get close to you or establish connections." Leo gave advice.



"Can you take me to a dance later? I know I have to show respect to those nobles by honoring them with a dance but I prefer dancing with someone I'm comfortable with." While speaking, Elsa looked anywhere around the room except for Leo himself, out of embarrassment.

"Just tell me that you like me. No need to say so many unnecessary things." Leo rolled his eyes and flashed a teasing smile to the ice cold princess.

"I-it's not like that!"

"I'm just joking, princess. No need to be so agitated about it. Though I might really consider it if you like me." Leo made a thinking posture which Elsa didn't take kindly and had to push him out of the room personally.



Back in the ballroom, Anna was the first one to finish her make up, mainly because unlike Elsa who has to be at her most beautiful, Anna doesn't care that much about her appearance. 

Currently, she's munching on some chocolates that are placed in a bowl on the table.

"Nom! Nom! Nom!" Amidst the amused looks that she's getting, Anna never cared much and just focused on her chocolates.

"Princess Anna, that is now how a princess should act." Hearing a voice from behind, Anna quickly hugged the bowl of chocolates and turned around to see the source of the voice.

Her hug on the bowl of chocolates was so tight as if someone would steal them from her.

"Oh Leo? It's just you. I thought it was a thief. Do you want some?"

'Why would a thief enter such a place in such an event?' With his lips twitching, Leo sighed in defeat at Anna's weird but cute antics before grabbing a few pieces of chocolates from the bowl.

"Thanks." Leo expressed his gratitude before taking a bite out of the chocolate.

"By the way, I just came here to remind you not to trust too much on the people you'll interact with, 99% of the people in this ballroom have intentions when they approach you." Leo warned her, mostly due to his senses picking up Prince Hans's life aura with his Life Sensor skill.

Even though he knew that Anna didn't rush outside and started singing and meeting with Prince Hans, he still wanted her to be careful just in case fate weave its strings and make the two meet each other.

"Then what's the remaining 1%?" Anna smiled and looked up at Leo's face as she asked.

"Me." With no hesitation, Leo answered with a stoic face.

"Wow. If what you're saying is indeed true, then shouldn't you stay by my side and protect me from those malicious people?" Hugging her own arms, Anna pretended to be afraid by shivering.

"....Fine. Stick close to me then." Glancing at Anna, Leo sighed and finally agreed.

Since Elsa isn't here yet as she's still busy putting make up, Leo decides to entertain himself by accompanying Anna.

Of course, if he sees Prince Hans or anyone who he senses to have malicious intentions against her, he would step in and prevent that.

Anyways, his hands are already full of watching out for the bandits that the previous Duke Neil hired to attack the castle during the event.

As of now, Leo's responsibility is to protect not only Elsa, but also Anna, Agnarr and Iduna.

All for the sake of his quests.

"You know, I've always wondered if you're truly blind behind those glasses." Anna squinted her eyes at Leo, these past few days she's always kept an eye on Leo and noticed a few things from him.

First of all, he seems to know his way around the castle and Arendelle. Too much in fact.

Second, whenever Anna calls his name, Leo would turn around to face her exact location.

And finally, last but not the least, she has seen how Leo eats. He eats like a normal person, he can scoop rice, and even cut steak just fine.

"What do you think?" Now that Anna has been suspicious of him, Leo knows that the cat is already out of the bag, so he might as well play along.

"Ahah! I knew you were not blind! So, what's the reason? Don't tell me you pretended to be blind just so you can look at women without gaining their wrath." Anna squinted her eyes and crossed her arms across her breasts, as if she assumes that Leo was staring at her.

"Will you believe me if I say that I pretend to be blind because I gain strength from it?"

"....No, but if you tell me that you're just crazy, I'll believe you."





[Next Chapter: Ch. 81 - Coronation day! [3]]

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