Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 81 – Coronation Day [3]

"Princess Anna! My name is Earl Davis, I came from th-." As Leo expected, a suitor with intentions soon approached Anna and introduced himself. Unfortunately, before he could finish his sentence, a chill went down from his spine, making him sweat and shiver.

"W-what?" Confused, Earl Davis slowly looked towards Leo, whose glowing cold eyes were looking down on him.

"We appreciate your introduction, Earl Davis. Now that we know your name, you may now go." With a chilling smile, Leo and Anna watched as the Earl held his crotch that looked like it was starting to wet itself before rushing away from the place.

"Did he just...." Smelling the unspeakable smell emanating from the Earl, Anna looked back to Leo and gave him the confused look.

Meanwhile, Leo simply just shrugged his shoulders, feigning ignorance.

The same thing kept happening over and over again to those who tried to approach Anna with intentions either malicious or just forming connections. All of them ended with either pissing their pants or running with a fear stricken face.

"Now, it's getting weird. I made sure to brush my teeth today. Leo does my breath smell weird?" Turning around, Anna opened her mouth and exhaled in front of Leo without even asking for his permission.

"I....smell nothing, Princess. Maybe they were just mesmerized by your natural beauty." Leo answered as normal as possible.

"You sure? I remember brushing my teeth earlier. How come it doesn't have any smell?" Leaving Anna pondering to herself, Leo's eyes scanned around the filled ballroom before settling on Prince Hans's figure, talking to some diplomats, probably to establish connections and such.

'I wonder what you are planning now.' Leo smirked inside his mind, his eyes containing the long lost entertainment that he rarely gets in this world.

Even though he could've just kicked Prince Hans and taken him out secretly, Leo decided against it. 

Prince Hans will serve as his amusement for a bit while waiting until his main Quests in this world starts.

Speaking of Quests, Leo opened his Quest tab to take a look at his pending Quests.

[• Quest Title: The end of the line

Main Quests: Expose Kingpin's corruption and bring his evilness to justice.

Bonus Quest: Secretly take over his entire Legal Business.

Reward: 15% of Daredevil template, 20,000 Reputation Points, an Ice Princess's gratitude

Bonus Reward: A new template]

[• Quest Title: Melting the Frozen Heart

Main Quests: A few days from now, Princess Elsa will be crowned as the new Queen of Arendelle, however something unforseen might happen. Make sure she succeeds in her ascension and helps her forget her problems.

Reward: A woman's warmth.]

"A woman's warmth....It's not like I don't like the reward but is there any other reward that would benefit me strength-wise?" Muttering under his breath, Genesis's monotone voice sounded in his mind.

[I don't think you understand what a Woman's Warmth means, it may not improve your strength but it would surely improve something else entirely.]

'And what exactly is that?'

[Finish the Quest, claim the reward and you'll know.]

'Tsk.' Silently clicking his tongue, Leo's attention finally went back to reality and realized that Anna was nowhere to be seen.

'Where did that little rascal have gone off now?' Quickly spreading his senses all across the castle, he picked her aura on the highest floor, balcony and guess who she is with.

'Fucking Hans. Does fate really want to go against me?' Leo mentally scowled, as his legs found itself walking through the stairs, his annoyed expression making anyone step aside.


"It's beautiful isn't it?" Anna sighed while leaning on the balcony, her hands resting on her chin.

Behind her, a man adorning a white royal outfit with a face that reeks of wealth and royalty, stands behind her with a 'soft' smile.

"Yes, of course! I've been wanting to visit this place for like forever! I've been hearing how good this place is!" Maintaining a fake but happy face, Hans smiled at her question, buttering up with his own sweet words.

"You know, you're the second good guy I met today."

"Really?" His smile seemed genuine happy. Which Anna quickly fell for as she says next.

"Can I say something crazy?" Hearing this, Prince Hans was about to respond when someone interrupted them.


"Huh?!" Surprised, the two prince and princess quickly shifted their heads behind them, seeing a familiar figure standing with a stern look on his face.

"Leo? What are you doing here?" Anna cast a confused look, replacing her surprised expression earlier.

"To watch over you, what else? I was just thinking by myself for a few seconds and before I knew it, you're already gone. What if someone tried to harm you?" Hearing his words, Anna scratched the back of her head before replying.

"Well, Prince Hans is here. He'll be able to protect me. He told me that he was trained by the royal guards in his kingdom, how cool is that?" Anna's face flickered with amazement.

Beside her, Prince Hans was smug as he raised his chest in pride. What he told Anna isn't a lie, he is indeed trained by the royal guards of the Southern Isles, as it is a requirement for each prince to undergo one once they reach 10 years old.

"Oh really? That's amazing!" Leo faked a surprise expression as Prince Hans's face just turned more smug.

"Prince Hans, was it? You won't mind if I put that to the test, right?" Leo continued, watching as Prince Hans's smile strained upon his words.

"I uhh, I don't mind but is this a good place to do that? Maybe we should postpone it or something?" Prince Hans smiled awkwardly while trying to avoid the sudden challenge.

"Oh you're right! My bad!" Leo laughed while admitting his mistake which made Prince Hans laugh along, glad that the challenge won't continue.

"But I know a place where we can fight, come on. Follow me." Leo gestured with his head, his face with a smile that made Prince Hans shiver in fear.

"Come on Hans, beat his ass like a brave Southern Isles man!" As if adding salt to an open wound, Anna cheered him up, supporting the fight between the two.

"I-uh....sure?" Finding no way out of this situation, Prince Hans gulped his saliva and finally relented.

Following Leo, Anna has an excited face, contrary to Prince Hans whose face looks like he just ate shit.


"Welcome to the Barracks! It's kind of empty today since most knights are stationed all around the kingdom. So we have the training grounds all for ourselves." Introducing the place where they're currently in, 

"Is it just me or he's a blind guy that just led us to the barracks." Prince Hans whispered to Anna, who kindly responded in return.

"He might be a blind guy but he's not a normal blind guy." Anna smiled.

"I hope you won't let my inability to see you, stop you," In response to Leo's words, Prince Hans nodded his head with a short reply.

"Don't worry, I won't." Prince Hans hid his smirk, finally regaining confidence that his enemy turned out to be a blind guy. Although he hasn't heard of the man named Leo in front of him, he's confident to win against a blind person.

"You won't take it on me if I 'accidentally' hurt you, right?" Striding towards the weapon rack with absolute arrogance in his steps, Prince Hand grabbed a wooden practice sword.

Meanwhile, Leo smiled, his black sunglasses gleaming under the shining sunlight of the training ground, though he was saddened that no one was here to witness the fight aside from Anna.

It'll be a good laugh to witness a prince trained by royal guards, have his ass kicked by a plain blind man.

"Should I grab you a weapon?" Seeing the emptiness of Leo's hands except for his cane, Prince Hans thought that the man doesn't know where the weapons rack is.

"Thanks for the consideration but no need. This right here will be my weapon." With a short smile, Leo tapped the butt of his cane on the ground, gesturing to the Southern Isles's prince that the cane would serve as his weapon.

"O-okay." Although he was unsettled by the poor choice of weapon, Prince Hans placed the weirdness on the back of his mind.

Anyways, it's not his business to make his opponent choose a better weapon. In fact, fighting against a blind man with a cane as his weapon already gives him a huge edge in the fight.

'I'll just take him down in a single swing.' Determined to show off his swordsmanship skills to Anna, in order to make her smitten to him, Prince Hans never bothered doing a formal introduction that usually happens when two people spar.

Instead, he quickly rushed towards Leo's still position, his legs cooperating with his brain as he arrived in front of Leo, who seems to be unfazed by his 'intimidating' presence.

'He doesn't know.' Smirking, Prince Hans could already see his palms clutching victory against the blind man.

Tightly gripping the handle of the wooden sword, Prince Hans delivered a swift and deadly horizontal slash towards Leo's neck. Intending to incapacitate the blind man and to put him in pain for disturbing his plans in seducing the princess of Arendelle.

"Leo, dodge it!" Seeing the deadly strike that is coming towards Leo, Anna quickly regretted agreeing to the fight. Just as she yells a warning to Leo, the said man suddenly does something unexpected.

"Let's have a good match, Prince Hans." Bowing his head, Leo spoke out of 'respect' for his opponent. A knight courtesy that happens before starting a spar.

At the same time as he bowed, the horizontal slash meant towards his neck met with nothing but air.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 82 - Coronation day! [4]]

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