Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Ch. 84 – Before the Happening!

[30 minutes earlier.]

After the ceremony had taken place, the ballroom was once again crowded with guests, talking and chatting amongst one another.

"King Agnarr! Or should I say, Advisor Agnarr? Hahaha, I see that your daughter has finally come to the age to bear the heavy responsibility." Somewhere around the crowd was the previous King Agnarr and the previous Queen Iduna, having a conversation with a few fellow royal guests.

"Indeed, King Khan. As much as it pains me as a parent to see her bear my burden, it is her duty as the heir, whether we like it or not. After all, we must follow our traditions that have kept us alive through all these years." Agnarr replied, melancholy and recognition flashing in his eyes. 

Feeling the pride emanating from Agnarr, Iduna covered her mouth as she chuckled.

"I can understand it. After all, my son is going through the same situation right now, I've been polishing him to become a Great King like me! You know Agnarr, now that I think about it. Perhaps we can arrange a meeting between Princes- sorry, Queen Elsa and my heir prince! Surely, he could take a few lessons from your daughter. What do you think?" As soon as King Khan got to the half of his sentence, the joy in Agnarr's eyes disappeared and was replaced by a disappointed one.

'Here we go again.' Agnarr muttered under his breath, all while still maintaining his stoic face.

"You're right, King Khan. I'll think about it and ask Elsa. Anyways, me and my wife need to be somewhere, please excuse me." Quickly making an excuse, Agnarr glanced at his wife beside him and made a small gesture that only the two of them could see.

"Oh no, please. I don't mind. Don't let my presence disturb your important matters." Showing off his years of training in royal manners, King Khan showed a smile that radiates kindness, stepping aside to allow the two Arendelle's former rulers passage.

"Thanks for your understanding, King Khan. Please enjoy the party." Smiling back, both Agnarr and Iduna finally left the group, leaving King Khan and a few other royal guests alone.

"Of all the things you could talk about, you just had to bring that up huh? Didn't we talk about this that we'll present that matters together?" The Northern Isles's ambassador remarked in a displeased manner, shooting King Khan a betrayed look.

"Heh, you guys should already know, whoever takes the first piece in the cake gets the most of it on their plate, you guys are just too dumb to agree to such a childish agreement." King Khan scoffed, showing arrogance that made the other almost want to punch the King on the face.


"What did I expect from them." Walking side by side, Agnarr sighed in defeat while Iduna beside him could only provide comfort through patting his broad shoulders.

"It's fine. It's just how things work."

"I know, Iduna. I know.....By the way, where's Elsa? I haven't seen her since the ceremony?" Touching his wife's hand that were patting his shoulders, Agnarr smiled at her before recalling that the main character of the day hasn't arrived at the ballroom yet.

"Elsa? I think I saw her with Leo earlier? you think they're both...." Iduna then silently gasped, thinking about the worst situation that can happen between the two.

"I know what you're thinking Iduna, because I'm thinking the same thing." Before Iduna could fully turn into a panic, Agnarr quickly held both of her hands to comfort her.

"However, I don't think meddling with Elsa's 'personal' affairs would do good. Let's just leave her be, and besides, that Matt Murdock is a good guy. Even though I haven't seen his face through his mask yet but I asked around his neighborhood and let's just say, everything I heard about him is everything but bad." Agnarr continued, already giving his blessings to Elsa and 'Matt' despite not fully knowing everything about the man.

After all, he and Iduna also went through the same thing, meeting in the enchanted forest, not having much time getting to know each other yet Iduna saved his life, gave him her love and became the love of his entire life.

Besides, Agnarr believes in Elsa. If Elsa thinks that 'Matt' is right for her then he'll go and give her his entire support.

Thankfully, it seems like Iduna was in the same boat.

"You don't even know his face, yet you already approved of him. Sometimes, I wonder what's going on inside that head of yours." Iduna sighed in defeat, shaking her head as she spoke.

"Well, you already know what's going on inside my head, you don't need to ask." Agnarr winked at Iduna in a playful manner, who in turn blushed and slapped his chest.

"You're a pervert!"

"And you love this pervert."


"So, what are you two talking about back there?" After finally successfully 'stealing' Elsa from Leo, Anna quickly barraged her several questions.

"What do you mean? We didn't talk that much about anything...just ruling over Arendelle." Looking away from Anna, Elsa straight up lied in front of her sister.

Unfortunately for Elsa, Anna is anything but a fool when it comes to love.

"I knew it! I saw it in your eyes earlier! You love him! Like dad and mom kind of love!" Anna's face beamed up in excitement and cheer for her sister.

"....It's not like that, Anna. I'm sure I'm not the one he loves." Hearing her words, Elsa looked down on the ground in sadness, 

"Why do you say so?" Anna cutely tilted her head in confusion, curious about the reason for Elsa's low self esteem.

"You won't understand it, Anna. Let's just talk about something else." Elsa sighed and shook her head in rejection, however never once did Anna budge.

"Try me." Anna confidently smirked, which made Elsa stare at her for a few seconds before sighing in defeat.

"Someone is already in the race to his heart. He once told me about her, this girl who likes seas, freedom and adventure. Both of them adventured with each other, I don't think I even have a fighting chance...."

"...That's it?" Anna made a confused and teasing look at Elsa, who grew annoyed.

"What do you mean 'That's it', it's a huge thing!"

"No! No! Elsa, what I meant is that what you said doesn't make any sense. If you think you're behind the race then it's not too late to catch up. Since you said that they both have adventured together then how come you can't do the same? The world is so big Elsa, there are so many things to discover and explore in this world. So how about you go and ask him out?" Holding her own waist, Anna gave her older sister an advice about something that she has never experienced herself, yet her advice seems to be so perfect and mature, confusing Elsa.

"...But I'm a Queen now, I don't think I have the time to do those exploring that you said." Elsa still not convinced, tried so hard to deny that she still has any chances.

"Pfft! It's just a Queen! It's not like it's that hard, right? Right?" Seeing the serious look on Elsa's face, Anna scratched her cheek, not sure on her words anymore.

"You know what, let's just go back and meet up with dad and mom. They've been looking for you and asked me to find you." Grabbing Elsa's hands again, Anna sped up, weaving through the crowds with ease.


While the two sisters rushed back to the castle, an inconspicuous group slowly walks towards Arendelle's gates.

"Halt! State your businesses!" Stopping the 3 large carriages, two guards approached the coachman and asked several questions.

"Me and my group of merchants inside were given a special royal token that allows us entry to the Kingdom is Arendelle. Here." Giving the small golden token with intricate carvings that he received from former Duke Neil's mail letter, the coachman with a cross scar on his face showed the token to the two knight guards.

It only took them a single look before handing the token back to the coachman, their faces finally bearing respect and admiration.

"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know you guys were recommended by a noble of Arendelle!" Saluting to the coachman, the three carriages we're finally allowed entry.

 'Heh, Neil is right, showing this token to the guards will not only allow us entry but they won't even inquire about it out of fear of offending a noble.' Grinning to himself, the coachman finally set his sights towards the large castle in the distance, where the royal guests, Kings and Queens reside.

On the other hand, he grabbed a colt handgun that he got from Duke Neil from its holster, gripping the handgun's handle, taking a moment to feel its texture.

'Hehahaha! Beware Arendelle! For the Bandit King, Argon is finally here!'





[Next Chapter: Ch. 85 - During The Happening!]

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