My Enigmatic Life

Epilogue: Aniki’s Job

(Yoko's POV)

        Right now, I'm trying to teach Akane about meditation. I honestly believe that she can get over her mental block of being a fellow yandere with it, which will in turn help her activate her technique on a whim. I used the word trying because-

"Aniki,-ehehehe-stop I'm-ehehee-trying to teach-ehehehehehehe!"

Aniki's repeatedly prodding and tickling me, which acts as a great distraction. He likes doing playful things like this, despite supposedly being the older, more mature cousin. Not that I'm complaining, of course.

"You're still as immune to tickling as ever, I see.", Aniki smiles. "Remember how I used to do this whenever we visited nan, so you wouldn't be so cranky?"

"Ehehehehe, yeah I-ehehe-remember! It was one of the few ways I-ehehehe-could stand being around her!"

Before I could truly begin to enjoy Aniki's affection, his hand is grabbed onto tightly by a pouting Akane.

"If you're quite through with your incestuous recollections, I would like some attention."

"Ahh, sorry, Akane.", Aniki apologises. "You're not ticklish, so do you want to hug?"

Without answering, Akane throws herself into his arms, snuggling up as close as possible. Aniki wraps his arms around her, smiling wryly. His face is a little flushed, which is just so cute. Aniki looks up from Akane for a moment and gazes at the clock, upon seeing the time, his smile fades as it's taken over by a slightly surprised expression.

"Is that the time? Blimey, I need to get going!"

Aniki detaches the very reluctant Akane from his person, reaches for his bag and heads for the door.

"I'll be back at five, alright? Oh, and I'll be making some Indian-style curry that'll make mum proud when I return."

"Good luck.", Akane and I say together.

"Same to you two. I hope your training goes well."

With that, Aniki leaves. Immediately, Akane turns to me.

"Are you sure that it's a good idea to let Daisuke-nii go to do that job?"

"Why not?", I reply. "He's just tutoring English."

"Yeah, but his student is going to be some random girl, right?"

I give Akane an offended look, genuinely feeling a bit disappointed with her.

"Come off it. Do you honestly think Aniki will cheat on the three of us just like that?"

"Hell no! What I'm worried about is the hussy getting all touchy-feely with him."

Well, I can understand that sentiment, but I doubt that Aniki will allow it.

"Aniki doesn't really get chummy with people he's not especially close with, so don't worry."

Akane looks unsure at first, but then she starts to beam.

"Yeah, Daisuke-nii is kind of anti-social!", she says happily. "So that girl will probably find him lame or something!"

I'm sure Aniki would be over the moon hearing you say that. I know what she's trying to say, but she definitely could've worded it better...



     Looking up at the clock in the kitchen, I can see that it's now half past seven. Aniki said he would be back two and a half hours ago.

"Yoko-chan, you don't think...?"

Akane shoots me a fretful look, and to be frank with you, I can't help but return it. 

Normally, I would just think that he's just a long way from here, but with this Mid-Night Fox situation constantly looming over his head, I can't help but worry.

"Maybe he just missed the last train.", I say, in a poor attempt at reassuring Akane.

Ah, Here he is! I can feel Aniki's mana! He should be here soon.

Sure enough, we can hear Aniki getting the keys to the door. We fly it open before he can get the chance to, though.


"I'm home somehow..."

Aniki looks haggard, no, he looks extremely haggard. He saunters past Akane and I, and flops listlessly into the bed face-down.

"Uhmm, how'd it go, Daisuke-nii?", Akane asks, taken off-guard by such unusual behaviour.

"I'm contemplating suicide, honestly."

I'm guessing not to well, then. Aniki turns his head to look at us, speaking in a groggy tone that makes his already deep and low voice near indiscernible.

"Who would think that Hisakawa-san would be so horrid at English?"


Hullo, my loyal readers! I'd like to apologise for not dropping chapter as often as I'd like, but hey, I've been busy lately. With the holidays coming around shortly, I should have more time for more releases! Hopefully. Anyways, thanks again for reading, and I hope you lot have a great day. 👍






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