One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 361: CP9 Attack

Robin stood on top of a rooftop wearing a green jacket. Her face had a mask covering her face. She stood next to a man wearing a checkered pattern cloak. He had a sleepy smiling bear mask on. He held a transponder snail in his hand. They both looked down to see a large crowd of people gathered around.

The transponder snail spoke, “Are you ready?”

The man in the bear mask responded, “Yes we are.”

“Then we will cause a distraction,” the transponder snail.

“Understood in the name of CP9,” the man in the bear replied. He added, “Ready Nico Robin?”

“Yes, anytime,” she replied. Her heart hurt.

Suddenly, a deafening explosion shattered the calm, a blinding flash of light illuminating the sky. The ground trembled under the force, and a shockwave of heat and debris blasted through. The group of men which gathered around were knocked off their feet.

Zoro, Nami, Vivi, Mikita, Conis and Maya saw and heard the explosion. “What is going on?” Conis asked.

“I don't know but something tells me Robin is there,” Mikita replied.

“Where is Luffy?” Zoro asked.

“He was just here,” Nami replied.

“We should go and find Robin, she might need our help,” Vivi added. They all nodded and ran towards the explosion.

A person with a musketeer mask and a long red cape with red long sleeves, as well as gloves and a light purple cloth over a light orange dress rushed through the crowd. The person punched a man into the air and then kicked him towards the group. They all fell down. “Stop the assassin pirate,” a man shouted. The musketeer punched that man in the throat and he fell down.

Another man rushed towards the musketeer. The musketeer dodged the attack and kicked the person. There was a whip in the musketeer`s hand. The musketeer whipped the top of the roof and pulled it towards her. She launched herself to the roof. “It's getting away,” a man shouted.

Meanwhile, Robin and a man in a bear mask rushed towards the crowd. He barraged out and a man who was blocking his path. “There is more,” a member of the crowd shouted.

“Where are they coming from?” another added. The man in the bear mask punched the two men who went flying back.

Robin and the man in the bear mask ran. Suddenly they were cornered. “We have them now,” a man said. Robin pressed her back against the wall. The crowd aimed their guns. The man in the bear mask threw a red sheet in front of them. The crowd fired their guns. Bullets started to pierce the sheet. As the sheet hit the ground, they saw that Robin and the man in the bear mask had disappeared. The crowd looked puzzled.

The musketeer snapped the whip with a swift motion, striking a man with such force that he was knocked off his feet and sent flying through the air. "Moonwalk," the musketeer declared, launching himself upward with a powerful leap. He propelled himself again, seemingly defying gravity as he soared through the sky.

"He's flying again!" exclaimed a man in the crowd, his voice filled with astonishment.

"Thorny Road," the musketeer called out, whirling the whip in a wide, circular arc. The whip struck multiple people around, sending them all airborne with a single, devastating sweep. "Didn't I warn you?" the musketeer said, the tone calm yet menacing. "Some people just don't listen," the musketeer added, landing gracefully.

Meanwhile Paulie was in the Iceburg`s office. He had opened a hidden hatch on the floor and began to retrieve the documents. “This must be it,” Paulie said as he held the documents.

“I see, so this is where Iceburg has been hiding these things,” a voice was heard.

“Give it to us,” another voice demanded.

Paulie looked at the two figures. There was a man wearing a bull mask and a light pink robe with thick sleeves and a yellow tie. Next to him was a man wearing an oversized skull mask with a black fez, and blue robes.

“You cannot appreciate its value,” said the man wearing the bull mask.

“Who the hell are you guys?” Paulie asked. He added, “Where did you come from?”

“Darkness,” the man wearing the skull mask replied. “But we carry out justice,” he added.

“We are Cipher Pol Number 9, an undercover intelligence agency,” the man with a bull mask replied.

“No matter what, we must have countered the craftsman,” Paulie said.

The man wearing the bull mask responded, “Did we?” His hand was dripping with blood.

“In any case, give us the valuable item from Ice-burg,” the man with the oversized skull mask said.

“Prepare to die for justice,” the man with the bull mask responded. Paulie looked scared. A drop of sweat left his face.

Meanwhile, Robin and the bear mask man approached a wall. “He is behind this wall,” Robin said.

The man with the bear mask put his back against the wall. “Push me,” he requested. Robin pushed him. The wall turned into a door and opened up.

Ice-burg looked from his bed to see his wall open up and he saw two people. Robin walked in the room.

“I am shocked,” Ice-burg said. “I knew you would come sooner or later but through there,” he added.

The man in the bear mask closed the door. The wall went back to normal. “It's the power of my Door-Door Fruit,” he replied. He added, “No matter how hard the wall is, when I touch the area, it becomes a door. As long as there is a wall. I can go in and out.”

The man in the bear mask reached into his pocket and pulled out a gun. He aimed the gun and fired it at Iceburg`s shoulder. Ice-burg felt the pain and rolled out of the bed and hit the ground.

Robin asked, “What are you doing? We have not received the signal yet?”

“You can't call someone weakened when he has got enough energy to talk,”the man in the bear mask replied. “We are careful to handle our victim so he would not act unexpectedly before the time comes,” he added.

Iceberg was in pain. His shoulder was badly hurt. “So that's, CP9 way of doing things,” he commented.

“You have a good insight, you are exactly right,” the man in the bear mask replied.

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