Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 119: You Know The Drill

After finally deciding to get up, and head to the next cave, I was hit with a wave of dizziness. I was starting to get used to this, so I just closed my eyes and growled the stupid god's name before I was ripped out of my body.

As soon as I felt myself stop, I turned around and opened my eyes, but got an eye full of bright light.

"Gotcha!" Garland laughed, dimming his light.

"I refuse, now send me home, you elderly night light!" I growled, trying to blink the sunspots out of my eyes.

Ignoring me as usual, Garland started talking. "So, you not only got rid of my hero but gave the powers to your friend, yes? Quite unfortunate to lose such a valuable fighter! It would be a real shame if something were to happen to him, right?"

"Are we done yet?" I asked, and then added, "Daryle is a big boy, and he will deal with whatever you throw at him."

"Oh? Is that what you think?" Garland asked, and I looked for something to throw and spotted a flower pot with a beautiful white rose bush growing out of it.

"Do you like these?" I asked, walking over to the flower pot, and putting my foot on the rim.

"I do, but even if you-"

I kicked it over, and it broke. It immediately tried to fix itself, but I grabbed the pieces with levitation magic.

"What do you think you are doing?" Garland asked, forgetting his own machinations as he watched the pieces of pot rise into the air. Then they started to smash everything in sight as I sent them flying around the space.

"Stop that!" Garland screamed, and I shrugged, not stopping.

"Send me back, bitch," I said plainly, making Garland's face get red, but then I let the pieces go and everything started to repair. "I mean, don't you have an army to worry about? Or are you that confident that you can beat me and that you are putting in no effort to help them? You are more worried about someone like Daryle?"

There was a long pause, and then Garland narrowed his eyes on me. "Wanna make a deal?"

"How many fucking times do I have to say it?" I retorted, and Garland shrugged.

"I haven't given you all bad things. Look at that undead demon and grimoire I gave you!" Garland laughed, and I rolled my eyes.

"You mean the one that you hoped consumed my soul to erase me from existence? Or maybe the hero you gave me? You know the one you hoped I would raise up so we would kill each other? Must I go one?" I growled, and Garland laughed.

"You know what they say," Garland laughed, and I facepalmed.

"I don't care what anyone you know says!" I sighed in exasperation.

"What about this!" Garland said and a flash of light appeared, revealing a sleek, black, futuristic-looking drill hovering in front of me.

I squinted at the drill, unsure of what to make of it. "What's the catch?"

"No catch, just a little exchange. I give you this incredible Drill of the Abyss, and you promise not to interfere with my plans," Garland explained, a sly grin on his face.

I eyed the drill skeptically. "What does the drill do?"

"It's not just any drill; it's a tool of incredible power. The Drill of the Abyss can pierce through any material with ease, and it even has some magical enhancements. It's perfect for digging, creating tunnels, or, well, whatever you want to use it for," Garland explained.

I pondered the offer for a moment. A powerful drill could certainly be useful, especially considering the underground nature of the Crystal Cavern. On the other hand, making deals with Garland always came with risks and hidden consequences.

"What's the real cost here? What are you hoping to gain from this exchange? What don't you want me to do?" I asked, crossing my arms, but then added. "You can shove that drill up your ass if you think that I will be staying out of this stupid war you are pushing."

"I know I can't keep you out of that, but the deal is that you don't push into Halcon or Mortallin during the war. When the fighting is done, you piss off back to your island, and leave the North and West alone," Garland demanded, his tone firm.

I raised an eyebrow. "So, you want me to stay away from the territories that your armies are in. What's in it for me, besides the drill?"

Garland grinned. "Besides the incredible power of the Drill of the Abyss, I can also offer you a guarantee of safety for your little island. I'll make sure no harm comes to it during the chaos of the war."

I sighed, weighing the options. The drill did seem tempting, and the promise of safety for my island was not something to be taken lightly. However, I couldn't fully trust Garland, and the idea of limiting my actions during the war was not appealing.

"Fine, I'll take the drill, but the deal is only valid if you can promise the safety of my island without any tricks or loopholes. I won't be constrained in how I handle things in the North and West during the war, nor will this deal last if they start screwing around again with the South," I negotiated, wanting to make sure I had some flexibility.

Garland nodded, and the drill floated towards me. As I reached out to take it, he added with a smirk, "Remember, break the deal, and there will be consequences. I may be a night light, but I can still cast some pretty dark shadows."

I accepted the drill, examining it in my hands. "I don't trust you for a second, Garland. This drill better lives up to its hype."

With that, Garland's form dissipated, and I found myself back in the Crystal Cavern. I sighed, realizing I had just made another deal with one of the most untrustworthy beings in existence.

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