Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 123: Crimson Progenitor Vampire Rat

As we delved deeper into the Crystal Cavern, the ambient light from the glowing crystals intensified, casting an ethereal glow on the surroundings. The air was filled with a subtle hum, and the crystals seemed to resonate with the energy emanating from the walls.

I was level 104 now, but I hadn't bothered to check any of my stats out. I had a new understanding of the things around me, but I would be lying if I didn't say it was overwhelming. Being able to constantly sense the strengths of others and the energy that flowed around me was advantageous, but also highly distracting.

"Are you alright?" Shelli asked as we walked, and I nodded, putting my hand to my head.

"Yeah, I am just trying to get used to this new awareness. It is just a lot to take in at first," I said, trying to filter the feelings out, but it was harder than it sounded. "Do you have any advice? Since you are almost level 300, I would assume that it must have been worse when you hit level 200, right?"

Shelli nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "Indeed, reaching level 200 was a significant milestone, and the surge in power brought about a heightened awareness. It took time to adjust, but eventually, I learned to filter and focus on what was essential. My advice would be to practice mindfulness, focus on specific aspects of your surroundings, and gradually expand your awareness as you become more accustomed to it."

Taking Shelli's advice to heart, I closed my eyes for a moment, centering myself and trying to block out the overwhelming flood of information. Slowly, I began to narrow my focus, honing in on the subtle vibrations of the crystals, the echoes of our footsteps, and the energy signatures of my companions.

As I opened my eyes, the world seemed less chaotic, and I felt a sense of control over my newfound abilities. Shelli gave me an encouraging smile, and we continued our journey through the Crystal Cavern.

The trip to the next cave took longer than any of the last ones. It was to the point where I started to wonder if we would ever reach it. After nearly thirty minutes of walking, we reached the next cave.

It was filled with fifteen six-foot-long black-as-midnight rats that had two vicious fangs protruding down from the top of their mouths. There was also one more black rat, but it sat alone by the entrance to the next tunnel. It was covered in red glowing cracks that almost looked like magma was under the creature's skin.

Monster Name: (Epic)Crimson Progenitor Vampire Rat
Level: 105
Physical Power: 3999
Magical Power: 3999
Agility: 3999
Resilience: 3999

Abilities :

1. (Unique Rare)Rat Progenitor: Create up to 15 (Unique Rare)Elite Vampire Rats that can be controlled.
2. (Epic)Servants Sanguine: (Epic)Crimson Progenitor Vampire Rat can consume a (Unique Rare)Elite Vampire Rat to restore health to full and remove any debuffs. Using this ability prevents the respawn of that (Unique Rare)Elite Vampire Rat for 00:05:00.
3. (Unique Epic)Crimson Knight: By consuming 10 (Unique Rare)Elite Vampire Rats, (Epic)Crimson Progenitor Vampire Rat transforms into Crimson knight, gaining 10% of each consumed (Unique Rare)Elite Vampire Rat stats. This ability can only be activated if 5 (Unique Rare)Elite Vampire Rats have been consumed within 00:05:00 by the skill, Servants Sanguine.

Monster Name: (Unique Rare)Elite Vampire Rat
Level: 45
Physical Power: 1001
Magical Power: 1001
Agility: 1001
Resilience: 1001

Abilities :

1. (Unique Rare)Pack Tactics: The (Unique Rare)Elite Vampire Rat exhibits enhanced combat prowess when surrounded by its kin. For each (Unique Rare)Elite Vampire Rat within a 50-foot radius, the rat gains a cumulative 10% boost to its stats, up to a maximum of 150%. This temporary augmentation enhances the (Unique Rare)Elite Vampire Rat's combat abilities, although it does not impact its base stats in relation to other skills.

"This is different," I said after looking at the rats scurrying around the cave, and then I looked at Lila. "Are you okay?"

Lila, my epic-rated golem looked horrified. not the typical, this is too strong a look of fear, but more of one that was filled with memories of pain and suffering. She took a deep breath before responding.

"Master, these creatures are from the same world as my kind are from. They are known for hunting us down in packs. I am much stronger now, and not a Martial Rabbit anymore, but I still feel the fear of these things in my soul," Lila explained, looking embarrassed, but I patted her head.

"No problem, but I don't think that I can take these things alone. We made good progress today, but I don't want to push our luck. I need to see if I can raise the other girls' ranks up to Epic so they will be able to help more," I said, turning away from the cave.

I wanted to try it out, but just reading the creature's abilities made me second-guess myself. The head rat seemed more like a boss than the dragon had been. There was even a second stage for the monsters that could only be achieved if they could be killed five times in five minutes.

My level was almost the same as the Crimson Progenitor Vampire Rat, but I was worried about it transforming. The stat boost it would get would put all of its stats at 5000 even. That would be too much for me without backup.

Shelli walked up and took my hand with a smile. "I know you want to get stronger, but I think this is the best choice for today. Even though you say you are fine, I know your body has gone through a big change. It would be good for you to eat and get some rest, or tomorrow you might not even be able to get out of bed."

Shelli's words resonated with me, and I nodded in agreement. "You're right, Shelli. I need to take care of myself and make sure I'm fully recovered from the transformation. We'll retreat for now and head back home."

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