Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


Alex knocked on the door, he had already heard sounds from inside so he knew that the people who had rented the house were still inside.

After a few moments of waiting, Alex saw the brown wooden door open up and a man could be seen.

He was of medium size and looked honestly forgettable if Alex had to say so himself.

Inside the house, Alex also saw a young blonde girl peeking through the door as she looked at what was happening.

"Hello, sorry for disturbing you," Alex said as he gave the man a handshake which he took after a moment of consideration.

"No problem, what did you need?" The man asked Alex straightforwardly.

"I'm actually the son of the person you guys rented the house from and I wanted to ask if I could look at the attic and see if I can find something from my childhood that I might have left here. Is that all right?" Alex asked the man politely.

He didn't want to straight ahead use daze when he didn't have to.

The man thought for a moment and then asked Alex.

"For sure but could I at least see your ID so that I know ur her son? Or at least have the same surname?" The man questioned Alex and didn't let him inside immediately.

'Renee has a different surname.' Alex thought as he sighed inwardly.

'I guess there's just no way around it.' Alex said as he took out his ID card from his wallet and gave it to the man, using a daze just before he handed it over.

"Checks out, you can come inside and look at the attic, we didn't really touch anything there at all so if there was something then it should still be there." The man answered as he gave a light smile and opened the way for Alex.

Alex in turn simply gave the man a smile and a nod as well as a small thank you.

Heading inside, the house looked exactly the same, in fact, the small family that was now renting this house even reminded him of how it had been back then.

Giving the small girl a small wave which she returned with a smile, Alex headed up the stairs to the second floor and then into the attic.

Going inside, Alex saw that there was no light at all however that wasn't needed as he could still see perfectly fine.

"Seems like the light got burnt out," The man said as he followed Alex to the attic.

"It's all right, I can see fine still," Alex said before he headed to the end of the attic where a bunch of boxes were left gathering dust.

Opening them, Alex found all kinds of old trinkets and even some family photos that Renee seemed to have left behind.

They were mostly photos of Charlie, her, and Alex with Bella.

'Seems like she really wanted to forget about that part of her life huh? At least she didn't throw them in the trash.' Alex thought as he rummaged through the boxes, opening one after the other, hoping that he would find something. Anything to gather some more information or clues about Past Alex.

And finally, after a few minutes, Alex found what he had been looking for.

It was a notebook, an old one that seemed to predate even Renee and Charlie themselves.

It was made of real cow leather from the feel of it and the pages had been dyed yellow from the age, they were also very brittle from the passage of time with no maintenance.

Opening the notebook, Alex felt his heart shudder.

'This is it' He thought as he started reading the title that had been written on the first page.

[ For the Future Me, For someone who isn't Me but will be Me ]

'This thing, it's directed towards me isn't it' Alex thought as the corners of his mouth twitched.

Passing to the next page, Alex finally saw paragraphs upon paragraphs.

They looked to have been written in black ink which thankfully seemed to have not degraded.

' In this book, I have detailed everything that I have done over my life, every single achievement and every single loss. And I have also compiled every single power that I have so it could be of any use.'

This alone almost caused Alex to break out in a sweat.

' I hope that this diary never gets read, that what I think is going to happen never passes however if it has then the person who is reading this, is the one who took over my body.'

'So he knew, it's now confirmed and he even tried to stop it but here I am as evidence that he couldn't' Alex thought as he read page after page, completely immersed, even forgetting the man that was still next to him.

Thankfully he seemed to not want to bother Alex as he stood silent and waited for Alex.

It took a while, but finally, Alex had read through every single thing written in the notebook.

As the Past Alex had described on the first page, this truly was a diary that described his full life, every single memorable thing that had ever happened to him, every single power, and anything that could be useable by the current Alex.

Closing the notebook, Alex held it in his hand and got up, now fully standing once more.

Turning toward the man, Alex gave him a nod and a smile.

"I found what I was looking for, you have my eternal thanks," Alex said and the man nodded, heading downstairs, Alex walked to the front door and gave the man and the little girl one last goodbye before he started heading back toward his hotel.

He had now found everything he had been looking for.

He had managed to create his own organization and even found everything about his current body and the reason as to why he had lost some of his memories.

He had uncovered the true secret behind this body of his.

As well as the lie that the GOD had told him.

It was all so clear to him now that he had all the information.


This volume is coming to a quick close and soon we will have another timeskip.

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Lots of Love

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