Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

The Path of Freedom [ Volume 3 END ]

Back in his hotel room, Alex sat at the edge of his bed.

His mind was clouded by hundreds of thoughts.

It had been a huge shock to him, what he had read in that notebook.

It was old, however, by the end of the book, Alex saw that the writing kept getting more recent and recent until it arrived at an ending paragraph that was only written months ago. Back in the first year of high school in Phoenix.

The notebook had been similar to a diary but also similar to a guide of sorts.

A guide for the current Alex.

A guide for someone who could now call himself a body snatcher, a body stealer, a body...

Alex's thoughts stopped there as he released a sigh.


Gathering his thoughts once more, Alex went over what he had learned from the notebook.

'Past Alex isn't actually Bella's brother and is instead a true vampire progenitor who predates most human civilizations. He was born in the year five hundred and fourteen. Even to the last day of his life, he didn't know how he had come to be. Who was his father or mother where if he even had any.' Alex thought before stopping to gather his thoughts once more and then continuing.

'During his lifetime, he learned of humans, learned of their greed, hunger, and fear, he learned about numerous others like him who could be called supernaturals and even coexisted with them. However in the end he was always left alone, either betrayed or the others simply died to the passing of time or war.'

'Past Alex or as he called himself Alexander wanted to find a way to have a normal life and he tried very hard but he would always have to end it before it came to be anything, that was the reason he started studying himself and his powers religiously. And then he found he could go inside someone and control their body. At first, the person's body would die but with enough experience, he managed to truly steal people's bodies. Just like he did with this body I'm in right now' Alex thought as he looked at his hands, felt the blood in his body, and then felt an utter disgust at it.

'Alexander stole my current body from a baby, the brother of Bella Swan was killed in the process. Later after a few years, Alexander had a premotion, that he would die and be replaced and thus he sought a witch who managed to tell him everything, about me and about that 'GOD' which she actually called the devil incarnate. Thus he began preparations to stop me and the devil however he soon noticed how when he would sleep, he would start to lose himself piece by piece, his nature started to change and so did his emotions.' Alex thought and got up from the bed and he started walking around the room.

'He noticed that he was becoming me and that sooner or later he would disappear, and thus he made a bucket list of what he wanted to do and after doing everything he had wanted. Alexander tried to mess with the process once more' Alex said as he went into the bathroom and transformed, looking at his vampire self.

'He used daze on himself and ingrained as much of his own original core emotions as he could, ingrained every single thing that he had so that even when I was in control, it wouldn't truly just be me but also a piece of him. And then he left this notebook behind for me to find, and if I was innocent then to help him find that devil and bring him to justice' Alex finally summed up everything that had been in the notebook besides the whole descriptions of how to use his powers.

"Take revenge? Bring him to justice? For who?" Alex asked himself out loud before starting to laugh, it started slowly before morphing into a full-blown laughter as Alex held his belly whilst crouching.

Finally, after a few moments, Alex stopped abruptly.

He had laughed not because it was funny but because his body and mind were overwhelmed. He didn't know whether to feel rage, anger, depression, guilt, joy, or amusement. It was all so confusing.

"To bring justice for a man who killed a newborn baby? For a man who wreaks havoc throughout the whole world and only stopped when he started to become me? When did he start to actually gain human emotions? As if." Alex said before getting out of the bathroom and looking out of the window at the city down below.

"I can't say that I like what I did even if it wasn't my choice to forcefully rob your body but this wasn't even yours, to begin with, Alexander, this body's owner is already dead," Alex said before turning around and starting to pack his stuff back into his backpack.

It was time for him to go to another location once more.

Another city to conquer, another gang to be introduced into his organization.

'At least I don't have to feel guilt anymore, even then, the more I learned about you, the more I actually learned about myself.' Alex thought as he remembered about the fact that he was in fact a combination of himself and Alexander now.

His emotions weren't entirely his however current Alex accepted this easily.

He of course had tried to use daze and break the effect Alexander had had done however he noticed that he wasn't in a daze anymore, he truly owned every current emotion which meant that the process of him taking over this body had ingrained those emotions as well.

'I don't care anymore, if this is who I am now then so be it, I'll simply live. Live however I want to and do whatever I want to. If Alexander could do it then so can I. I don't have to be like him or follow the atrocities he did but I can at least copy a part of his path and make it mine.'

Alex thought as he paid his dues at the reception desk and headed outside of the hotel room.

It was already nighttime, and the moon was shining brightly in the cloudless sky.

As Alex was standing there on the street looking at the moon with no one around him.

His figure started to blur before in an instant he turned into a dark mist that quickly thinned out before disappearing from the location completely.

As if he had never been there.


[ Volume 3: The Path of Freedom ]

A bit of a lore-heavy chapter but I hope you guys liked finally learning about who past Alex or I guess Alexander was.

There will be more plot later on about the 'GOD' or devil and the witch but that is it for this volume.

The next chapter is the time skip.

Thanks for keeping up with me after 133 chapters, it's been quite a lot huh?

When I started this fanfic, I dropped it merely a week later after 8 chapters and then restarted it a few years later only to drop it the next day, and then I did it again to drop it two weeks later with only 15 chapters to show for it.

It's been more than two months now, and we're still here and I don't plan on stopping until this fanfic is over, however long that takes.

Once more thank you all for the support.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead and help support me further check out my Patreon at:

Lots of Love

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