Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

89 Wakanda Forever Part Two

Thankfully, I wasn't tied up and was allowed to sit in the cockpit in order to direct the pilot to the right spot. This gave me access to their equipment and I saw exactly how to enter and exit through their energy barrier. I suspected the ship also had an IFF protocol to accomplish it as well, because if not... I wouldn't be impressed with their security.

“Do you have a stealth mode on this thing?” I asked the pilot and he gave me a pointed look. “I'll take that as a no. We either need to stay close to the ground to spoof radar or we need to land and travel the long way to get to my transport.”

“We need speed more than stealth.” T'Challa told the pilot. “Take the ground option and move at the best speed you can.”

“Yes, my prince.” The pilot said and nodded to him.

We flew in ground hover mode as I described where to go. I didn't know the names of the villages I had visited; but, I did know where I had travelled. We passed the village I had been arrested in and flew for several minutes at about half power. We reached the second village and I pointed off to the right at about 25 degrees from forward.

The pilot nodded and we flew for ten minutes in that direction and passed the first village I had visited. I changed my point to 45 degrees to the left of where we faced. We flew for another twenty minutes and T'Challa and most of the female guards had surprised faces that I had travelled so far on foot. Only the female squad leader had an appraising look on her face.

“Set it down here.” I said and the pilot looked at T'Challa. The prince nodded and the ship came to a stop and lowered down to the ground.

“I do not see anything except bushes.” The pilot commented.

“That's the whole point.” I said and stood. “Your highness, ladies. If you will follow me.”

We left the Wakandan flying machine and went over to those bushes. It took me a couple of minutes to clear out the bush covered tarp disguise from the rotary fans and then from the back of the transport's ramp.

“You buried your ship.” T'Challa said in admiration.

“I found a good sized depression in the landscape and went around to gather appropriate bushes and secured them to tarps. A quick drape over the main hull to disguise the overall shape and only a local would notice the odd clumping of bushes. Since no one lives out this far...”

“ were completely hidden, even from eyes gazing from above.” T'Challa said in admiration.

“Please enter my transport to verify my gifts. You can try to make yourselves at home, even though there is not a lot of room.” I said and led them into the transport. “If you can't tell from the markings on the stacks of crates, these are confiscated illegal arms from Kraue's hidden base, which I destroyed after killing all of his mercenaries.”

The women made odd sounds before the female squad leader spoke. “How many?”

“Crates or kills?” I asked.


“Thirty three.”

Everyone fell silent for several seconds.

“How long did it take you?”

“Maybe twenty minutes.” I said with a shrug. “I was trying to be stealthy about it and didn't let them warn anyone else. I'm not a big fan of getting shot.” I said and slapped a crate of AK-47s before I opened the equipment locker that I had emptied out into a crate. Inside were my two hostages, bound, gagged, and unconscious.

“Why would you treat N'Jadaka this way?” T'Challa asked, a little upset.

“Simple answer. He is a very bad man.” I said.

T'Challa gave me raised eyebrows.

“Long answer. He's a mass murderer, a conspirator, a terrorist, a defiler of women, an usurper of authority, an abuser of power, a smuggler, a jailbreaker, a slanderer, a physical abuser, a thief, an arsonist, a saboteur, a slaver, an arms dealer, a forger, a vandal, a kidnapper, a brainwasher, has uncountable assault charges, attempted world hegemony through force, mutilates himself, is a traitor to both Wakanda and the US, and he wants you dead to take your place in the line of succession to the throne.”

T'Challa looked shocked and the female warriors had their hands gripped tightly on their spears.

I closed the locker and pointed behind them. “The first stack of wooden crates are from the museum.” I waved for them to follow me and entered the cockpit. “I don't need to tell you what that is.”

All of the female warriors ducked their heads in reverence and T'Challa ran a hand over the top brick of pure vibranium.

“I'll have to fly behind your ship to bring the gifts to the palace. It won't all fit into your ship.” I said and they looked unsure. “You can all stay here, even if it's standing room only.”

“No, it's too dangerous.” T'Challa said. “Ten of you go back to the ship and tell the pilot to return to the hangar. We will follow you.”

They cleared out and all that was left were T'Challa, Okoye, the female squad leader, T'Challa's personal guard, and myself.

“Handholds are scattered about.” I said and started the pre-flight checks. “Please forgive my basic flight path. With all of this precious cargo aboard, I can't show off my piloting skills.”

“I believe we can live with the disappointment.” T'Challa said with a slight smile.

“Your highness!” I fake gasped. “You made a joke! I'm so proud!”

Okoye glared at me and the female squad leader clamped her mouth shut to stop her laugh. She ended up making a cute snort noise instead.

The other ship lifted off and turned around. I quickly lifted off and turned in the same direction. The other pilot poured on the speed and I followed. I could tell T'Challa was surprised that I could keep up with their superior technology.

Half an hour later, I landed inside the hangar bay and several men with large push carts were there waiting for us. With so many helping hands, it took no time to get the gifts stacked appropriately and in order. The museum pieces were carefully placed on the first cart, the two hostages on the second, and the two and a half tons of vibranium bricks were put on the last cart.

Without needing to say a word, everyone formed up around and behind T'Challa, myself included, and we did the procession through the city once more. The female guards with us surrounded the carts to protect them. Unlike the last two times I had been through this route, there was cheering, clapping, and general happiness on everyone's faces.

The palace doors were opened to allow us through and we went into the throne room. It was even more crowded than before and I suspected it was because word had spread about the gifts. King T'Chaka kept his face impassive, as was his right as king. His wife however, looked inordinately pleased. I guessed it was because her son had returned safely and that I had kept my word.

I wasn't surprised to see a very pretty young black woman as she stepped out of the crowd to take her position beside her mother's throne. Princess Shuri. The look on her face was anticipatory and I could only guess as to why.

T'Challa crossed his arms over his chest and bowed deeply. “Father.”

King T'Chaka nodded and T'Challa unhooked the bracelet from his wrist and handed it to me before he walked across the room to stand beside his father's throne.

“I, Benjamin Peter Parker, do hereby present to the royal family, the first gift.” I said and waved at the cart with the museum crates on it. It was pushed forward to rest off to the side of the room and a group of people dressed in lab coats quickly opened everything and pulled each piece out reverently. After ten minutes of verification, the vibranium axe was presented to the king on bended knee.

“The second gift.” I said and waved at the cart with two unconscious people on it and they were dumped on the floor about ten feet away from the king's feet. I stated that they would be out for a while and then explained Ulysses Klaue's crimes and that none of them compared to his transgressions against Wakanda.

That pleased everyone, especially the queen and the king. I then explained about N'Jadaka and his numerous crimes, including how he mutilated himself after every kill and how he wanted to kill the prince to take his place and force Wakanda into a world war to take over.

King T'Chaka gave both men intense looks before he turned to the large burly man that was the head of a rival tribe. The king held out the large rust covered axe to him and everyone started muttering about such an extravagant gift.

The big man didn't hesitate as he stepped forward and bent a knee. “Thank you, My King.” He said, accepted the large axe, then he stood. In one smooth motion, he swung himself around and slammed the axe down through Klaue's head and split it apart with a splorch sound.

The axe made a dong sound as it impacted the floor without any resistance and all of the rust shivered and then crumpled off of it. When the large man lifted it into the air, it gleamed in the lights. The blood and brains hadn't stuck to it, either.

“Again.” King T'Chaka said and the big man nodded.

The axe was swung down and another dong sound echoed through the throne room. The large man had a happy smile on his face as he resumed his place with his tribe and he held the axe both reverently and with authority.

“Traitors and thieves have always been dealt with in this way. If you wrong the people, you owe the people your life.” The king said and everyone nodded.

Not one single person in the throne room missed the implications of that as several attendants put the bodies back on the cart and several buckets of water were dumped to wash away the blood. It was almost as if they had prepared it beforehand. The cart was removed from the room and I resumed my task.

“My final gift.” I said and the third cart was pushed forward. Everyone started muttering at the huge pile of refined vibranium as it gleamed in the lights, just like the large axe.

“You have fulfilled your promise of gifts.” King T'Chaka said. “Now I must ask you a question.”

I bowed my head slightly. “I will always answer his highness truthfully.”

“Did you keep any of the sacred metal for yourself?” The king asked.

“I wanted to.” I said and the muttering got louder. “As soon as I saw all of that precious metal, so many things went through my head that I could use it for. So many ideas. So many applications. So much potential.”

“You didn't even try to take any, did you?” The queen asked and the smile was back on her face.

“No, your highness. I knew... not suspected or guessed, knew... that your opinion of me would fall if I tried to steal any or benefitted from such ill-gotten gains.”

The muttering became louder and some comments of disbelief came from a few of the men.

“Why do you hold my opinion in such high regard?” The queen asked, genuinely curious.

“That has a very simple answer, your highness. Behind every great man is an even greater woman.”

Complete silence fell in the throne room and all of the men looked surprised. That wasn't the best part, though. Not at all. It was that every single woman in the room... servants, daughters, wives, warriors, and even the queen herself... all had huge smiles on their faces.

I actually felt a shiver go down my spine at making so many strong women smile like that. I even had to carefully adjust myself because I was really turned on and Penis Parker wanted to say hello.

“You have an oddly satisfying view of things, Benjamin Peter Parker.” The queen said.

Thankfully, she hadn't noticed my reaction. At least, I hoped not. It was hard to tell when people were so guarded all the time.

“You honor me with your compliment, your highness.” I said and bowed again.

“Are you sure that you do not want anything in exchange for returning such precious objects to us?” The queen asked.

“There is one thing I would like.” I said and several members of the crowd said 'of course' and 'I knew he would demand something'. I gave the queen a warm smile. “I would humbly request that no one be sent to kill me because I know about your wonderful country.”

Everyone immediately shut up and the queen looked surprised. She turned her head to look at her husband and saw his blank face.

“T'Chaka.” The queen whispered and he looked at her. “Is his request too much to grant?”

T'Chaka took a deep breath and let it out. “He has already seen too much.”

The queen looked sad, probably because she knew he would come for me himself, send T'Challa, or one of their warriors to remove me.

“If you're going to kill me anyway, then I formally request a tour of your city, the palace, the science labs in the basement, and perhaps the underground mountain of vibranium.” I said and nearly everyone gasped. “I mean, there's no point in not showing me, right? I won't be a potential leak later if you eliminate me.”

The king looked shocked and the queen had a slight smile on her face.

“You already know about it all?” T'Challa asked and showed some surprise.

“Of course. It's why I was so confident that you would see me if I brought the vibranium, rather than leaving it out where you could find it.” I said and then chuckled. “You do realize that I could have easily kept everything and you never would have known I had it? Your people would still be hunting for Klaue without end if I hadn't come here.”

Only the queen smiled this time and she stood. “Jubadi, Hintula. You are assigned to Benjamin Peter Parker for the duration of his stay here. Guard him with your lives.”

“Yes, My Queen.” The female squad leader and the other female guard said with a bow.

“Mother.” Shuri said and that look of anticipation was on her face again.

The queen smiled at her. “You are not afraid he will kidnap you and do terrible things to you?”

Shuri huffed. “I have been training since I was six, mother. He couldn't touch me if he tried.”

The queen nodded. “He does need a proper guide...”

“Yes!” Shuri gasped and then clamped her mouth shut. “I apologize for my outburst.”

The queen lightly chuckled and touched her shoulder. “Try to not rush him through everything. You know the fate that awaits him.”

Shuri's face turned sad. “Yes, mother.”

“Off you go.” The queen said. “I suggest that you start with the gardens first.”

Shuri smiled and nodded before she walked over to me.

“Princess Shuri.” I said and crossed my arms and bowed to her. “You honor me with your presence.”

Shuri gave me a questioning look. “You're not going to act like that the whole time, are you?”

“Of course not, princess. You can call me Ben and I will drop the formality as soon as we are no longer within the room that requires it.”

“You must hand over your gun.” Jubadi, the squad leader said.

“What if we are attacked by rabid tigers?” I asked her and she looked surprised. “Crazed monkeys? Enraged sloths?”

Shuri chuckled. “We can loan you a blunted staff if that happens. You just poke a paw and they drop right out of the tree.”

I chuckled, too. “A fair trade, then.” I said and unhooked the shoulder holster and handed it to Jubadi. She looked unsure about what to do with it. I mimed putting it on and her eyes widened. I smiled and adjusted the straps for her more slender frame and slipped it over her shoulders and it settled perfectly.

“This feels odd.” Jubadi said and moved her arms and took a fighting stance. “It's not bad, just odd.”

“You get used to it pretty quickly and it's tight for a reason. It won't flop around when you're fighting and it's positioned for an easy and quick draw.” I explained and she nodded.

“Let's go. We have a lot to see and it's going to take a lot of time.” Shuri said and walked ahead.

I followed her out of the throne room and the two guards flanked me. My tour of the world's biggest vibranium created society had just begun.

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