Shokugeki no Imitation Chef

Chapter 272 - Debunk (Fog) (2 in 1)

Two days have passed since the preliminaries. The next night, Liu Pengxing left the restaurant in the Hokkaido branch and walked to the hotel opposite. He turned and looked at it and said, “Everyone has good energy these two days! There are often cooking rooms. The lamp lasts all night … “

“Of course, of the more than 80 remaining students, nobody wants to fail the assessment at this time because of their slackness,” said Erina.

At this time, Xiaosha, Erina is returning to the hotel with Liu Pengxing …

Feisha inserted a sentence at this time: “Counting Axing You and Miss Erina, a total of 87 students from the 92nd class entered the second year, which is better than last year.”

“If it is not the” Central Food Authority “, I am afraid that the number of second-year students will break through to three digits … But there is nothing to be regretted. I am somewhat lucky. Those wastes who are not firm have chosen. ‘Exit’, so as not to waste resources! You must know that the college’s average investment in every second-year student will definitely be more than ten times that of the annual student. “Erina still looks very cold.

Indeed, many students who have passed or failed to join the culinary arts have joined the “Central Gourmet Agency”, otherwise if more than 200 people take part in the assessment, Erina thinks it is possible for more than 30 or 40 people to pass …

But as she said, there is nothing to be regretted about, because it will be tempted away, and it has not become the consciousness of a truly powerful cook. It is not the type that Yuanyue wants to cultivate!

“Oh, when will you go to the preparation area tomorrow?” Erina asked Liu Pengxing.

The official competition starts at 10 am the day after tomorrow, and it is still a three-hour time limit. However, you can go to the stadium not far in advance. In the preparation area provided by the organizer, you will start to prepare “semi-finished products” that need to be completed in advance.

In the finals, the control of “semi-finished products” is extremely strict. In the preliminaries, you can also bring some soup or the like, but in the finals, you must use the most original ingredients and spices to cook …

After all, there is no theme in the final itself. If there are restrictions, I am afraid that many ramen noodle spreaders will directly bring the broth in the ramen noodle house at home, and then only do some simple noodle cooking, plate and the like.

In this way, the original meaning of the game will change, and it will become the secret recipe of the simple ramen restaurant, and the age limit of the players will also become a display …

What is the relationship between age and size of noodles and plate? Without restrictions, no matter how old the person is, it will have no effect!

Therefore, it is stipulated that if you want to carry out any form of pretreatment, it must be carried out in the venue provided by the organizer.

There are also competitions that simply compare the signature recipes of various ramen restaurants. That is, the triennial “Ramen Street Storefront Dispute Battle” will be more intense than the competition in this youth group.

The current “Sapporo Ramen Contest” is designed to motivate young ramen chefs, so they will try to let them do their best in the finals …

Of course, some wines with a production cycle of several years or even decades can be brought directly into the venue.

One is that those things cannot be completed on site, and the other is to make “semi-finished products” with such a long cycle time. Usually, the process is strict and not difficult, and the most important thing is … the use of such “semi-finished products” will be very difficult to determine It is a manifestation of the player’s own ability.

In addition to that, the soup is what they will produce on the spot, three days is enough.

It is also for this reason that in the restaurant of the Hokkaido branch, the students of Yuanyue students are fighting day and night, preparing to take out the ramen that condenses their one year’s gains in the finals, while the players other than Yuanyue students are Has rarely come here.

On the first day after the preliminaries, some players came to practice their hands. Starting in the afternoon, there were few outsiders. Today, in addition to the cooking room occupied by the students of the Yuanyue Academy, it is even colder …

On the one hand, it is because what other ramen players use in the finals has been decided long ago, and there is no need to innovate on their own. On the other hand, a large part of the players are all yesterday, and even the night after the preliminaries, I entered the cooking area of ​​the preparation area and started preparing for the final ramen.

Fortunately, the organizer is also prepared. In the morning before the final, the semi-finished products cooked in the waiting area, such as stock soup, will be preserved by the party. At the beginning of the final, the players will watch on their own arena. By these days, the semi-finished products that I have prepared …

And at this time in the morning, players can take a break for themselves.

Otherwise, you need to know that in the finals, as in the “Hokkaido Seafood Noodle Competition”, there will be many spectators. If you look around, the players will have been fighting for three days and three nights with red eyes. The sloppy look full of stubble, I am afraid that some image will be hampered …

Although many cooks can use their kitchen knives to shave themselves, the more people who are keen on cooking, the less they will do it!

Although they do n’t have a ready-made formula, Liu Pengxing will definitely have some things that need to be prepared in advance. Because of the special nature of the competition, the control of semi-finished products in the final of the “Sapporo Ramen Contest” is too strict …

“My words … probably after eating at noon tomorrow! It is said that after entering the preparation area, you can only prepare food yourself. And Sapporo Ramen Street, and there is a final paragraph, I will go after” sweeping “.” Liu Pengxing said.

Erina said with white eyes: “You can really eat! Sapporo Ramen Street is one of thousands of ramen restaurants in Sapporo. Every three years, the top 100 stores can be settled in … That is, you only used two In half a day, have you tasted ramen from 100 ramen restaurants? “

In the past few days, Liu Pengxing has also used “Sapporo Ramen Street”. The reason why he comes to the restaurant every day is mostly because of the ramen shop in Sapporo No. 1 Ramen Street. The business hours are relatively fixed every day, but there are very few who operate more than six hours a day. Basically, most of them close in the afternoon …

“Nothing … I only tasted each of the three or five kinds of signature ramen! And thanks to the cooperation of many ramen restaurant owners …” Liu Pengxing said modestly.

nonsense! If every ramen restaurant sweeps the menu, it is estimated that the ramen shop masters will be frightened!

Even now, every ramen shop tastes three or five kinds of ramen, and after many ramen masters know Liu Pengxing ’s identity, they will be willing to cooperate with him to make as little bowl of ramen as possible. Absolutely equivalent to the meal of fifteen big men in three days!

“Sapporo Ramen Street” already has the legend of “Big Stomach King” …

Especially when the masters of Ramen Street talked about this to each other, they found out that “Big Stomach King” Liu Pengxing actually “swept out” his ramen shop, and then patronized the shops next to them. Startled.

When looking at the first house, Liu Pengxing was given a chart. After each meal, the boss will put a stamp on the corresponding position of the chart. A total of 100 seal positions will soon be collected …

This also means that Liu Pengxing is about to achieve it now, and has tasted the achievements of the signature noodles of all the ramen restaurants in “Sapporo Ramen Street”!

Looking at the Kuaiman chart, Liu Pengxing secretly said: This kind of almost zero-cost activity is indeed more capable of mobilizing people’s “vanity” …

There are also many old people who will live in Sapporo for a period of time to achieve this achievement. The successful ones often take two or three months …

Of course, Liu Pengxing is not to make up the chart, but to absorb “nutrients”!

“Feisha and I should go to the preparation area every morning. Come on yourself! Don’t forget your bet with other people. There are 92 people in the first division. In addition to me and the white bird calamus, There are 89 people who have gambled with you. Have you spent a few days on Ramen Street these days? In the pantry, you are just doing tossing and turning exercises. Have you ever thought about what kind of ramen to use when thinking about the finals? ? Be careful not to really lose to anyone other than me! “Erina said dissatisfiedly.

“Hahaha, rest assured … Anyway, the gamble has already been taken by the senior student of Dojima! Cough cough, I mean, I’m ready!” Liu Pengxing said.


Looking at Herina’s suspicious look, Liu Pengxing added: “Relax, I’m ready … but it’s not ‘ramen’!”

“Not ramen?” Erina murmured, but Liu Pengxing didn’t explain much.

In fact, according to “Japanese style ramen”, Liu Pengxing’s “Guanyin sitting lotus noodle” can not be completely regarded as “Japanese style ramen”. Although his dragon whisk noodles are really “pulled”, but “Japanese style ramen” It has nothing to do with “pull”, mainly refers to “hot noodle soup”!

And Liu Pengxing’s “Guanyin Sitting Lotus Noodle” is a cold soup noodle …

“Although other types of noodles, cold noodles, braised noodles, etc. are not impossible, but in the finals, usually half of the ten judges were” Sapporo Ramen Street “multi-headed veteran shop Master, their acceptance of other types of noodles will not be too high.

And because they are not gourmets, but simple cooks, or ramen chefs, when scoring ‘ramen’, their professionalism is beyond doubt, but once ‘ramen’ is compared with other dishes, their The subjective will will definitely be uncontrollable! “Erina reminded.”

“This is what shows my strength! And … I believe the judges will agree with my” ramen “.” Liu Pengxing said confidently.

Erina also knew that Liu Pengxing did not worry about others in this regard, and since it had already been chosen, I am afraid that he would not give up because of the words of others.

“Okay, then look at you and who are more stubborn …”

On the third day, Liu Pengxing completely “conquered” Sapporo Ramen Street according to the original plan, and brought it with a variety of ingredients that required ten times more ramen than ten servings of ramen. Preparation area.

The supervisors of the competition have already been surprised. The ingredients brought by other players also seem to be excessive, but Liu Pengxing is the most exaggerated among all players.

Moreover, Liu Pengxing brought in not only ingredients, otherwise even for more than a hundred servings, he would not be able to take them in directly. The most important thing is that he also brought a lot of tools to modify the cooking table, as well as steel plates and steel bars The most eye-catching are the four glass plates as big as the wall!

When Liu Pengxing carried these by himself and fixed them around the counter, he could not help attracting the attention of many inspectors and other players on the same field.

Some of them were far moon students who were assigned to a cooking room. At this time, they did not know what Liu Pengxing was doing.

However, some students couldn’t help but think of it, in the final of the “Autumn Selection”, Liu Pengxing’s special “cooking table”!

When the people at the game side checked the ingredients he carried, Pleiades Liu also went to refit his own food counter first!

After that, he can apply to exchange his modified table in the preparation area with the table he used before the final …

“Is this modified size not to exceed the red line around here?” Liu Pengxing and the staff confirmed once.

There is also a red line around each counter, which is much larger than the counter itself. At this time, the maximum area of ​​the counter or the enlargement of the equipment …

In the next 18 hours, Liu Pengxing thus transformed his cooking table, prepared various sauces, and “pre-treated” many auxiliary materials, such as diced or something.

That’s right, it’s sauce, not soup!

And it seems that there is more than one sauce?

Until 6 o’clock in the morning of the game, the results of the players’ “pre-treatment” will be sealed. If you need to use the rebuilt cooking table or have extra large equipment to be used, the team’s staff will transfer these to the stadium. .

Players can take a break at this time and adjust their mental state. After four hours, the game will officially start!

Although the “Sapporo Ramen Contest” is only a competition for the youth group, in order to reflect the organizer of Sapporo and pay attention to the youth power of the ramen culture, the annual finals will be held in the largest square in Sapporo …

A few days before the start of the game, windproof curtains will be pulled around the square, and the proposed auditorium will be erected around the center. The center of the square will be the player’s cooking table.

Sapporo people are also familiar with this arrangement, because not only is the “Sapporo Ramen Contest”, but also the “Sapporo Ramen Street Storefront Dispute Battle” every three years …

The latter will last for a week each time, the form is similar to the “school festival” of Yuanyue College, and it will be conducted in a business way. Finally, the top 100 will be determined by the number of final tokens. In the middle, rent a shop at “Sapporo First Ramen Street”.

The “Sapporo Ramen Contest” usually enters the finals. It will be the successor of the ramen shop on the first ramen street of Sapporo, or the shop of a strong competitor. It will be held twice every three years, and the dispute will be held in the third year .

A ramen shop that was originally unknown to the public, if it suddenly achieved very good results in the “Sapporo Ramen Contest”, would be regarded as a signal to rise and become a powerful competitor in the “Ramen Street Store Dispute War”!

One reason is that they can achieve results in the “Sapporo Ramen Contest”, which definitely means that the store has made great progress in the formulation, and the second is because the achievements in the “Sapporo Ramen Contest” will be in three years. In this year’s “Ramen Street Storefront Competition”, a shortcut to get everyone’s attention.

For example, if a player in a shop other than “Ramen Street No. 1” suddenly wins the championship, there will definitely be many diners at the start of the “Ramen Street Storefront Dispute Battle” next year, willing to visit their stalls.

At the same time, this is also a spur to the ramen shop already on Sapporo’s No. 1 Ramen Street. If they do not pay attention to the innovative thinking of young people, they will be eliminated in the preliminaries, which will be a hurt to popularity!

However, in order to mobilize more people’s enthusiasm, as the “Sapporo Ramen Contest” for the youth group competition, the contestants also accept ramen shops from other regions and private players.

Therefore, this year’s full-year enrollment of Yuanyue College will be completed. As Liu Pengxing expected, the number of people who entered the finals this year has broken the record of nearly a dozen sessions. There are 292 people on the same stage for the finals!

Nearly 30% of them are annual students of the 92nd session of Yuanyue …

It has to be said that in the preliminaries, when testing the ability to create on the spot, the students of Yuanyue have a great advantage even if they face an average of about five years older than themselves, and they are good at the other party’s projects!

Even during the preliminaries, many judges found that the “monster” of Shijie is not to mention, there are many staggering “little monsters” under Shijie …

Of course, in the finals, the judges are still not optimistic about them.

Because if they were in the preliminaries before, they were playing against a professional ramen master who was five years old on average, then in the finals, they were playing against the details of many old shops!

Although most of these young players ca n’t reproduce the secret ramen at home perfectly, but the sixteen-year-old boys who only played six or seven points are not these non-professional ramen masters. of……

Because it is a competition for commercial purposes, the opening ceremony is far more fancy than the competition within Yuanyue Academy.

As soon as they came up, they were a group of **** ramen babies, and they twisted for a while …

The master of ceremonies who appeared afterwards was also charming and charming. Although she was very conservatively dressed, she had E in her heart!

The boys at Yuanyue College are particularly excited about Kawashima’s excitement …

“Dear live ramen lovers, ramen lovers in front of the TV, ramen lovers on the webcast platform! Do you want Nono? Do you want me to come to Ramen Street No. 1 to participate in” Ramen Everywhere ” Event, or the “big stomach king” event, gather all the badges of the shops on Ramen Street, you can have dinner with Nono! “

I have to say that compared with the “predecessors”, Kawashima Rei is still far from the professional skills such as the super hot atmosphere when he was the master of ceremonies, the timing of the timing, or the personal temperament.

But at the same time, what I have to say is that the event “Let’s Have a Dinner with Nono” was planned too unruly!

Daweiwang activity is a breath. In two hours, eat the enlarged version of the signature noodles of ten ramen street shops. In addition to Liu Pengxing’s “natural talent”, even the people of Sumo Hotpot Research Society Come, it may not be completed …

As for the “ramen tasting” activity, it is similar to Liu Pengxing’s three days. It does not seem to require any money, but in fact “normal people” want to complete it. Even if you eat ramen every day, it takes three months!

Although ramen is also very economical while delicious, but people who will live in a place for three months must have a lot of money. If they live in Sapporo for three consecutive months, how much can they spend?

Just give this “Nuo Nuo” a little playing fee and let her accompany a senior candlelight dinner! The person planning this event must be very smart …

Of course, now Liu Pengxing just wants to confuse the planner!

Next time I do this kind of activity, will it be okay to put up posters in all ramen shops?

That’s right, Liu Pengxing has reached the “ramen tasting” event without knowing it. Although he also listened to Nono’s opening remarks, he didn’t know what the stamps given by the ramen boss to himself!

No wonder when some bosses look at themselves, UU smiles strangely at …

Even if Pleiades Liu does not turn his head, he can still feel a few more sights, looking at himself “without good intentions” …

It seems that the real reason why I have been eating ramen for the past three days …

When Liu Pengxing was going to pretend to know nothing, Nono said on the court: “Hey, it seems that one of the players in today’s game has already completed the” ramen tasting “event, and it is the tenth of Yuanyue Academy Jekyll, great! Come on first in the competition! No matter what you get later, Sister Nono will be with you at night to celebrate! “

For a time, countless lights casted on Liu Pengxing, and they already aimed at their own fierce eyes, and they seemed to be more aggressive!

Liu Pengxing stiffly hooked the corner of his mouth, secretly said: It is really a disaster for no one!

Why does everyone know that it is Liu Pengxing? nonsense! The ten masters of Yuanyue College, can Liu Pengxing still be Erina? What kind of brain hole does it take to think that Erina will go to “for dinner with Nono” and sweep the ramen street for three consecutive days?

Moreover, seeing that from the beginning, Erina stared at Liu Pengxing with “unsightly eyes”, could she guess something?

For a time, the local players in Sapporo couldn’t help but sigh and displeasure at Liu Pengxing. What sighed was that the amount of meal was so large that the goal was reached within three days! Although many of them are from Ramen Street shops, but because they have been in the preparation area for the past two or three days, they only know about it now …

Unfortunately, not only does this product come to compete in the “Ramen” that everyone is best at, but even Sapporo’s “Ramen Baby Queen” wants to soak?

As for the players of Yuanyue Academy, they are already used to it. No matter how much he eats, or wherever he goes, he must attract bees and butterflies.

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